Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 487: There is a big horror between life and d

487 There is a Great Terror Between Life and Death (4)

In the face of Zhou Yu's threat, Wei Dongsheng smiled as usual: "Destiny is impermanent. Only the virtuous lives. I can collect strange treasures, and Brother Zhou can naturally also find strange treasures."

At first glance, this sentence sounds as if Wei Dongsheng compromised and acknowledged Yibaoying's authority.

In fact, Wei Dongsheng's attitude is very tough.

The impermanence of destiny, only the virtuous live.

Who is virtuous, who is not virtuous?

The answer is nothing more than "The winner is king, and the loser is the bandit." Wei Dongsheng said that destiny is impermanent, that is, he is unwilling to admit that Sun Ce is the "destiny of heaven", nor is he willing to acknowledge Sun Ce's status as the "lord". Regardless of whether Lujiang County belongs to or belongs to the different treasures of heaven and earth, we will rely on our ability in the future. Whoever wins will have virtue.

Zhou Yu understood Wei Dongsheng's meaning.

But Zhou Yu came to Black Rock City to visit Wei Dongsheng alone, certainly not for the purpose of declaring war on the Sacred Gate. To be precise, Zhou Yu wanted to surrender the Holy Sect, or to persuade Wei Dong to take Sun Ce into effect. Zhou Yu has seen the methods used by Wei Dongsheng to drive the disciples of the Supreme Sage to surrender the bandits of the Dabie Mountains. If Wei Dongsheng is willing to return with the Jue Sacred Gate, the Dabie Mountains will immediately become Sun Ce's foundation barrier. By then, Sun Ce will be the first to remain invincible no matter whether he goes west to Jingzhou or north to Yuzhou.

Aware that Wei Dongsheng is not hard-hearted, Zhou Yu quickly changed his attitude: "Bofu Sun is determined to reset the order of Kyushu. Brother Dongsheng is determined to explore the mystery of the heavens and the earth. Each has their own needs. Why is there no need to conflict?"

Wei Dongsheng smiled and said, "If there is no conflict, it will be better."

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "I have a strategy to eliminate conflicts."

Wei Dongsheng: "Please speak."

Zhou Yu: "If Brother Dongsheng is willing to lead the Yibao Camp as Captain Lujiang, the Supreme Sacred Gate and the Yibao Camp will be merged into one, naturally there will be no conflicts."

Zhou Yu's proposal was already in Wei Dong's business plan.

This proposal seemed to be beneficial to Wei Dongsheng. Wei Dongsheng could not only continue to control the distribution of different treasures in Lujiang County, but also get involved in Lujiang County's political affairs as a Lujiang captain. However, Zhou Yu only said good things, but not bad things. Accepting the post of Captain Lujiang means that Wei Dongsheng is willing to be his minister Sun Ce, giving Sun Ce an excuse to interfere in the operation of the Jue Sage Gate out of thin air. Moreover, Captain Lujiang is not a hereditary official position, and the Yibaoying camp will never become Wei Dongsheng's private army. On the contrary, they are more likely to become Wei Dongsheng's constraints.

Wei Dongsheng was too lazy to kill the conditions with Zhou Yu bit by bit, and straightforwardly told the bottom line: "I only accept the tunes but not the announcements."

Let Wei Dongsheng surrender to Sun Ce in the name of no problem. Before the effective range of the Longevity Seed covers other states and counties, it is impossible for the small Lujiang County Foundation to win the world. Wei Dongsheng is willing to surrender all warlords who can conquer Lujiang County in name. But I want Wei Dongsheng to sincerely serve a certain prince, whether Sun Ce or Cao Cao, they would never even think about it.

If Wei Dongsheng was just a mortal, he might be able to wisely choose to be loyal to Sun Ce or Cao Cao. Just like the experience during the tenth reincarnation, Wei Dongsheng clearly understands his strength geometry, so he has never been meaningless arrogant. How much ability and how big things are done, this is Wei Dongsheng's nature.

But the Thousand-Year Killing World is different. The longevity seed system derives a new type of social relationship in which "great power is in one body". Wei Dongsheng sits on a martial arts comparable to the early Yue Buqun, and has the confidence to resist Sun Ce's rule with the advantages of mountains and rivers. Wei Dongsheng withdrew into the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains, but Sun Ce was helpless. If Sun Ce spends too much energy in the Dabie Mountains, Cao Cao in the north and Liu Biao in the west may take the opportunity to call at any time.

Zhou Yu gradually understood Wei Dongsheng's intentions.

Seeing that Wei Dongsheng didn't eat hard and soft, Zhou Yu was a little bit rude: "Listen to the announcement. Brother Dongsheng is so optimistic."

Wei Dongsheng laughed and said, "I have the confidence to be optimistic."

While speaking, Wei Dongsheng's right hand moved forward swiftly, and his internal force surged out, wrapping the sword around Zhou Yu's waist.

In the Three Kingdoms of the Han Dynasty, scholars admired the ability to literary and martial arts. In the chaotic times of the end of the Han Dynasty, no matter whether they were active or forced to survive, Zhou Yu, Liu Ye and other celebrities were conscious of strengthening their bones, reading military books, and wearing long swords around their waists to guard themselves.

After being fortunate to integrate the seeds of longevity, Zhou Yu was aware of the terrible increase in the sense of internal strength to personal martial arts, and in recent years has more consciously integrated the sense of internal strength with traditional fencing methods. A few months ago, Sun Ce led his troops to discuss Lujiang County. He was curious to invite his subordinates to fight with Zhou Yu, but Zhou Yu was not defeated. Although Zhou Yu was severely lacking in killing momentum and fighting experience, the sense of internal strength was able to drop ten guilds in one effort, making all the fighters embarrassed. It was also because of that friendly discussion that Sun Ce and Zhou Yu both increased their attention, and the idea of ​​recruiting Wei Dongsheng emerged.

Zhou Yu came to see Wei Dongsheng this time, and it was a humble etiquette to have more than a hundred cavalry stationed three miles away from Heishicheng. The puzzle is to test Wei Dongsheng's equipment. If Wei Dongsheng asked Zhou Yu to untie the sword, Zhou Yu naturally did not hesitate to untie the sword. Since he dared to visit by himself, he didn't care about one more or one long sword.

Unexpectedly, Wei Dongsheng ignored Zhou Yu's sword.

Zhou Yu had no intention of superfluous, and simply came to see Wei Dongsheng with a sword.

After violently fighting with Sun Ce, Zhou Yu clearly understood his strength. No matter how fierce the generals are, they are mortal, but the sense of internal strength can surpass the limits of the physical body. But in front of Wei Dongsheng, a Level 1 immortal, Zhou Yu, a Level 1 immortal, realized that he was so weak. Looking back at the power system of Swordsman, the Qingcheng faction leader Yu Canghai was not an opponent of the early Yue Buqun, and it was naturally easier for Yue Buqun to crush the four shows in Qingcheng.

Zhou Yu had just realized that Wei Dongsheng had taken a shot, and that Wei Dongsheng's strong internal strength had wrapped his sword around his waist.

The internal force seemed to be the third hand, and the saber came out of its sheath and jumped into Wei Dongsheng's hands.

Zhou Yu was dumbfounded when he fetched things from the air.

Wei Dongsheng held Zhou Yu's saber and held a sword flower in his hand: "The sense of inner strength is more mysterious than you think."

A solemn expression appeared on Zhou Yu's cheeks.

As mentioned earlier, in addition to the core killing rules, natural cultivation can also slowly escalate. Moreover, the inferior Tomorrow Ring gradually increased its intervention efforts in units of years. In 192, the natural cultivation time from level 1 to level 2 took about 2389 years; at 200 years, it had been further reduced to 1810. Although natural cultivation gains are minimal, long-lived people can keenly feel the tiny progress bit by bit. Zhou Yu's understanding of the sense of inner strength or the seeds of longevity also stops at these small progress bit by bit.

Zhou Yu also heard of the Absolute Sacred Sect's cultivation of different treasures, but not much.

Zhou Yu cares more about politics after all.

Compared with the courage of the husband, Zhou Yu prefers thoughts such as "The king chooses his ministers, and his ministers also choose the emperor."

Compared with warlords such as Yuan Shu and Liu Xun, Zhou Yu and Sun Ce already attached great importance to the sense of internal strength. But in the big examination hall of the Thousand Years of Killing World, the new type of productivity supported by the black technology of Longevity Seeds is even more important than the history of the Three Kingdoms.

This is the disadvantage of Zhou Yu and Sun Ce, and also the advantage of Wei Dongsheng.

Up to this moment, Zhou Yu hadn't realized the potential power of the longevity seed system. Taishan collapsed before the appearance, and praised Wei Dongsheng in a calm tone: "Brother Dongsheng is good at swordsmanship."

Wei Dongsheng shook his head: "This has nothing to do with swordsmanship."

The Jianghu system and the imperial court system need to game to win the share of benefits. The specific game is to compare who is strong and who is weak. In a conventional world without a longevity seed system, countries use cold weapons and hot weapons to divide the victory and defeat. Sun Ce can dominate Lujiang County if Liu Xun wins. Yuan Shao must first defeat Cao Cao if he wants to advance into the Central Plains. In the same way, Wei Dongsheng wanted to scare away Zhou Yu and Sun Ce with the "power of the rivers and lakes system", and he had to show some fearful power of Zhou Yu and Sun Ce.

Wei Dongsheng stroked the body of the sword with his left hand and said in applause, "Good sword."

Zhou Yu: "This sword was gifted by Uncle Sun, and it was made by a famous craftsman in Wu Jun. It is worth one hundred gold. If Brother Dongsheng is interested, I can give it to you on behalf of Uncle Sun."

Wei Dongsheng shook his head: "Can't afford it."

Zhou Yu: "Bofu Sun shocked Yangzhou, and countless master craftsmen under his command. Although this sword is precious, it is nothing. Sun Bofu can make ten more handles at any time."

Wei Dongsheng laughed and said, "I mean, I can't afford this sword."

Zhou Yu was stunned.

At the same time, Wei Dongsheng developed a sense of internal strength, shaking the sword. Straighten the strength into the Hengjin, and the Hengjin into the straight strength, the long sword suddenly broke in section after section, and it dinged and fell to Wei Dongsheng's feet. It was Wei Dongsheng who cleverly used Level 3 internal force to shake a sword into pieces.

Zhou Yu's face changed suddenly.

Inner strength shakes the sword, this kind of moves is not uncommon in the martial arts worldview. Still taking the Swordsman martial arts system as an example, martial arts is not as good as Mrs. Ning Zhong Zening, who was earlier than Yue Buqun, who can shatter a long sword at will. But the Thousand-Year Killing World is not the world of martial arts, or it is not the world of martial arts. Before the inferior Tomorrow Ring releases the seeds of longevity, everything in the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties is normal history, and no matter how prestigious the fierce generals are, they cannot surpass human limits.

Zhou Yu had never heard of the vision of the internal strength breaking the sword.

The sword is Zhou Yu's sword.

Zhou Yu is habitually carrying this sword by his side, and often relies on it to cultivate the sense of internal strength, and its quality can't be described as a better understanding.

A top-tier sword worth one hundred gold was shattered inch by inch by Wei Dongsheng's inner strength. How good should Wei Dongsheng be? In other words, how strong should the sense of internal strength be? If the sword can be broken at will, what armor can stop Wei Dongsheng's internal force from cracking? As long as Wei Dongsheng can get close to Sun Ce, he can easily shoot Sun Ce with a casual palm.

On the battlefield, such a fierce general may be of limited value, but if it is used as a dead man, who has the confidence to avoid the assassination of the Holy Gate?

Zhou Yu suddenly sweated in that room.

I underestimated the Supreme Gate.

Zhou Yu murmured in her heart: "I underestimated the sense of inner strength, the strange treasures of heaven and earth, and even the Absolute Sacred Gate. I never thought that the sense of inner strength could be so strong that it could break a handle silently. The sword."

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