Rise In Calradia

Chapter 346: The Allegiance of the Kujit Warriors

[Bestull: [riding 4], [riding and shooting 4], [Strike 3], [Loot 3], [Iron Bone 2], [Tracking 2], [Guide 1], [Tactic 1], [ Warriors of Kujit】;】

Sometimes, fate is really wonderful.

But for Byron, this so-called fate will only make him more suspicious of his situation. The addition of Bestur allowed him to gather all the hero teammates in the game. They came to Byron as if they were attracted by some kind of attraction. It seemed reasonable, but it was strange to think about it. After all, this is not what it is in the game. The hero teammates will stay in the tavern and you have been waiting for your arrival. From the first time you set foot on this continent to the unification of the entire Calradia, nothing will change. They all have their own lives and their own behaviors. Even if they are all real, on this continent with a population of more than tens of millions, the probability of meeting between two people should be quite low.

Byron had always been puzzled by this question. It was not until his first "death" that he met the so-called messenger of the gods. He didn't realize that something had been observing all this in secret, and his relationship with these heroes The encounter is naturally not because of fate, but a certain arrangement for a certain purpose of the other party. Byron didn’t know what the other party’s purpose was, or why he arranged all of this, but after a long time of thinking and doubt, he had left these thoughts behind. No matter what the other party did, all this was incomparable. The truth is that this is his life now, and he will continue from now to the future he could not foresee.

"My lord, do you really want to accept this guy's allegiance?" Elaine's words pulled Byron out of his thoughts. He glanced at him and nodded.

"If what he said is true, then he will be useful to us sooner or later, and it is beneficial to accept him. If he is deceiving us, it will cost nothing to expose him, we will get rid of him before he betrays, and It's not a threat." Byron said here, turning his head to Bestur.

"You should have seen many people captured by us during the battle. They are all Kujit fighters. I want to accept your pledge of allegiance under their witness. Do you accept it?"

Byron's tone was flat, but his words were quite powerful. If Bestur agrees, then he will have nowhere to speak, and the warriors of the prairie will not regard him as a betrayer of Kujit, after all, he has committed a big mistake as a fugitive. But he will be regarded as Byron's subordinate from now on, and the prairie lords will no longer trust him, let alone reuse him.

"If you can bring a pinch of salt and follow our ancient traditions, of course I would be happy." Bestur thought for a moment, then nodded firmly: "If you respect the traditions and vows left by our ancestors, then It will be an honor for me to have so many witnesses. As a warrior, I am very grateful that I have met an outstanding commander."

"Very well, take the salt here, I will accept your allegiance here, and at the same time, according to your identity, I want you to serve for me as the captain of my Kurgit cavalry."

Byron nodded. He asked his men to bring the Khergit prisoners, fetched salt bags, and escorted them to Bestur's side under the **** of several heavy cavalry. He put on a neck guard specifically to prevent the other party from thinking about it. .

But Bestur apparently didn't have this idea. He took the salt with both hands, and then, in accordance with the ancient ritual of Kujit, began to swear allegiance to Byron.

"I will be your saber and spear to fight for you and serve you. I will serve as your shield to protect your safety and spare my life. I will dedicate the best trophies to you, and I will win them too. The best woman is delivered to you..."

Bestur swears allegiance to Byron in their way. The content is simpler than what the knights of Swadia said, but the obligations are more. This is the tradition of Kujit. Since the wolf mother led his descendants and army to establish this country, this oath has existed, but it is really rare to use it on people other than Kujit.

The captives watched the ceremony from the beginning to the end. They are more thoughtful, or angry or insulting, or sighing, or displeased but unable to find the fault, or have some ideas that they have never had before... But anyway, Byron doesn’t care about what they are thinking now. But when the ceremony was completed, Bestur rode on his horse and followed Byron's army forward in the team, Byron's focus again returned to the side of Swadia.

On the way, he received a letter from Count Kleis. The Count originally planned to go to Hal to get his revenge, but there was no suitable goal in the middle. He just destroyed a few small-scale Khergit cavalry units and conscripted by the way. Supplies of a prairie tribe. After receiving Byron's letter, he took it very seriously and immediately prepared to return to Deherim. The Earl of Craggs, Byron’s father-in-law returned earlier than them, because he just ran into another Nayan with few soldiers and horses on the road, defeated them and regained the looted wealth, and then returned directly. And they also sent a letter to Byron.

As a result, the three armies all began to return to Swadia quickly, and the trail of the Kujit army was getting closer and closer to them. Fortunately, when Byron and the others left the prairie, Kugit’s army was still dozens of miles away from them, the Dram River began to rise, and Swadia’s army also began to gather until Byron and his party. After crossing the Drum River and other people guarding the only bridge, Kujit’s faces were angry but helpless, they could only watch them leave, and finally retreated helplessly, and burned some Swadi. Ya’s building, but also an insignificant loss.

But just when Byron and the others happily headed to Dehrim to welcome the people, in his territory, an army from the east had already encountered their enemy outside a village. Amyra, led by Fatis, left behind troops and militias.

Earl Leyland is bound to win, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, he persuaded the landlords and manor owners in his territory on the way to call them unfair treatment, and whipped the serfs who had been allocated the land and deprived them of them. And announced that they would return all the land that had been taken to their original owners. Of course, he did not forget that he was the biggest landlord in Amila.

So in the process of marching, he did get a certain amount of support. Some landlords and manor owners provided him with troops and supplies, which swelled his army to 800.

Yes, 800 people. He was only supported by 50 so-called soldiers who were not well equipped. Count Tazias was very annoyed, but they also noticed that the local landlords were obviously unwilling to get involved in this dispute. Although Byron was harsh on them and deprived some people of their land, they did not want to lose it. More, after all, they have seen the scene of Byron's army passing through their land. Those mud legs are also very supportive of him. They think that the castle will not be captured by such a small number of people, so they mostly give some food. Needless to say, the peasants, most peasants have no sympathy for their former lord, because compared to the taxes and conditions given by Byron, Count Tazias is a villain in comparison. As for the serfs, they had reached Fatis and took up arms and vowed to defend their own land.

Thus, the battle began. A large number of militias and troops led by Fatis, with a total of 1,500 people, faced the 800 soldiers of the Earl of Leyland. They had different positions, but they all fought for their own land.