Rise Recovery Era

Chapter 348: attack begins

?Leaving the Temple of True God, Zhou Hao stayed at home.

Now the giant sea beast has only changed and has not yet attacked. The Huaxia coastline has a strong defense. With Zhou Hao's strength, he must go where the giant sea beast is too strong to resist.

Of course, if the giant beasts he enslaves find traces of other giant sea beasts in the Divine Origin Realm, he will also go there quickly and enslave them.

Fifteen days passed in a blink of an eye. These days, the sea monster launched several small attacks, but they were easily blocked.

Other countries have gradually been attacked by sea monsters.

In the courtyard of Zhou's villa, Zhou Hao was practicing the flame dance.


Suddenly, his cell phone rang, Zhou Hao quickly clicked on it, his face changed slightly.

"What's wrong?" Tong Yao came over with a worried face.

"A large number of sea monsters appeared in Yanshi Ocean Base, and there is one Shenyuan Realm and five Tianyuan Realm. With the strength of Yanshi Ocean Base, it is impossible to resist them. I am the closest to there and need to go." Zhou Hao said.

"Then be careful." Tong Yao said quickly.

"Well, I will." Zhou Hao gently hugged Tong Yao, then kissed his son, then turned around, turned into a streamer, and disappeared here in less than a second.

"Yeah." The child in the stroller watched Zhou Hao disappear and opened his eyes wide.

Tong Yao picked up her son, looked at the direction where Zhou Hao was leaving, and prayed silently in her heart.

At Yan City Ocean Base, crazy battles are happening everywhere at this time.

A man of vitality fought with many giant sea beasts, and the entire ocean was covered with giant sea beasts.

The artillery shells roared, and various weapons were also thrown into the ocean, causing huge damage to these ocean giants, but they still couldn't resist their footsteps.


A terrifying roar came, and a man with vitality was trampled into pieces. The eyes of the people around him turned red, but the movements in their hands were not affected at all, and the white saber sliced ​​across the throat of the giant beast.

The blood was soaring, and two-thirds of the giant beast's neck was cut. It roared twice, and then its figure fell to the ground, losing its breath of life.

One by one, the sea giants were killed, but there was still a person with vitality who kept dying.

All battles between humans and giant beasts involve sacrifices.

The land under our feet is filled with the blood of our ancestors, and every person with vitality has a look of determination in their eyes, and they will not back down a step.

And the most conspicuous place in this base is a terrifying behemoth in the sky above. This is a giant octopus with eight tentacles constantly waving.

In addition, there are five smaller behemoths behind him.

A total of six giant beasts stood in the void and started to move forward. Every step forward, a large number of people around will die, and even the sea monsters that are fighting with the vitality person will be affected.


The roar of artillery shells kept ringing, hitting this giant beast. After each attack exploded, the giant octopus was dodging, and the same was true for the other five Tianyuan realm ocean giant beasts. There were many wounds on their bodies. Although they did not cause fatal injuries, these The giant beasts were roaring in pain.

Cannonballs, etc. have little power against giant sea monsters in the Tianyuan realm, but after continuous improvement, their power has greatly increased, and those white strange ores in the ruins space of Zhulin Island have been added to them. Beasts easily inflict damage.

Made into cannonballs and then exploded, the fragments of the cannonballs can also shred their skin, and even pose a slight threat to the giant beasts in the Divine Origin Realm.

Under the continuous attack of the shells, the speed of the six most powerful sea monsters was greatly reduced, and they did not dare to take the attack head-on. If their vitals were hit, they might die immediately.

In the void, two powerhouses stood, both of them were late stage Tianyuan Realm powerhouses.

There are fifteen experts in the Chinese Divine Origin Realm, and it is impossible for every base to have them.

However, although they were considered weak in the late stage of the Tianyuan Realm, with the help of the white ore shells, they managed to barely hold back the six giant ocean beasts.

"Chief, the white ore shells can only be used for another two minutes." Suddenly, a voice came.

After all, there are very few white ores, except for making weapons, the remaining amount is not much, and the number of shells produced is also limited, and each base has a limited amount.

"Continue to attack!" A man with an indifferent face ordered.

He is Zhang Lun, the chief team leader of Yanshi Marine Base.

"Ling Feng, I guess we're going to die here." Zhang Lun looked at the young man flying in the distance and attacking one after another.

"Haha, delay these sea monsters until Zhou Hao arrives, then they will all die, and we deserve to die too." Ling Feng laughed loudly.

Although there was blood on his face, there was no fear in Ling Feng's eyes.

"Yes." Zhang Lun also smiled.

After fighting mutant animals for several years, they have long thought that there will be a day of death in their hearts, and they have no fear in their hearts.

The two were fighting frantically, and two minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

After the white ore shells were used up, the behemoth in the sky was covered with scars, and even blood flowed out.

There were six in total, two of them were killed by the attacks of Zhang Lun, Ling Feng and the shells, and the momentum of the other three was greatly weakened. The giant octopus headed by it also had wounds on its body, but its momentum did not weaken much. They are also protecting the giant beasts in the Tianyuan Realm.

Otherwise, these five behemoths who were only in the Tianyuan realm would definitely be easily killed.

It seemed to feel the disappearance of the white spar shells, and the eyes of the giant octopus were full of violence.

"Roar!" The terrifying roar resounded through the world.

"Let's fight!" Zhang Lun and Ling Feng looked at each other~lightnovelpub.net~ However, although they are powerful, they can't be the opponents of the giant octopus. They were seriously injured after only one collision. White ore armor defense, may die instantly.

The giant octopus flew towards Zhang Lun and Ling Feng with its eight tentacles waving.

After several attacks, their momentum became weaker and weaker, and many bones in their bodies were broken.

"I'm really not reconciled." Zhang Lun and Ling Feng looked at the tentacles that were getting closer and closer. After a few more attacks, they might die immediately.

call out!

In the distance, there seemed to be a sound of breaking wind, and a red spot of light appeared, and then expanded rapidly, almost in an instant, it came to the side of the giant octopus and passed through its brain.

A trace of panic suddenly appeared in the eyes of the giant octopus, and then its eyes dimmed, and its figure fell directly to the ground.