Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 457: Battle of Pintus (1)

"The Winsters suffered a terrible defeat in the Lumi Kingdom, and they are temporarily unable to take care of our side. This is the best time to start an incident!"

"A total of more than eight thousand people! All died in the foreign land of the Lumi Kingdom. What does this mean? It means that the Winster army is not rumored to be invincible. They are also human and will die!"

"We must rise up and resist! This is the land of the Rusinos, and this is the kingdom of the Russinos. We must not let the greedy Winsters overtake us!"

"Rebel! Rebel! Rebel!"


The Rusino Kingdom, oh no, the Russino area that should be called the Kingdom of Winster now is already undercurrents. The fiasco of Winster’s army makes those former kingdom aristocrats and careerists who have different intentions ready to move. They sent messengers to each other to discuss future changes, while expanding their power through various channels, trying to get a share of this chaotic time. In order to protect themselves, each town also organized a defense army under the leadership of the governor. The Winsters in this land fled with their belongings for safety. Watermark advertising testWatermark advertising test

On the other hand, Richard, who is far away in Nord City, ordered the First Army military headquarters stationed in the capital to rush to the Rusino area to suppress local riots. In order to completely put an end to the rebellion, he granted the temporary commander of the First Army Duck Man Braun has discretionary power to allow him to fire first in the face of commotion. As the first batch of cadets to graduate from the military academy, Duckman has been serving as Richard's adjutant and has learned more military theory and experience. He also relied on Richard's trust in him and was appointed as the temporary commander of the army.

After sending Duckman and the First Army away, Richard locked himself in the study again. The battle reports sent from the front line told him from various aspects that the shortcomings of the army were the protection against long-range, the soldiers' uniforms. Although simple and handsome, it is only a layer of fabric after all. The protection of long-range arrows still depends on the armor that has been abandoned for many years. In order to reduce the loss, he decided to restart the use of armor, adding an extra layer of chain mail to the lining of the uniform for each soldier; in addition, the original military cap will also be replaced and replaced by a similar flying saucer. Shaped iron helmet, this helmet can defend against arrows falling from the sky and protect the soldiers' heads.

Although the helmets and military uniforms after the change are not inconsistent in comparison, who will notice these after the war? As long as it is to survive, no matter how ugly it is.

A few days later, the envoys of the southern countries arrived in Nord City. Richard did not personally meet them, but let the diplomatic officer receive them on his behalf. Just as Richard expected, the southern countries took the initiative to ask for peace, although Lumi The news of the fiasco reached their ears on the way, but the combat effectiveness of the southern Winster army was visible to them, and they would not be shaken by this news, so they did not change their original decision and made claims.

In view of the urgency of the war in the North, the Director-General of Foreign Affairs Ornus von Frank agreed to the peace negotiations between the countries. As usual, the independence of the vassal states was recovered, and 10% of the tax paid for the current year was paid every year. Military protection. After the signing of the contract, the Third Army moved eastward, preparing to resolve the enemy that did not actively seek peace, and the third army returned to the north for aid, attempting to enter the area before the Lumi coalition attacked the Mabku leader.

However, the Lumi coalition did not march south or stationed in Rusino. Instead, they used the Pilloc Principality to attack the Pravia area, saying that it was a street, but that was not always true, because under the bewilderment of the coalition forces, the Pilloc Principality finally Still join the coalition. After learning of this situation, Carl and his team did not take care of their actions. They directly attacked a group of Piroc cavalry, and then galloped northward over their horses, rushing to tell the news before the coalition came. The commander of the Second Brigade of the Second Army, who was still confronting the Allied Forces of Trikasi, immediately sent an envoy to report to the military headquarters after learning about it, requesting reinforcements.

Pravia cannot fall. This is the consensus of all officers. The commander of the Second Army, Matthias Horn, naturally thinks so, so he ordered the transfer of the first brigade and the third brigade that were still confronting the enemy on the front line. The troops returned to the aid, regardless of the danger, personally led the guards directly under the regiment to Pravia. At the same time, the third brigade of the First Army in the Pecs area also sent its troops south, trying to take advantage of the emptiness of the Trikasi Kingdom to directly take away their hometown, and a great battle is about to break out!

It is about the safety of the Pravia region, which has become the core territory of the kingdom. Every officer and soldier dare not relax their vigilance. They swear to God that the city will be there and the people will die.


July 28, 1125 in the mainland calendar, sunny, outside the city of Tus.

The weather at the end of July was extremely hot, and the intense sun had toasted the whole land, causing the plants exposed to the sun to droop their heads and feel a sense of lack of vitality. Those Winster soldiers standing in the trenches were also not immune to the high temperature. They took off their military uniforms to reveal the white underwear inside, but even so, they were still sweating profusely. If it were not for the inspection of the military police, they Almost everyone wants to take off all his clothes.

In order to defend the city of Tuss, the 2nd Brigade built a long line of defense on the periphery of the city of Tuss. Forty artillery pieces were also scattered and deployed on various defenses. With a wealth of material reserves, the 2nd Brigade had already given a large number of enemy lives. Even after cleaning up the open space leading to the position, the ground in front of the position can still be seen on the ground in front of the position after the blood has dried brown and the flesh and blood stumps buried in the mud. A large number of casualties have caused the opposing coalition forces. Change the strategy and use confrontation to contain the second brigade.

Now ~lightnovelpub.net~ Most of the troops of the Second Army have been attracted to this area. They are facing off with the Lumi Coalition and Trikasi coalition forces who rushed here a few days ago. They cannot break through Trikasi. The coalition's position merged with the second brigade, so they could only camp on a high ground not far from the battlefield. For the sake of safety, the Lumi coalition also camped around the abandoned village not far from the city of Tuss, dispatched envoys to communicate with friendly forces, and was always ready to attack Winster's army.

"We have plenty of ammunition and a strong position. Whether it is a horse trap, iron brier, or refusing horses, we have deployed. The enemy cavalry cannot break through these lines of defense and directly rush into our position. So I think we should stick to it and wait for Huo. The head of the gracious army led the main force to fight over and join us."

"The Trikasi and Petrocks are not good bullies. If the military forces attack the enemy, the enemy in Nansen Village will definitely go to support them. In the field, the enemy's barbarian cavalry is very lethal to us. If the military is defeated by this threat, the balance of victory will be completely biased towards the enemy."

"We should take the initiative! Contact the military and jointly attack the Trikasi coalition forces, but in order to prevent the Nansen enemy from coming to support, we also need a force to set up an ambush on the road to delay the speed of the enemy's support!"

In the command of the second brigade, from the adjutants' proposal, the commander made a final decision!