Rising America

Chapter 1034: Nobody cares about the little guy, not g

After all, it's all bear children who caused trouble!

If it weren't for Cocoa to come to Europe to find the trouble of Hydra, then he wouldn't have caused such a thing as Shenting. W? W (i W?. 81ZW. COM

But the name of his organization is the same as the name of Hydra.

And Hydra, which has been hiding for decades, has recently made a high-profile comeback and committed a series of crimes in Europe and made a big name.

But this made the bear kids unbearable, and they had to come to Europe to find hydras, hit them, and let them know that there is another ‘hydra’ that is more powerful than them.

And Annie is too spoiled.

Not only did she fail to stop Coco, but instead accompany her to fool around.

It's all right now.

Because of a small mistake, he found an excuse and opportunity for Shen Ting, so that Shen Ting began to stretch his greedy claws towards them.

But the bear child, as the culprit, has no such awareness.

God Court?

What's so great about Shenting.

They are just some people who claim to be righteous, dressed in hypocrisy, and doing dirty things.

Anyway, the bear children are not afraid of the sky and the earth, and they dare to say that they are ‘day’ when they lie on the ground, and the little gods are not at all concerned by them.

"Mummy, you are too polite."

Cocoa is not afraid of breaking in.

Annie looked at Coco upon hearing the words, put a cold and serious expression away, and put on a kind smile.

For Cocoa, Annie is really pampered to the extreme.

"What should I say?"

Cocoa boasted a wave of his hand: "The Coco Church was officially established today!"

Annie smiled and nodded, then turned to face her beard and said: "Have you heard that? Just tell the bishop."

The beard stared at Annie in a daze, and for a while, he said, "You are not kidding, you really won't die like this."

Annie curled her lips, very dismissively.

Pitro jumped out, pointed the camera at his beard, and yelled at him: "Don't say it is so terrible. There are more than 10,000 sects in the United States. Why can't we cocoa boss also set up one? sect!"

Faced with Pietro's words, Luo Hu really couldn't answer.


On the U.S. side of different time and space, just like Pietro said, there are more than 10,000 sects of all kinds, big and small, so can the gods target each one?

Since people can do this, why can't it be?

This is a very unreasonable thing.

Of course, this is not the case.

However, there is a fundamental difference between the little girl who inherited the Hades godhead and those sects of swindlers who seek to defraud money.

People cheat some money at most, or they are brainwashing people to play with women or something, but if Coco really creates a sect, it is worthy of the Shentian's vigilance.

Because this will really compete with the gods for believers.

But ordinary people would think so much.

It is very simple to establish a sect in the United States.

After showing fifty believers, you can register. At most, you can pay a registration fee of US$3oo, which is simply open.

Is fifty believers difficult for Cocoa?

The little kids from Beverly Kindergarten and West Point Kindergarten called together, this is the "believers", the number is definitely more than 50 people.

Is $3oo a matter of cocoa?

Therefore, if Coco really does this, it is not a little difficult.

If you talk nonsense about Cocoa doing this, it will really be unending with Shenting. Many netizens in the live broadcast room feel that it is too much, and it is very unreasonable and logical.

After all, the netizens in the live broadcast room did not see the essential core of this issue and this matter.

So everyone agrees with what Pietro said.

Because the United States in different time and space is indeed such a situation.

Those weird sects believe in everything.

Even because they like to drink beer, some people have organized and established [Beer Education].

If according to this view of Shentian, wouldn't even this [Beer Cult] be destroyed! ?

Too overbearing!

This is not the Middle Ages anymore.

Netizens in the live broadcast room began to clamor, and all began to support Coco.

In a word, don't persuade, and Shenting!

Anyway, these people don't think it's a big deal.

Especially for Chinese netizens, they even hope that this is a big deal.

Coco took out another golden apple from his pocket and ate it. While eating it, he said to his cheeks: "Because you deliberately attacked me and brought irreparable damage to my soul, so I will accompany you. I’m just a church, but Manhattan’s Turkley Cathedral is good. I’ll take it in a few days. So tell the bishop and let the people evacuate.”

With a word from the bear child, he was going to take away a church in a lighthearted manner.

Annie's eyes lit up, and she thought it was a good idea.

Turkley Cathedral is located on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. The location and environment are very good. Although it is useless, it is also good for disgusting and disgusting.

"You...you are blackmail! The bishop will not agree!"

The beard felt that the little girl in front of him was crazy. How could Turkley Cathedral give it to her with such a word? The high-ranking goddess is not an idiot.

"You hurt me, this is a remedy for me, how can it be blackmail!" Coco was plausible when he faced the duties of Beard.

Pietro interjected on the side: "Boss, what he did with nonsense was the first to find the fault. The live broadcast has been recorded throughout the whole process. They can't deny this. So if you want Teckley Cathedral, they have to pay, no If we lose, we will grab it!"

Coco nodded, obviously agreeing with Pietro's proposal.

I want you to give it!

You have to give if you don't!

If you really don't give it, then I will grab it!

After all, this matter is your God's court to find fault.

Speaking of the great sky, it was your gods who provoke me.

Even if Pietro said something, it has nothing to do with your gods, because you shouted and screamed at that sentence. Isn’t that too much?

The commanding heights of morality and justice anyway, Coco feels that he has established himself.

"Hand over the golden apple."

The beard gritted his teeth and made a request.

After this request was made, Annie was shocked, Magneto and his wife were shocked, and Andrew was also shocked, including the netizens in the live broadcast room.

When is this, does this guy dare to mention this?

The people of Shenting don't have problems with their brains.

The bearded witcher was also very tangled.

But this is a task given by the bishop, so even if he can't beat Anne and others, he still has to raise the matter.

Whether it can be done is one thing.

But he must say.

So that he can explain it after he goes back.

Coco blinked his lovely big eyes, looked at the golden apple in his hand, and then raised his head to look at his beard: "Do you want this bishop?"

The little guy doesn't know what the golden apple stands for, it's just a delicious snack here.

Huo nodded.

Annie said at this time: "What is the relationship between the golden apple and the gods, go back and tell those greedy guys that being too greedy is not good for them!"

"Let's go, we have to go to Hungary."

Annie didn't bother to continue talking nonsense to the cheeks, she disgusted Shen Ting to the extreme.

The little guy nodded, and then left here with Annie's hand.

Gu Yi, who had never had a sense of existence, followed everyone behind. She paused when she passed her beard, then looked at her nonsense and said, "Shen Ting is still such a virtue. It seems that the nature of greed cannot be changed. ."

After speaking, Gu Yi shook his head, and stopped paying attention to his beard.

But the magical energy opened a large passage, and then a group of people entered the passage.

After the passage was closed and the trail of the group of people disappeared, Luo Chi Hu let out a long sigh, and then began to support his companions, and then discussed how to return to Shenting.

Andrew is in a good mood.

Because he got two interesting test objects.

"Where are you now?"

After leaving the magic channel, Annie received a call from Jin Xiantai.

Kim Hyun-tae's tone on the other end of the phone was hurried, looking very anxious.

"We just arrived in Hungary."

"But is it foolish again!"

"It's a little trouble, but there is no big problem."

"Bring her back quickly and don't cause trouble. I have already set off to go home now. Tell Coco, let me worry about it."

"Okay, I'll take Cocoa home."

It was impossible to say too much detail on the phone, so Jin Xiantai didn't ask a lot, but asked Annie to take Coco home quickly.

So the two talked a few words and ended the call.

"Coco, your father wants me to take you back."

"Ah, has Dad gone home?"

"Well, he is already on the road."

"Oh yeah! Let's make the Hydra here cheaper, think about it is my father is more important."

The little guy happily agreed to go home with Annie.

With the answer from the little guy, it's much simpler.

After all, there is no need to continue to accompany the little guys, these adults are also relieved.

------split line------

"Xiaotai, you can't always run outside. You have to take care of your children. It's so lawless now, and you may still decide how much trouble it will cause in the future. You can log on to the 6QQ live broadcast platform and have a look. Just now she It all provokes the gods."

After finishing the conversation with Annie, Kim Hyun Tae, who was flying to the United States by private jet, received a call from Kim Construction.

During the call, Jin Jianshe urged Jin Xiantai to run less outside and spend more time with his daughter at home, and told Jin Xiantai that Coco was in trouble again and that it was the behemoth Shenting that had caused him.

After listening to Jin Jianshe telling himself about this, Jin Hyun Tae suddenly had a terrible headache.

He couldn't think of how his daughter got into the court.

No, I really need to pay more attention to it. My daughter's education seems to be too lax.

------split line------

Somewhere in China Capital

"Dad~lightnovelpub.net~I have asked Little Taido to accompany the child."

"Hehe, the little guy is quite capable of making noise, he is the kind of my old Jin family!"

"Dad, this kid is in trouble, okay."

"Cut, what's so great about a bunch of bird people. I think the little guy is pretty good, and very powerful. What do you think is the aptitude of this kid? Is he qualified to participate in the Kunlun selection?"

"Do you want Coco to participate in the selection of Kunlun disciples?"

"Yes, I think Coco is very hopeful. Although she is a little bit naughty, she is still young after all. It will be fine when she grows up. Moreover, when she goes to Kunlun, someone can take care of it. This is a good thing. "

"I have to go to the U.S. personally for this matter and ask Xiaotai what he means."

"Tell him, this is a big time now, the opportunity must be seized!"

"I understand, I will speak to him thoroughly, and I think he is very smart and will not fail to understand these principles."