Rising America

Chapter 1046: Miss, don't mess around

When Annie and her group began to storm the secret base of Hydra, Coco, who stayed at home on the other side of the ocean, took Ollie. Accompanied by Camilla and Hilda, he left Manhattan and came to the chaotic Bronx. Italian colony. ?? Eight? One Chinese? W ㈧ W? W?. (I) 8? 1? Z? W. COM

In different time and space, the five major districts of New York, the Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn, and the Italian Mafia are basically all controlled in their hands. It can be said that the New York Black#道 family dominates.

Of course, there are still many factions within the Mafia, otherwise the so-called "five big families" would not come up.

But in general, it is an indisputable fact that the Italian black# gang controls the New York black# road in the United States in different time and space.

Outsiders who want to plant a flag and stand in New York are absolutely not allowed.

If anyone dares to do this, he will become a "missing person" in less than 24 hours. It doesn't matter whether he is thrown into a wood chipper or poured into a cement pile.

Of course, New York is a special case.

After all, after the early Italian immigrants came to the United States, they all settled in New York and then developed their careers here. Therefore, there are a large number of Italian immigrants in New York, and they are bound to be extremely powerful.

With the passage of time and passage of time, gangs challenging the authority of the Mafia have emerged in other states in the United States, such as black forces and Mexican forces, which have brought considerable impact to the Mafia.

But it's different here in New York.

In New York, which is glamorous and prosperous, the mafia secretly guilty of gambling, murder and arson, and through this method, it has made a lot of wealth for itself and its forces.

Even the Chinese shops in Manhattan’s Chinatown have to pay monthly protection fees to the Italian Mafia, or else the business will not be stable.

In Los Angeles, San Francisco and other places, Chinese black# gangs have begun to rise, and they have seized control of the local black# roads, defeating the Italian Mafia that originally controlled the local army.

Of course, it is inseparable from the support of the money and network behind Jin Xiantai, otherwise the Huayihei# gang would not be able to develop so aggressively.

However, because of the distance and the influence of other complex factors, the recent rise and the momentum of the Chinese black# gang on the West Coast have not yet had any impact on East Coast New York.

After all, Kim Hyun Tae's base camp is on the west coast, and he is a little overwhelmed by the east coast.

At the same time, the reason why he supported the Huayihei# Gang at the time was mainly because Jin Xiantai saw that the Chinese were too bullied and because there were too many scums among the Chinese, so he was bored and funded to support it.

And also intends to use such means to gather the cohesion of the Chinese ethnic groups on the West Coast.

So for the time being, Kim Hyun-tae can only consider the west coast, and he has no idea about the east coast.

Hilda was driving a Hummer and had just passed the bridge from Upper Manhattan to the Bronx and was driving on Yankee Stadium Boulevard.

As the car left Yankee Avenue and turned onto Third Avenue, the street scene outside the car window suddenly changed. It was not the neat and tidy street scene, but a messy and utterly decadent appearance.

This kind of change makes people feel as if they are in another world, and the gap is very unbearable.

But Coco in the car doesn't care about these.

Driving along the Third Avenue Hummer in the ‘Northeast’ direction, the pedestrians who appeared on the street outside the window of the car looked more numb.

Camilla, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, turned around at this time and said to Coco: "Miss, will you cause trouble again by doing this? The day before yesterday, you have provoked the gods and the Hydra, even Miss Anne. Are affected."

Hearing that a trace of guilt flashed across Coco's face, Coco was still a little embarrassed about the bombing attack that caused Anne to be affected by her.

After all, the trouble was caused by my own relationship.

Annie seemed very innocent in these things.

But if a bear child is a bear child, how can the general truth make sense?

"It's okay, Mommy is a goddess, she can handle this little trouble, we don't have to worry too much. If Mommy is an ordinary person, I won't be so relaxed."

Obviously, the bear child thinks that Annie is a new generation of goddess. There is no need to go to the country to worry about her troubles with Hydra and God's Court.

In other words, Kid Bear didn't think that these things would put himself and Annie in any danger.

Maybe there must be minor troubles!

But as long as Mummy Annie showed her strength, she would definitely make Shen Ting still have Hydra scruples, and then give up this plan of coming to make trouble.

Generally speaking, Coco is still naive.

Camilla smiled bitterly when she heard the words, after all, she couldn't say too much in her capacity.

In the end, what she and Hilda can do is to ensure the safety of their own lady as much as possible. No matter what troubles come to the door in the end, they must first defeat themselves and Hilda, and step over the bodies of the two to find Miss Coco.

"Well, miss, what are you going to do this time? The Bronx is not safe. I don't think you came here out of curiosity?"

Immediately dismissed the idea of ​​persuading Coco, Camilla turned to ask Coco's coming to the Bronx, which puzzled her.

Faced with Camilla’s question, Coco no longer intends to hide it, and tells the truth about his plan: “I’m here to lay a family business for my'brother and sister' Ollie, and prepare to destroy the five major families in New York and Italy. The property under their name was taken over."

Coco, who was sitting in the back row, raised her right hand as she spoke. As the voice landed, she clenched her palms into fists.

Ollie sat next to Coco, because she heard Coco call herself a ‘younger sister’, which made the King of Spartan Lori a little excited.


This is a kind of identity recognition.

"Thank you elder sister, as long as elder sister has any trouble in the future, I can't help but define it!

Coco waved his hand, pretending that he didn't care about it.

In fact, the little guy didn't think so in his heart.

"Have all your men summoned?"

Ollie nodded: "They have been notified that those guys have gathered at the Beverly Mansion in Los Angeles."

"We are in New York, are they in time?"

"I have a special method. As long as we fight here, they will definitely be able to make it in time."

When Ollie said this, Coco knew that it must be something she didn't understand, so the little guy was very clever and didn't go into this issue.

Although Coco is very curious about many things, she doesn't like to study in depth.

Camilla in the front row turned back again, "Miss, I think if you can, you should leave this to me and Hilda. Before Andrew Butler left, there were a lot of liquid metal robots left. Let these guys go. Can you do what you want to do?"

Obviously, Camilla didn't want Coco to take risks personally.

Coco pondered for a while, but felt it didn't matter.

Anyway, as long as the goal can be achieved in the end.

So the little guy nodded, "Well, if they can accomplish my goal, then it's okay to let those liquid metal robots do this for me."

Hilda, who was driving the vehicle, proposed at this time: “In order to avoid speculation as much as possible, I think I can give an illusion of internal mafia fighting, so I suggest liquid metal robots to do this in the image of Italian origin. Something."

Ollie nodded to Coco: "Sister Hilda's suggestion is very good, it can confuse the audience, it will not let the outside world show our existence, so that we can hide behind the scenes."

Ollie, who has always admired violence, actually approved Hilda's proposal, which I have to say is really surprising.

I don't know if it was because of Coco's ‘younger sister’ that the violent Spartan Lori also started to learn to do things.

In the end, Coco agreed with Hilda's suggestion.

"Okay, then I won't do it myself."

This little guy is well thought out.

Because as long as the liquid metal robot can achieve its goal, it doesn't matter if you don't shoot it yourself.

Anyway, the final result was that the five major families in New York were destroyed, and their legal business fell into the hands of himself and Oli.

As for this process, it doesn't matter whether it is shot by itself or the liquid metal robot shot.

After seeing Coco agree to come down, Hilda was also relieved.

As long as Coco doesn't take action on this matter, it won't cause trouble again.

As for the Mafia's final revenge on the liquid metal robots on the surface, this is nothing to care about.

When the car reached the edge of the Italian community in the Bronx, Hilda parked the car on the side of the road, then pulled Coco, Ollie, and Camille out of the car.

Hilda and Camilla, wearing British maid uniforms, attracted the attention of street pedestrians. Coco, wearing black gothic lace skirts and dark non-mainstream makeup, also attracted the attention of many pedestrians.

Perhaps only Ollie, who is wearing a denim children's clothing, looks normal among a group of people.

There was an Italian-owned cafe on the roadside. Hilda took the children and Camilla and walked in with the door open. After finding a seat by the window, he ordered a few cups of coffee and snacks.

There are not many customers in the cafe. Apart from Coco and the others, there is another table of couples.

"Miss, tell me where the target is, and then I let the liquid metal robots act."

"The'Brewer Deli' a street away, the stronghold of the old'Luciano' family."

Hilda turned her head and gave Camilla a look~lightnovelpub.net~ Then Camilla got up and left and walked out of the cafe.

After leaving the cafe, Camilla walked into a secluded alley and looked around. After confirming that no one noticed him, he took out a metal ball from the pocket of the white apron around his waist and threw it in. On the ground.


A burst of white smoke rose up, and quickly dissipated with the airflow in the alley. In the previously empty alley, dozens of people wearing black suits and looking sturdy golden eyes appeared. Man.

These are robots that look no different from normal European and American humans, but are actually liquid metal intelligent life robots.

"The language adjusts the Italian Sicilian dialect, the goal is to destroy the ‘Brewer’ deli, and start to act after confirming that there are no customers in the shop!"

In addition, Camilla also confessed a lot of things. After the confession, she left the alley and returned to the cafe.

And the liquid metal robots left the alleys in twos and threes, scattered to the neighborhood where the target was located...