Rise Recovery Era

Chapter 227: food base

"Zhou Hao. ◢ Щщш.sUimEnG.lā", Di Lei, the head of the Linyuehai Base, walked over.

"Di Lei." Zhou Hao greeted.

"Are you going to the Xuanyang Mountains?" Di Lei asked.

"Yes, I hope to find some mysterious liquid crystals to improve my strength faster." Zhou Hao nodded.

"It just so happens that I have something to go to that area, let's go together." Di Lei said.

The two took a fighter plane and drove quickly towards their destination.

"Di Lei, you also went to the Xuanyang Mountains to sharpen?" Zhou Hao asked curiously.

"No." Di Lei shook his head, then changed the subject suddenly, and said, "Zhou Hao, you should know the current food situation in Huaxia?"

Zhou Hao nodded.

The food on the market now is obviously not as good as before. Animal meat is almost invisible, and even if it is available, it is expensive. It is mainly vegetables, but the quantity is not much. Everyone is limited to a certain amount.

In addition, the purchase and price of staple food rice are also limited, and the aura is revived. Many ordinary people feel a sense of crisis in their hearts. They are afraid that the world will suddenly become a doomsday scene, so they want to hoard food. However, under relevant policies, this kind of thing has been completely eliminated. .

"Spiritual power is revived, animals are mutating, meat is not usable, and the meat on the market is almost isolated. As for the staple food and vegetables, there are also some problems."

"The staple food and vegetables are all outside the city, and the countryside is dominated by planting. However, a large number of mutated animals have appeared, and many places have been destroyed, which is not suitable for growing food. However, we have some large grain bases in Huaxia, which are protected. It may be destroyed by mutated animals, and we have a large amount of food stored in China before, so there is no shortage of food for the time being."

"But it will definitely not work in the long run. The area of ​​arable land has been greatly reduced, and the food production cannot satisfy everyone. There are countless mutant animals in other countries, and they will definitely not choose to sell food."

Zhou Hao nodded. Generally, rice and wheat are planted in the countryside, but now all the people in the countryside have migrated to the cities, and a large amount of cultivated land has been destroyed. These are equivalent to direct loss.

"However, some plants have changed after the recovery of spiritual energy, and some of our staple foods such as rice and wheat have also undergone mutations. We choose some good mutation directions, that is, rice and wheat with higher mass production, and try to sow them. If they are planted, the grain output will increase significantly," said Di Lei.

"You mean there is a grain planting base near the Xuanyang Mountains?" Zhou Hao asked with a thought.

He also knows a lot of information now, knowing that Huaxia is now trying to cultivate new staple foods, vegetables, etc., and has set up many bases for this.

"Yes, there is a place near the Xuanyang Mountains, and there are special personnel guarding it." Di Lei said with a smile: "In addition to being the general team leader of the Linyuehai base, I am also the person in charge of the grain base. "

"How about I take Zhou Hao to see you today?"

"Okay." Zhou Hao showed interest in his eyes.

A few hours later, the fighter plane stopped in an area.

This is a huge plain, guarded by many troops around the plain, and many fighter planes stay there.

"The mutated seeds that are usually cultivated are placed in the fighter plane. If something irresistible happens, the fighter plane will evacuate quickly and take away the cultivated staple food and vegetable seeds." Di Lei said.

Zhou Hao nodded. If everything here is destroyed, then all the research will be turned into bubbles.

The two got off the fighter plane. Zhou Hao glanced over and saw a lot of people busy.

It is now close to May, and there is a lush scene on the plain.

"Team Leader Di Lei." The fighter plane landed, and two people with peak vitality in the Earth Origin Realm came here.

"This is Zhou Hao, you should have heard of it. These two are Di Xiaoyi and Chen Min, who are in charge of this base when I'm not around." Di Lei introduced.

"Master Zhou Hao." Di Xiaoyi and Chen Min said respectfully.

"Hello." Zhou Hao said with a smile, without any arrogance.

"Let's go, show me how the results are now?" Di Lei ordered.

Several people walked around together.

Many transparent plastic greenhouses are built, and you can see the busy figures inside.

"Chief, most of the staple food and vegetables are still the same as usual, but there are some changes. We have discovered a new type of cabbage, its body size is comparable to that of Chinese cabbage, or even surpassed, and it can withstand high and low temperatures. , there is no restriction, it can be planted all year round, and its growth cycle is 20 days, we have already got the second batch of seeds and planted them, let’s see how they will grow.” said Di Xiaoyi.

Several people came to a plastic greenhouse, in which there were many large cabbages growing densely.

Di Lei nodded and walked towards other areas.

Eggplants, tomatoes, radishes, leeks, etc., all kinds of vegetables correspond to the corresponding greenhouses, and relevant personnel are researching in them. Looking at these vegetables, they are all bigger than before, and the size of radishes has directly doubled.

Zhou Hao was also watching carefully, secretly amazed.

Soon several people came to a place where rice plants were growing, and the grains were full.

"The first batch of mutated rice has been bred for several batches. If it is planted in large quantities, the yield can be increased by at least 30% compared to before." Chen Min said.

"In addition, two months ago we discovered a rice plant that contained a small amount of heaven and earth vitality."

"Oh? How about the effect of rice sowing?" Di Lei asked with a twitch in his heart.

"There are no results for the time being~lightnovelpub.net~ Only three of the rice planted from this rice plant contain the vitality of heaven and earth, and the others are very ordinary. According to such a probability, it is not meaningful to promote it as a seed.", Chen Min said.

"Increasing the cultivation, if we can truly cultivate the rice that contains the vitality of the world, it will definitely have a huge effect." Di Lei said.

Zhou Hao's eyes were slightly startled. The staple food of rice has turned into treasures like medicinal herbs and spiritual fruits rich in spiritual power. If this kind of rice is taken for a long time, everyone in Huaxia may become a vitality person in the future.

In addition to rice, the next thing is to look at foods such as wheat, corn, and potatoes.

The entire base is researching food and vegetables, all for the purpose of increasing production.

Many vegetables are affected by the seasons, but in the case of spiritual recovery, many vegetables can withstand a greater temperature difference, and their ability to withstand the environment is stronger.

"Zhou Hao, how do you feel now?" After reading it, Di Lei asked with a smile.

"If everything here can be grown in large quantities, people's lives will probably change a lot." Zhou Hao said with a smile.