Ride and Cut

Chapter 382: Retrograde

The song of St. George's call, which can save dying and serious injuries, should generally be more than enough to heal filed fractures.

However, the exaggerated magic resistance of the lord of Alpine Fort is embarrassing right now, and a scroll is not enough for a few rib injuries. It took three in a row to connect it reluctantly, and I was amazed by it.

Carlos watched the whole spoils-sharing meeting with eyes, and cast his hopeful eyes on his adult, everything was silent.

"Little card..." Richard thought about it for a while pretending to be.

Seeing the smile on his face, the discerning person knew that he must be holding back bad.

"Why don't you give Sebastian's book of the dead?" He gestured and prepared to take things out of the ring.

"Ah!" Carlos was so startled that he almost jumped up on the spot, "No, no, no!"

His head shook like a rattle, but he had lingering fears about that thing.

The level of the Ice and Snow Patriarch's divine skills is amazing, and under normal circumstances, even if a few of them are together, they are more than auspicious. Such a strong man would actually be fascinated by the book of the dead, throwing all his mind into it and having no time to take care of the outside world and die, it really makes people feel chills when they think of it!

The situation was very strange at the time. Sebastian was under constant siege during his lifetime, but no one dared to approach the corpse after his death—because he held the book of the dead until his death and did not let go.

It was the Lord Lord who came up with a way to put the dead book into the sealed box with a spear across a long distance, and then took the space ring to completely isolate the dead book, which was a temporary relief for everyone.

As for the question of what version of this book and how much undead magic power it contains, it can only be handed over to Chief Saitos to answer after returning to the mountain fort.

"No, it's good to talk about the power of the dead book alone?" Lord Lord is like an enthusiastic door-to-door salesman, trying to sell his own botched product.

"Don't, don't give it to me." Carlos only felt terrified, hesitating to turn his head and run away.

A low laughter came from all around, flushing the face of Xiaoka, who had always loved face.

"They are all laughing, it seems they must be well rested?" Richard snapped his fingers suddenly.

"No!" His voice was uniform in response, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, and the tiger hunters were staggering with joy.

Just talk about it, but then immediately got rid of the relaxed state and began to gather the whole team. Everything is in order, everyone is clearly positioned, except for the slight rustling footsteps, there is no other sound.

However, dozens of handfuls have been assembled. Even the most demanding officer can only admire this kind of speed.

For the top elites of Alpine Fort, this is just a simple instinct to breathe.

Facts have proved that Lord Lord’s exclusive "Bumu Coordination Tactics" is very effective. In the face of the undead whose quantity and quality are fairly good, the Tiger Spirit Warriors have hardly suffered any loss worth mentioning.

They are full of energy and vigor, ready to embark on the journey again.

The lord made a whistle, and his hand suddenly sank. Qiqiufei ran over and nestled in his arms, the two ivory rings on his neck clinked.

This little thing is also a lively watcher, with a pair of black eyes turning around very cleverly, not seeing the usual stunned look.

"What are you going to do?" Annie stood up wrapped in bearskin, frowning vaguely feeling bad.

"There is a space rift in Allen Town. It is said that there are several Titans on the other end. I am going to go and take a look." Richard expanded his chest, his tone was as calm as boiled water, but the content was shocking.

"Are you crazy?" The half-elf opened his eyes suddenly, almost unable to believe his ears.

"Since the Titan likes to stretch out his hand so much to make trouble, as an excellent son and daughter of the other side of the world, not giving him a bit of color to see it is simply suffocating." Lord Lord's hands on his hips, a cold snort of disdain from his nostrils, "I prepare. On behalf of the entire world, sound the horn of counterattack!"

Now that it is known that the evil Titans are watching this world, with his infinite preference for offense, it is really painful to wait passively.

In fact, it was not originally so bold and radical, but who made Qiqiu, who should have been in the twilight forest, happen to be chasing the ring of ocean and storm to the scene.

This little guy is the key man today——

When he traveled to the New World for the last time thousands of years ago, the Ancient Titans probably anticipated his madness. In order to avoid harming the creatures behind him, he took the initiative to seal the rift in the space.

Since then, returning to the other side of the world must obtain the permission of the Titan's will.

As for the question of whether the evil Titans can be counted as Titans, I am afraid that even they themselves are not very confident, at least they certainly can't be completely counted.

Anyway, to this day, those who claim to be gods have limited control of the seal. It's okay to send some shrimps, soldiers, and crabs, but you don't want to return to your hometown if you really are.

As the only surviving orthodox Titan in the known range, Qiqiu is not the only "key" to return from the New World to the other side of the world! Therefore, this also means that the lord leader can withdraw through the space rift at any time, and the evil Titan can't chase it!

Sitting on such favorable conditions, if you still dare not do it. Richard felt that he should not lead the war at all. He went home as soon as possible to buy a piece of land to grow sweet potatoes to sustain his life.

"Richard, it's too dangerous, you...Aren't you afraid?" Annie stamped her foot in a hurry.

"Afraid?" Richard patted his chest fiercely, his eyes burning wild and unruly, as hot as red steel.

He asked loudly to the queue in front of him: "Tell me, are you afraid?"

It can represent countless creatures ~lightnovelpub.net~ to send out their own roar to the powerful enemy, this is the glory that every soldier dreams of. Just thinking about it will make the brave Tiger Spirit boil all over!

"Don't be afraid!" They raised their swords aloft, yelling like thunder shaking the fields, and they fully supported this plan. After today, they will become glorious legends respected by future generations!

"Of course, if you have a chance to steal chicken, you still have to steal it." Lord Lord shrugged and smiled, "So everyone first turn on the semi-dead and see if you can play with Yin."

The roar stopped abruptly, and everyone was overwhelmed.

Instructed the dragon cavalry to send Anne and a few wounded soldiers back, and the line began to advance in a long line, towards the space fissure on the outskirts of Allen Town.

The scourge of the undead, which caused millions of deaths and displaced tens of millions of people, originated here. Today, there is finally a team of the living who resolutely embarked on the road of retrograde!

The simple flag of the Ripper Legion was picked up again, and fluttered in the breeze.

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