Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 493: Dresker Palace proceedings

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"Express! Express! The Holy Roman Empire has appeared in the Hural collar!"

"The army of the Holy Roman Empire broke through the Abuni line, and thousands of our army were killed!"


All kinds of bad news came back from the front lines to Dresilal, the capital of the sacred Kuyavian Empire. Amid the shouts of the newsboys, war reports were heard from time to time in the ears of pedestrians on the street. They couldn't help speeding up their movements and ran back in a hurry. at home.

They all deliberately bypassed the palace located on Dresker Hill in the northern city, for fear that the queen who lived inside suddenly gave some strange order. This elderly queen has a strange temper. Every year, a large number of people die because of the strange orders given by her anger, but the common people are also unable to resist, because the noble class of the empire loyally supports the queen herself— -They are a class that controls part of the force. Without their participation, civilians would not be able to succeed. Not to mention that except for the aristocracy, the standing army belonging to the mercenary system is also loyal to the emperor himself.

Inside the Dresk Palace, it was also learned that the Queen Odola Turzo of the Frontline Battle Report was not as furious as the commoners imagined. She was just sitting on the throne made of gold with her hands tightly closed. Grasping the handrail made of ivory on the throne, her eyes are drooping, her face is gloomy, and the depressive aura emanating from her body makes everyone around her subconsciously relax her movements, and at the same time minimize her breathing frequency and deliberately reduce her sense of presence.

Empress Turzo was very clear about the movements of the people around her. The corners of her mouth made an arc of disdain, and then let it go. In the hall in front of her, a nobleman in a white robe stood among them. Not speaking, to be precise, is brewing a draft.

"Barbosa, where is the Northern Army marching now?" After a long time, Empress Turzo's voice came from above and into the ears of the white-robed nobleman. The latter recalled a moment, and quickly replied: "Your Majesty, Northern Army. Almibe has been stationed in the city of Baker, and with the assistance of Duke Baker, he is preparing to build a new line of defense."

"Beck collar?" Empress Turzo, who heard the name of this place, was obviously a little displeased. Her slender fingers wearing various rings tapped the handrail lightly, and said in a deep voice: "Beck is only away from Drexelal. In half a month's journey, has the Roman army hit so far?"

"..." The white-robed nobleman heard the empress's displeasure. He pondered for a moment before slowly saying: "Your Majesty, according to the report of the legion commander of the front-line participating legion, the Romans used weapons that we have never encountered before. This weapon was called a musket by the Romans. It can fire a small projectile at a distance of 100 meters, but this projectile has strong penetrating power and can easily penetrate the defense of shields and armors, allowing an elite knight on the spot. Killed in action."

"In addition to this individual weapon called a musket, they also use a heavy weapon called an artillery. We can classify this artillery as something similar to a catapult, but compared to the catapult, the artillery is more powerful. Strong, the cities and castles that fell on the front line were all because they were bombarded by artillery and collapsed in a short period of time. The Roman infantry swarmed into the city and finally fell."

"Our army is unable to withstand the threat of enemy guns and artillery. Usually a large number of soldiers will fall into the barrage of enemy projectiles on the way to initiate a charge, and when they are only 20 meters away from the enemy When they are in position, they will throw a black ball-this kind of explosive called a grenade, which kills a large number of our soldiers with grenades, and then they will erect their muskets and use the bayonet mounted on it to launch a countermeasure against our army. charge."

Speaking of this, the white-robed noble Barbossa paused, with a gloomy tone, "After continuous attacks, the morale of our army will basically drop to the bottom, and once we meet with the enemy, it will not take long before our army will begin to defeat. Leave the fragile back to the enemy, and then be chased by Roman cavalry rushing out of the flanks."

"A battle was defeated in this way. Up to now, nearly 30,000 soldiers have been killed on the front line. All three legions have been maimed. If our Burgundian ally is defeated, then our frontline pressure will be overwhelming. It will be heavier." After Barbosa finished speaking, he sighed in his heart. He did not dare to express the emotions in his heart, because it was likely to stimulate the empress's depressed mood.

After hearing the words of the white-robed nobleman, Empress Turzo was silent. She was silent for a long time before saying: "I heard that the army of the Kingdom of Burgundia surrendered to the Romans under the leadership of its military commander, leaving behind King Brad’s With fewer than 10,000 soldiers, how is King Moses’ situation now?"

"Very bad." Barbosa shook his head and said: "According to the messenger sent by King Moses, the Roman army drove straight into his kingdom and encircled Brad on April 24. And now it’s May 2nd, there has been no news from Brad, I’m afraid..."

Barbosa did not go on, but even if he did not finish, Empress Turzo was able to hear what he meant. His Majesty fell silent again. She looked at the rings on her fingers, on each ring. They are inlaid with one or several bright gems.

"If the Burgundians surrender." Her red lips lightly opened, and said: "Our west will be exposed to the Romans. The Romans can choose to advance eastward and cooperate with their troops on the front battlefield. To the north, you can also go directly north, forcibly pass through the gathering place of barbarians, and attack from places we can't think of ~ lightnovelpub.net~ That's the case." The white robe noble nodded and agreed.

Then, the palace fell into deathly silence. Both of them were thinking about the next war. The current development of the war was very unfavorable for them. The three front-line regiments were all crippled and they could not be rehabilitated. To exert their due combat effectiveness, they can only rely on the five legions transferred from the northern border-those five legions fought against the barbarians all the year round, and were more effective than the southern legions.

At this moment, the palace gate was suddenly opened from the outside. A soldier in armor rushed to the side of the white-robed nobleman, half-kneeled on the ground, clasped his fists in both hands, and could not take a breath. Empress Zuo shouted: "Your Majesty, Brad has fallen, and King Glass Moses is killed!"


"What?" Empress Turzo felt dizzy for a while, she yelled out aloud, and then quickly raised her hands to support her dizzy head. Seeing this, Barbosa turned to look at the soldier and asked eagerly. : "You tell us in detail!"

"Yes, follow orders." The soldier promised, and then explained what he knew.