Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 995: Mid-air battle

And this explosion also attracted the attention of all infected bodies, and they raised their heads to look upward, especially the mutant infected bodies around the center of the explosion.

When the dinosaurs were so close to them, the mutant infected became angry. They had never encountered such rampant humans.

In the next moment, the rippers and lickers raised their heads and "sprayed" in the direction of Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue.

The height of more than 30 meters is not far for them, and it can be reached without forceful attacks.

If you look at it from a distance, you can see some "mess" flying out of the ground suddenly, covering the location of the dinosaurs.

"You don't need to climb, I can block it!" Ruan Xue said, her hands began to seal, and a green mist immediately bloomed from her.

As the mist increased, it soon filled the air in front of it and looked green.

"Wooden Shield!" Ruan Xue shouted again, and then all the mist turned into a green virtual wall, blocking the bee-stab pterosaurs.

This is her second ability, which can create a protective wall out of thin air. The defense power is related to her brain power and brain development value. The duration is 30 seconds, during which brain power will be continuously consumed. The disadvantage is the fear of fire, and the overall defense is slightly weaker than the absolute defense of the Lu Army.

In front of the wooden wall, the attacks of the rippers and lickers were directly blocked, even if the entire wooden wall was covered with acid, it could not be broken.

The most important thing is that the Wasp Pterodactyl is not affected by the wooden wall, and can still attack through the wooden wall.

This means that during the duration of the Wood Shield, the bee sting pterosaur can attack the infected body, but the infected body cannot hit them.

It is a pity that the attack power of the bee thorn pterodactyl is really limited, and it will be difficult to quickly kill the rippers and lickers below.

What's more, there are elite infected bodies "guarding" around them, which invisibly restricts the use of bee sting pterosaurs.

"I can only hold it for 30 seconds, you may have to attack soon!" Ruan Xue urged Lin Xiaobai a little.

Because nearly ten seconds have passed now, and the infected body below still hasn't died much, they will not be able to complete the task if it continues.

"I know, I'm doing my best." Lin Xiaobai's voice was a little quick, holding the explosive crossbow in her right hand and Jieyin in her left hand, using her second ability, ice explosive bomb.

This is an ability that can bless any weapon with special attributes, allowing the weapon to attack with ice bomb damage.

At the next moment, a white ice mist appeared on Lin Xiaobai's explosive crossbow.

Then she squeezed the trigger of the explosive crossbow again and fired dozens of explosive crossbows with ice bombs.

As the explosive crossbows exploded, the ice bomb exploded, and the flame and ice mist were intertwined.

A few seconds later, the explosion effect ended, and the mutant infected body below was on fire, freezing and freezing.

But Lin Xiaobai's attack did not mean to end, and dozens of explosive crossbow arrows went down.

In the face of the offensive of the ice and fire, no matter whether it is the elite infected body, the rippers or the licker, they can't stand it, and they are directly blown up.

This situation continued for about ten seconds, during which time Lin Xiaobai shot more than two hundred explosive crossbow arrows, killing nearly a thousand of the most threatening rifters. The deaths of lickers and elite infected bodies are even more numerous.

In addition to the number of bee-stinger pterosaurs killed, that is, the lickers and rippers are directly halved, from the previous tens of thousands to more than 5,000.

This is already a very impressive result, even if the road army comes, it is almost the same.

And Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue, as Tier 3 ability players, can do this step absolutely very well.

Unfortunately, there are still many rippers and lickers below.

If the long-range infected body cannot be killed before Ruan Xue's Wood Shield is over, the Bee Sting Pterodactyl is estimated to be hit hard.

"My ability will disappear soon!" Ruan Xue reminded Lin Xiaobai loudly.

"I know! Hold on!" Lin Xiaobai gritted his teeth and replied.

Then she patted the Fengshen pterosaur on the back and let the Fengshen pterosaur descend.

This command made the Fengshen pterosaur a little confused, I don't know what Lin Xiaobai wanted to do, but it still obeyed the command and flew down, without any intention to stop.

During this period, many attacks were directed at the Fengshen Pterosaur, which generally avoided it if it could avoid it.

Ruan Xue didn't know what Lin Xiaobai wanted to do. In a hurry, she could only make seals with one hand and use her first ability, Wood's Resurrection, to help the wind **** pterosaur heal his wounds.

However, Lin Xiaobai's actions still scared the rebels and others watching this scene.

Although Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue did not have a high sense of presence in the resistance during this time.

But one of them is Lu Jun’s sister, and the other is Ruan Bing’s sister. Everyone still protects them, and generally will not put them in danger.

But they didn't expect that this time they would take the initiative to lead the team to the forefront and make such a dangerous move.

You have to know that it is in the infected group, as long as there is a mistake, it will definitely not come back if it falls. This is definitely not a joke.

"Boss Lu, this..." The big bear behind stood up and pointed at Lin Xiaobai's position.

He hasn't joined the battlefield yet due to power problems, so he can see this scene clearly and feel very worried.

After all, he was one of the first people to know Lin Xiaobai after the end of the world, and both parties had long been good friends.

"I know, don't worry, she must have her own ideas." Lu Jun raised his right hand, indicating that Da Xiong need not say more.

Although there seemed to be no response on the surface, the road army was more anxious than anyone else, even he didn't know what Lin Xiaobai was flying down for...

Fortunately, Lin Xiaobai finally stopped when he was only five meters above the ground.

And under the blessing of Wood's Recovery, neither she nor the Wind God Pterosaur suffered any injuries.

The mutant infected looked at the Fengshen pterosaur and Lin Xiaobai, who were more excited than the other, and used their own attacks one after another.

The black thorn infected bodies even jumped upward with the power of the elite infected bodies, trying to climb directly behind the wind **** pterosaur.

Seeing this scene, everyone subconsciously thought that Lin Xiaobai would climb quickly, and some members who were not in the battle still shouted in the communicator.

Because she and Fengshen pterosaurs are too close to the infected group, if you don't leave, one person and one beast are likely to be beaten down by the infected group.

The Fengshen pterosaur carrying Lin Xiaobai also meant this. This distance could not guarantee the safety of Lin Xiaobai. It should climb as fast as possible...