Rising America

Chapter 1041: good chance

"Miss Anne, how do you plan to retaliate against Hydra?"

After Old Nord left the laboratory and came to Annie, Andrew couldn't wait to ask. W=W≈W≤. 81ZW. COM

Sitting on the sand in the living room, a trace of abuse flashed through Annie's eyes, and she could see that the attack really made her angry.

"I hope you can help lock the secret base of Hydra. After all, it is difficult for me to grasp clues in this regard, so I need your help in this regard."

After listening, Andrew nodded, and then took out the tablet from his storage space, so he operated in front of Annie, and quickly clicked on the tablet with his fingers, dazzling people watching.

"This is a trivial matter. How is Miss Anne going to fight back against Hydra? They dare to treat you and Miss Coco in this way, which is intolerable to me.

Seeing Andrew operating the tablet, Annie knew that he had already started searching for clues about Hydra, so she was not in a hurry to get information about Hydra, but rather cooperated with Andrew to chat.

"Find the clues to the secret bases of Hydra, destroy those secret bases, let them know that it hurts, and know that Anne is not so easy to provoke."

Annie, who was sitting on the sand, said these words word by word, and from her words showed boundless abusive aura.


Andrew clicked on the finger of the tablet computer in his hand, and the afterimage appeared quickly, and also made the sound of breaking wind.

After almost a minute, Andrew stopped abruptly, then turned the tablet screen to Annie with a smile, and said to her with a smile: "I found three, all in Manhattan, according to I collected clues about Hydra on the Internet, even though these three places are in a secret base in Manhattan."

Taking the tablet computer in Andrew's hand, Annie looked down.

The tablet screen showed a map of Manhattan, with three red dots flashing on the map. The locations were Columbia University, a theater on Broadway, and a building on Wall Street.

Annie did not doubt that Andrew's methods in this regard are very trustworthy.

I thought it was God Court that would come to trouble first, but it turned out to be Hydra, and the first shot was such a fierce way.

Although most of the threats were made, Annie was very angry.

Annie returned the tablet to Andrew, and then closed her eyes and thought.

Suddenly she felt that it was just destroying the three secret bases of Hydra, and such a method might not be painful to Hydra at all.

Therefore, Annie believes that instead of doing this, it is better to directly attack the important base hidden by the Hydra's high-level officials and kill some of their high-level brains. Only in this way will Hydra feel uncomfortable and scared.

At the same time, I also showed them my strength.

Thinking of this, Annie opened her eyes again and looked at Andrew: "I suddenly felt that it was just destroying the Hydra branch. It might not be of any use to them, and it would not be possible to make them feel scared, so I thought they should be found. What do you think of the headquarters base where the high-levels are hiding."

Andrew is not afraid of big things, so when Annie asked him about this, he certainly agreed with 10,000 people.

"Yes, Miss Anne, if you want to make it bigger, Hydra has sent someone to threaten you this time because they think they can make you subdue in this way. It shows that they have a strong confidence and confidence.

Therefore, you are just looking for a branch of Hydra, and I personally find it difficult to make them feel fear and fear, and then fear you. Therefore, the idea of ​​finding their headquarters is correct. I personally support you very much. "

While talking with Annie, Andrew quickly clicked on the tablet screen in his hand. When his voice fell, he had already settled the related matters and found the headquarters of Hydra.

I have to say that Andrew is really a fish in the water on the Internet. He can easily and easily collect a lot of clues and information through the Internet. Even if the Hydra is hidden, he can also grasp the other side through the Internet.

And it was quite right for Annie to ask Andrew for help in this matter.

The adults were discussing important things there, Coco and Ollie were not idle in the corner, and the two little guys whispered their plans.

"This is a good opportunity. Mummy Anne is going to trouble the Hydra. She will definitely be away for a while. We can take this opportunity to implement our plans."

Coco's eyes flashed with excitement, and she felt that this opportunity was too comfortable.

Ollie glanced at Annie and the others with some uncertainty, and then retracted her gaze to Cocoa and said, "Will the goddess take us with us?"

She laughed ridiculously, and said to Ollie with a certain tone: "No, I know Mommy, she will never take us to risk, although Hydra is weak, but she will never Let us go with her, this is to ensure our safety."

Although Cocoa is young, she still knows Annie very well.

It is precisely because she knows Annie well that she can calculate this with great certainty.

"If Lord Goddess keeps us, but will send someone to watch us? So we still have no chance to act."

Ollie raised a critical question at this time.

That's right, Annie went to trouble with Hydra. Although it is very likely that she will not bring Coco's children with her, but will keep them, but she will find someone to look after them and prevent them from going out.

After all, Hydra had just made the attack, so Anne must take into consideration in terms of safety.

Cocoa waved his hand nonchalantly, as if he was not worried about this matter at all, and said to Ollie, "I have a way to get rid of taking care of us. People, don’t forget, I learned magic!"

While talking, Coco used magic power between himself and Aoli, releasing a small magic channel, and then closed it again.

Only then did Oli realize that Coco's ability can guarantee that they can slip out even when someone is watching.

Seeing this, Ollie nodded heavily, "Okay! After the Lord Goddess takes action, I will start our plan with you."

Anne couldn't tolerate the attack of Hydra.

This is Hydra threatening Annie, and at the same time it seems to say to Annie [We can attack you at any time]. Faced with this threat, Annie is unwilling to compromise.

Once she had surrendered, Hydra would definitely be even more excessive.

Therefore, Annie intends to give Hydra a good look.

"Coco, Mommy is going out to do errands. You stay at home with Aoli and Golia. Don't run around, you know?"

Here Annie has mastered the information of the Hydra headquarters, and has also discussed with Andrew about the retaliation, so she needs to settle down a few kids before leaving.

"Don't worry, Mommy, I will stay home obediently."

Coco Xun replied.

But this guarantee from the bear child is really hard to believe.

"Grandpa Nord and Andrew Butler will follow me for a while, but it doesn't matter, we will be back soon."

Annie didn't see through the bear child, so she was deceived by Coco's delicacy.

Because the matter involved cocoa, Gu Yi, who had been silent for a long time, walked out at this time and said to Annie: "Ms. Annie, please take me with you. As Coco’s magic teacher, I also have the responsibility to deal with the problems that endanger students. These things."

There is a lot of people and power, and Annie certainly won't refuse.

Gu Yi, the magic master from Kama Taj, is also willing to follow suit. Of course Annie couldn't ask for it.

And it was not without reason that Gu Yi stood up at this time.

When she heard that Hydra had attacked Annie and Coco in that way, Gu Yi was already about to go to war against Hydra.

But she is a student that she valued in ancient times, and in the bottom of her heart, Coco is a child who can carry the Kama Taj banner in the future, with the potential and talent of the magic masters of the past generations, so Hydra is simply killing Ka by doing so. The future of Ma Taj.

As Kama Taj’s current "anti-handler", Gu Yi could not tolerate this attack, let alone Hydra itself is an evil organization, so there is no psychological point in wanting Gu a pair of Hydra to start killing. Burden.

You know, Kamatai and himself are to fight against the existence of evil.

"I have notified Kama Taj's magic warriors that they will mainly focus on the evil Hydra in the near future. It is not enough to strike at their high level. We should uproot them!"

Gu Yi's plan is bigger than Annie's, of course she also has such confidence, and this confidence is that there are many magic warriors of Kama Taj behind her.

For Gu Yi and the organization behind her to join in, Annie is quite supportive.

Because of Gu Yi's participation, the plan to fight Hydra will become much simpler.

So of course Annie would not object.

Even with Gu Yi's participation, Annie and the others can reach their destination through Gu Yi's magic channel, which is much more convenient than taking a plane or something. They will surely be able to kill Hydra by surprise.

Those who want to come to Hydra can't think that Anne's revenge will come so quickly.

Soon, Annie arranged everything, and finally asked the maids at home to take care of the children, and then took Andrew and them out of the apartment.

Camilla and Hilda were stayed, and Andrew also left a small metal ball for them~lightnovelpub.net~ A batch of liquid metal robots can be stored in this small metal ball to make it easier to encounter When in danger, release these liquid metal robots to fight.

With these two powerful gene-man maid warriors, the safety of Coco and his children is completely guaranteed.

It's just a pity that Annie and others don't know how the bear child could stay at home honestly.

When they walked into Gu Yi’s magic channel, and after the magic channel disappeared, Coco immediately walked in front of Camilla and Hilda, raised his head and looked at the two of them and asked: "Can you listen? my words?"

Camilla and Hilda looked at each other, then cast down their eyes and nodded at Coco.

They are genetic humans created to serve Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter, so of course they will listen to Coco's instructions.

Seeing the two nodded, Coco snapped his fingers: "OK, don't say anything now, follow me out to do something."

Before Coco's words fell, an orange-red magic channel flashed...