Rising America

Chapter 1045: Just one bottle of medicine

These'class fighters' sent by the Red Skull entered the battle form, making themselves inhuman and ghostly, and it seemed to make Annie frown and feel sick. ?? Bayi? Chinese W≈W=W≤. = 8 = 1≈Z = W≠. COM

In fact, this is not surprising at all. According to the technology that Red Skull has mastered, it is actually a very low-level genetic modification, so it is normal to make an otherwise normal human being such a nondescript appearance.

This technology of genetic modification and optimization is still difficult for Red Skulls to master at this stage, so they can only transform ordinary Hydra warriors through this crude method and method, in order to allow them to gain powerful strength for the nine. Head snake service.

But then again, although Red Skull's skills are a bit rougher, these'class fighters' who have been modified by his hands seem to be very bluffing.

At least the height of two and a half meters, the waist as thick as a bucket, the fist as big as a clay pot, and the disgusting image are really scary.

After entering the combat form, the defense power of the Hydra soldiers has also been greatly improved.

Before there was any change, Old Nord and Gu Yi were basically able to kill a lot of people with one move, but these guys are actually able to hold the sacred fire released by Old Nord for a long time. Being able to chop the body with a machete is just leaving a shallow trace.

It can be seen that although the improvement is rough, it is not useless.

But even though these guys are improved'class fighters', they are definitely not the opponents of Old Nord and Gu Yi, because the two sides are not at the same level.

Gu Yi moved [Unreal Space] and transferred the abandoned thermal power plant, which made the group of Hydra'class fighters' very uncomfortable.

Because Gu Yi deliberately didn't adjust gravity.

And in this space, Gu Yi is in complete control of everything.

If you want to fight against Gu Yi here, then unless these Hydra’s ‘Warriors’, like Gu Yi, have the same means of controlling magic.

But it's impossible to think about it.

The construction and use of magical energy is Kama Taj's unique method, and it will not leak to the outside world easily, so how can the people of Hydra master it?

Therefore, these Hydra ‘Warriors’, who seemed extremely fierce at the moment, were completely helpless after encountering Gu Yi’s [Unreal Space].

Because they can't even stand firmly, don't talk about using all their strength to fight.

On the other hand, Annie, Andrew, and Old Nord were not greatly affected in Gu Yi's [Unreal Space].

Old Nord flew into the air, so the gravitational influence of [Unreal Space] did not affect him very much, and he could fight as usual.

Annie was transformed into the form of [Athena] and released Athena's realm, and was not affected by [Unreal Space] under the influence of the realm.

Andrew is even simpler. He just took out a gravity control instrument and fully adapted himself to [Unreal Space].


A hydra warrior with the head and face of a beast, with a height of three meters and no trace of human mentality, roared, then leaped towards Gu Yi and raised his hands, revealing sharp claws.

Gu Yi stood in place with an extremely calm expression, the magic machete in her hands had disappeared, because she found that these guys had very strong defenses, and ordinary magic weapons could no longer harm them.

In front of Gu Yi, weirdly appeared out of thin air a large round shield with two intersecting pentagram patterns and an orange-red round shield constructed with magical energy.

The two pentagrams slowly turned in opposite directions, and there were small Sanskrit flashes around them. After this mana shield appeared, it was suspended in front of Gu Yi.


The lion-head-like Hydra'class warrior' hit this magic shield with a punch, and then an orange-red halo bloomed, a strange counter-shock force was released from the shield, and then used the opponent's fist. The upper slowly penetrated back into the opponent's body.

At this moment, how much power this guy used to attack, then he himself would have to withstand the shock of how much power.

This guy's "lion face" was sluggish, and then he flew back upside down. At the same time, the fist that hit the mana shield revealed a white bone fork, and his entire arm was also irregularly twisted.

It was obvious that this guy had broken his entire arm by his own strength.


Gu Yi stood calmly on the spot, and seven or eight mana shields appeared in front of her. These mana shields were all exactly the same. Obviously she was going to use this method to deal with those Hydra'class warriors'.

At this time, the Red Skull had left the place in an aircraft, and received the signal from the base, watching the battle scene through the onboard video.

After seeing Gu Yi and Old Nord take action, Red Skull couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

After all, he decisively chose to run for the first time, instead of staying at the base stupidly to confront Annie and the others.

Basically, I can see through the video. I guess that I will not be the opponents of people like Annie and others. On the contrary, it will put myself in danger.

Fortunately, Red Skull stared at the video screen and fell into thinking.

Why are these people so powerful?

According to the information she has, Annie is not a mutant. It's not a "foreign person", nor is it related to blood races, werewolves, or wizards. It's not even the kind of human that has been accidentally mutated, and it hasn't been injected with any'level serum'.

After thinking about it, Red Skull felt that the reason why Annie and the people around her are so strong might be because of the relationship between the "Golden Apple".

Thinking of this, Red Skull raised his hand and grabbed a hand on his face, actually tore off his entire face, revealing his original horrible look.

Dare to love his face is fake, it's just a mask that looks no different from ordinary people.

The Red Skull’s eyes flashed with excitement, and at the same time there was a trace of conspiracy, and he said to himself, "The clues of [Apple of Eden] were in their hands, and [Golden Apple] was even more obtained by them, so This woman, Annie, has a powerful force, but unfortunately, if I have gained this power, wouldn't it be easy to master the world!"

At the moment, he couldn't confront Annie directly, so Red Skull began to think about how he should let Annie hand over these things in the future.

Annie is very powerful, but Red Skull is not afraid.

He is a brain gamer and would not go to fight with Annie, so Red Skull felt that he would eventually achieve his goal.

However, Red Skull was also surprised that Annie came so quickly this time.

It can be seen that when he continues to threaten Annie in the future, he will have to think more about the plan than this time.

"Haha! This time is nothing, let's play slowly later."

As the flying vehicle sank into the clouds, the red skull muttered to himself, and a trace of hideousness was also revealed on the weird and fleshless red face.

"Don't play with them anymore. Get rid of these scum as soon as possible. We have to hurry back and leave Coco alone at home. I am not so relieved."

Annie, who put on a golden skirt, released [Victory Domain] and urged.

Considering Coco's consistent style and character, it is not unreasonable for Annie to have such a worry.

Hearing Anne's urging, Old Nord immediately joined the battle group.

Originally, Old Nord didn't want to intervene, but he also wanted to see what Gu Yi could do.

After all, the magic power displayed by Gu Yi is still relatively new and strange to the old Nord.

But now that her own lady had spoken, Old Nord had to put away the mentality of watching the excitement, and joined Gu Yi and the ‘Class Warrior’ battle group in the next second to help Gu Yi get rid of those guys as soon as possible.

Annie's words also moved Andrew.

Because Andrew also began to worry about his wife, Cocoa, for fear that things will drag on for a long time, and there will be unpredictable situations.

After all, my lady is really weird.

Andrew raised his foot and walked out, but his fighting method was different from that of Gu Yi and Old Nord. Instead, he took out a test tube filled with green liquid from his arms, and then crushed it towards the'class fighter' We lost it.


Does Andrew want this way to defeat those ‘class fighters’?

There was a trace of doubt in Annie's eyes, who stood behind and didn't do anything.

But what is so surprising is that after the crushed test tube liquid dripped on the Hydra'Class Warrior', those guys staggered and fell over the next second.


It's really useful!

Although it is not clear what the principle is, Andrew's method is more effective than the ancient one and the old Nord, which is really beyond Annie's expectations.

[Unreal Space] There is also natural wind flowing in it, and those liquids will not lose their effectiveness as they drop to the ground, but continue to wave with the flowing wind.

Hundreds of Hydra'Class Warriors' fell down one by one under the effect of the strange smell in the airflow ~lightnovelpub.net~, and the scene looked very strange and inexplicable.

Andrew smiled when he saw the result, and then turned around to explain to Annie: "Rough genetic modification, they have fatal problems. It is very easy to use these flaws and then knock them down. Because of the technical problems, I just need to destroy these. The guy's inherently unstable genetic structure can kill them."

Annie blinked when she heard the words, "You mean they are dead?"

Andrew nodded: "Of course it's dead. I won't just faint them and get done, and the genes in the body are destroyed. They can't die if they don't want to die. You must know that the genes in these guys are inherently incomplete, too. Extremely unstable."

Annie has no intention of discussing technical issues in this area with Andrew, after all, there is a big gap between her and Andrew at this level.

With the effect of the liquid, within a few seconds, under the influence of hundreds of HYDRA'class fighters', the genetic structure in their bodies was destroyed, and each of them bleeds down in place.

"Go! Go in! Destroy this base!"