Rising America

Chapter 105: Very satisfied

   Louis is a white man in his forties, of Irish descent, who came to the United States four generations ago, and then settled down here, so he is also a native American.

   Graduated from a prestigious school, majoring in management, once worked in an animation production agency in Los Angeles. After Kim Hyun-tae established his own animation production studio, Louis was entrusted by Anne to hire Dave to hire him, and now he is the vice president of this small studio.

   It can be said that when Kim Hyun Tae was away, he was basically managing this studio.

   It stands to reason, how could such a person give up an excellent position and come to such a small company that has just been established and has no future in sight?

   This does not rule out the existence of some of Annie's factors, and it also plays a role in the restless and adventurous factors in the American character.

   Louis is unwilling to be mediocre. Although he has been able to earn almost 200,000 annual salary before, he feels that he deserves greater achievement instead of being content to mediocrity.

   It happened that Kim Hyun Tae’s animation studio was established, and a headhunting company approached him. After some contact, Louis finally came to Kim Hyun Tae’s small studio.

His annual salary standard is much lower than before, but Kim Hyun-tae has given him another benefit, that is, whether the animation produced by the big screen or the profit brought by the small screen will give him some Divided.

   Such benefits, but Louis had never gotten it before.

   It was precisely this point that Louis had taken his fancy to, and he left his original company and came to the small company of Kim Hyun Tae.

   More importantly, he values ​​the identity of Kim Hyun Tae as a'writer' and his identity as the author of "The Collection of William's Fairy Tales".

   Louis is not a fool, his eyes are very long.

   The black beauty girl at the front desk contacted Louis, and Louis soon came to the lobby on the first floor.

   "Oh, my little boss, why don't you tell me before you come."

  It was also the first time for Kim Hyun Tae to see Louis himself, but he had heard of this guy from Dave. After all, he was still in the rehabilitation center at the time, so many times he communicated with Louis through Dave.

   "It's not a big deal. I just came here to take a look. I didn't notify you in advance, just because I was afraid it might delay your work."

   Kim Hyun Tae was sitting in a wheelchair, stretched out his right hand to Louis, and squeezed the opponent tightly.

   "Please here, I'll take you to see it now." Louis made a please gesture, then turned around and brought Annie and Kim Hyun Tae to the elevator and pressed the button.

   Ding Dong!

   The elevator door opened and a group of people walked in.

   "The second floor is the office, the third and fourth floors and the fifth floor are where our production department is located." During this process, Louis gave a brief introduction to Kim Hyun-tae.

After all, this is a small company with not many employees. Although there are five floors, only one floor is used as office space and staff dining room. The remaining floors are used as animation studios and placements. Place for various machines.

   Kim Hyun Tae didn't make any random comments about this. After all, there must be some truth to this arrangement. Since I don't understand, I can't say anything about it.

   "I came here this time mainly to see the production progress of "The Flying House". After all, there is not much time left now, but we are going to show it on the big screen at Christmas."

   Louise's voice fell to the ground, and Kim Hyun-tae said his purpose this time.

Upon hearing this, Louis smiled and replied: "Don't worry, little boss, we have finished "Flying House Tour". After all, there is your complete script, sub-scene script, and even the character image of the characters, so we do it here. It's easy to get up."

   "Then, the production is finished now?" When Louis said this, Kim Hyun Tae suddenly showed curiosity, and he was delighted.

   Louis nodded: "Yes, it's done. Now there are some small details that need to be dealt with. It will be done in about one day."


   Kim Hyun Tae took a breath, and a big rock in his heart fell to the ground.

   What he worries most all the time is that the 3D cartoon animation of "Flying House" cannot be completed smoothly, which affects the already agreed Christmas release.

   You must know that Dave spent a lot of thought and energy in order to help himself, which convinced 30% of the theaters in North America and agreed to give it a try.

   After all, in this time and space, there is no precedent for making cartoon animation into a movie and playing it on the big screen.

   Whether the result is good or bad is still not clear to everyone.

   If it fails, it will lose money.

  For such a situation, those theater owners don't want it to happen.

   If Dave had not agreed to sign a gambling agreement with these theater owners under Anne’s instruction, he would not be able to get the amount of 30% of the theaters in North America.

   And Annie is already planning to take the money out to make money.

   In other words, even she is not optimistic about the prospect of cartoons on the big screen.

  In this world, it is estimated that only Jin Xiantai has strong confidence in this.

   "Okay! Great! If it is released successfully and the results are not bad, I will take a certain percentage of income and give it to everyone as a bonus."

   Kim Hyun Tae couldn't help making a verbal promise to Louis.

   For Kim Hyun Tae’s promise, Louis did not take it seriously, because he was not very optimistic about the prospect of cartoons being broadcast on the big screen.

   But this is a feat after all. Although it is very risky and the possibility of failure is very high, what if it succeeds.

   This is very attractive to the adventurous Louis.

   "Thank you little boss, I will pass your decision to my colleagues in the company."

   Kim Hyun-tae was in a good mood at this time, so he waved his hand: "Yes, this news is announced. As long as "Flying House Ring Tour" can earn 100 million box office, I will give out 10% as a bonus to everyone."

   Annie heard his words behind Kim Hyun Tae and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

   Even Louis thought that Kim Hyun-tae was a bit whimsical.

  100 million?

   Ha ha, how is this possible.

   Although I have already contacted the 30% of the theaters in North America, it is correct. It seems that more than 20,000 theaters will show it, but in fact, people will arrange the show for you, and the time is unpredictable.

   is only played for one day, and only once, or in the middle of the night, what do you say?

   They arranged the film for you too, you can't tell anything.

  If this is the case, it would be very unrealistic to want to earn 100 million yuan in the box office.

   Obviously, the little boss of my own family is completely innocent and doesn't understand anything.

But faintly, there is a little expectation in Louis's heart. After all, he and his colleagues have watched "Flying House Tour" after the production is completed. Everyone thinks this kind of film is very novel and the story content It's also very good.

  Perhaps... it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can really succeed.

   The elevator path reached the fifth floor. Louis led Kim Hyun Tae and Annie holding Coco, and pushed Kim Hyun Tae’s wheelchair to the conference room.

   "Little boss, let's watch the film first, and after watching it, we will go to meet other colleagues in the company."

   Kim Hyun-tae has no objection to Louis’s arrangement, after all, he also has such a plan here.

   Now that "Flying House Around the Travels" has been produced, he always has to see if it is different from the film in his own impression.

   at least have to have a bottom in your heart.

   Louis closed the curtains of the meeting room, then put down a screen, and then the play of "Flying House Tour" began.

   About an hour and a half later, when the film came to an end, Louis reopened the curtains: "How is it, little boss? Are you satisfied? Is it the same as what you expected?"


Very satisfied!

   Jin Xiantai can basically give ten points, because he has seen the film in his mind and compared it with the cartoon he had seen in his previous life. Basically, there is not much difference.

   Although there will be some problems in some small details, it is inevitable.

  , after all, spanning two time and space, it is impossible to achieve exactly the same.

   But these small details are harmless and won't even affect the overall effect, so why bother to ask for anything about it.

   "Not bad! Very good, I am very satisfied. Basically, you are all based on my script ~lightnovelpub.net~ and the sub-scene script I gave you."

   Kim Hyun Tae showed a satisfied expression at Louis and nodded at him with a smile.

   Annie's face was full of sorrow at the moment. She never thought that a cartoon could be made like this, especially the first fifteen minutes of the film, which moved her even more.

   At this time, Louis gave a small compliment to Kim Hyun-tae: "That's all the credit for your script and the sub-scene script, little boss. We people just produced it step by step."

   Although this is a compliment, it is also an undeniable fact.

   After all, Jin Xiantai provided a complete script, as well as a rigorous and meticulous sub-scene script. Based on these, it saves time and effort. It really only needs to be done step by step.

   Not to mention that Kim Hyun Tae even provided the characters together.

   "This is the result of everyone's hard work. I watched the film and there is no problem. The soundtrack and dubbing are very good, and I am very satisfied."

   "So now, my little boss, let's go and meet other employees of the company. After all, you little boss, they haven't seen it yet."

   It is now 12 o'clock noon, it is the lunch break time for the employees, most of the employees eat here in the staff restaurant on the second floor, so Kim Hyun-tae followed Louis to the restaurant.

Louis pushed Kim Hyun-tae to the staff restaurant and stood at the gate loudly and loudly: "Dear colleagues, let us welcome our little boss, William Jin~lightnovelpub.net~ welcome book friends to visit. Read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~lightnovelpub.net~ mobile phone users, please go to read.