Revisiting Future Path

Chapter 513: Origin in religion

The 513th source is in religion

The tripartite summit meeting was personally promoted by Wei Dongsheng, and safety was guaranteed. Liu Bei and Sima Yi could only talk tit-for-tat. After a short while, the two saw Wei Dongsheng's figure. Before Liu Bei could speak, Sima Yi took the lead to mention the topic of Destiny: "The sect master has been advanced to Level 5 for several years. Can you try to tell us about the future Destiny?"

Wei Dongsheng did not refuse Sima Yi's request.

To discuss the future destiny with him, this is the condition for Wei Dongsheng to persuade Sima Yi to go to the tripartite summit meeting.

But in order to persuade Liu Bei to participate in the tripartite summit meeting, Wei Dongsheng also offered Liu Bei a condition that he could not refuse. Wei Dongsheng was unwilling to take one side, and deliberately asked about other things to buffer the atmosphere: "It is said that Wuyangying added a new level 5 stranger. Where does he come from?"

Sima Yi did not hide: "This person's surname is Zhang Mingjin, and he didn't join Wuyang Camp. He just met me at first sight. Zhang Jin has something to do with the monstrous Zhuhoumen, but he is unwilling to dye innocent blood and decisively break away from Zhuhoumen. Fei. Zhang Jin then established a small inheritance called Zhengxinmen and temporarily attached it to Wuyangying. Zhang Jin hoped that I would pass on a message to the doormaster for him, asking if the three or two cats and cats have the Zhengxinmen. Join the Heroic Righteous Alliance as an ordinary member?"

Wei Dongsheng was astonished and surprised: "A 5th level immortal from Zhuhoumen?"

Since the disaster of Zhuhoumen in Lujiang County, Jueshengmen has worked so hard to arrange countless traps before it has been difficult to catch a 4th level immortal. Moreover, when the 4th level immortal found that he had very little hope of escape, he immediately set himself on fire, leaving only a burnt corpse at the Absolute Sacred Gate. Because the Zhuhoumen high-level officials could not be arrested, the Zhuhoumen still remained in a cloud of fog, which indirectly caused Wei Dongsheng to be very passive.

Wei Dongsheng never expected that good news would come from Sima Yi today.

Zhang Jinruo really came from Zhuhoumen, and he must be able to lift the veil of Zhuhoumen instantly.

Perhaps Sima Yi was also very taboo against the threats of Zhuhoumen. He generously relayed many secrets he had received from Zhang Jin.

With Zhang Jin taking the initiative to break the news, Zhuhou Men suddenly no longer mysterious.

Zhu Hou Men really originated from Zhu Erlang.

But he said that at the beginning of Zhu Erlang's rise, he called Zhu Hou, who had gathered a group of cronies intermittently. It was not until Zhu Erlang made a riot in Lujiang County in the south and took away Sun Quan's privately stored treasures of heaven and earth, that he was delayed to restore Luo Zhi's original surname and the title was changed to Luohou. However, due to subjective or objective reasons, Zhu Erlang's name is far better than Zhuhou, Luohou, Luo Erlang and other nicknames.

Cao Shuang did not wrong Zhu Erlang at all, and Cao Cao was assassinated by Zhu Erlang himself.

After Zhu Erlang slaughtered the Tiger and Leopard Camp, he gathered all his cronies and said: "I am a young and poor family and I have very little schooling, but I also know the famous saying of Confucius: "The enemy of ten generations is especially resurrected." In a hundred families, Confucianism is the most peaceful. Such peaceful Confucianism still encourages us to take revenge. It can be seen that revenge for the father is the truth of heaven and earth. Zhu Huan’s patronage harmed my family and this enmity must be restored; Zhang Liao was the murderer of my father. Although he died, Cao Cao survived. , This hatred must also be restored. What I ask for is revenge. The people I kill are all worthy of death. Today, since my wish is over, my knife of revenge should also be lost."

In other words, soon after the assassination of Cao Cao, Zhu Erlang ignored his followers to keep, and still chose to retreat from the rapids.

In order to bid farewell to the killing, Zhu Erlang even resolutely walked out of Lujiang County.

Perhaps Zhu Erlang went to Sun Ce's footsteps, perhaps Zhu Erlang died in the pursuit of killing, or Zhu Erlang died of illness, in short, Zhu Erlang has never heard of him. Even Zhu Erlang's former cronies did not know where Zhu Erlang lived in seclusion at the moment, whether it was life or death.

After Zhu Erlang retired, his subordinates looked like a tree fell and scattered, reluctantly running away. One of the subordinates suddenly stood out from the crowd. This person's name is Lu Youyu, but his real name is unknown. Zhang Jin only knows that he was nicknamed Lu Xiaoliu when he was under Zhu Erlang's account. The next day Zhu Erlang retired, Lu Xiaoliu changed his name to Lu Youyu.

Lu Youyu was unwilling to retreat, referring to the known framework of the Jue Sage Gate and Zhu Erlang's old title of Zhu Hou, holding high the banner of Zhu Erlang, he quickly established a new organization called "Zhu Hou Gate". Lu Youyu tried to persuade Zhu Erlang's old ministry to unite: "We are together because of Erlang, but we cannot separate because of Erlang."

Lu Youyu claimed to be a branch of the Lu family in Wu Jun, a distant relative of Lu Xun's family, and Lu Xun called out his uncle when he saw him. In other words, since Lu Kang moved his home to Longshu County, Lujiang County, the rest of the Lu family in Wu County declined rapidly, but those who had a little idea crossed the Yangtze River to join Lu Kang. Everyone disagrees with Lu Youyu's attachment to the Wu Jun Lu family, and even Zhu Erlang doesn't believe in Lu Youyu's boasting. At most, he is regarded as an alienated relationship like Liu Bei, a clan of the Han clan. However, Lu Youyu's education level is quite high, and Zhu Erlang trusts him for his ability to read and write.

In addition to being able to read and write, Lu Youyu also has the advantage of religious belief. Although the sect of Lu Youyu's faith is not called Taipingdao, it has many similarities with Zhangjiao's Taipingdao. Zhang Jin even made a conclusive judgment that Lu Youyu's belief is the Taiping Dao, and he changed his name because he was taboo against the Yellow Turban Rebellion decades ago.

When Zhu Erlang conquered Lu Youyu, Lu Youyu already had four or five followers; while following Zhu Erlang in Lujiang County, Lu Youyu actively spread religious beliefs among Zhu Erlang's tribe, quietly accumulating a lot of influence. . Take Zhang Jin, for example. His father was a Taoist soldier of Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, and his family believed in the Five Dou Rice Tao. After Cao Cao annexed Zhang Lu, Zhang Jin's family served for the Haw Leopard Camp. After Zhu Erlang became the right supervisor of Haw Leopard, Lu Youyu persuaded Zhang Jin wholeheartedly to switch to Zhu Erlang's sect through religious debates.

After Zhu Erlang assassinated Cao Cao, in fact, there was also a contribution from Zhang Jin.

At the beginning of the establishment of Zhuhoumen, Zhang Jin and other religious believers all joined in the first time and changed to Lu Youyu as the new master.

Zhang Jin and other Zhu Erlang’s old ministry were preparing to celebrate the future. How could Lu Youyu suddenly change his temperament, frowning and thinking while holding classic masterpieces such as The Tao Te Ching and Nan Hua Jing, sometimes muttering to himself to recite the famous sentence: "The higher one suppresses it, the lower one raises it, the more to lose it, the insufficiency to follow it, the way of heaven damages more than to make up for the deficiency; the humanity is not the case, the damage is not enough, the more than to serve." , The door of the princes and benevolence and justice."...

After another half a month, Lu Youyu seemed to have figured it out thoroughly. He simply and rudely announced that Zhuhoumen would be reorganized into Zhuhoumen, and then ruthlessly rectified the members of the old members of Zhuhoumen. Lu Youyu killed all those who did not want to convert to Lu Youyu's sect, and who did not want to be loyal to Lu Youyu. With the considerable experience points gained from killing Zhu Erlang's old ministry, Lu Youyu's cultivation has been accomplished at a rapid pace. After the iron-blooded rectification of Zhuhoumen was completed, Lu Youyu pursued the rest of Zhu Erlang's former tribe by virtue of his profound cultivation, "those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish".

In this way, Lu Youyu stepped on the bones of his former fellow comrades in order to quickly advance to Level 4 Immortal.

According to Zhang Jin, after the test of loyalty time and time again, Lu Youyu slaughtered Zhu Erlang's old tribe to only 6 people.

These six people include Lu Youyu and Zhang Jin.

Perhaps there are only six diehard loyalists left, and Lu Youyu built Zhuhoumen in a six-person frame. Zhang Jin said that Lu Youyu is extremely suspicious and has strict canon. Zhuhoumen had six members when it was founded, and there have been six members since then, or only six full members in total.

What happened to the disciple Zhuhou disciples who were involved in wind and rain in Lujiang County?

There are probably two sources of the so-called disciples of Zhuhou.

The first type is the worms deliberately developed by Zhuhoumen. Lu Youyu prepares for the establishment of Zhuhoumen with the idea of ​​elite soldiers, and the core members are always controlled by six. In order to efficiently collect the experience points of low-level immortals, and to avoid the attenuation of the experience value of high-level immortals killing low-level immortals, Zhuhoumen deliberately spread the assassination secrets widely and inspiring a group of greedy people to kill the same race. These greedy people are all pawns. When they grow up to level 2 or 3, the six core members of the Zhuhoumen will suddenly appear to harvest experience points. To put it simply, the Juhou Sect disciples who have worked so hard to arrest the Juhou Sect over the years are all Juhou Sect's pawns using the weakness of the heart to make a noise. These worm chess pieces thought they were the disciples of Zhuhoumen, but in fact they were just the worms raised by Lu Youyu, so they were not qualified to know the core secrets of Zhuhoumen.

The second type is a fanatic who is loyal to Lu Youyu.

The reason why Jueshengmen has been unable to find the home of Zhuhoumen for several years is because the home of Zhuhoumen is not in Lujiang County at all.

In other words, Sun Ce's example has already shown that when a longevity person leaves the effective range, it is not an instant forcible deprivation of the longevity seed. Before the longevity seeds are released from the bondage, they are kindly given a certain buffer time for the longevity. Statistics show that the first-level longevity has about 10 days of buffer time, the second-level longevity has about 20 days of buffer time... and so on, the 6th longevity There is a buffer time of approximately 60 days. Both Zhu Erlang and Lu Youyu are desperadoes to some extent, and Lu Youyu is a desperate believer. Lu Youyu was not afraid of being attacked and killed during the internal force's escape, nor was he afraid that certain accidents would delay his return time. He had some "life and death" consciousness.

Therefore, unlike Wei Dongsheng, who "a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall", Zhu Erlang and Lu Youyu often use the buffer time to venture out of Lujiang County. Level 4 immortals have a buffer time of 40 days. If you think about the range of movement of a normal human being in 20 days, you can know that the range of activities of Zhuhoumen is far beyond everyone's imagination. Zhu Erlang is accustomed to using the buffer time to avoid chasing and killing. For example, they crossed Lujiang County that day, and the reason why they successfully arrived at the Tiger Leopard Camp in Liao'an City after the feuding sacred gate was because of the buffer time.

Lu Youyu is better at using buffer time than Zhu Erlang. Since the establishment of the Zhuhoumen, Lu Youyu has often travelled around the surrounding counties, taking advantage of the common people's aversion to frequent wars to quietly establish many religious strongholds. Lu Youyu gave full play to his expertise in religious communication, and cultivated batch after batch of mad believers who were willing to die for Lu Youyu.

As we all know, mad believers are unreasonable.

Lu Youyu screened out credible fanatics layer by layer, and then sent them to Lujiang County, ordering them to attack and kill the immortals in groups. Fanatics and immortals monitor each other, and whoever hesitates and hesitates, it will be transformed into the experience value of other fanatics or Lu Youyu. Those Zhuhou disciples who did not hesitate to choose to die at the critical moment were mostly fanatics.

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