Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1012: The sky is broken

At the moment the Lu Jun finished shouting, everyone turned their heads and saw the figure of the corpse controller with the help of the light.

Immediately afterwards, they wanted to return to the defense immediately, even ignoring the tyrant infected body and the mutant infected body in front of them.

Because they were defending here to protect the sky.

If the sky is attacked by a sneak attack, then their defense will be meaningless, instead they will fall into a two-sided attack.

Lu Jun immediately flew back, waving his wings, and cried out in his heart.

In this case, if the corpse controller attacked the sky and then turned around to attack them, it would become particularly troublesome.

The same is true for Ruan Bing and others, they are desperately retreating, the expressions on their faces are extremely anxious.

It is a pity that they are still too slow, because the corpse controller has already condensed the mental shock.

In the next moment, all the corpse controllers attacked together, blasting towards the crumbling sky.

With a "boom" sound, the sky curtain could not stop the attack of the corpse controller at all, it broke directly and dissipated into the air.

At the moment of breaking, the corpse controllers did not stop in the slightest, leading the elite infected body to rush forward, intending to break the West Wind Fortress in one fell swoop.

After all, the Lu Army and others are behind them at this time. If they turn around, they will definitely be attacked, so it is better to keep going.

"Damn it! Let the slave workers go back! Attack the corpse controller first!" Ruan Bing shouted in the short-range communicator.

She knew that the slave laborers had no fighting capacity, and if they were encountered by the corpse controller, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

"No, let them pass. We just need to block the infected body of the tyrant." The Lu Army suddenly issued an order in the short-range communicator that was completely opposite to Ruan Bing's.

This made everyone confused, and suddenly they didn't know who should listen to.

"Ah? But they will soon enter the West Wind Fortress, our facilities..." Ruan Bing was also puzzled.

"It's okay, I already have arrangements, you can see it right away." Lu Jun only said halfway.

He originally thought that the corpse controller would turn his head in such a hurry, who knew that the corpse controller was going to rush, then he didn't care.

Because he still had a hole card that he didn't use, so he waited until the last moment, but he didn't expect it to be used so soon.

Under the compulsory order of the road army, everyone can only ignore the corpse controller and continue to fight with the infected body of the tyrant.

But they don't know where the confidence of the road army comes from, they still care about the West Wind Fortress in their hearts, and look back from time to time.

The corpse controllers rushing in front also found it strange, at first they thought these humans would run back to defend like crazy.

Who knew that humans stopped after running for a while, and looked indifferent to the West Wind Fortress.

Although there are infinite doubts in his heart, the charge has begun now, and it is an arrow on the string, and it has to be sent.

Since these humans don't care about the buildings and population in front of them, they are not welcome.

After the West Wind Fortress is attacked, it will not be too late for them to turn around and suppress the creatures behind. This is the idea of ​​the corpse controllers.

However, just as they approached the building of the Westerly Fortress with confidence, the road army behind suddenly took out a flare gun and fired a red flare.

Only a sound of "bang" was heard, the signal bomb exploded, and a burst of red light appeared in the sky. It is estimated that you can see it thousands of meters away.

Immediately afterwards, the gates of the orc huts outside the West Wind Fortress opened one after another, and teams of fully armed soldiers ran out of them, tens of thousands.

Their clothes are varied and in all colors, but the guns in their hands are surprisingly uniform.

If the key members of the Resistance Army can be found here, these fighters belong to the outer legions of Beizhai and Aoli City, led by Lin Zhan.

The guns in their hands were all energy weapons distributed to them by the Road Army.

These fighters are also one of the cards retained by the Lu Army, the last line of defense of the West Wind Fortress.

In fact, they arrived at Westwind Fortress from another direction as reinforcements in the afternoon.

It's just that the road army didn't let them participate in the war, and they arranged them near the orc hut for several hours.

As the front had been fighting, no one paid attention to the west wind fortress behind, and the Lu Army did not tell anyone that everyone who caused the resistance, including Ruan Bing, did not know that the Lu Army had left this hand.

Originally, the Lu Army wanted to let these fighters come out to take over the battlefield when it was too early to defend.

The sudden attack by the Controllable Corpse accelerated the process and forced the Lu Army to release the hole card.

However, it now seems that he hid this hand very well, so that the corpse controllers did not expect that his position would be exposed on impulse.

If they had known that the West Wind Fortress was still overcast, they would definitely not attack like this.

But they have not withstood the temptation and seduction, and one carelessness puts themselves in danger.

Now there are enemies in front and behind them, and the strongest tyrant infected body is blocked again, making it impossible to survive.

If they had the opportunity to surround the road army and others at the last moment, then they are the ones being surrounded at this moment, and the battlefield situation changes so fast that they are somewhat unresponsive.

And Lin Zhan didn't intend to give the corpse controllers a chance to respond. He quickly issued an order to make the soldiers line up, set up their guns, and fire all of them.

Since the corpse controller and the elite infected body were less than a hundred meters away from them, it took only a few tenths of a second to fly out together.

As the gunfire continued to sound, the elite infected bodies blocking the front fell to the ground one by one.

You should know that the guns in the hands of the soldiers were made by the Lu Army. The quality and power are absolutely inferior. Fighting creatures below Tier A is an instant thing.

What's more, there is still a firepower net composed of more than 10,000 fighters. This density is almost as high as that of the firepower guards, and the elite infected bodies can't lift their heads.

As for the corpse controllers, they have not yet suffered any casualties, because the elite infected are dying for them.

But the number of elite infected bodies is not too much. After the elite infected bodies die, it will be their turn in the next second.

So in a hurry, the corpse controllers directly pooled their spiritual power to form a spiritual barrier to resist.

What they want is to first consume the human bullets in front, and wait for the tyrant infected body to support them.

But their idea is really naive. In order to keep the soldiers firepower, the Lu Army took out all the bullets in his inventory and piled them in the West Wind Fortress.

It is no exaggeration to say that the stock of those ammunition is enough to kill hundreds of thousands of infected bodies.

Moreover, in order to break through the sky, a lot of mental power was consumed, resulting in the mental barrier of the corpse controllers is not in full state, and the defense power is not even a quarter of the previous, or even less...