Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 507: Is there an eternal prince in the world

Is there an everlasting prince in the 507th world (2)

The conventional cold weapon units can easily crush the 1st level immortal and the 2nd level immortal. When encountering guerrilla warfare with level 3 immortals, the situation is slightly more complicated. But as long as you can gather a group of daring elites to swarm, or use the weakness of the people to quietly arrange traps, you can effectively kill the level 3 immortals.

Only the 4th level immortal can make the conventional cold weapon troops feel helpless. The immortal is upgraded to level 4, and the mobility is far beyond the imagination of the non-immortal. They may not be able to face an iron army head-on, but they can fly away without a hit, making the conventional cold weapon troops unable to catch up.

It is a pity that level 4 immortals have not been flooded at this time. Public information shows that there are only 2 level 4 immortals in this world, and they are all concentrated in the Supreme Sacred Gate. A digression to explain. Wei Dongsheng often keeps his hand when he announces the information. When he quickly rises to level 4, he announces it as level 3, and when he quickly rises to level 5, he announces it as level 4. And because Wei Dongsheng has been low-key and hidden in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains for years and years, there is almost no foreign record that can be proud of.

Today, level 4 immortals are very rare.

There are even very few third-level immortals, and every third-level immortal is an absolute elite of various major forces such as the different treasure camp, the trouble-free camp, and the unreasonable camp.

The opponents of the Tiger Leopard Camp are mostly level 1 immortals, level 2 immortals and a small number of level 3 immortals. The immortals of this level, although everyone is an elite who can surpass the limit of the physical-physical mortal, it is difficult to resist the elite joint attack tactics of the non-immortals of the Tiger Leopard Camp. In all this, although the immortals in the Tiger Leopard Camp are extremely low, they underestimate the future potential of the immortals because of past victories.

It was not until Zhu Erlang led the crowd to return to Cao Cao and demonstrated the power of the immortal being close to level 4 before Cao Cao and other immortals took a cold breath and realized the seriousness of the problem. When fighting with the immortal in the encounter, the non-immortal elites in the Tiger Leopard Camp can only experience the short-term lethality of the immortal in a one-sided manner. As long as the opponent’s weakness is fixed, there is a high probability of victory; Zhu Erlang During the close-up demonstration, Hubaoying suddenly understood the incredible powers of high-level immortals. This is to predict the future by staring at Zhu Erlang's merits.

The former looks at the weakness of the longevity, and the latter looks at the strengths of the longevity. Naturally, the future seen from different angles is very different.

Through Zhu Erlang, Cao Cao realized the seriousness of the problem.

With thousands of elite steppers in hand, the Tiger Leopard Camp may not be afraid of Changhong, a Level 4 immortal. But what if it goes further? In recent years, the number of immortals has been increasing, and the quality has become stronger. What if level 5 immortals suddenly emerge?

Cao felt a sense of crisis and immediately reformed the Hawbao Camp, hoping to improve the quality of the Hawbao Camp as soon as possible.

The system of the Haw and Leopard Camp refers to the imperial horses of the Han Dynasty. The chief officer is called the general of the tiger and the leopard, the adjutant is called the captain of the tiger and the leopard. Perhaps he valued the future trend of the immortal, perhaps he had the heart and soul of the daughter, and Cao Cao immediately appointed Zhu Erlang as the right supervisor of the tiger and the leopard.

This official position is very high. In the Tiger and Leopard Camp, Cao Ren is the general of the Tiger and Leopard, Xiahou Dun is the captain of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and Cao Hong is the Tiger and Leopard Left Supervisor. In other words, the rank of Hubao Right Supervisor is second only to Cao Ren, Xiahou Dun, and Cao Hong, and Zhu Erlang has become the fourth person on the tiger and leopard riding. Thinking about the degree of Cao Cao's trust in Cao Ren, Xiahou Dun, and Cao Hong, you can indirectly guess Zhu Erlang's fiery cooking oil, and he suddenly became favored by Cao overnight.

It is impossible for everyone to like Zhu Erlang's arrival in Hubaoying. Hubaoqi Captain Xiahoudun hated Zhu Erlang very much. He felt that Cao Cao rashly reformed the Hubao Camp a bit fussy, and felt that it was a trifle for Cao to indulge a villain like Zhu Erlang to become rich. No matter how bad Zhu Huan is, he is the owner. How could Zhu Erlang come to avenge Zhu Huan because he was wronged by Mr. Zhu? Cao Cao welcomes Zhu Erlang to a high position, what will the world think? Is it to encourage the tenant farmers who have been wronged in the Cao family Xia and Hou family branch to come to Cao Cao for revenge?

Xiahoudun did not dare to criticize Cao Cao's choice face to face, so he wanted to prove indirectly that Wei Dongsheng and other so-called Level 4 immortals were not afraid.

In the biting winter wind, a scout on a ride galloped over: "Wei Jiong (Wei Dongsheng) came here alone, his hoofs are ten miles away."

Xiahou Dun was stunned: "Come alone?"

The scout said, "I waited for no news, so I simply blocked the way and asked one by one. I saw a steed running in small steps and asked if he was the messenger of the Absolute Sacred Sect. I was surprised to find that he was Wei Jiong, the Sect Master of Absolute Sage. ."

Xiahoudun wondered that Wei Dongsheng went to the party by riding alone, but was not afraid of any conspiracy in it, and immediately turned over to prancing horse: "Follow me to welcome the distinguished guests."

Tatata, 300 Qingqi rushed to Liuli Road and saw a strange sight on the face.

However, I saw a horse jogging at a constant speed, and the rider on the horseback strangely folded his legs on the horse's neck, as if lying lazily between the beds, there was no riding posture.

Seeing the strange riding posture of the rider, Xiahou Dun couldn't help frowning. Most people can't learn this posture as a cavalryman, and a cavalryman with great riding skills can't keep counting his breath time. Only the third-level immortal can rely on a deep sense of inner strength to control the horse in a special way and indirectly show the world the speciality of the immortal. Some time ago, when Zhu Erlang showed Cao Cao the power of level 3 immortal, he deliberately used war horses as props to perform his various incredible things. A set of riding actions that violated common sense instantly stunned a group of elites who have always been proud of riding. cavalry.

Comparing Zhu Erlang and the rider in front of him, the stationary rider seemed vaguely more terrifying.

Xiahou Dun came out more and more and asked the rider: "But Long Shuhou, Wei Jiong, Wei Dongsheng?"

The rank of Marquis of Long Shu is a reward given to Wei Dongsheng by Cao Pi by Cao Cao's order. Cao Cao camp officially called Wei Dongsheng, and he used to emphasize the position of Longshu Marquis over and over again, and indirectly swore Cao Cao's sovereignty over the northern Lujiang County. But Wei Dongsheng didn't care about these details. Xiahou Dun called Long Shuhou, and Wei Dongsheng responded with Long Shuhou.

Level 3 longevity can use internal force to escape the cold and heat. When they reach level 5, the internal force will flow throughout the body, and the cold and heat can be automatically isolated from the body. The winter wind was as strong as the old one, but it could not affect Wei Dongsheng a bit, so Wei Dongsheng took the time to continue studying. It wasn't until Xiahou Dun led 300 Qingqi to come oncoming, that Wei Dongsheng put the manuscripts in his luggage bag, and looked up to talk to Xiahou Dun.

After verifying Wei Dongsheng's identity, Xiahou Dun casually praised: "Long Shuhou went to the meeting alone, really courageous."

Wei Dongsheng smiled and asked Xiahou Dun: "When did Liao'an County become the Tiger's Den of Longtan?"

Although the rift between Jueshengmen and Cao Cao is very clear, they still belong to the same family on the surface. To be honest, Xiahoudun's single-handedly attending the meeting is very politically incorrect. Seeing that Wei Dongsheng kept talking about the goodwill between the two families, Xiahou Dun was embarrassed to dismiss the horse and intensified the conflict, and obediently led Wei Dongsheng to see Cao Cao.

Compared with Xiahou Dun, Cao Cao is more enthusiastic.

Hearing that Wei Dongsheng had arrived, Cao Cao didn't care about changing his formal clothes, so he went out sloppyly to meet him. The waiter next to him pretended to be accidentally aphasia, and indirectly exaggerated the character of Cao Cao's courtesy corporal, saying that Cao Cao was taking a nap, hearing Wei Dongsheng's name, almost ran out barefoot in his pajamas. Although this exaggerated behavior is most likely Cao Cao deliberately acting, but Cao Cao's superb acting skills, in a few words, the atmosphere is heated up, Wei Dongsheng, who has never known him, seems to have instantly become Cao's confidant and old friend.

In the harmonious atmosphere, Wei Dongsheng was embarrassed to reprimand Cao Cao for covering Zhu Erlang.

Wei Dongsheng sighed in his heart. The dignified Prime Minister Zuo, the actual governor of the empire, can greet Wei Dongsheng, who has grievances with him, with a smile like Maitreya Buddha. With this familiar routine of receiving people and things alone, Cao Cao may be able to flourish in any era.

While chatting with Cao Cao, Wei Dongsheng suddenly noticed a small detail.

Looking directly at Cao Cao's face, Wei Dongsheng vaguely had a strange intuition: Cao Cao's calamity was in his body, and the calamity came from the northwest.

Wei Dongsheng immediately fell into thought.

Calamity intuition or Calamity Luck is a new supernatural power derived from Wei Dongsheng's promotion to Level 5 Immortal. It has a strong prophetic color.

The millennium killing world evolved from the shoddy Tomorrow Ring, and all supernatural forces were created by the shoddy Tomorrow Ring. To quote the conceptual metaphor of fantasy novels, the inferior Tomorrow Ring is the real avenue of heaven and earth hidden behind the thousand-year killing world. Directly speaking, all strange supernatural powers may be the result of inferior Tomorrow Ring simulation results, and Wei Dongsheng does not need to waste time and effort in this regard. However, the Thousand Years of Killing the World is the entrance exam for Wei Dongsheng to inherit the imperial kindergarten education of tomorrow. Isn’t it natural to study the purpose and rules of this exam?

Since the inferior product Tomorrow Ring allows a predictable fate of luck in the Thousand-Year Killing World, the fate of fate must have its necessary value.

The future warning of the feuding air luck may be the indirect life-saving shortcut provided by the inferior product Tomorrow Ring. Only by mastering the method of using the feuding air luck can we live comfortably until 1930.

The first time Wei Dongsheng discovered the warning about the calamity was on his disciple Lu Xun. Soon after the advanced level 5 immortal, Wei Dongsheng noticed the smell of the calamity in Lu Xun: Lu Xun's calamity was in his body, and it was increasing bit by bit, not knowing what he was warning.

Of course, Lu Xun's calamity luck is not as severe as Cao Cao. For now, Cao Cao's calamity cloud is at least a hundred times more than that of Lu Xun. The supernatural forces, such as the unknown mechanism, such as the fate and luck, vaguely remind Wei Dongsheng: Cao Cao is in bad luck at this moment, and he is suspected of being in danger of death.

Wei Dongsheng suddenly hesitated.

Cao Cao’s fear of death was to warn that the negotiations between Wei Dongsheng and Cao Cao would be broken, and that Wei Dongsheng had to assassinate Cao Cao? If the catastrophe refers to Wei Dongsheng, but Wei Dongsheng resists the catastrophe suggesting that he chooses to delay the tactic, how will the future evolve? If you choose other ways to solve the Zhu Erlang incident, will Cao Cao still die?

In the face of unknown things such as fate and luck, Wei Dongsheng needs to test its operating mechanism in practice.

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