Rise Recovery Era

Chapter 444: 5 months

"Is this the place where the strong in the original state live?"

In a huge mountain peak, Zhou Hao walked around, looking around curiously.

For the current him, the strong man in the original state is a powerful existence that is completely difficult to get in touch with.

But Zhou Hao was just walking, not daring to fly, and not daring to exude any momentum fluctuations.

Become a core disciple, you can enter these mountains, but it is forbidden to make any movement, this is the strict order of Xinglan Mountain.

If these strong men were angered, even if they were killed, they would probably die in vain.

"What the **** is here?" Zhou Hao looked around.

He came to a place and stopped suddenly. There was a huge trace here, and there was a faint wave of momentum on it.

"Is this an attack?" Zhou Hao looked at the trace and felt a trace of fluctuation on it, which gave him a strange feeling.

"It's a bit similar to the strange feeling of the attacks I watched on the True God's Path, but the attack fluctuations on every step of the True God's Path are similar, this seems to be more complicated."

Zhou Hao watched carefully.

"This should be an attack with artistic conception by the strong in the original state." Antasi's voice sounded.

"Contains artistic conception?" Zhou Hao was puzzled.

In the Temple of True God, Antasi nodded and said: "Every strong man in the original state must be trying to understand the artistic conception if he wants to improve. Sometimes they will unintentionally leave behind attacks that contain artistic conception. The stronger they are, the more powerful they are. The mood swings are more difficult to dissipate."

"So I can comprehend some artistic conception from it?" Zhou Hao said pleasantly.

"It depends on luck. What you need to comprehend now is the first ten artistic conceptions. If you don't understand these ten artistic concepts, you will not be able to comprehend other artistic concepts, because the latter are all based on these ten artistic concepts." Antasi said casually.

"Basic?" Zhou Hao was taken aback.

Antasi nodded and said: "Yes, it is similar to one life two, two begets three, these ten kinds are equivalent to one, without one, there is no two."

Zhou Hao was stunned.

"This is the place where the strong in the original state of the gold system live. Even if there is a basic artistic conception, I can't understand it at all." Zhou Hao secretly said in his heart.

"What I need to comprehend now is the artistic conception of the fire element, and what I need to find is the place where the strong in the original environment who practice the law of the fire element live."

He clicked on the identity token and began to inquire.

Zhou Hao is now focusing on the laws of the fire element, because Xinglan Mountain has the path of the true god, and there are many secret books left by the true **** Huorong in the temple of the true god, he must be the fastest in the fire element.

"Of the nearly one hundred experts in the original state living in Xinglan Mountain, nine of them practice the law of the fire system. I'll take a look." Zhou Hao found a destination and quickly went there through the teleportation array.

"This is the mountain where Lunhuo, the strong man in the original state, lives." Zhou Hao walked inside the huge mountain.

A hot breath came, but it had no effect on Zhou Hao. Now he can completely match the peak powerhouses of the Spirit Master Realm. He is cultivated as a genius in Xinglan Mountain, but he is already considered a powerhouse in other places.

It is estimated that there are not many people in the Milky Way that are stronger than him.

Following the observation, one attack after another appeared in front of Zhou Hao's eyes. Zhou Hao watched carefully, but there was no gain at all.

Some attacks have no fluctuations, and some fluctuations faintly make him feel very strong, but other than that, he has no other feelings.

"These moods probably correspond to the Law Realm, or even the Origin Realm." Zhou Hao shook his head.

What he needs to find are the ten simplest artistic concepts corresponding to the spirit master realm.

After the first mountain peak, Zhou Hao went to the location of the second mountain peak, went to various areas, and observed the attack.

But still no use.

Then the third, the fourth...

"Zhou Hao, is it useful for you to search aimlessly like this?" In the Temple of True God, Antasi asked.

Zhou Hao said helplessly: "I have no choice but to try my luck like this. If I can't see anything from the nine peaks, I'll go directly to the Road of the True God to understand."

If you keep watching the attacks in the True God Path, you may be able to comprehend it at some point, but Zhou Hao feels that it is too wasteful, and he feels distressed even if he senses it through the True God Path.

Zhou Hao continued to watch, and a few days later, he came to the seventh mountain peak.

"This is the place where Zhu Yan, a strong man in the original state, lives." Zhou Hao looked around, paying attention to some attacks.

Three hours later, he came to a place where there was a huge trace with a length of 100 meters, and there were some faint breath fluctuations on it.

"Huh? Is it the kind of fire element artistic conception I comprehended?" Zhou Hao's heart moved.

He can't feel what he didn't comprehend, but he can easily feel the artistic conception he has mastered.

Zhou Hao stopped here and watched carefully.

"This breath is a bit complicated. Apart from the seventh meaning of the fire element that I understand, there are other strange fluctuations."

Zhou Hao's heart moved, the feeling in front of him was completely different from the feeling given to him by other attacks.

"Does this contain what I want to understand next?"

Generally speaking, what contains basic artistic conceptions like this is likely to contain other basic artistic concepts as well.

Zhou Hao entered into the True God Temple with a sliver of consciousness, and flipped through the cheat books, but most of his attention was on this huge trace, trying to distinguish these strange fluctuations.

He watched carefully like this, and gradually he felt a strange feeling in his body, and his consciousness entered it involuntarily.

Apart from the kind of consciousness he had mastered, several other strange fluctuations gradually appeared in front of him.

"It's a bit similar to the first, third, fifth, and sixth artistic conceptions of the fire system." Zhou Hao corresponded to the secret book, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

But feeling similar is not enough, Zhou Hao always felt that these four kinds of fluctuations shrouded a strange veil, and he tried to uncover it.

As time passed, Zhou Hao stayed here completely. He didn't know how many years passed, as if he was exploring the truth of this world, and he didn't feel tired at all.

I don't know how long it took~lightnovelpub.net~ Zhou Hao's body finally moved, and his consciousness withdrew from the crack in front of him.

"You've finally come to your senses." Antasi's voice sounded.

Zhou Hao was taken aback, and said, "Antasi, what's wrong?"

"Do you know how long you have been standing here?" Antasi said.

"How long?" Zhou Hao's heart skipped a beat.

"Five months, you haven't moved for five full months." Antasi looked at Zhou Hao in surprise.

"Time flies so fast?" Zhou Hao was surprised.

He had felt that only a short time had passed.

But after feeling his body, his limbs felt slightly hard.

You know, Zhou Hao is considered strong now, but he actually feels a little tired.