Rising America

Chapter 1023: Mamma Mia

It was Coco, Keira, and the pseudo-Lori Ensa who shot the three. Pietro was responsible for the live broadcast of Coco so that he did not join the battle group, and his sister Wanda was arranged to be responsible for ensuring that no fish was missed. Therefore, they did not participate in the battle. August 1 Chinese? W=W≤W. 81ZW. COM

Therefore, the five-member group of Coco's "True# Hydra", now only three people shot, attacked the Hydra troops.

But even so, the destructive power caused by Coco, Kayla, and Ensha is not to be glimpsed. It really illuminates the ordinary people and netizens watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room, as well as some ‘alien’ who hide their identities.

Especially when Coco was bombarded and Oli, who couldn't bear the shot, took the shot, it made the atmosphere in the live broadcast room even more boiling.

Ollie has the appearance of an ordinary human girl of six or seven years old, and she is not bad in appearance. At first glance, she is a beauty, with small brown curly hair and big blue eyes. No matter how she looks, she will make people think of her. Don't want the cute ones.

Of course, the prerequisite for giving people this feeling is that Ollie doesn't speak, otherwise the cute impression she gives will immediately collapse.

Ollie, dressed in a children's denim costume and dressed up like a tomboy, is not a little girl at all at this time.

She waved her small fist and shot out a series of afterimages, and the tank that fired at Cocoa flew off the ground abruptly. Even those netizens who watched the live broadcast can clearly see that in the video. The front of the tank was dented.

My mommy!

How hard is this little girl's fist? How powerful is each of her punches?

99% of the netizens in the live broadcast room suddenly flashed this idea, and there was a trace of cold sweat on their foreheads sitting in front of the computer.

And most of the netizens also gave birth to the idea of ​​‘the child is terrible now’.

After all, the Hydra crying in the video nowadays is extremely miserable, isn't it just a bunch of kids who seem to be only 7 years old on average!

So, it's no wonder people who watch the live broadcast have such an idea.

It's really because the little **** kids in the video picture are too bad.

Cocoa’s feet stepped on the magic wheel and hovered in the air. The two six-barreled Gatling magic guns were madly strafing at the soldiers of the Hydra unit, because these were not physical firearms, so as long as Coco could continue to absorb magic Can transform, then in theory her magic gun can fire indefinitely.

Mana is a very special element, invisible, intangible, and even most people cannot make the mana element resonate with themselves, so it is bound to be impossible to use and transform mana for combat or defense.

Of course, there will be people who can have an affinity with the magic elements, and such people will be selected by Kama Taj, and then called in Kama Taj to become the magic warrior of justice.

However, because people are different, everyone has different affinity for magic elements, so this creates the level of abilities between magic fighters and affects the strength of combat effectiveness.

The magic element is very special, so the explanation is like there is ‘life’.

And Cocoa is what Gu Yi knows and has seen. The child who has the strongest affinity with the magic elements does not even seem to need Coco to meditate, and then gain the closeness of those magic elements, so that the magic elements can be used for her. It's used, and it's inexhaustible.

Gu Yi’s eyes were shining with brilliance, staring fixedly at the suspension in the air. She was amazed by Coco’s performance, because she had never encountered Coco before she lived for so long. people.

In particular, cocoa is young and extremely malleable, which is especially rare.

This is also the reason why Gu Yi, after encountering Cocoa, has to stay with Cocoa and become Cocoa's personal teacher all the time.

Oh my!

Gu Yi sighed from the bottom of his heart.

In all fairness, even if she, Kama Taj's only magic master, wants to mobilize magic elements like Coco, it is impossible.

Even in the legend of Kama Taj, that mythical master of magic power cannot do it.

Therefore, it is foreseeable that Cocoa’s future achievements are absolutely limitless. As long as you can grasp this opportunity and pull Coco into Kama Taj’s camp, in the future, Kama Taj will be in the hands of the little guy, then the little guy will definitely Can lead Kama Taj to glory.

Gu Yi's heart is excited, but also excited!

Standing there looking at the little guy, Gu Yi thought a lot.

It's not clear at all about Gu Yi's mind.

If the little guy knew these thoughts in Gu Yi's mind, she would definitely laugh at Gu Yi [thinking too much].

What to do with Kama Taj!

I am the creator of [真# Hydra] and the boss of an organization. I will become the king of the multiverse in the future, and I want to make myself the name of the terrifying devil, Coco, and spread the great ideals of all civilizations. .

So, how could the little guy keep the Kama Taj leader in his mind.

In other words, Karma Taj's pattern is too small.

In particular, Kama Taj is a force in the righteous camp, which is fundamentally in conflict with Coco’s idea of ​​being a horror king. Therefore, Gu Yi wants to teach Coco to guard justice in the future, and take up Kama Taj’s opposition from the multiverse. This idea of ​​facing the dark forces must have many tortuous roads to follow.

"You bad guys are going to die for me! Go to die! Let you kill innocent people, even the children are not let go, and the organization name is still the same as my organization, **** it!"

In mid-air, Coco was like a **** of war. The magical six-barreled guns on his shoulders fired wildly, killing and wounding the soldiers of the Hydra unit below.

Due to the fierce firepower of Mana Gatling, the energy of Mana Structure is more destructive, so any target after being hit will have its body torn apart by mana bombardment.

And the penetrating power of magic bullet is very strong, even the target hiding behind some hidden objects can be hit.

So the Hydra soldiers under Cocoa are miserable.

Coco alone suppressed a large number of Hydra soldiers, and they couldn't lift their heads when they hit them. Otherwise, Hydra wouldn't let Tanka fire at Coco.

It's just that the people of Hydra didn't expect that this shot attracted another powerful presence, the Spartan Lolita King Oli.

"You dare to take action against my husband's sister, don't want to live any of you guys! Give me death!"

The 65-ton tank disintegrated in just five seconds under the bombardment of Ollie’s fist.

In addition to the dents on the solid armored body of the tank, there are also fist marks.

Where is this little girl, is it just a humanoid tyrannosaurus in loli skin!

After Auli fiercely disintegrated the tank by bombardment, even the Hydra soldiers around her had forgotten to pull the trigger in their hands, and all of them were stunned and stuck in place.

After the tank disintegrated, the driver and others in the tank were of course dead. After solving the tank, Ollie shouted again! bar! Up! He turned around sharply and began to attack the sluggish Hydra soldiers around.

Ollie’s speed was very fast, as if it were a gust of wind. In a very short period of time, dozens of HYDRA soldiers around were knocked into the air. After all this was done, her afterimages even returned. Did not dissipate yet.

It was like being slowed down in a slow motion. The hydra soldiers were beaten to a height of more than a meter in a funny posture and movement, and then sprayed out a puff of blood mist. Qi Shushu's body shattered, and the scene was scary and scary.

On the other hand, Aoli, the initiator of all this, appeared strange scenes on his body, and the blood mist began to show a vortex in the blood, and began to gather in Aoli's body.

Damn it!

The netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't help exclaiming from the bottom of their hearts.

It's really because this scene in the video picture is too much beyond ordinary people's thinking and understanding.

But some people didn't make a fuss, but noticed something.

[Rock Lilith] Ten sets of Barbie for the host! Please keep up the work!

[Rock Lilith]: "This girl is not a kin, but after killing those people, she absorbs and transforms their blood. It seems that she improves her strength by fighting and killing enemies."

[I have three pairs of wings]: "It feels very familiar. I remember that I have read the description of this ability in some secret documents, but I can't remember it for a while."

[Mangshan's most adorable little demon]: "Hahaha! It's enjoyable to see, it seems that there are many people from my evil ways in the West, well, I am not alone!"

[Mangshan's cutest little demon] I swipe 1oo lollipops!

Um~lightnovelpub.net~Compared with [Rock Lilith], this [Mangshan's cutest little demon] is obviously not a rich master, and it can be revealed from the gifts that the two brushed A layer of information.

[Baroque's injury]: "Los Angeles is sunny, but how come I feel that my body is cold? Now the kids are too powerful, how can you let us adults live!"

[Senior Handyman of SHIELD]: "Wow! This little girl is very strong!"

[The most industrious person in Alaska]: "You guys upstairs always make a fuss about everything you like. I don’t think there is anything surprising about how good kids are, just like among us werewolves, and occasionally. There will be children who fight very hard. I want to say that this little girl fights in a way that suits my appetite and is strong enough!"

[The most industrious person in Alaska] I swiped a lollipop, and the host, please keep working hard and contribute a wonderful video! Come on!

[Rock Lilith]: "Poorer than big dog, just watch the live broadcast quietly, and you have to jump out and talk, as if you are so different, and even brush gifts and only brush a lollipop. Hurry up and move bricks and woods, and be careful that the boss deducts wages! Lollipops are so beautiful, you have to cut a log to make money!