Rising America

Chapter 102: Surprise

   On the return journey, Jin Xiantai was unable to calm down for a long time, and his trip to San Juan made him feel full of emotion.

   Because he was an orphan in his previous life, he has a strong sense of intimacy with the children of the San Juan Monastery.

   It is precisely because of his own life trajectory that he has a better understanding of the children's suffering and the cruel life he will face in the future.

   Of course, he can also choose to pretend not to see the children's state, and finally donate 5 million cash to the orphanage, and then he does not care about the children.

   No one would criticize him for doing this, after all, he donated money, didn’t he?

   But the question is, can Kim Hyun Tae really do this?

  Sometimes, the problem is not solved with money.

   Kim Hyun Tae knows this very well.

   There are still many miserable children in the world. Some people may say, ‘Then you are the Virgin, just take care of everything’. Of course, Kim Hyun-tae would not care about it.

   He doesn't have the ability to take care of the children all over the world, but he can help the children of the San Juan Monastery. He still has that little ability.

   What's more, who made him and the children of the San Juan Convent, because of some funny aliens, were involved in weird fate.

   Now that I saw it and got involved, I can’t leave it alone.

   Kim Hyun-tae is not clear about what others will do, but he can’t afford to give money perfunctorily, and then pretend to comfort himself ‘I’ve given the money’, and then continue to live his own little life.

   He really can't do this.

   Kim Hyun-tae never even considered what outsiders would think of his own behavior in this matter.

   Anyway, he just knows very well that it is a good thing to do it himself.

   On the return journey, everyone was silent.

   Especially Kim Hyun Tae, his face is not so pretty.

  The children of the San Juan Monastery are living in a very poor condition, which shows that even though the monastery’s mothers have tried their best, the source of funds cannot be maintained.

   Thinking back to the clothes that the children were wearing, most of them were shabby, and each of them had extremely pale faces and was obviously malnourished. This made Jin Hyun-tae feel sorrowful.

   He couldn't imagine that such a thing would happen in the United States in parallel time and space.

   It's just an orphan group, and it's inevitable that the disadvantaged will be ignored.

   Kim Hyun Tae, who has had this kind of life experience, didn't feel too surprised.

   "William, where are you going to buy land?"

   Annie broke the dull atmosphere at this time.

   Kim Hyun-tae leaned back and said to Annie: "I don’t know if there is any land for sale near the North District of Los Angeles. I want to buy a piece of land for the children to make a home."

   Dave shook his head and rejected this idea of ​​Kim Hyun-tae after hearing the words: "The North District is not good, and the education and medical conditions are not very good. I think Laguna Beach is good, and the education and medical conditions there are perfect."

   After hearing Dave's opinion, Anne kept nodding her head, obviously she was very in favor of Dave's suggestion.

   And Kim Hyun Tae was lost in thought.

   Laguna Beach was originally a recreational resort and a well-known retirement resort. It has a picturesque and pleasant climate, and the quality of the locals is high. On the whole, it is not a bit stronger than Los Angeles.

   More importantly, Laguna is just a ‘small county’ with a small population of 20,000, so the relationship between the people here is very simple and the folkways are simple, which is very beneficial to children.

   There are also public education, medical and other supporting public facilities in Laguna Beach County. There are even private schools and hospitals.

A place like    is simply perfect, and it is really much better than the Los Angeles North District of my choice.

   Looking back at what's in the North District of Los Angeles, it is nothing more than some white middle-class neighborhoods, which seem very good but in fact they are not very good.

   And the education and medical conditions in the North District are relatively poor.

   After the children leave San Juan, they always have to go to school, go to the hospital if they are sick.

   Then choosing a place where education and medical care are guaranteed is the most important thing.

   I have to say that Dave's considerations are more comprehensive, and Kim Hyun-tae is still a bit distant compared to him.

   But after all, Dave is an ‘indigenous’. Kim Hyun-tae has only lived here for less than a year, so he is not more familiar with Los Angeles than Dave, which is excusable.

After thinking about it in his own mind, Kim Hyun-tae also thought Dave’s proposal was very good, so he had to worry: "Is there any land for sale in Laguna Beach? The land I want to buy is not small, after all, more than fifty child."

   Dave glanced at Annie without showing a trace, and then nodded to Kim Hyun Tae: "If you have money, you can't buy things. This is America."

   With Dave's words, Kim Hyun-tae is completely relieved.

   "Well, I'm going to put out 10 million to buy land. After the land is bought, I will invest another 10 million to build a house, decorate and purchase supporting facilities. When the money is not enough, I will invest more."

   Kim Hyun-tae in his last life was a poor silk. He valued money very much, but he was not the kind of unshakable iron cock. He was never stingy about where money should be spent.

   It's like spending money for the children of the monastery, he will not be stingy, because he understands that the money is spent right, not meaningless waste and profligacy.

   Strictly speaking, Kim Hyun-tae did not live a very extravagant life. Even when he had money, the place where he spent the most money was to buy things for his daughter.

   As for him, the cost of eating and wearing is very ordinary, no different from his previous life.

   Until now, his biggest expense is buying an Audi a8, which cost him US$280,000, and he also bought a second-hand pickup truck for US$8,000.

   Except for these two cars, Kim Hyun-tae no longer has any major expenses for himself.

Basically, it’s not wrong to say that Kim Hyun-tae had been very “poor”, because he really didn’t have money. He immediately became like a nouveau riche. He became particular about food and clothing. He wanted to wear a famous brand with gold necklaces. of.

   But you say he is stingy, this is not all right, you can see that he donated 1.5 million US dollars at the charity banquet without blinking his eyelids.

   And now, he is actually planning to spend another 20 million US dollars to buy land for the children of the San Juan Monastery.

   It’s not counting that he donated another 500,000 U.S. dollars to the monastery.

   It can be seen that Jin Xiantai is not a stingy person.

   He values ​​money very much, yes. After all, without money, he and his daughter will not have enough to eat, especially when the daughter will be hungry. Kim Hyun Tae absolutely does not want to happen.

   But when it comes to spending money on meaningful things, Kim Hyun-tae is still very willing.

   Of course, everyone has different views on the value of wealth, so they have their own ideas and attitudes on how to spend money.

  Some people will buy luxury goods, various brand-name bags, or pursue the latest electronic products, and even start to sway money in pursuit of a certain girl.

   Well, there are luxury cars, gourmet food, travel around the world and so on.

   But Kim Hyun-tae would not splurge on this kind of thing, because he thought it was meaningless.

   Listening to the conversation between Kim Hyun Tae and Dave, Annie, who was sitting next to Kim Hyun Tae, hugged Coco very quietly.

   For Kim Hyun Tae's attitude toward wealth, Annie looked in her eyes and secretly admired.

   Obviously, Kim Hyun-tae is not a slave of money, but a person who has the ability to manage wealth. His purpose of pursuing wealth is not to squander, let alone to show off. At the same time, he has his own opinions on how to use the wealth he earned.

   This is very precious.

In particular, Kim Hyun-tae's mentality has been maintained very well after he became rich. There was no such thing as a poor man who became rich. Then he began to spend all his time pursuing luxury cars, beauties and wine, and holding various carnival parties. Various vices.

   After all, there are too many guys in this situation after they have money.

   Annie was also worried at first that Kim Hyun Tae would become such a person.

   But after living with Kim Hyun Tae for a while, Annie discovered that Kim Hyun Tae had never become the kind of person she was worried about.

   He still maintains an ordinary life state, living his life refreshingly, warm and low-key, which makes Annie feel very comfortable.

When Kim Hyun-tae said that he could add when the money was not enough, Dave smiled and responded to him: “Twenty million is enough. Although the land price in Laguna Beach is not cheap, it will not be too high. According to me As far as I know, the top of a mountain on the edge of Laguna Beach is now on sale.

   I think it is a good choice to buy the top of the mountain and build a welfare home on the mountain to house the children.

You must know that from the top of the mountain, you can overlook the beautiful scenery of the Pacific Ocean, and the mountain is the community of local residents. There are large supermarkets and small convenience stores, and there are even two commercial streets, so the environment there is really good. . "

Kim Hyun-tae also knows about the place Dave said. After all, he himself lives in the rehabilitation center on Laguna Beach. When he is tired of staying in the rehabilitation center, Annie will push him out in a wheelchair. Wandering around.

   Of course, what Kim Hyun Tae values ​​most is the high quality of the local residents, the simple interpersonal and neighbor relations, and the honest local atmosphere. There is also no local public security problems as bad as San Juan, and the copper odor of Los Angeles.

   Then living and growing in such a pure and simple environment is definitely the best choice for children.

   Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae immediately decided that it was Laguna Beach.

"Mr. Dave, it seems that I have to trouble you to do this for me again. You can contact me to find out who is selling the land on the top of the mountain. Buy it at the right price. The construction company has to help me find a reputable one. , We must ensure the quality of the project."

   Here, Dave agreed without a word.

   Kim Hyun Tae also began to secretly estimate the cost in his own heart.

   Yes, he has to calculate how much money he can spend to do this after setting aside the money for the company's operation, at least he has to be in mind.

   After a rough estimate in his mind, Jin Xiantai roughly came to the conclusion that at least half of his existing funds must be used to ensure no problems.

   In other words, Jin Xiantai has to prepare 35 million US dollars for this.

   "William, you should take a look at your company when you have time. After all, if you, the boss, don’t take a look, it’s really not so plausible."

   While Kim Hyun Tae was silently estimating the cost, Dave suddenly thought of something, so he opened his mouth to remind Kim Hyun Tae.


   Hearing Dave's words like this, Kim Hyun-tae was slightly shocked, and immediately reacted.

It seems that Dave is right. He has now bought a toy manufacturing factory, created an animation production company, and acquired a small Chinese TV station. At the same time, he also created William Network Technology to create instant messaging software. There are four companies, but as the boss, he has not yet appeared in these four companies.

   "Okay! I'll go to the company with Annie to take a look."

   Jin Xiantai nodded, indicating that he would pay attention to this aspect.

   After Kim Hyun Tae agreed, Dave talked about another thing.

"I want to tell you one more news, but this is good news. Publishers from almost a dozen countries in China, Japan, Germany, France, Spain, and the United Kingdom have contacted me and negotiated with me. Acting as an agent for your fairy tales abroad.

   And I have all negotiated with the publishers in these countries, and I just have to sign the contract. I want to congratulate you in advance. At the same time, I need to remind you that you must take the time to come to the publishing house once in the past few days. After all, signing a contract without your signature will not work. "


   This is a great thing!

   Publishers in these countries~lightnovelpub.net~After they have represented their fairy tales, their fairy tales will sell more people and make more money.

   Kim Hyun Tae is not stupid, of course he knows what it means.

it is good! it is good! it is good!


   After hearing the news that Dave told him, Kim Hyun Tae was really excited.

   So he pretended to be a fan of money, and asked Dave: "How much can I get for the royalties in foreign countries?"

"When you sell a copy, they will give you 40% of the royalties. Here, they will give you 10% separately. The price of the single copy is the same as that in the United States, but you have to pay two taxes, and the agent's own tax. You also have to pay a tax here in the United States."

   Looking at Kim Hyun Tae's pretending look like a wealthy fan, Dave answered Kim Hyun Tae with a smile.

   If you pay two taxes, you’ll get two. This money is a waste of money. Even if you pay two taxes, you can still make a lot of money.

   Of course, Kim Hyun-tae is also very clear that he can get such a high royalty share of 40%. Obviously, it is not unrelated to Dave's efforts to negotiate, so he must remember this favor.

   At the same time, Kim Hyun-tae thought to himself with emotion: "It's really unexpected. A small collection of fairy tales actually makes more money than the "Song of Ice and Fire" that I valued most at the beginning..."
