Ride and Cut

Chapter 383: Reunion after ten thousand years

A piece of yellow sand, looking around, there are undulating sand dunes everywhere. It is as vast as the sea, far away, and endless.

There was not even a cloud of clouds in the sky, and the blazing sun pouring down unhindered, drying the ground so that it could be used directly for omelette.

Occasionally, a breeze is raised, but it is also a dry heat with a heavy smell of soil, which can not bring even half the coolness. Taking a deep breath, it seems that even his lungs are about to burn.

In this harsh environment, countless slaves are working tirelessly if they are still conscious.

If you look down from the sky, the slaves are probably like tiny ants, lining up in long round-trip queues in the desert. Chisel the limestone into huge blocks like houses, and then padded them with cobblestone pillars.

Slaves used fiber ropes to pull this simple transport device like cattle to transport the stones farther away-there were faintly visible four-edged stone towers with hundreds of edges, all made of huge limestone blocks.

It would be hard to imagine if you didn't see it with your own eyes, such a magnificent building was actually completed with such simple means.

The numerous slaves and the projects they held together constitute an irresistible visual impact, overwhelming the sky.

"Pyramid?" Lord Lord reached out his hand to hook off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and looked into the distance dumbly.

The place where they drilled out of the passage on the other side was in the shade of a nearly vertical cliff. The semi-undead warrior did not cause any changes, but when the lord also followed, the undead who stood like a stone statue outside the shade suddenly moved slightly.

It seems to feel a little living breath.

Carlos's view was obviously wrong, and he hesitated for a long time and said, "There should be no gold, right?"

"Those slaves are all mummies." Hutt raised his longbow and pointed it at an obviously mighty giant zombie.

This mighty Mr. senses are very keen, and when the other undead is still moving around like a fly, it is already hesitating and slowly approaching.

"Xian Om", the cluster of arrows accurately passed through the eye sockets straight into the brain. The huge body suddenly fell powerlessly, and a group of small dead souls turned on their backs.

"It's really dead here." Richard sighed sincerely.

Even if an amazingly magnificent building is built, even if the slaves go back and forth for a while, they are all completely mechanical, at best they can only be said to be moving, and they can't feel the slightest freshness and beauty at all.

He walked to the edge of the shade and tentatively stretched out a finger to catch the sunlight. That kind of heat made Lord Lord doubt that the undead who had been exposed to direct sunlight might have been exposed to at least half-baked.

"Yeah, it's dead, empty and boring." Elizabeth frowned and clenched the halberd.

She had endured thousands of years in a lonely underground cave, and only recently began to experience the beauty of flowers and life, and she loved it very much. Naturally, I hate everything that I can see.

More undead spirits caught a little bit of vitality and began to move around.

It's just that their consciousness is too slow, and they haven't understood the problem for the time being-the semi-undead Alpine Fortresses seem to them to be of the same kind.

"Oh, a bunch of stupid eggs." Lord Lord took out the magnetic gun, loaded, aimed, and fired in one go.

This finally stabbed the hornet's nest, and they began to flood in groups.

Everyone has collectively lifted the semi-undead, and the fresh breath of life suddenly made the undead go crazy. The tall and sturdy Tiger Spirit Hunter stood on the spot, so he could shoot freely with his arrows and bows, and then put down a piece in an instant.

The Titan seemed to be very confident in his rule. There were not many guards near the rift in the space, and he was wiped out by arrows and magic in an instant.

The undead from further afield gathered again, and Richard calmly sent a whistle to lead people along the cliff to the top.

He and the undead have fought a few times to find a doorway. Compared with the various methods of preservation, the soul is much more elusive.

So the newly born undead are easier to preserve a little mind, but the decayed body can't completely prevent the loss of spirituality. The old bacon, which is hard to say with a history of thousands of years, is not weak, but basically only a little simple instinct remains.

Just like right now--they gathered under the cliff in a daze, facing the arrows and magic arts that were falling like raindrops, they didn't know what to do.

"If it's all this kind of intelligence, it's impossible to pose a threat to the city guarded by the regular army." Dracula waved his hand and a **** cross shot straight out, "After all, the mind is the most powerful weapon."

"Don't underestimate your enemy." Richard put away the magnetic gun and replaced it with the Dragon Slashing Sword.

He soared into the sky, because there was a flood of yellow sand rolling in from the horizon, and his aura was extremely shocking. If it weren't for the fact that the scope was too small, Richard would have thought that he was unlucky enough to run into a sandstorm.

"A mortal dare to blaspheme the realm of the true **** Anukat!" The deafening roar quickly approached along with the dust.

The lord waited for a while, and finally saw what was hidden through the khaki smoke and dust-three dozen-blade giants wore gold feather crowns on their heads, jeweled chests on their shoulders, and beige cloths around their waists were spotless.

Hold cat, dog, and crocodile head scepters respectively, and stand firmly on the wide granite platform with your feet firmly.

Simple and mysterious hieroglyphs are engraved on the surrounding seals. It is not difficult to distinguish it with a little care. It seems to record the ancient legends of the gods conquering the entire world.

What's even more amazing is that this stone platform is floating in the air at a height that is more than one blade above the ground, and it is speeding at a speed like chasing stars and moon by month. Behind him, there was a surging sand and dust, with an astonishing momentum and an incomparably pulling wind, which made the lord's eyes extremely hot.

It is enough to fool a few village wives and fools just by showing off.

According to human standards, the elemental fluctuations of the foremost giant can barely reach the Magister, and the latter two are slightly between Gaofa and Magister. Coupled with their size, close combat is definitely not bad ~ lightnovelpub.net~ strength can be regarded as incomparable.

It is worthwhile to dare to claim to be a god.

But what impressed Richard the most was those eyes, red as blood, full of brutality. If the eyes are the windows of the soul, then they are obviously completely insulated from any spiritual beauty.

Since seeing these three pieces of material, Qiqiu has expressed a kind of fear that he has never had before. Curled tightly in Richard's arms, shaking constantly.

"It's Titan," Elizabeth said softly.

"Unexpectedly, after tens of thousands of years, it would be such a scene for humans to meet the Titans again." Lord Lord stroking Qiqiu's fur comfortably, couldn't help feeling deeply.

Time can always change too much, even if it charges, it may not be what it used to be.

"Then what to do?" Carlos humbly asked his lord for advice.

"Kill them early and try not to work overtime." Richard grinned unconsciously.

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