Ride and Cut

Chapter 12: Punch the kobold

   Richard was not the first Pompeii pioneer to usher in this land. Although his predecessors had not succeeded in the pioneering, they still left some traces of their own here.

   Such as the former stronghold, a two-story wooden building on top of a hill.

   When a group of people found it, the sun happened to be in a clever position, and the green hillsides and wooden buildings were plated with golden edges, which were brilliant and dazzling.

   The meandering creek is like a silver ribbon that wraps around the bottom of the hill. The abundance of water caused dense clusters of white bitter wattles to grow in the grass pits on both sides of the bank, with a slightly bitter aroma diffused everywhere.

  The roughness and dryness that can be seen everywhere on the wasteland have long been tiresome, and the rare luxuriant aquatic plants made Richard immediately fall in love with this place.

   Even from a military point of view, it is a very advantageous location. Located on the top of a hilly slope, it is already a rare commanding height on the vast and flat wasteland. There is also a spring next to the wooden building, and a small stream flows from the top of the **** to the bottom of the slope, and merges into the river half-surrounding the hills.

   If there is a war in the future and besieged, the defenders will not only sit on the ground, but also can obtain a stable water supply.

   "This will be our new home from now on." Richard's tone was firm, and the barbarians took the same for granted.

   Such an excellent location is also a hot commodity even in the wasteland. After the pioneers leave, it is difficult to be abandoned, and it has become the home of the indigenous people. What really made him feel weird was that it was the famous short and weak kobold who occupied this place.

   It stands to reason that such a good location will attract more powerful tribes to settle down. The weaker kobolds have never had the strength to hold a territory.

   Uninvited guests broke into the picturesque scenery, and armed barbarians came to the foot of the hills, causing a commotion among the kobolds. But it was just a commotion, they didn't even mean to run away.

   Richard pointed at the wooden house with one finger on his hips, and stretched out two fingers, "Two hundred pulses."

  The barbarians who couldn't wait immediately hulled and all rushed up, and a group charged unsuspecting kobolds.

   In the eyes of Lord Richard, this is really a good opponent. The height can barely reach the waist of the barbarians, and the lack of martial arts and military training.

  The killing efficiency of the barbarians throwing spears and spears was amazing, and the most courageous kobolds turned into blood gourds in the blink of an eye. The total collapse was only in a flash. Except for a few exceptionally vigorous and agile escaped, the rest were harvested cleanly, and it took no more than a hundred pulses.

   Another "barbarian lancer" has enough experience to be promoted, and is proud to show off his feelings with his companions.

   Richard climbed up the hill, the top was obviously artificially leveled, and it was a large open space. There is a low waist wall made of gravel at the edge of the open space. If it is a veritable breast wall according to the standards of a kobold, it barely has a little defensive ability.

   The pioneers who built this place must have lost their money. The wooden houses are made of high-quality pine wood. Even after wind and rain, it is only slightly old and has not really eroded the fine wood.

   The kobolds who once lived here probably have a bit of intelligence. They used a mixture of mud and hay to simply repair the damaged and old parts of the roof to prevent leakage of wind and rain.

  The situation is far better than Richard had imagined. You can move in directly with a little cleaning.

   In addition, the kobolds actually stocked a lot of grass seeds and dried meat. Richard would definitely not eat these things of unknown origin, all of which are cheaper than the two generals who have a wide range of recipes.

   The satiated monster was tireless, and under the supervision of the barbarian, he moved the baggage on the carriage to the top of the hill. This kind of heavy and simple physical work is very suitable for them, as long as two or three trips can empty a carriage.


   At night, a light like a bean illuminates a large piece of parchment.

   The only literate Richard held a feather pen drenched in ink and acted as both the host and the clerical staff. The barbarians all came to the scene, filling the originally spacious room full, and even the air was stained a little bit.

   "Okay, then the first internal meeting of our Gaoshan Fort will begin now." Richard also fixed the name of the place.

   Gunther quietly curled his lips in the darkness-a wooden house on a small hill, neither a mountain nor a fort, why is it called a mountain fort?

   The quill draws a winding curve on the parchment paper, representing the small river at the foot of the hill. Hook a circle at the corner of the curve, which naturally represents the alpine fort.

   "This is where we are now."

  The barbarians scrambled to watch. After watching, they looked at each other blankly. They couldn't understand why a pearl in a clam shell could represent the current situation.

   "We are here now." Richard pointed at the "pearl" with a feather pen, and wrote the mountain castle next to him, "but I don't know anything about the surroundings."

   Then everyone suddenly realized, oh, this is actually a map!

   "The most important task now, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is to figure out how many tribes there are around, otherwise we will be blind."

   "Boss, there is a big goblin tribe on the upper reaches of the river, just five or six miles away." Gunther suddenly raised his hand and said, "I found it when I was walking the horse in the evening."

   Richard knew that this fake man went out for a ride for a ride, and weighed more than two hundred pounds to crush the horse that was pulling the cart.

   "The bear goblin is still a hobgoblin." He made another tick beside the egg.

   "Normal goblin."

   "Normal goblin?" The hand that was about to write froze suddenly.

  Bear goblin has a strong physique, hobgoblin is good at army formation, and they are relatively outstanding races in the goblin family. In contrast, the ordinary goblin as a unit of measurement is almost useless.

   A philosopher said that there is no completely useless thing in the world, but the goblin is really close to this concept. Short and thin, his head is not bright, and his body always smells disgusting. The only thing he is good at is to give birth in litters like a mouse, and then die in litters when food is scarce.

   In Pompeii folk sayings, the word goblin can also be used to refer to dirty, stupid, stench, and even any negative concepts. If you want to find someone to fight in Coron, the most effective way is to say "I guess you have a relationship with goblins."

   At the thought of such a group of guys living in the river that draws water, Richard's face suddenly turned pale.

   "Gunther, where did you get the water for cooking today?"

   "I took it from the spring next to me, what's wrong?"

   "Hoo~ It's okay, I'll take it from the spring in the future."

   Near the new circle on the map, Richard carefully wrote the word goblin, and then fiercely hit a cross.

   "Tomorrow morning, everyone will gather and flatten them!"