Rise In Calradia

Chapter 448: 3 years

Reformation always takes time to prove itself, and this was no exception here in Byron.

When people get busy, time passes quickly. Although three years have passed, many people seem to have "only" passed 30 days. (There won't be an author for more than a month

Don’t update it, can’t it, can’t it???)

At least Byron felt that the days passed quite quickly.

In the past three years, he has too many things to do, and there are many things he can do, so he is busy every day, running around endlessly under the rule, supervising the progress of the work, calming the emotions of the people, Sometimes you have to put down a rebellion.

Thanks to his efforts, the conquered Rhodok area, which is now the main body of the Duke of Rhodok, has become more and more prosperous.

The haze brought by the earthquake finally dissipated. Immigrants from the north and people from other impoverished areas of Rhodoks came to fill the vacancies in the destroyed villages. A large number of collapsed houses were also under the responsibility of Yatiman. Under the rapid reconstruction of the team, Byron paid a large sum of dinars to Yatiman for this, the amount even exceeded the tax revenue of these regions in those years.

Large tracts of dispossessed royal and aristocratic lands were allocated, lesser lands were distributed to poor tenant farmers and homeless people, part of the good land was awarded to veterans who had been serving for Byron, part of the fertile land and Large tracts of cash crops were taken by Byron as another source of income to feed his well-paid troops.

Under the leadership of Yatiman and James, dozens of scholars from different regions and a large number of apprentices came to Veruga. In addition, Yatiman also recommended many craftsmen to come here. Under discussions, disputes and cooperation, beautiful canals run through the fields, hammers driven by rolling water wheels, and under the breeze, the stone mills in the windmills are turning round and round. In the workshops of the towns, craftsmen are busy work and create their own works.

Batches of saltpeter and sulfur were sent to the workshops outside the city, and barrels of black powder were carefully transported away by horse-drawn carriages. On the night of the autumn harvest last year, people will never forget the fireworks shown by the Duke, the sky-high The flames, the sound like thunder, when the flames exploded in the sky, all the children screamed with expressions of joy or surprise, people cheered and clapped their hands, and the Yatimanites (scholars of the old school) who did not confront each other and craftsmen) and the Jamesites (new school scholars and doctors) held each other's hands for the first time, and they smiled like children under their faces blackened by gunpowder.

And Byron also achieved an achievement that was impossible in the game. James and Yatiman got drunk together for the first time. . But in the end, Yatman patted James on the shoulder, and James held Yatman's hand. They praised each other's intelligence, and the conflicts that had been there melted away like ice and snow.

This is of course due to Byron. If you want to resolve the academic dispute, you must either give a better solution to suppress both parties, or let them cooperate to discover each other's shining points. Coincidentally, Byron can arrange both of these points.

Both agriculture and handicrafts flourished in the southern lands, and bastion-like structures also appeared on the walls of Amira. To be honest, the current siege technology actually does not have much requirements for the bastion, and the materials and technology are far from the ideal state, but Byron thinks it is worth it, because he has made a start, and it will naturally benefit when it develops in the future.

The only regret is that Byron's cannon dream was shattered again. After killing an apprentice again, Yatiman seriously discussed this topic with Byron and told him that it is possible for him to realize his idea. It takes ten to twenty years, and requires substantial and uninterrupted financial support.

As for the musket, they really made a decent muzzle gun, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com It is a copper tube, which can be filled with gunpowder to launch stones, iron nails or lead blocks.

But after trying this thing, Byron was disappointed again. He spent a lot of dinars on it, but this thing disappointed him. The shooting range of this musket is appallingly short, even if it is loaded with lead weights, it is entirely up to luck to hit it from fifty paces away. As for the power, not to mention, except for a little pain, the chain armor can't be pierced! Of course, the amount of charge can be increased, but their barrels can't stand it, and they will definitely explode.

But on the other hand, the construction of hydraulic forging workshops and the production of specialization have reduced the price of plate armor by half. It is too large, and the wave of opposition from local craftsmen is too large, so it can only be postponed), but it does promote the generation of specialization.

Now, even King Halau's troops would order part of the armor from Veluga, because even including the shipping cost, these armors were still cheaper than those produced by local craftsmen.

In the military, Byron's progress was the largest but also the least obvious.

Just like in the game, the level of the coach is high enough to lead the recruits to wander around the map to upgrade. Lesarit has been training his standing troops for three consecutive years. thief.

This title, and soldiers from other regions, have also been promoted to the point where they cannot be promoted one by one.

However, the armies from all over the world are still a minority among them. After all, after taking root in Rhodok, most of the foreign troops that Byron can recruit are pirates who defected to him.

Of course, there are more than two hundred mercenaries who have reached the top level. Thanks to the continuous fighting of the Peony regiment, these soldiers are the fastest to upgrade.