Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 2115: fight back

Fortunately, the orc warriors rushed up with the remaining dinosaurs. Not only did they rescue the triceratops, they also forced the marching ants back, leaving the two sides in a short stalemate.

Seeing the battle between our ground troops and the Lu Army and others, the mantis army that had been restrained for a long time couldn't help it all at once, and rushed straight to the humans below, intending to avenge the revenge.

Watching these mantis army rush down like crazy, Ruan Bing, sitting on the back of the Fengshen pterosaur, immediately reacted and began to condense the soul storm. The bloodthirsty king bat on the side was also preparing to use ultrasound under Xiao Wan's control.

After about eight seconds, the Soul Storm and Ultrasonic both condensed, and they hit the mantis army above.

Since both of these are extremely large-scale capabilities, they immediately covered the mantis army within 300 meters.

Without the defensive blessing to protect the magic tower, the mantis army could not withstand the double damage of soul storm and ultrasound. They all fell like dumplings, and thousands of them died instantly.

Faced with this invisible and intangible weird ability, the Blade Mantis was also very shocked, secretly glad that he had not been affected.

At the same time, the Blade Mantis also ordered the mantis army behind to stop advancing, and wait for a while, because it knew that this large-scale ability would not last long.

Sure enough, after about thirty seconds, the effects of the soul storm and ultrasound disappeared, and tranquility was restored in the air.

Seeing this, Blade Mantis was overjoyed and immediately ordered the mantis army to continue to rush forward. It did not believe that the enemy could still use this wide range of capabilities in a short time.

What the Blade Mantis could not expect was that when the mantis army rushed forward another two hundred meters and was about to enter Ruan Bing's defensive range, Ruan Bing suddenly summoned a large number of soul bodies and brought these soul bodies close to the mantis army.

At first, Blade Man King thought that these soul bodies were here to stop them, but the next moment Blade Man King noticed a dangerous breath in the air.

Then the soul bodies burst open one after another, turning into large fireballs, enveloping their mantis army, creating shock waves after another.

Because the mantis army's positions were too dense, the damage caused by this explosion was greater than that of the Soul Storm. Not to mention the death of tens of thousands of double-edged mantises, even the Blade Mantis was slightly affected.

Under the situation of being successively attacked on a large scale, the mantis army suffered heavy losses, and the remaining various mantises also felt terrified for Ruan Bing.

After all, they didn't even get close to Ruan Bing's side, and they lost a fifth of their companions. This loss has already hurt them.

The offensive of the marching ants on the ground was also not optimistic, because the drawn artillery was filled with ammunition and was able to fire again.

Under the dual suppression of drawing artillery and firepower guards, and the defensive power of the dinosaur corps is relatively strong, the marching ants can not take any advantage at all, and even suffered a small loss...

Seeing that one's ground troops were on the ground, they couldn't help the Lu Jun and others. The eyes of the Blade Man Emperor revealed incredible. You must know that the total number of them is hundreds of thousands.

Although the members of the Resistance Army are relatively small, their explosive momentum is no less than an army, resounding around the protective tower.

Then the outlying legions and orc warriors of the Resistance Army also roared, and even the Frostwolf and the dinosaurs screamed.

Feeling the momentum of the major corps, the road army nodded in satisfaction, and then he began to say his battle deployment: "Command! If the enemy marching ants are within 100 meters of ours, the wolf cavalry and dinosaur corps will Start to charge, and draw the artillery to cover you. You must not let the enemy come closer."

"In addition, the rebels and outlying legions need to stay in place to protect the fire guards and draw the artillery. At the same time, the long-range ability players must also take care of attacking the mantis army above."

After listening to the Lu Army's words, everyone around immediately began to line up, and the whole was in a defensive formation, facing the direction of the marching ants.

Lu Jun and Xiao Wan are also preparing to ride the Wind God Pterosaur and the Bloodthirsty King Bat, intending to continue their aerial combat.

Although his brain is still swollen and painful, it is very unsuitable for fighting, but their air supremacy cannot be lost anyway, so he must get it.

However, Ruan Bing suddenly raised his hand to stop the Lu Army, and walked in front of the Lu Army holding the Soul Eater sickle: "You stay here and command the battlefield, and then you will leave it to me."

After speaking, Ruan Bing took the lead and climbed onto the back of the Fengshen pterosaur, with determination in his eyes.

Hearing Ruan Bing's words and looking at Ruan Bing's expression, Lu Jun nodded silently. Since Ruan Bing is so persistent, let Ruan Bing go, anyway, he has no fighting power.

"Then be careful." Lu Jun did not forget to remind Ruan Bing.

"Well, so are you." Ruan Bing also replied Lu Jun.

After speaking, Ruan Bing patted the Fengshen pterosaur on the back, riding the Fengshen pterosaur and Xiaowan's bloodthirsty king bat together.

After Ruan Bing flew up, he drew the artillery and emptied all the shells, and the fire suppression could only be stopped.

At this time, the marching ants were already less than 300 meters away from the Lu Jun and the others, and they were expected to arrive in front of the Lu Jun and the others within two minutes.

Seeing this, the Route Army immediately ordered members of the Resistance and Outer Legions to fill the draw-shooting artillery with ammunition, and at the same time let the fire guards open fire with all their strength, attacking the marching ants ahead.

In the case of all fires, tens of thousands of energy bombs instantly formed a barrage of firepower, suppressing the marching ants in advance, and many marching ants were instantly beaten down.

However, because the fire guard's attack method is flat fire, many energy bombs are hit on the armored army ants and the giant jaw army ants, and a lot of ammunition is wasted.

With the passage of time, the fire guards killed less than 10,000 marching ants, and they were pressed closer.

Seeing this, the dinosaur corps and orc warriors who had already prepared immediately launched an assault and killed them in the direction of the marching ants.

Their charging formation is with Triceratops and Ankylosaurus at the forefront, forming the first echelon, responsible for breaking through the enemy's formation.

The wolf cavalry and the troll hunter are in the middle, forming the second echelon, responsible for covering the charge of the first echelon.

The remaining dinosaurs followed closely behind and formed the third echelon, responsible for harvesting the enemy.

At the fastest speed, the two sides collided quickly. The sharp horns of the triceratops can penetrate several marching ants at one time, and the tail hammer of the ankylosaurus can even blow more than a dozen at a time.

However, the number of Triceratops and Ankylosaurus is limited after all, while the number of marching ants is countless.

When the marching ants in the rear also swarmed up, the Triceratops and Ankylosaurus were instantly inundated by the ant tide.

Although they are huge in size, they can't stand the continuous spraying of various fire poisons and acidic substances on them, and it makes them painful all at once.