Ride and Cut

Chapter 87: Despise each other

Unlike the impatience of the reckless guys in Alpine Fort, Hendra was not at all impatient.


   Seeing that the target hadn't escaped, the heart that had been hanging was also let go, quietly waiting for the subordinates to complete the preset preparations before the attack.


   He brought the entire army of the Brown Bear Roar, not because a small pioneering leader really needs to be so active, but because the opportunity to train is rare.


   There are a lot of new soldiers in the army, who are inexperienced. Pulling out to show that even if the thunder is heavy and the rain is small in the end, it will be of great benefit to them. After the long march these days, everyone has done a lot.


   It would be a pity that if you were impatient at the end, the purpose of the exercise would not be the best.


   In order to pass the time, he cast his eyes on the bank of the river.


Those Pompeians-forty or fifty very tall heavy infantry and twenty or so centaurs formed two rows of thin arrays, facing an unknown number of enemies that were many times as many as them, they actually looked calm, a star and a half. There is no meaning to fear.


   They are very well equipped, everyone is wearing iron armor without exception, plus that burly size, you can see that they are not mediocre at a glance.


   The reflection of the sunlight on the armor made Captain Hendra squinted his eyes slightly, "The equipment is much better than I expected, and the number of people is more than I expected. I underestimate them."


   In his opinion, this is basically the upper limit of the force that a pioneering leader can possess.


   Of course, compared with the roaring brown bears, the team of three thousand people is still not worth mentioning. In a real war, the degree of organization is far more important than whether you are brave or not. Most of the little lords will never understand this truth.


   Scout Qingqi saw that they were young and wanted to go up and flirt, deliberately wandering around the edge of the range, but he didn't expect that the centaur was a ruthless character, and was knocked down by four in the blink of an eye.


   The rest of the people suddenly drove away like frightened birds.


   "Go on the holy light, look at the reeds." The guards half-opened his mouth and exclaimed, "It is more than enough to hide in a heavy cavalry squadron."


   The clumps of reeds by the river were so luxuriant that he had never seen such a plant that withered once a year could grow to a height of three or four blades, spreading hundreds of yards like a small tree.


   Hendra tapped his unlearned distant relative with his horse whip, "The muddy mud flats will trap the horses' hoofs, making it impossible to accumulate speed, and the stupidest commander will not do this."


   For a moment, he hesitated whether he was going to send a scout to investigate. However, looking at the longbows held by the centaur, the thoughts that were not strong are fleeting, and the scout will definitely be targeted in the past.


   "But why does it grow so high?" The guards could not help but curious, covering their heads.


   "It should be because the land is very fertile, but this alpine fort has found a good place to grow the land." After seeing the barren wilderness all the way, and suddenly seeing such rich land, Hendra was also a little reluctant to take his eyes away.


   He shrugged his shoulders suddenly, "But to say-since there are no mountains and no castles here, why is it called Gaoshan Fort?"


   The charm of power is undoubtedly revealed at this moment, this not funny joke makes everyone around him laugh.


   "In fact, if you have a slightly strategic vision, you should choose the hills on the opposite bank as your resident." Hendra took the opportunity to point at the country with a riding whip.


   "These savage Pompeii, if they really had brains in their heads, they should have run away." The scout captain took the opportunity to flatter.


   Everyone laughed together again.


   "Well, the jokes are enough." The front-line soldiers were already in place, and Hendra decided to use the most classic and simplest tactics to end the exercise.


   "Preparing to attack, the arrows are suppressed, the infantry marches in formation, and all the cavalry circumambulates."


   These are the subjects most commonly practiced in peacetime, and the whole army runs like a well-lubricated machine.


   The archers released a shower of arrows, and soon discovered that it had no effect on the enemy in heavy armor. They did not want to waste expensive and fragile armored heavy arrows. So they drew out the daggers they carried with them, and prepared a bit of credit behind the infantry brigade.


   Hendra saw that the centaur was also firing a bow, and the same effect was minimal. Most of them were blocked by the shields carried by the infantry in the front row.


   Until the infantry rushed forty or fifty yards away, they temporarily switched to projectile as if they were awakening from a dream. This time the effect was immediate. The arrows flew high and fell to the center of the archers. The defense effect of their leather armor was quite limited, and a scream suddenly sounded.


   "The enemy's archers made a mistake in their tactical choices, but our archers performed worse. All officers have to take a whip."


   Hendra has a calm tone. From his point of view, his own infantry is drowning the enemy like the sea is flooding the reef. "The infantry team performed well and arranged a third-class extra meal after the war."


   When the distance between the two sides face to face is only a short distance away, the frontline infantry can intuitively feel how tall the enemy is, on average one and a half heads higher than them. They didn't know that they were all real highland barbarians under the cover of iron armor, and they thought that Pompeii people were like this in general, and they couldn't help but stunned secretly.


   But at this moment they are still relaxed, because the gap between the numbers of the two sides is obvious.


   The next moment, the relaxed mood stopped abruptly.




   "Boss, can't you do it?" Gunther asked quietly, standing beside Richard.


   "Wait~lightnovelpub.net~ I haven't taken the bait yet." Lord Lord crouched his hips, calmly, the nearest enemy is still two hundred yards away.


   In this battle, the commanders of both sides have one thing in common, that is, they are confident that they have an absolute advantage. Once they fight, they will surely win without losing. This situation should be extremely rare in the entire history of human warfare.


   While Hendra was worried that Alpine Fort would escape, Richard was worried that the brown bear would be too cautious about howling, and found his own tactical arrangements.


   In order to make the opponent impulsive, the lord deliberately showed that the enemy was weak, and only brought the first group of veterans of the guard to appear. The other centaur and barbarians all hid in the trench not far behind, trying to make his own side appear weak.


  Even Hutt deliberately releases water when he fires his bow and arrow, and uses only five points of force to shoot on the shield, for fear of hitting the opponent's aggressive enthusiasm. Otherwise, with centaur's archery skills, shields that can't completely cover the body would be equivalent to nothing.


  Sure enough, this arrangement worked. As soon as the Stuarts finished finishing the formation, they couldn’t wait to start a charge until the distance was only the last twenty yards—


   "Brothers, give it to me!" Richard kicked the epee who rushed the fastest and flew upside down, folding his body directly into an abnormal arc.


   Behind him, more barbarians and centaurs were as agile as a leopard and as swift as a tiger. The neat shouts gathered in mid-air into a tumbling thunder: "Kill!"