Rising America

Chapter 1005: Understandable

At that time, the Northern Dynasty was in the period of ‘March of Misery’. Six months ago, due to natural reasons and other factors, the Northern Dynasty led to a reduction in grain production and lack of harvest, so that there was a shortage of food in the country. Eight? One Chinese Network?? W≥W=W≥. ≥8≤1≤Z≈W≈. ≥C≠OM

Even very few areas have suffered from famine.

Of course, Pyongyang, as the capital, is not bothered by this problem. It is still a scene of singing and dancing, so that tourists who come here can not feel the domestic predicament of North Korea.

But this is not without cost.

Gathering the power of the whole country to supply Pyongyang, Pyongyang has become a seemingly beautiful city, but the lives of people in other cities and regions are not as good as the citizens of Pyongyang.

In this regard, the Northern Dynasty in a different time and space is very similar to the Northern Dynasty in another time and space.

However, because tourists are not allowed to travel alone, nor are they allowed to go to other cities, all tourists see the peaceful Pyongyang, and they don't really know what other areas are like.

But Kim Hyun Tae is different.

He came to Pyongyang from Panmunjom and had already seen some clues along the way.

Not to mention that before going to the Northern Dynasty, he had a detailed understanding of the current situation of the Northern Dynasty through the old George, so he had more real information than those who came to the Northern Dynasty.

The measure of opening up the tourism industry was a decision made by Li Baoying’s father, Li Eryang, three months ago, and it was implemented after a short period of preparation.

The main target group of tourists is neighboring China.

Due to natural disasters and other factors, domestic grain production has been reduced, and domestic foreign exchange reserves are basically lacking, Li Eryang has no choice.

Without foreign exchange, the Northern Dynasty would not be able to buy food internationally to solve the livelihood problem of the domestic people.

Although he could go and ask Mao Xiong or Huaxia for assistance, Li Eryang didn't want to do it because he felt that this was very shameless.

Therefore, under this premise, Li Eryang opened his mind and decided to use the open tourism industry to earn foreign exchange, and use the earned foreign exchange to buy food.

In fact, from the very beginning, Li Eryang set his goal on China.

Even for the foreign exchange earned, Li Eryang has made up his mind to purchase food from China.

The reason is simple. China's domestic food is cheap.

It has been two months since the Northern Dynasties tourism opened up. From the perspective of effectiveness and economics alone, the benefits are still considerable.

A large number of Chinese tourists came to the Northern Dynasties. These tourists invisibly led a large number of industrial chains and activated many related industries in Pyongyang, such as restaurants, playgrounds, bars and so on.

Pyongyang, North Korea, in a different time and space, has many attractions and amusement places, which is not a bit stronger than that of North Korea in another time and space.

After all, in the world of different time and space, the general land area is ten times larger than that of the other time and space, so the Northern Dynasty here certainly has ten times more advantages in tourism.

Of course, although this is the Northern Dynasty in a different time and space, some classic things are still in the same line as another time and space.

At the foot of Manjingdae Mountain, the original Pyongyang Children's Palace has now been converted into a performance venue dedicated to receiving Chinese tourists, and it has also been regarded as a must-visit place on a regular tour route by tour guides.

And Li Baoying and Kim Hyun Tae are here to watch the show.

The car Li Baoying prepared was a Soviet-made GAZ military jeep. Obviously, this kind of car could not have the comfort of Kim Hyun-tae's private bulletproof and long-armored Hummer, and even its defensive power could not be compared.

But in the Northern Dynasties, having a car was already very good, and Jin Xiantai couldn't pick anything.

On the way to the Children's Palace, Jin Xiantai recalled the words he had communicated with the girl when he walked with Li Baoying on the quiet road.

To be honest, Li Baoying was not as truthful as he had said to herself, in fact, she was more or less concealed.

First of all, she was attacked, of course there were investigation problems, and some elements of the interests of the big powers were touched, but the most important thing was that the Soviets were making ghosts.

Nowadays, Teddy Bear is in a quagmire in Afghanistan and cannot get rid of it. Therefore, they urgently need the Northern Dynasty to create some international panic to divert international attention for Teddy Bear.

Therefore, Mao Xiong hopes that the Northern Dynasty can increase its troops on the 38th parallel, and it is best to create a small-scale armed conflict.

As long as the North Dynasty does this, the situation on the peninsula will immediately attract the attention of the world, especially the energy of the Americans.

After all, the situation on the peninsula is more important to Americans than in Afghanistan.

Now that the resistance forces on the Afghanistan side have gained the support of the Americans, they have slowly stabilized their positions.

If the Americans are caught up in the more important situation on the peninsula, how can they still have the energy to take care of Afghanistan?

As long as the Americans do not care about Afghanistan, the remaining small trash fish in Afghanistan, such as those organizations supported by the United Kingdom and European countries, will not be taken care of by the bear at all.

It was just that Mao Xiong did not expect that when they informed Li Eryang of this plan through a special channel, Li Eryang refused without even thinking about it.

I'll take it!

Li Eryang, what do you want to do!

You don’t even listen to what the big brother said.

This attitude of Li Eryang angered the leader of Mao Xiong Country.

Therefore, Mao Xiongguo calmly contacted the great military dignitaries of the Northern Dynasty and persuaded this guy to stand up and subvert Li Eryang.

What's more coincidental is that this powerful man is encountering an investigation led by Li Baoying, and with the deepening of Li Baoying's investigation, he has gradually touched himself.

Because he knew Li Eryang's personality, and Li Baoying's cold-bloodedness, coupled with Mao Xiong's continuous instigation, the powerful man simply did nothing and did not allow him to actually commit the assassination.

Li Eryang was attacked first, and Li Baoying was also attacked at the same time.

It's a pity that this powerful man was a bit mentally disabled, and the plan was not so meticulous, so the two assassinations at the same time were unsuccessful.

So in the end, he took his own life and was finally killed by Li Ersun.

Of course, the North Dynasty did not publicize this news, so there are not many countries that know about it in the world.

If it were not for the fact that Jin Xiantai invested in a gold mine in the Northern Dynasties and the CIA allowed some agents to come in, the Americans would not have learned of this extremely secret information.

As for the Teddy Bear who also knows about this matter, because this matter has nothing to do with him, Teddy Bear will not talk to the outside world even more.

The current Mao Xiong still has a headache, how can he ease the relationship with the Northern Dynasty?

You know, after the arrest of that powerful man, under Li Baoying's severe torture, he had already said the role of Mao Xiong in this matter.

Therefore, the relationship between the Northern Dynasty and Mao Xiong suddenly fell to the extreme.

Of course, in the international community, the Northern Dynasty is still a member of the bear camp.

But after this incident, whether the Northern Dynasty can continue to be like before, it is impossible to say if everything depends on the bear.

Jin Xiantai feels that Li Eryang's opening up of tourism is not only as simple as earning foreign exchange, but maybe it is also sending a special signal to China.

You know, Li Baoying said that her father intends to use all the foreign exchange earned to buy Huaxia grain.

And this kind of decision is not a good sign.

Of course, Kim Hyun-tae is not a fool. He will not expose the things Li Baoying told him from time to time. After all, he is not that kind of brain-dead kid.

Since Li Baoying didn't tell the truth, then there was no need to know what was going on.

Therefore, when Li Baoying said that, he just listened to it.

Anyway, what Old George confessed was done.

As for how Li Eryang responded to the United States, that was Li Eryang's business.

A dozen Chinese tour groups came from the Children's Palace, and Jin Xiantai and Li Baoying joined them.

The young and handsome Kim Hyun-tae, and Li Baoying, who looked heroic in a northern military uniform, attracted the attention of many tourists as soon as they appeared.

Kim Hyun-tae glanced at the military rank on Li Baoying's shoulder, and couldn't help being speechless.


Major general rank!

Li Baoying and Kim Hyun Tae were only 18 years old, already a major general.

I have to say that this is really a tough mess.

More importantly, Li Baoying, a female major general of the Northern Dynasties, is not like a vase.

It is a major general with real power.

Not only Jin Xiantai was stunned by Li Baoying's military rank, but even the Chinese tourists around him were stunned.

Obviously, Chinese tourists know that this girl who is very heroic in the Northern Dynasty military uniform is definitely not an ordinary person in the Northern Dynasty.

No one thinks that Li Baoying showed off in the military uniform of an adult at home.

First of all, this is the Northern Dynasty, no one would do it at all, and no one would dare to do it.

So this shows one thing, Li Baoying is a real military person.

Moreover, the surrounding guards who also wear Northern Dynasty uniforms and are fully armed with live ammunition can prove this point well.

Li Baoying and her brother are not well known to the outside world.

Although the tourists in the Children's Palace are very curious about who this young female major general of the Northern Dynasty is, no one can guess that Li Baoying is the daughter of the supreme ruler of the Northern Dynasty~lightnovelpub.net~ For the outside world It goes without saying that her father, Li Eryang,’s exposure and popularity, but she and her brother are very small and transparent.

If it hadn't been for Kim Hyun-tae, perhaps Li Baoying would still keep a low profile for a long, long time. It would be almost until her brother who was still studying in Switzerland came back to take power before she could walk to the stage and appear in front of the world.

The person in charge of the Children's Palace was notified of Li Baoying's arrival, so the person in charge excitedly told the little actors who were preparing to perform.

This caused the little actors to become excited too, so when they performed the show, it was as if they were beaten up, and they worked harder than usual.

The first show begins.

A little girl in the folk costume of the Northern Dynasty sang solo.

As the music played, the little **** the stage spoke up, coupled with the exaggerated expressions and movements that are unique to the girl, a strong and familiar style came to her face, making Kim Hyun Tae sitting in the front row reverberate in his ears. While singing the song of'Wuli...Smecta', I also had a good taste of the live version...the Northern Dynasties...