Rising America

Chapter 1036: Oh yeah, I'm really a natural villain

Because Jin Xiantai ended his trip to the Northern Dynasties, a phone call came, and Ke Ke also had to set off with Annie to return to the United States, waiting at home for his father's return. W? W (i W?. 81ZW. COM

In many cases, although Coco made some mischief, but in general he was quite obedient.

The premise is that the father can know what she is doing.

Once the father, Jin Xiantai, does important things and can't control her, then the little guy can start to behave.

Ramdor Coco completely offended Hydra.

Even the gods are offended.

At the moment Hydra can't even take the trouble of finding Coco into consideration, because they are trying their best to find the whereabouts of the ‘artifact’.

But Shenting is different.

Coco publicly clamored for the establishment of a sect, and he also held the golden apple. At the same time, he captured the Seraphim sent by the court to judge them, and slapped the face of the court.

If there is no response from the gods, how can it be!

For this reason, the Archbishop of Shenting convened a large number of media in the Vatican and declared before them that he would call on believers in the United States to crusade against cocoa.

The foundation of the God Court is in Europe.

The strength of the American God Court is still not that strong.

But even if it is not strong, there are some fanatics, and even some senior demon hunters of the Inquisition stationed here.

Therefore, when the gods do this, it will also cause cocoa a lot of trouble.

But Coco didn't care at all.

On the edge of New York's Central Park, in the room in the Whiston Building held by Annie, the little guy sat pretending to be in front of the floor, watching the New York Morning News in the morning sun.

"Can the rich man Kim Hyun Tae solve the crisis for his daughter? The court announced that Coco is the spokesperson of the devil. Will a girl under three be judged? 》

The big headline is very dazzling, and the little guy reads it very seriously.

The old butler Nord brought a glass of milk in front of Cocoa, and placed ham and egg sandwiches and mashed potatoes on the small coffee table in front of Cocoa. Then he said to Cocoa: "Little lady, it's time for breakfast. You are growing up." It’s not good to skip breakfast."

Coco put down the newspaper in his hand, raised his head and asked, "Where is Mommy?"

The old butler of Nord smiled and responded: "I'm changing diapers, brushing teeth, and washing the **** for the babies."

"Little babies are really troublesome."

The little guy spit out after hearing the words, completely forgetting that he had come here too.

Facing Coco's complaints, the old butler Nord just smiled.

He picked up the milk and sandwiches in front of him and ate them, and the little guy had a chat with Old Nord while eating.

"Grandpa Nord, I have been called the spokesperson of the devil by the court now. When do you think those fanatics in the court will come back to attack me?"

Hearing what the little guy meant, it seemed that she was still looking forward to it.

Old Nord's dumbfounded response: "Shen Ting is just a bluff. This is the United States. Very often it's not what they want, so it's not what they want. And little lady, how can you be the spokesperson of the devil? You are the **** of God."

Old Nord feels that the name "Devil's Spokesperson" given to Coco by Shenting is too much.

In any case, Coco is just a little girl less than three years old. You are really too much to do this in Shenting.

But Coco didn't think so. She thought the term "devil's spokesperson" was very cool.

I have to say that the thinking of bear children really cannot be understood by ordinary people.

Coco took a bite of the sandwich in his hand and said vaguely: "I am looking forward to the fanatics of God's Court to attack me, because if they attack me, I will have a name to smash their places. Fifth The church on the avenue is good. I think it’s good to be the base of Zhen#HYDRA."

He ate up the sandwiches in his hand three times, and then drank the milk in front of him, the little guy burped, and then told the old Nord what he thought.

Yes, the little guy really hopes that the people from Shenting will attack him soon.

Because only their brain-disabled attacked him, he had an excuse to smash the Tricker Cathedral, beat all the priests there, and take this church as his own without spending a penny.


The little guy is excited about this idea.

She even thought she was too smart.

You can find a suitable Hydra base for yourself, and you can also find a good site without spending money.

Fifth Avenue is so good, Wall Street is right next to it.

At that time, his own ‘true# Hydra’ can still collect protection fees from those who are rich.

Whenever I think of this, Coco gets excited and don't want it.

The devil's spokesperson?

I really underestimated myself!

The devil is a fart!

I am the **** of the gods, much more advanced than the devil, okay?

The corners of his mouth twitched when Old Nord heard Coco's intentions. To be honest, Coco's thoughts really made Old Nord laugh and cry.

There are people in the world who want someone to attack him.

Obviously, but this is the only one who thinks this way.

Pietro went to Russia with his father and mother. Magneto said that he was going to find his former friends and bring them to the United States to join the security company registered by Anne.

Kayla also went home. After all, she has to go back and continue to play her good girl, but she doesn’t know if her brother who likes to wear underpants will look for this because of Coco’s live broadcast. She is in trouble.

Because she offended Hydra and God's Court, Annie kept Coco by her side and took it to New York instead of returning to Los Angeles or West Point.

After all, New York is Annie's base camp. Many of her subordinates are in New York, and this place is much more expensive. If you really want to troubleshoot, Shen Ting will have to scruples a lot.

Annie showed up with two little girls, Ollie and Goliath. The two little girls each pushed a baby carriage. The two babies in the car, who were almost one year old, were dancing and babbling, looking very excited. .

"Coco, have you finished breakfast?"

Annie asked, standing outside the door.

Coco nodded: "It's finished."

Immediately, Annie smiled and beckoned to Coco: "Let's go, the air was very good this morning. Mommy will take you to Central Park for a walk, and enjoy the fresh breath of the morning. It's not good to always stay at home. A little brother, he likes to go out and walk around every morning."

"oh, OK."

Cocoa heard that he ran over.

"I'll take the children for a walk down there. You can help me deal with work matters first."

Before leaving, Annie confessed to her old housekeeper.

Old Nord bowed slightly in response.

Immediately, Annie led the little guys and left the apartment pushing the baby carriage.

When I took the elevator downstairs, Annie brought the little guys out. The staff in the lobby nodded their heads after seeing Annie. Annie also smiled and responded to everyone, appearing very close to the people.

This is a big change from past performance.

In the past, Annie was a very cold person, not at all as easy-going as she is now.

I don't know if it is because of the relationship with the baby, or because of the relationship between Jin Xiantai.

But anyway, Annie, who is now approachable, is even more approachable.

The Central Park has a large area and is surrounded by high-end apartment hotel residences. These buildings are inhabited by executives or presidents from all over the world and domestic multinational corporations in the United States, as well as those politicians in the United States. Ground.

Walking on the small roads of Central Park, it looks very inconspicuous. An ordinary old man dressed in ordinary clothes might be a valuable family master.

Wearing tight-fitting sportswear, showing a beautiful figure jogging beauty, can't say it is the girl of the group president's house.

So here, anyone who judges people by their appearance is a big idiot.

"Mommy, are you worried about the trouble that Shenting might bring?"

Crossing the road to the side of the Central Park road, Coco suddenly asked.

Ollie and Goliath followed behind with the baby stroller. Obviously, the two of them have become accustomed to this kind of life, and they have gradually adapted.

Holding Coco's little hand, Annie looked down at the little guy with some doubts. She didn't know why Coco asked like this.

But she still replied: "Some worry, but it doesn't matter. Mommy won't let anyone hurt you, Mommy promises."

Coco blinked his cute big eyes, and asked, "Am I very naughty and like to mess around? I am always troublesome. Will Mommy hate me?"

Annie stopped, leaned over and hugged Coco in her arms, and then moved on.

"Don't think about it, how could Mommy not want you? Don't say this little trouble, even if you and the world are enemies, Mommy will stand by your side." In order to prevent the little guy from thinking about it, Annie quickly responded to the little guy's question. .

But this also made Annie more puzzled.

Obviously, Coco would not ask himself these questions for no reason.

So Anne tentatively asked Coco: "Why do you ask?"

Coco tells the truth: "It was written in the newspaper in the morning, saying that I am always messing around and making troubles. This will affect the relationship between you and my dad, and if you leave my dad, I will become a child without a mother again. "

After speaking, Coco hugged Annie's neck tightly, and the little guy looked nervous.

Leaning on Annie's shoulder, the little guy said: "I don't want to be without a mother. I will never be a child without a mother anymore. Many children used to make fun of me for not having a mother."

Annie feels sour~lightnovelpub.net~ Don't believe those boring newspapers. Mommy won't want you. In fact, Mommy was also very naughty when she was a child. Naughty is the child's nature. How can you be an exception. Besides, Mommy said, let’s not talk about provoke God, even if you are enemies of the whole world, Mommy will stand with you. "

Annie promised Cocoa again.

At the same time, I hate the newspaper silly writing in my heart.

Coco tightened his little hand around Annie's neck, leaned her face on her shoulder, and whispered "It's nice to have a mother" in Annie's ear, making Annie couldn't help but mist in her eyes.

It's a pity that Annie didn't see. Although the little guy's tone was very sad and pitiful, there was a triumphant smirk flashing across his face.

[Hahahaha! What is the goddess, I have a goddess level patron! I am so evil, I am worthy of being an evil and clever little girl, who is born to be a villain! Oh yeah! 】

This... is actually a bear kid's routine...