Rise In Calradia

Chapter 276: Signaling

<div;quot;read2">   "Damn, what do you want to do, watch me explain it? Then your hobby is unique enough."

The big John stood in front of the latrine, looking at the two men following him with a look of disgust. The two men had been with him for several days and followed him for everything. In addition to the two of them, this group of people also controlled his wife and father-in-law and wandered around the homes of several of his friends all day long. They seemed to have reached some kind of agreement with the local nobles and sheriffs, so that a small group of strangers with swords and armor walked back and forth in the town without any trouble.

The reason for all this is naturally because they don't want the news to be leaked before finding Byron's treasure.

Yes, John finally told them the location of Byron's treasure and the deployment around it. The location of his treasure is near the bandit camp that he once occupied, where he left a small army of veterans to serve the local lord as mercenaries and train recruits for the Peony regiment. Byron is very clever. His treasure is hidden so that it will not be discovered by these unsuspecting soldiers, but the distance is just in the patrol area of ​​this team. The idlers will not accidentally find the treasure because they rush in. Here will be caught as poachers.

But John knows the deployment situation and patrol cycle of this camp, and it is certain that there will not be much change even now, so these people learned all the information about Byron’s treasure from John and dispatched them immediately. Manpower to find. Iron doors do not have keys, but most boxes can be opened by more direct and violent means. Even if it cannot be opened, the iron door can be taken away with the box. (Obviously John concealed the details of the box, which contained tens of thousands of silver coins, silver ingots, and many lead blocks used to increase the weight to ensure that it is difficult for people without keys to transport these boxes).

But in any case, John revealed the secret that he vowed to take to the grave. He is in a very bad mood now, because he knows that his actions will cause the adult who helped him a lot to suffer a huge loss, and this crime is enough to make him. Hanged hundreds of times.

The two frowned, and after hesitating for a while, they decided to stay at the door and not follow John in.

"These bastards, they didn't even let me leave my tavern, and they let me close the door, these damned guys, what is their master's ability to do this?" John whispered at those people and behind them. The main messenger took off his pants. "Tiff, even if Byron is going to kill me in the future, I will definitely kill you before then!"

But when John was about to squat down, he saw a small figure in the corner of the latrine. He knew that child. He was a bit naughty. His father was a cobbler in the town and had a good relationship with John. He always came to the pub to drink.

"Who?" John was obviously taken aback. At first he thought it was the **** who followed, but soon he discovered that it was a little boy with dust on his clothes.

"Sorry, Uncle John, can you let me hide here for a while? My friends and I stole the chicken from the house, and now my dad is going to beat me, can you let me hide until he calms down and come back?" Little The boy asked timidly.

"Sam? Why are you here? Behind this is the courtyard wall, and it's made of stone." John asked suspiciously.

"You leaked a hole in the wall of your yard, and it leads to here. I'm small enough to get through. I always hide here when I play with those older kids. No one finds me, it's a bit smelly." Sam Although a bit mischievous, he was honest and didn't hide anything. He also pointed his finger at the corner of the wall. There was indeed an inconspicuous hole there. Usually there would be a bucket in it, so John never noticed it.

"Great, destiny didn't abandon me!" John crossed his chest excitedly, and took out a letter from his arms. He secretly took a chance to write the letter after the **** came, but he never had a chance to send it out.

"Sam, dear boy, give this letter and some money to your father. He knows how to read and knows what to do." John took off the purse and handed the bag and the letter to Sam.

"But he will..."

"I know, but he will never beat you up after reading this letter, I promise. Go ahead, boy, don't tell anyone else except your father, especially those who are walking around in the street. "

Sam picked up the letter and went through the corner, and the big rock in John's heart finally fell to the ground.


Half a month later

In the southern forest, hunting camps have been established. Almost thirty people gathered here with bows, crossbows and spears. They showed off their prey and showed off their achievements in this hunt. And not far from the camp, Eleon, who was in charge of the area in the name of Byron, stood on a high **** in full gear, holding Vicia bows and arrows, waiting for his attendants to retrieve the prey for him.

"My lord, you shot the arrow very accurately just now."

The attendant respectfully presented a baby deer to Eleon. The little guy's mother was caught by the hunting team just now, and it didn't live long on its own.

"Very well, I haven't used a bow for a long time. It seems that my skills are useless. It may not be easy for you to understand, but as a Vikya nobleman, using a bow is as important as riding a horse." After looking at the prey served by the servant with satisfaction, he put away the bow and arrow and returned to the camp with a few servants. They will return before dusk, but before then, Elaine will ask the chef who travels with him to help him prepare the deer, turning it into a delicious barbecue dinner~lightnovelpub.net~ and The big one can become the top delicacy on the table in the next few days. Whether it is meat or offal, it can be made into different dishes, whether it is for yourself or for entertaining guests.

"Let’s have a good meal, and then I’ll go deeper into the forest. Today we’d better fight a wild boar and go home. After it’s marinated, we will send it to Veluga with the wine I collected. Lord Byron, Jamila, and Others are busy in the city now, and they don't have time to hunt, they will like it."

Eleon and the attendants were chatting while waiting for the barbecue, and he was in a good mood after harvesting a lot of prey. But the better the mood is, the more things will disturb him.

"My lord, a craftsman came over from Ye Ruige on horseback. He said he has something to report to you." A soldier walked up to Eleon and reported the situation to him.

"Let him wait, didn't you see that I haven't eaten anything yet?"

"Sorry, my lord, but he said there are important things to be handed over to Lord Byron, and there is Lord Byron's seal on it." The soldier said and took out the letter. The peony stamp on it was very clear. It was impossible for Eleon. Admit it, it is definitely Byron's seal, there will be no fake.

"Well, bring my horse over. Take the meat, I'm going to meet that man."