Rising America

Chapter 1047: I'm so disappointed without a name

Although the Bronx has serious public security problems, the green area of ​​the entire district is not small, reaching as much as 35%, which can be regarded as a very ecological city. ?W=W≠W. 81ZW. COM

If law and order and governance keep up, the Bronx is also a very good place.

Unfortunately, in the Bronx in different time and space, due to the Mafia’s entrenchment for many years, there are many problems in public order and street governance, and it has not been effectively managed all the year round. This has created a dirty, chaotic, and poor place in the entire Bronx. Region.

However, under the appearance of poverty, the Bronx has a deformed prosperity.

Walking on the streets of the Bronx, there are many shops on both sides of the road.

Of course, these shops are mostly Italian cafes, delicatessens, raw butcher shops, laundromats, and other types of shops, and the owners are mostly of Italian ethnicity, and most people have no way to open a shop in the Bronx.

But even these Italian shopkeepers have to be exploited by the Mafia twice a month, paying about 4o% or more of the net profit as protection fees.

The style of the Mafia is different from the Dongfanghei# Gang. Instead of fixing a number and sending people to collect money every month, it uses various methods of intimidation and violence to force the operators to take a percentage of their pure profits. Leave it to yourself.

And the Mafia is also called "partners".

Yes, with the status of a'partner', not only does not need to pay a penny, but also can get a lot of net income from the operator, and at the same time can take advantage of the legal loopholes. I have to say that the mafia is really special. Talents.

The Mafia not only collects protection fees, they also rely on violence to monopolize some businesses to make money, such as recycling urban household garbage, operating waste recycling, butcher shops, etc., relying on these businesses to earn a lot of wealth every year.

According to reports from the media of Time and Space, the Mafia family leaders do nothing but rely on their subordinates to run these businesses, and they pay him tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars every month.

And with this money, the boss can certainly live a life of drunkenness, and can also win over and corrupt some politicians, allowing them to provide convenience for themselves at some point.

And these businesses are legal!

There are of course illegal businesses, but you can't catch them.

Jin Xiantai also considered entering the garbage disposal industry last year. After all, this business is really profitable.

But also because this line of America is controlled by the Mafia, Kim Hyun Tae's thoughts and thoughts can only temporarily die, and slowly find a solution.

You know, the garbage disposal business in the United States at different times is a lucrative business.

Not to mention the preferential tax rate, garbage can turn waste into treasure, and the profit is not lower than other businesses. This was also one of the considerations for Jin Xiantai to enter this industry.

It's a pity that the Mafia is controlling this trade, and it is not so easy even for Kim Hyun Tae to get in.

Moreover, the Mafia is still supporting the current President Kenny behind the scenes, so even with the help of old George, Kim Hyun-tae has no way to get involved in this business for the time being.

But fortunately, there was old George's help, so the Mafia didn't bother with Kim Hyun Tae at that time, and it was a misunderstanding and it was brought down.

If this is another person, it is estimated that he would have been killed by the Mafia.

You must know that the Mafia is very serious about the business of urban garbage recycling. First, this business is legal and can allow them to monopolize and make big money.

So how could the Mafia let outsiders get in.

In addition to this business that has made the Mafia a lot of money, controlling the sale of raw meat is also a business for the Mafia to make a lot of money.

Europeans and Americans are basically meatless.

The daily consumption of beef and chicken is huge, and the consumption of pork is not small.

Therefore, the business of raw meat shops is certainly not bad.

The transportation of raw meat is also under the control of the Mafia.

The Mafia is very shrewd. It signs contracts with beef cattle, pig, and chicken breeding companies to control the upstream, and then manipulates the transportation link. Basically, these raw meats are only provided to the Mafia’s own shops or those ‘partner’ shops.

Of course, when supplying ‘partner’ stores, the price may be a little bit higher.

At the same time, when signing contracts with upstream breeding companies, the mafia will bribe or use violence to force them.

In any case, through this method, the Mafia successfully controlled the raw meat business and became a raw meat supplier in every city.

As we all know, monopoly businesses are the most profitable.

Therefore, the two Mafia who have legal coats are monopolistic transactions, so how can they not make a lot of money?

It is precisely because of the money that the Mafia has been standing still.

Of course, the younger brothers in these legal businesses cannot join in, because the boss wants to protect the legal businesses.

But the younger brothers of the small noodles also have to eat, so the younger brothers have agreed with the boss to get involved in the ‘ban drugs’ business, and this business also makes a lot of money, so the younger brothers don’t complain.

In the 21st century, the Mafia is no longer the dominant one.

Blacks and Mexicans have risen, and even the Mexicans have become more fierce and cruel. The mafia they use can only cooperate with each other instead of confrontation.

However, in the past confrontation, whether it is black or the Mexican gang# faction, the Mafia is not only rich in money, they also have a huge network of relationships that they cannot match.

So blacks and Mexicans began to seek cooperation.

Of course, there is no way out of confrontation, which will bring danger to oneself and also affect business.

The Mafia finally made a choice due to the situation.

That is to choose to cooperate with blacks and Mexicans.

After the cooperation, the Mafia found that the ‘prohibited drugs’ provided by the Mexican gang# faction were cheaper and allowed them to make more money, the Mafia would not find it difficult to cooperate.

In general, the mafia with money and connections is still very strong. It is not easy for ordinary people to move this organization. Even the FBI has no way to use the mafia for so many years.

The high-level mafia boss, and even the street brothers are all alive and refreshing. In their subconscious, this situation can continue for many years.

Unexpectedly, they didn't expect this situation to begin to change.

Especially the five famous New York Mafia families are even more unexpected. They are about to withdraw from the stage of history, because the idea of ​​a bear kid ended like this.

The Luciano family suffered a series of attacks, and these attacks were all born on the same day. The Bronx belonged to the shop run by the Luciano family, there were several waste collection points, and even the transportation company was blown up. Family members in the store were also shot.

Because Camilla persuaded Coco not to do it himself, but chose to let the liquid metal robots that Andrew left behind to do this, so the robots made a lot of noise, and they did this in broad daylight. .

And the reason why he didn't act secretly was mainly because of the character of Cocoa. The little guy didn't like that kind of wretched style of acting, and liked the kind that makes trouble.

I have to say that Camilla knows cocoa very well.

The harsh police sirens echoed outside the cafe. Dozens of police cars had gathered one block away, and yellow warning banners had been raised. The surrounding residents also gathered a lot, standing on the edge and whispering to each other.

The shop that was attacked is not unfamiliar to the people. It is the business of the famous ‘Luciano’ family. People are very curious about who actually dared to move the business of the ‘Luciano’ family.

In fact, not only the people in the Bronx are curious, but even the police who arrived here can't figure it out, because the police also know who the butcher shop was attacked.

However, compared with the people watching the bustle, many police officers have worries from the bottom of their hearts. They think it is very likely that a major event will happen, or it may be a **** black #道大火拼.

The situation will be very serious!

The police officers learned that besides this place, there are many businesses belonging to the'Luciano' family that have been attacked by strangers. According to the information now available, these attackers have a Sicilian accent and appearance. Sicilian characteristics.

So a simple inference is that the ‘Luciano’ family doesn’t know why, it seems to have had trouble with the Mafia on the other side of Sicily, so that the Sicilian Mafia sent people to the United States to find them in trouble.

Judging from the mafia's style of doing things and the means of doing things, things like today will continue to happen. Obviously, the mafia is going to kill.

Therefore, the police officers came one by one, and the expressions on their faces were very ugly.

No one would have imagined that these series of things are now dominated by a little girl sitting by the window in a cafe not far away, eating fries with relish.

"It's just some scum, and if they die, they will die. Those liquid metal robots have not harmed ordinary people, so please don't have any psychological burden, Miss."

Hilda pushed the ketchup plate towards the cocoa, then continued to persuade Cocoa.

She thought these things might have some impact on the little guy~lightnovelpub.net~ But in fact, Hilda really thought too much.

The TV hanging in the corner of the coffee shop is broadcasting real-time news, which happens to be the net news channel.

[This station has learned that the series of public security cases in the Bronx, New York, according to the information available to the insiders of this station, these attacks are likely to cause **** conflict between the Mafia. 】

Coco swallowed the French fries in his mouth and blinked. "I won't be sorry for those scumbags. Those liquid metal robots do very well. I am very satisfied with this style of behavior, but unfortunately I didn't leave my name. No, this disappoints me a bit."

Hearing this, Hilda and Camilla looked at each other, both amused at the strange idea of ​​the bear child.

It's right to like showing off.

But not everything can be used to show off.

Obviously Coco still doesn't understand the truth of muffled wealth...