Rising America

Chapter 1043: Wretched red skull

On the outskirts of Liepaja, a coastal city in Lithuania, outside an abandoned thermal power plant, Annie and her team walked out of the ancient one’s magical channel. ??? Bayi Chinese? Net W? W? W?. ㈠8㈠1㈠Z?W. COM

With the closure of the magic channel, Andrew held the tablet computer and said to the people around him with a very certain tone: "The secret headquarters of Hydra is here. According to the information I have on the Internet, a company named'Red The high-level Hydra of Skull is here."

Annie, Old Nord, and Gu Yi didn't say anything. They knew that there was still something behind Annie.

Sure enough, Andrew said again: "We have entered the detection range of Hydra, and it is impossible to say that we have been spotted now."

Anne's body shone brightly, and the blue lady's full body armor covered her body, and the golden trident in her hand appeared out of thin air, and even a wave of waves gushing out strangely under her feet, lifting her whole person off the ground for more than half a meter high.

"Just go in! Don't talk nonsense with these guys!"

Annie was not long-winded, she just wanted to fight.

Now that Annie spoke, Andrew stopped talking, put away his tablet, and started rushing forward after Annie.

Old Nord, Gu Yi kept up.


A gunshot pierced the silent sky, and Hydra's secret whistle fired.

Just like what Andrew said, after Anne and his party appeared, they were locked by Hydra's secret whistle.

It's just that they are not sure if Annie and the others are enemies, so these Hydra's secret whistle have been silent.

But when Annie rushed over with everyone, Hydra's secret whistle was basically able to conclude that the sudden appearance of Annie and his party was a bad one.

With such a basic inference, Hydra's secret whistle would certainly not be polite.

As soon as this side opened fire, and the secret sentry responsible for things in the surrounding realm at the same time, it immediately reported the news back to the secret base.

"Enemy attack!"

"The enemy is very strong and cannot be suppressed. It needs reinforcements!"

Ordinary weapons can't hurt Annie and others. Neither Andrew nor Old Nord or even Gu Yi are ordinary people.

Faced with the powerful firepower of the Hydra Secret Whistle, Annie and the others used their own methods to resist the bullet rain.

This abandoned thermal power plant was originally established by the Lithuanian government decades ago, but it was abandoned 30 years ago before being used by Hydra to establish a secret base underground.

Usually there are few people here, no one comes at all.

So no one will find that Hydra is actually here, there is a huge underground base.

This also really facilitates the hiding of Hydra.

If it were not for the inhuman existence of Andrew, it would be quite difficult for Annie to discover this secret base of Hydra.

However, it is precisely because of Andrew's presence that Hydra will inevitably become invisible.

There are many hidden surveillance probes besides secret whistle around here.

Therefore, as soon as the base received the feedback from the secret whistle, the surveillance probes all turned and aimed at Annie and her group.

And the news that there was an incompetent guest must have been told that he was resting in this secret base, the high-level Hydra veteran, "Red Skull" here.

"Who is the attacker? The base is so secretive, did you break in by mistake?"

For the first time, the Red Skull felt that someone might have entered the realm area by mistake, and didn't feel that the following reports were really so serious.

For this base, Red Skull has strong confidence and confidence.

After all, he brought the team here to restore the organization of the Hydra, and there has been no clue for decades.

"Go, let's go to the monitoring room."

Facing Red Skull’s doubts, some of the subordinates who came to report the matter were unable to answer. Seeing this, Red Skull planned to go to the monitoring room to take a look, and then make the final decision.

Regarding the secret sentinel's proposal for support, Red Skull didn't know whether he should support it or not, because he didn't want to make things worse.

After all, if you really send people to the ground to support you, it will expose this secret base that you have worked so hard to manage for decades. If you really get to this point, it will really be a great loss.

Besides, what if someone accidentally broke into the ground guard zone, and those secret whistles had such a thing because of tension and sensitivity.

Immediately, the Red Skull came to the monitoring room.

The monitoring room is very large, and you can see dozens of monitoring screens as soon as you enter the door. Basically any area on the ground can be seen through the monitoring probe.

Therefore, it is very easy to be able to see what is growing on the ground at this moment through the monitoring probe.

"Adjust the lens of the camera closer."

The video screen is a little far away, even the Red Skull can't see clearly, but there are four figures in the screen, who are quickly finding out those secret whistles and then killing them, and have entered the internal area of ​​the abandoned thermal power plant.

The focal length of the monitoring probe shrank a bit, and the picture was enlarged.

When the screen was zoomed in, all four of Annie and her party were given a shot.

When Annie appeared behind the camera, the Red Skull immediately gave an order to the subordinates beside him: "Send soldiers from the ranks and destroy all kinds of data in the base at the same time, ordering everyone in the base to concentrate on area a."

After giving this order, Red Skull immediately turned and left the monitoring room.

He was very decisive, without hesitation or thinking at all, just after seeing Annie appearing in the picture, he immediately made a decision.

Following the Red Skull's order, the Hydra members in the base went to the weapon store to receive weapons, and then gathered in Area A according to his order.

But Red Skull himself returned to his office, opened the secret door behind the bookshelf, and walked in.

"How did this woman know about this secret base! I only gave her an attack order not long ago. I didn't expect him to find this place in such a short time. It seems that she really has the [distance transmission] technology.

Whether this technology comes from the ‘Apple of Eden’ or the ‘Golden Apple’, it seems that for the time being, I can give up the ‘Holy Gun’ and the ‘Shroud’ of capturing the God’s Court and focus my energy on this beautiful and rich man. "

After entering the secret room, Red Skull muttered to himself without expression, and at the same time raised his hand and pressed a red button on the wall.

Compared to the God's Court, it was obvious that Annie was a bit easier to deal with in the eyes of Red Skull.

After all, the God Court has a huge organization, a large number of manpower, and desperate believers.

And Annie is just a rich woman, at best she has some abilities stronger than ordinary people. So in the eyes of Red Skull, first grabbing the ‘Apple of Eden’ and the ‘Golden Apple’ from Annie’s hands is the most correct choice.

But Red Skull couldn't think of it. Anne, who he thought was easy to deal with, was actually much more difficult than the gods.

You know, Anne has inherited Olympus and many of the gods of the Nordic gods.

After so many godheads have been shattered and decomposed by mysterious powers, and reintegrated, the power that Annie can master alone can be said to have passed all the powerful gods in the two places in myths and legends.

So, as an existence of this level, how could it be so easy for the Red Skull to make a bad idea.

But after all, Red Skull didn't know this.

This secret room is a narrow tunnel of Hei Blongdong, with railroad tracks laid on the ground, and a bullet-shaped rail car that can only be ridden by one person is parked on the rails.

Opening the cover, the Red Skull sat in.

Immediately, a flame was ejected from the rear of the car, and the car disappeared at the end of the secret tunnel with the red skull in the next second.

I have to say that the guy Red Skull is very wretched. He also had all the Hydra members in the base concentrated in Area A, as if he was going to deal with the intruders, but he himself went through the secret tunnel. Slipped inside.

Could it be that he didn't intend to stay and fight hard at first?

Or does the Red Skull know that they are not Anne’s opponents?

That's right!

After the Red Skull saw Annie appearing on the surveillance probe, he was ready to drive away.

As a veteran of Hydra who eats with intelligence, he has always eaten with his brain. He usually doesn't fight his enemies by himself.

In the past, as long as there was any turmoil, the fellow Red Skull would think of buggering for the first time.

In his opinion, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

It is true that the loss of this secret base is a bit distressing, but it is actually nothing to start.

He has established a lot of secret bases. If this base is lost, go to the next base.

In these decades of low-key, he has exhibited many secret bases, enough to ensure that he can go to the next base and continue to be at ease after losing one base.

It is really because of this confidence that Red Skull will be so decisive.

With a little manpower and an existing base, the loss is slightly lost.

Those who do big things don't stick to the trivial, nor can their eyes be narrow.

Well, at least Red Skull thought so.

As long as there is no accident or a dangerous situation, you can continue to plan everything secretly after you are out of danger.

Compared to coming to the stage, Red Skull still likes to hide in the dark to direct and remotely control such things.

Leading a team to fight at the front desk is something that a foolish fool would do. How could a smart person like him be so unwise.

When the Red Skull drove away, Annie and the others had already entered the abandoned thermal power plant.

In less than a minute, the secret whistle on the periphery have been cleaned up by Annie and the others~lightnovelpub.net~The thermal power plant has been abandoned for some years, so it is covered with dust and the equipment is old and worn. It's broken.

Just as Annie was about to ask Andrew where the entrance to the secret base was, suddenly there was a rumbling noise from a boiler in front, and a hole was immediately opened, and then a team of heavily armed and expressionless sturdy teams came out. Armed men.

Well, no need to ask. When the boiler cracked, Annie saw that there was an elevator inside, so obviously the entrance was inside the boiler.


After the sturdy soldiers got out of the boiler, they raised their guns and fired at Annie.

Gu Yi propped up a magic shield, covering everyone in it, blocking the flood of bullets.

A soaring flame burst out of Old Nord's body. He was enveloped in flames, and then rushed to the Hydra soldiers. Even during the impact, there was a popping sound, and the flame burned. The relationship brought out a vacuum area, and all the air was drawn to the old Nord who was wrapped in flames.