Rising America

Chapter 1019: Ask everyone to decide their fate

"Hold my phone, and be sure to point the camera at me. This is the shining moment when I, the Great Devil, stepped onto the stage of history. Uncle Andrew, you know this is important to me, right? August 1st? Text W≈W≥W≥.≠81ZW.COM"

Mana armor possesses the body, the mana wheel flashes under his feet, a mana six-barreled Gatling on one side of his shoulders, a flashing spear with mana fireworks in his hand, and even a crown made by the little guy himself with magical energy. , It looks awe-inspiring.

Andrew nodded repeatedly, saying that he would definitely come up with top-of-the-line shooting techniques to photograph Cocoa's most prestigious and domineering side, and then present it to the gang of kids in the studio.

With this answer from Andrew, the little guy is satisfied.

Gu Yi is still unleashing the mana shield, and all the performance of the little guy behind him, in fact, Gu Yi has heard it, and looked back.

To be honest, for Coco's bear child performance, Gu Yi feels chest pain a lot.

If she has an ‘egg’, it’s needless to say that it’s a pain in the egg. It’s a pity that she doesn’t have it, so she can only have chest pain.

Obviously the enemy was on the opposite side, and he was still holding a weapon pouring a fierce barrage on his own people, which meant that they would be smashed into pieces.

In the face of such an enemy, anyone who has a normal mindset will treat it with great caution, and will be up to 120,000 points.

If it hadn't been for the little guy to ask Gu Yi not to do anything, according to Gu Yi's meaning and style, she would have killed all the scums on the opposite side of Hydra, so how could she let them be so arrogant here.

But under the threat of the little guy ‘if you don’t obey you won’t learn from you’, Gu Yi finally had to compromise with the bear boy.

No way, who made Coco the most talented child she has ever seen, and also inherited the Eye of Agomoto, who can carry the potential of the leader of Kama Taj in the future.

Because Cocoa showed a lot of potential, coupled with the ability to use magical energy, especially the eyes of Agomoto chose the little guy, so Gu Yi felt that as long as Cocoa teaches well, then she will Definitely can bear the responsibility of Kama Taj to defend justice and fight against the dark forces of the multiverse plane.

It's just that Coco is still a little young now. Even if some great principles are taught to the little ones, the little ones may not be able to hear them, and even if they can be heard, they may not understand them.

However, looking at the strange character of the little guy now, it is obviously impossible for her to hear some truth, so let alone she can remember it and carefully consider and understand it.

In this regard, Gu Yi was very helpless.

But even if she was helpless, Gu Yi didn't shrink back, because she was waiting for Coco to grow up, hoping that Coco would start to understand some truths. At that time, she felt that she could start to instill some truths in the little guy.

Of course, she would always find opportunities to tell the little guy some truth from time to time, anyway, she wouldn't leave because the bear child is so weird now.

After all, such a stunning child as Coco performed, she hadn't seen it in hundreds of years. Now that she met Coco, how could she give up lightly.

"Coco, the residents in the small town have slaughtered them, and there are some children among them. These people are really too bad and too bad, so we should get rid of them quickly, okay? Mr. Andrew said that these people have some other secrets. The base, in order to prevent more people from being attacked by these bad guys, we have to fight them as much as possible, so let’s put things aside for your live broadcast."

Gu Yi, who was holding the mana shield, turned his head back to calm down and reminded him aloud.

That's right, after coming to the small town and seeing the corpses of the local residents, the impression of the ancient pair of Hydra became very bad and very bad.

What kind of person can do this to innocent people, even children!

If it weren't terribly vicious, then it must be an extremely cruel person.

Obviously, Hydra definitely exists in this way.

In the whole town, nearly 10,000 residents died at the hands of the Hydra team they encountered. Among the victims, there were even infant babies.

Even Gu Yi, who had experienced the dark period of the Middle Ages, could not accept this kind of thing, and hated Hydra to the extreme.

I led Kama Taj’s warriors to guard the earth against the dark forces from the multiverse planes, and gave freedom and even life for this. However, the earth I protect still has such cruel forces and people, which makes ancient One is very unwilling.

In particular, the style of Hydra is almost on par with the Dark Lords of those multiverse planes.


Yes, it is a cancer!

In Gu Yi's heart, the Hydra organization and its members are the malignant tumors in the homeland he guards!

They affect a harmonious world, affect the lives of ordinary people, and undermine stability and people's happiness.

Look at the residents of Ramdor who died in the hands of Hydra. They should have a beautiful and happy future, especially the children who are still ignorant.

It was the Hydra that robbed them of their future, shattered their happy lives, and took away the fresh lives.

No one is qualified to be deprived of human life in this way.

What qualifications does Hydra have!

If it weren't for Coco's ‘threat’, Gu would have fought early.

But it is precisely because of the ‘threat’ of the little guy that Gu Yi has been enduring it all the time, but her endurance has reached its limit.

Hearing Gu Yi's words, Coco stood there and looked at it, but the little guy didn't react very much to Gu Yi's reminder. Instead, he still looked like an old god, and went back to the ancient world without hesitation. One sentence: "Don't worry, wait a minute, I still need to brew the atmosphere here."

I'll take it!

That's so long-winded!

What atmosphere is still brewing, what do you think you are doing?

This is fighting against the forces of darkness and encountering ferocious enemies. It is not your father or mother who brought you on an outing!

Gu Yi trembled after hearing Coco's response, and he didn't know whether he was excited or angry, but he guessed that the latter factor was obviously a little bit more.

"Uncle Andrew, find a suitable music to match, and then broadcast the tragedy in the town live, so that everyone can understand what is happening here."

The little guy has his own plans.

She didn't want to just rush over in a daze, and then wipe out the opposing Hydra team three times. She had her own plans and plans.

It is true that the bad guys on the opposite side are already on Coco's kill list, and of course the little guy will not let these cruel people go.

This was confirmed when Coco came to the town of Ramdor and saw the tragedy of the slaughtered residents.

Don't look at Coco, who is usually funny and bizarre, and has been clamoring to be the evil devil or something, but in fact the little guy is really not that kind of natural evil kid.

She also has compassion and a sense of justice.

It's just that she hasn't taken a shot against Hydra now, mainly because Coco feels that she needs to do something before taking a shot.

For example, let the netizens who watched their live broadcast understand what happened to Ramdor here.

What did the villains of Hydra do!

Only after letting everyone understand what is happening here, the little guy feels that he can stand on the commanding heights of morality and make a kind appearance, and then destroy the bad guys, and win himself an aura of justice that can cover his ‘evil’.

Yes, the little guy is very smart. She is thinking that since she will be a'villain' in the future, she must put on a layer of'righteous hero' halo as a cover, so that no one will show that she is in fact. The worst villain.

To be honest, Coco's idea of ​​this kid is really strange to the extreme.

But I have to say that she is really smart, and she can think of such a hand.

[Hey hey, all of you don’t know, I am the most evil person. Oops, I'm going to be overwhelmed by my evil cleverness, why am I so bad, ha ha ha ha. 】

Because the goal he wanted to achieve was ‘evil’, Coco was very proud of himself, and the little guy would not tell anyone about this idea.

Anyway, this little thought of her is something no one can understand.

Andrew is not sure about Coco's plan, but he still followed Coco's orders and used the Namek technology he had mastered to photograph the tragedy of the residents inside and outside the town of Ramdor, especially the children killed by the Hydra Guys, Andrew also gave a lot of close-ups.

At the same time, Andrew also downloaded a few pieces of music from the Internet. The music was matched with the live broadcast of the tragic scene of Ramdor. The children in the noisy live broadcast room were quiet.

[Fatty Oliver]: "Boss Coco, I think you should run quickly. Obviously the people you meet are real badass."

After a short silence, a netizen in the live broadcast room finally published a text and persuaded Coco to leave there.

Everyone saw the live broadcast of Ramdor's tragic situation.

To be honest, this really shocked everyone.

Especially those children who have lost their lives with ignorant expressions and haven't closed their eyes. This makes the children in the live broadcast room feel scared and sad.

Even children can handle it. Obviously, the opponent is a cruel kind of bad guy.

Although the coco boss fights fiercely in the kindergarten~lightnovelpub.net~, the opponent is an adult after all, and can kill even children.

Therefore, the children in the West Point Kindergarten in the live broadcast room and the Beverly Kindergarten could not help but worry Coco.

They felt that Coco would not be the opponent of those grown-up villains. In any case, their Coco boss was still just a child.

[Fat Oliver] said everyone's heart.

Suddenly, in front of all the netizens in the live broadcast room, three options appeared.

Reminder: viewers can choose the gift selection option, and the option with the most gifts will be implemented by the live broadcast host. The fate of the HYDRA villain is in your hands, so let's do it!

(1) Don't kill those bad guys, squeeze their balls, break four of them and become useless!

(2) Revenge for the innocent children who died tragically! Purify the villains of this Hydra team from the world!

(3) I am White Lotus, and the lives of the wicked are also fate, so don't kill them!