Rising America

Chapter 1024: Come on, boy!

"The world is so foolish that they want to sit on an equal footing with the gods. They don't know how ridiculous their thinking is. Mortals, let me tell you how far apart you are from God. The price is your lives. W = W≠W≠.=81ZW.COM"

Ensha, dressed in a British maid uniform, babbled words that sounded funny to others as he walked.

Inevitably, the muzzles of countless Hydra soldiers were aimed at her.

But what makes people feel a little surprised is that those guys who pointed their guns at Ensha collapsed in the next second.

At least the netizens in the live broadcast room look like this.

But in fact, those Hydra soldiers who fell dead will have fine sand gushing out of their bodies, which looks incredible.

That's right, in fact, these guys all died under Ensha's ability to control sand.

Ensha, who looks like a five or six-year-old girl, is actually an authentic pseudo-loli, an old monster who has been alive for many years and has unparalleled combat experience and rich combat experience. skill.

It must also be very proficient in the use of his own abilities, and kill people invisible.

At this point, Coco and her friends really couldn't compare to Ensha.

After all, Ensha had been a saint in the past and had experienced a long and tragic war.

If you really want to say that there is anyone who can compare with Ensha, perhaps only Oli is the king of Sparta.

The sand grains on the ground constantly oscillated, killing the surrounding Hydra soldiers in subtle and undetectable ways. Who would have thought that a small grain of sand could have such a powerful destructive power.

As Ensha walked by, there will be a corpse left in all the places it passed, which makes people look a little panicked.

Sand control, this is only one of Ensha's abilities.

As a ten thousand year loli, Ensha has many abilities, but she usually doesn't show it, but keeps it as a backup method, so sand control is a skill she often uses.

I have to say that Ensha is really sinister.

Obviously she wants to make outsiders think that she has no ability except to control sand.

In this way, if she encounters a difficult enemy in the future, she can often use other abilities to kill the opponent unexpectedly.

Instead of showing off all his abilities like Coco.

But after all, Cocoa is different from Ensha, but it is a real child, so how could there be such an insidious consideration.

And Ensha is just an ‘old monster’ in loli skin, so Ensha must be much more sinister than Coco’s.

It's just that Ensha is a little unscrupulous, and she doesn't know if Lori has been doing it for a long time, she really thought she was a Lori.

Material decomposition and reconstruction are also one of Ensha's many abilities.

There is such a description in another time-space Hollywood movie "Apocalypse".

Under the power of the apocalypse, the urban architecture turned into dust and sand particles in the sky gathered together, recombined and constructed a pyramid dissatisfied with the exquisite patterns.

And when the whole city turned into dust, even some cars and metals turned into dust, which shows the power of Ensha.

Although the ugly Apocalypse on the other side of Time and Space has become a pseudo-loli named Ensha, there is still not much difference in ability.

"What should you call me?"

Ensha continued to walk forward, very nervous, looking like she was muttering to herself.

"God? The true god? The saint? Or what?"

In front of her there was a temporary position constructed by Hydra, and behind the bunker were all Hydra soldiers, and a row of black hole muzzles were exposed.

Suddenly, the fire flickered!

The Hydra soldiers behind the bunker fired at Ensha again.

Raising her hand slightly, Ensha seemed to remember something.

"I used to be a **** too."

With a wave of hands, the bunker on the opposite side turned to ashes, and the bullets fired in a hurry broke and dissipated on the way. The Hydra soldiers who lost their cover after the bunker disappeared, all of them had their eyes protruding out and lost their lives unwillingly. .

I haven't seen how Ensha did it, but there are already many people who died in her hands.

In terms of the number of murders alone, Ensha clearly has the upper hand now, more than Coco and Kayla combined.

People sitting in front of computers, or holding tablets, mobile phones, and watching Cocoa live broadcasts, none of them now know how to describe their current moods and feelings.

I thought I was watching a live broadcast of Biqibi by the kid, but who would want to watch a live broadcast that dampens my confidence?

Whether it was Coco or Ensha in the live broadcast, what Oli was wondering about was very shocking.

Looking at these children, and then looking at themselves sitting in front of the computer, many people feel that they have lived as a dog at this age, and even because of this, some people are desperate for the future.


The blow was too great!

People with a little glass heart are very unacceptable.

Even the ‘outliers’ in the live broadcast room were also shocked by the performance of the kiddies.

And let everyone unanimously express the emotion of ‘is the child so terrible now?’

Suddenly the whole live broadcast room became very quiet, no one typed and swiped the screen, and no gift appeared.

No one knows what kind of expressions and feelings the netizens who are sitting in front of the computer watching this live broadcast have at this moment.

The performances of Coco, Ensha, and Ollie, who suddenly shot, really shocked the netizens who watched the live broadcast.

Although the world has undergone major changes, ordinary people think that their lives will not change much.

But this live broadcast completely subverted their original perception.

The children of ‘heterogene’ are so powerful, then over time, will there be more and more such things in the future?

And they have such a powerful force. Once ordinary people face the threat of ‘heterogene’, how will they deal with themselves, and how can they resist?

Modern weapons?

Oh my!

Look at the children in the video. Can they be confronted with modern weapons?

Most of the netizens in the live broadcast room belonging to ordinary people have such a sense of anxiety and crisis.

Not to mention that there have been a lot of "heterogeneous" scum in the near future. With their powerful strength, they have committed too many crimes against ordinary people. The society has brought a great impact and has been affected by many. The media report came out.

Moreover, among ordinary people, there have been some people who have been spreading so-called "heterogeneous" arguments. The propaganda should beware of the threatening remarks of the "heterogeneous" who have changed their hidden lives and have begun to integrate into human society because of the "Equality Act". The premise of the public.

Coupled with the high-profile efforts of Hydra a few days ago, as soon as it appeared in Europe, at the same time, different countries and locations showed their own organization's ‘muscles’, giving European countries such a thing.

Therefore, in the eyes of many ordinary people, ‘heterogeneous’ obviously should not be treated equally.

At the same time, some radical military figures in various countries in the world are also slandering the ‘different’ with various purposes and at the same time discriminating against the ‘different’.

To use the term ‘heterogene’ for example, discrimination is a kind of discrimination, isn’t it?

A person's life can be easily taken with just a gesture.

There are even some ‘alien’s that are so powerful that they can wither the flower of life without a single person noticing it, without leaving a trace of clues.

This makes many ordinary people feel very uneasy.

Although there are some ‘alien’ around the world, they are constantly striving to eliminate and combat criminals, and through such behaviors to show the world that they are not evil people, the effect is not so ideal.

Americans, Spider-Man, and Batman appeared in front of the public and attacked the evil forces severely, but some people thought that they also violated the law in doing so. After all, they are not the enforcers of the law. What qualifications do they have? Shouldn't this be the responsibility and authority of the police to maintain justice and public order?

What qualifications do they have!

Even the police are not very cold to these people.

It is true that what they did was good, but the way the police and some members of the public did not agree.

It's just like what Coco is doing now. She and her friends are fighting Hydra, but the Polish authorities are quite criticized about it.

Although the live broadcast of Cocoa was not long, it caused a great influence and sensation.

This is the first time that the "heterogeneous" has been broadcast live to show everyone the video of the hot scene directly and instantly, and it is also the first time that the public understands how powerful the "heterogene" is, and not at all. Estimated cold data.

But unlike most ordinary netizens, the netizens who watched this live broadcast in the live broadcast room, such as Chinese monsters, European angels, European and American vampires, werewolves, mutants, and capable netizens, were silent after a short period of silence~lightnovelpub.net~ Cheers broke out!

[Rock Lilith]: "Yeah! Come on, little guy! Your performance is wonderful, let ordinary people see our strength, and let the so-called Hydra know that this world is not yet their turn to be the boss! "

[Senior Handyman of S.H.I.E.L.D.]: "I personally do not support children to do such things, but everyone is responsible for fighting evil forces. If they have confidence and strength, what can I say."

[I have three pairs of wings]: "I can also wipe out those scum, it's nothing great, I! Yes! Yes!"

[Mangshan's most adorable little demon]: "European and American children really know how to play, I think I should also start a live broadcast. Through the live broadcast, let everyone know about our Chinese demon world, which is actually very powerful, not worse than Europe and the United States..."

[Rock Lilith] Ten sets of Barbie gifts for the host! Hope the host will present a more exciting live broadcast! Come on!

[Beverly Xiaoheng] Twenty sets of Barbie gifts for the host! Hope the host will present a more exciting live broadcast! (Message: Come on, Coco boss! Beverly Kindergarten supports you!)