Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 484: Cloak of Temporary Hide

"Let's walk around and take a look, there should be some kind of entrance." Lu Jun whispered to Ruan Bing.

Hearing Lu Jun's words, Ruan Bing nodded and followed Lu Jun to walk around the research institute slowly, looking for the main entrance of the research institute.

After Lu Jun and Ruan Bing walked around the research institute for most of the time, they finally saw the real entrance of the research institute. There was no fence or barbed wire there, only a very ordinary gate.

However, at the entrance of the scientific research institute, there are hundreds of soldiers garrisoned. In addition to some conventional weapons, there are also two heavy machine guns and two infantry fighting vehicles erected there. These heavy vehicles can be felt from a long distance away. The breath of death emanating from weapons.

Seeing this, Lu Jun smiled bitterly, scratched his head and said to Ruan Bing, "Uh...this is too exaggerated, it seems that we can't sneak in through the front door now..."

Hearing Lu Jun's words, Ruan Bing glanced around and asked with confusion, "Should we try it from around? Or I will lead the guard away and let you sneak in."

Hearing Ruan Bing's words, the Lu Jun immediately shook his head and said, "No, this is too reckless. If you want to go in, you have to cause some damage or kill some people, but we are just here to step on it tonight, and we can't make too much trouble. movement."

"Otherwise, once we stun the snake, the silent crusaders will realize that our goal is here, and then they will definitely strengthen the defense here, and it will be more difficult for us to act."

Hearing what the Lu Army said, Ruan Bing nodded and agreed with Lu Army’s statement, but he was a little puzzled, "But if we don’t go in, how can we make sure that the person is here? In case we really act tomorrow. Didn't I find anyone at that time? Isn't it a waste of work?"

Seeing Ruan Bing's words, Lu Jun frowned and thought for a while before saying, "Indeed, we can't get more information if we don't go in."

"But according to my guess, since the guards here are so strict, there must be something particularly important here. Even if it is not what we are looking for, it is probably something very important to the Silent Crusade."

"So I want to take a gamble, no matter what is here, we will give him a pot tomorrow, and then leave here and go back to our site."

"As long as our plan succeeds, the Silent Crusade and Ori City will definitely lose their strength and will not be able to threaten us in a short time."

Hearing what Lu Jun said, Ruan Bing immediately nodded and said, "Well, I will support you no matter what, but I have one last question, that is, how should we leave here tomorrow after the action?"

"When we make such a big noise, the inner city will definitely be surrounded, and the silent crusaders of Ori will also chase us. It is unrealistic to run from here to the city gate and then escape."

Hearing Ruan Bing's words, before the Lu Army had time to answer, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps and human voices behind him.

Seeing this, the Lu Army immediately grabbed Ruan Bing, knelt down, took out the Death Tu 8000, opened the insurance, and looked behind him vigilantly.

Ruan Bing was also startled by the sudden sound, silently squatting behind Lu Jun, condensing his brain power, preparing to face what might happen next.

With concentration, the Lu Army could see through a faint light that there was a patrol team approaching the scientific research institute not far away, seemingly coming to change shifts.

Although the patrol team has not found the Lu Army and Ruan Bing yet, their path is exactly where the Lu Army and Ruan Bing are. As long as they advance about 20 meters, they can see the Lu Army squatting on the ground. With Ruan Bing.

Seeing this, Lu Jun thought thunderously, thinking about countermeasures quickly in his mind. They can only hide now, and they must not be found here, otherwise the next series of plans will be ruined.

But Lu Jun had no good way to think about it, and it was too late even if he wanted to stand up and run away because the patrol team was too close to their location.

If they stand up and run, even with the cover of night, they will definitely be seen by the guards of the patrol and scientific research institute, and they will be flanked back and forth.

Moreover, this place is relatively empty and there is no shelter, even if they want to find a bush or a stone to hide, it seems that they are already in a dilemma at this time.

Some people may wonder, why didn't the Lu Army take Ruan Bing to escape with a flash? Isn't the flash can leave the original position without knowing it?

Well, the flash can indeed move Lu Jun and Ruan Bing for a while, but the limit distance of the flash is only about five meters, and it will fall into a cooling time of several seconds after use.

Even if the Lu Army used the instant flash here, it would still be exposed to the patrol's field of vision, so the Lu Army could not directly use the instant flash to escape...

Ruan Bing looked at the patrol that was getting closer and closer to them, and was very anxious, mobilizing his brain power frantically, preparing to use the soul storm to stun the patrol members at the most critical moment.

But this is a very bad way, because once she does this, they will be exposed, and even if they can run away, the silent crusaders will be prepared, and tomorrow's actions will naturally become more difficult.

Just when the patrol was only about ten meters away from the Lu Army and Ruan Bing, when they were about to be discovered, the Lu Army suddenly thought that he was equipped with a temporary cloak, that is, the S Tier that would be temporarily invisible as long as the body was not moving. equipment.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun had a bold plan in his mind. He immediately pushed Ruan Bing under him, and let the temporary cloak cover him and Ruan Bing. Then, with a thought, Ruan Bing used a flash , The displacement is five meters to their left.

After doing this, Lu Jun immediately stopped all body movements, and quietly waited for the characteristics of the temporary cloak to activate. He wanted to use the temporary cloak to help him and Ruan Bing become invisible together.

In fact, it was the first time Lu Jun had used the temporary cloak, and he didn't know that his plan would work, and he was very worried, but in this case he could only take a gamble.

Ruan Bing was taken aback by the sudden movement of the road army. She didn't know why the road army suddenly pressed her because the road army didn't tell her anything.

But Ruan Bing knew that there must be a reason for the Lu Army to do this. She believed in the Lu Army very much in her heart, so she didn't have any struggle, and her body remained motionless, quietly letting the Lu Army press under her.

In this way, in an extremely critical situation, Lu Jun and Ruan Bing were lying on the ground like "dead", Lu Jun didn't know whether his temporary cloak was triggered, because he himself couldn't feel it at all. of……