Rising America

Chapter 1027: Want to be so strong! ! !

As a member of the Krypton family, Kayla is certainly no exception. It is obvious that he has the abilities that the Kryptonians have. ?? Bayi Chinese text? W=W≤W≈. 81ZW. COM

However, because of her relatively young age, it is bound to be impossible for her to use these powers as proficiently as her reform "Clark".

But fortunately, Coco has the skill [Amplification of Ability], which can affect the swing of his little friend's door to his own power, so he solved a little problem of Kayla at that time.

[Ability Amplification] This skill is the ability possessed by Ensha Coco's copycat, and after the copycat, there has been a little change, becoming much stronger than the original holder Ensha.

Here is also Cocoa's most defying ability.

That's right, the increase in cottage improvement.

I think no one in the world can be like cocoa, able to copy the abilities of others for their own use, and can also improve the level and make an enhanced version.

It can be said that being the enemy of the little guy is really a very tragic thing.

Countless Hydra soldiers fired at Kayla with guns, and the bullets hit Kayla's small body like a torrential rain, and even sparks appeared, which looked very scary.

But under such a intensive rain of bullets, Kayla, who was more than four years old and less than five years old, was safe and sound, and her skin was not broken a bit. She really looked at all the netizens in the live broadcast room.

In all fairness, Kayla's performance is also jaw-dropping.

Perhaps among the mutants and those with supernatural powers, those who can toughen their skin can withstand such a fierce bullet attack.

But Kayla in the video does not see the phenomenon of skin toughening, but with her own body to resist the bullets coming from the lasing, which is very amazing.

You know, this is equivalent to saying that Kayla's physical defense is comparable to armor.

And what is even more surprising is that, in general, even some mutants and supernatural beings have such abilities, but places such as eyes and belly buttons can be deadly.

But such a situation did not happen to Kyla.

At this time Pietro was actually spinning back the previous video.

The muzzle has really reached Kayla's eyes, and all the netizens in the live broadcast room can see clearly through the video screen, and because it is a live broadcast, this screen is definitely not fake.

The muzzle of the black hole ejected fire. Thanks to Andrew’s technical support, netizens in the live broadcast room were able to intuitively see how the bullet shot from the gun slowly hit Kyla’s eyeball through the video. Popped off.

After such a so-called ‘exciting shot replay’ in Pitro’s opinion, the netizens in the live broadcast room have a more intuitive understanding of everything that happened at that time.

In many people's eyes, it should be a deadly eye, but it can't be a weakness. This really shocked the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Oh my!

The muzzle hit the girl's eyeball just now, everyone saw it, and the bullet actually hit the girl's eyeball, which everyone saw with their own eyes.

Although it is seen through the live video screen, it is precisely because the video is live broadcast in real time, so there is no such problem as the so-called special effects fraud.

So while everyone was shocked, they also became interested in the girl Kayla. They discussed whether this little guy was a mutant or a supernatural person. The atmosphere of discussion was very enthusiastic.

Compared with most netizens who don't know Kayla, some other people in the live broadcast room know Kayla better.

This group is the little kids from Beverly kindergarten.

Yes, it is these children.

Because Kayla was enrolled in Beverly Kindergarten, the kids in Beverly Kindergarten, of course, know Kayla better than those netizens in the live broadcast room.

When Keira was in Beverly Kindergarten, she was also a member of the group bullied by Pietro. In addition, she was usually quiet and well-behaved, so everyone did not know that Keira had such a powerful force.

This time when Kayla showed this kind of power in the video, which had never been shown before, the little boys in the Beverly live broadcast room were suddenly excited.

Because Kayla is from Beverly Kindergarten!

It is a child from Beverly Kindergarten.

Therefore, the children in the Beverly Kindergarten of Lao Tzu in the live broadcast room unknowingly substitute themselves for Kayla, and regard Kayla's strength as his own.

Especially among the little kids from Beverly kindergarten, those girls are extremely excited.

Kayla is a girl.

Girls don't care why she is so strong, they just know that Kayla is very good, showing how strong the girls are, that's enough.

[Beverly Sweetheart]: "Yeah! Long live Keira! Come on! Let everyone see how good our girls are, and let those boys know that our girls are not so bully, and we have girls too. The strong!"

[Beverly Sweetheart] I gave the host 30 sets of Barbie dolls, please continue to present the wonderful live broadcast, come on! (Little sweetheart's message: These gifts are specially for Kayla, Coco boss must remember.)

[California Sunshine Girl] I made ten sets of Barbie dolls for the host, please continue to show the wonderful live broadcast, come on! (Sunshine girl's message: Coco boss is invincible! Kaila, come on! Really # Hydra Long Live!)

Under the leadership of these two girls from Beverly kindergarten, dozens of little girls started to send gifts through screens. In addition, each of these little girls had a lot of pocket money, so they screened the entire live broadcast room. Netizens were shocked.

You know, a Barbie doll represents 100 dollars, which is a real banknote.

Although virtual gifts may not seem like much, they can only be paid for.

One hundred Barbie dolls are a set, the value is one hundred thousand dollars!

And these little guys have the least ten sets with one brush, that is one million dollars!

I have to say that these little kids are really too rich.

It's no wonder that watching them swiping the screen will shock other netizens in the live broadcast room.

These little kids are simply not taking money as money, it feels like they are just being paper.

But think about it, these little kids have money in their families, and they all have their own private funds, and they can make a lot of money every year. Therefore, the wealth they can control must be the same as the children of ordinary families. Different.

Usually these little kids don't have much expense, at most they just buy some clothes, toys, or the latest electronic products that they like, and how much money can these cost.

Coupled with their young age, they don't know how difficult it is to make money, coupled with the superior family economy, so they will inevitably treat money differently from ordinary children.

As long as they feel happy, of course they will wave a lot of money, and they don't care at all how wasteful they feel.

In a short period of time, just a few dozen girls from Beverly kindergarten gave Cocoa's live broadcast room a gift of seven or eight million dollars, which can be said to have created a record on the QQ live broadcast platform.

Of course, this has not yet calculated the value of the gifts previously brushed out. If all of them are counted, the value of the gifts will be even greater.

However, considering the fact that the live broadcast has not yet ended, the income created by the Cocoa live studio cannot yet reach a final result for the time being. Everything has to wait until the live broadcast is over to have a data.

But even so, the income created by Cocoa's live broadcast is enough to stun netizens.

On the QQ live broadcast platform, I did not lose the opportunity to come up with a big news headline, and contacted the QQ software side to give all users who use QQ a bulletin news.

[Congratulations to the anchor of the QQ live broadcast platform for creating tens of millions of dollars in revenue! 】

The big, sensational title immediately attracted many netizens to click into it.

So more people understand what is being born at this moment.

And there is a link attached to this news, just click to enter the live broadcast room of Cocoa, so this has brought a wave of people to the live broadcast of Cocoa.

An ordinary U.S. job in different time and space, the salary that can be provided is usually about $25oo after tax for one month, and better ones can get $30oo, which is already very good.

High-income earners such as doctors and lawyers usually have an annual salary of 20 to 50,000 US dollars, which is considered a high-income group in the United States.

Of course, those capitalists don't count.

So when an anchor on the QQ platform, the news broke out that he received millions of dollars in revenue in one live broadcast, it immediately attracted the attention and curiosity of many people.

No one thought that there would be such a good thing to do live broadcast on the QQ platform.

I have to say that the live broadcast platform department is really a chicken thief. It actually used Coco's live broadcast to advertise itself, attracting more netizens to the live broadcast platform.

But then again, Cocoa Live has made such a battle. If the management department of the live broadcast platform does not seize this opportunity to publicize it, then they will really fail.

After all, this is definitely a big gimmick, isn't it?

For the impact of his own live broadcast ~lightnovelpub.net~ Cocoa is currently unclear.

But even if the little guy knew about this, she probably wouldn't care about her personality.

Pietro is still shooting Kayla.

The guy who fired at Kayla had been flew into the air by the little girl's ‘fuel-guzzling’ soaring cannon and turned into a ‘star’.

After solving this opponent, Kayla shot two orange-red beams with both hands and swept towards the Hydra soldiers, and being swept by the two orange-red beams, those Hydra soldiers would be cut by a sharp weapon. Generally, the whole body is broken into two sections.

Even those bunkers, buildings. Even metal, after being scanned by the two beams from the girl's eyes, the same was cut and broken.

The flesh is comparable to armor!

Grandma's eyes can also shoot sharp beams!

Boy, do you want to be so strong! ! ! ! !