Rising America

Chapter 1056: Inside story brought by Jin Jianshe

Jin Xiantai basically knows what it is like to have the "Gao Laozhuang" and the "liusha river ferry post", so he won't be shocked no matter how wonderful he is. "Eight? One Chinese W? W? W (i). ?8?1㈧Z?W?. ?C?O?M

After closing these wonderful web pages, Jin Xiantai put all his thoughts on searching for information about the "West Kunlun Selection".

To be honest, paying attention to the information on the China Internet this time really shocked Jin Xiantai.

He didn't expect at all that with the appearance of the land of myths and legends, things in Huaxia in Different Time and Space would become more and more weird, and it would make people laugh and cry more and more.

As Jin Xiantai found out from searching on the Internet, he began to understand a lot about the "West Kunlun Selection".

In fact, it’s not what I think, it’s just that the “West Queen Mother First Line” is as simple as recruiting disciples, but the entire Kunlun forces and casual cultivators want to make a name for themselves through this selection, while expanding their power or selecting qualifications. disciple.

I think they have left the Earth in different time and space for many years, and now they continue to obtain the next generation of disciples?

Kim Hyun-tae could only guess about this, and was unable to give a decisive judgment for the time being.

But anyway, this is a good thing for his daughter Coco.

The news on the Internet said that the Kunlun Mountain selection not only attracted people from China's own country, but even people from some neighboring countries were also attracted.

A large number of people from neighboring countries came to China through tourism. They basically have one purpose, that is, to participate in the'West Kunlun Selection', hoping that their children can be selected.

Among them, Dongying and South Korea have the most tourists.

Of course, because of the arrival of these foreigners, it has also driven a lot of consumption power, allowing many businesses to make money.

Think about it, too, these people drag their families to China, and they must have a place to live and eat, so they have to spend money.

Invisibly, China has made a lot of foreign exchange.

The ‘West Kunlun Selection’ has been a big deal. Except for the European and American side, people in Southeast Asian countries are basically paying attention every day.

It is mid-July and the selection day is at the end of July, so there is still plenty of time for Kim Hyun-tae, and he is not in a hurry to take cocoa and leave.

But even so, Jin Xiantai did not intend to delay. He felt that he should take his daughter to live in West Kunlun first, and then grasp some information there, so that it would be more beneficial to his daughter.

Besides, there are a lot of people who go to the selection, among them there are quite a lot of qualified and talented children, but although it is against the sky, she relies on her ability to cheat.

So Kim Hyun-tae can't guarantee that Coco will be selected successfully.

Besides, how to choose West Kunlun is still unknown to this question.

While Kim Hyun-tae was checking the information on the Internet and thinking about this in his heart, Andrew walked over and leaned over in Kim Hyun-tae’s ear and whispered, “Master, Kim Jian-Tae just got off the plane. He called to inform me that I was coming. , I hope you can see him in a while."

Hearing that Jin Xiantai nodded, he would not refuse the fact that Jin Jianshe wants to see himself.

After all, the West Kunlun incident was told by Jin Jianshe, and Jin Jianshe, as a native of Huaxia in different time and space, when he took his daughter Coco to China, there would be no place where he needed help.

Therefore, of course, Kim Hyun-tae will not make accent on Kim Jianshe.

"Okay, let him come directly."

Andrew then turned and left.

Annie, who was beside her, put down the tablet in her hand and turned her head to look at Kim Hyun Tae. "Jin Jianshe is very enthusiastic about you. I always think there are some weird reasons behind this enthusiasm, but I can't figure out the reason. ."

Indeed, the relationship between Kim Jianshe and Kim Hyun Tae was really weird in the eyes of others.

From the very beginning, when Kim Hyun-tae came into contact with Jin Jiantai, Jin Jianshe seemed to be selflessly helping Jin Xian-tae without asking for anything in return.

And this seemed illogical to Annie.

If Jin Jianshe has no big plans, then Jin Jianshe must be a **** guy.

At least Annie thinks so.

There is no love for no reason in this world, and there is no help for no reason. Jin Jianshe is really incomprehensible.

In fact, it wasn't just Annie who felt that way, even Kim Hyun Tae himself couldn't figure it out.

But after all, Jin Xiantai didn't show any malice. He was so enthusiastic and helped himself a lot. Therefore, Jin Xiantai didn't show too much guard, even if he was guarded, he couldn't be so obvious.

Hearing that, Jin Xiantai also clicked on him with a puzzled look, and he admitted that Annie was right.

"Actually, I feel a little weird myself. Jin Jianshe is very concerned about my business, and he doesn't ask for anything in return. I still don't understand why."

After finishing talking, Kim Hyun-tae wondered to himself, ‘Is it possible that, as Annie jokingly said, Kim Jian-shek is a **** guy, what are his plans? "When I thought of such a possibility, Kim Hyun-tae felt bad all over.

Jin Jianshe was in his early thirties and he didn't have a girlfriend yet. This is quite abnormal.

It stands to reason that Jin Jianjian’s family background is very hungry, and he is also handsome and handsome. It is too easy for a person like him to find a girlfriend. It is estimated that as long as he speaks, the woman will not be able to rush on.

Although this may make people feel a bit exaggerated, in terms of Jin Jianshe's family background, it is definitely not impossible for such a thing to happen.

But what makes people feel a little bit paradoxical is that there is no girlfriend if you choose Jinjian!


It's so abnormal!

The corner of Jin Xiantai's mouth twitched, and at the same time his right hand subconsciously touched the back of his butt, which made Annie on the side couldn't help but the corners of her mouth cocked. She thought that Jin Xiantai's current appearance was too funny.

"This time you have to thank others. After all, if this matter weren't for him to inform you, neither you nor I would pay attention to this matter. Besides, if we go to China, we also need his help."

After smiling, Annie reminded Jin Hyun-tae very vaguely that it would be no good to offend Jin Jianshe if the time comes.

Kim Hyun-tae understood what Annie meant, so he nodded his head ‘seriously’.

To be honest, Kim Hyun-tae does not discriminate against people with different sexual orientations, but if he becomes a target, it is somewhat unacceptable.

Of course, this is just a guess, and Jin Xiantai is not sure if it is like this.

But because of this certainty, Kim Hyun-tae was entangled.

He didn't know how to contact Jin Jianshe if he waited a while.

What if he is really **** and he is still interesting to himself?

Hmm, it feels terrible to think about it!

------split line------

Half an hour later, Jin Jianshe appeared in Annie's apartment.

Today’s Jin Jianshe wears a very saucy bag, his head is polished with wax, a red check shirt, a dark blue handmade suit, and a pair of dark blue calfskin shoes on his feet. It really looks like He Ji Guy is a bit similar.

People usually have a sissy impression of gays.

In fact, this view is extremely wrong.

Because the **** of ‘sissy’ ​​is ‘o’, and because their psychological traits are female, they appear so sissy.

But in the **** group, there is another group that is ‘1’, but these people are not mothers at all, just like ordinary men and even gents.

I really need to change a simple way to let everyone understand. One is for people who like to be "exploded", and the other is for people who like to be "exploded." This will make everyone understand it simply.

Jin Jianshe sat on the sand with Erlang's legs upright, and an old acquaintance was talking to Jin Xiantai about the "Kunlun Selection" and the gossip of some legendary places in China. He didn't notice Jin Xiantai observing himself. Weird eyes.

"Now that the places that originally existed in the myths and legends have really appeared, there is no countermeasure for these high-level domestic leaders. After all, the power they have is really powerful."

Where is Jin Jianshe sitting and talking.

"But fortunately, these existences did not exhibit extreme manifestations. This is really relieved. However, with the emergence of these existences, there have been some problems in domestic security, some cultivating monks, and monsters. It has a big impact on stability, but these can all be resolved."

Jin Xiantai was very quiet. He watched Jin Jianshe very carefully, trying to find some clues to see if he was gay.

It is a pity that Jin Jianshe's performance is normal and nothing is wrong.

[Hidden so deep]

Kim Hyun Tae thought silently in his heart.

"Recently, the special six locations are going to be expanded. It is necessary to rectify the crimes committed by monks and monsters, otherwise how will the public live." Jin Jianshe put down his legs and sat up straight, "and after the high-level officials have also contacted those legendary places, A preliminary consensus on cooperation has been achieved, so West Kunlun will be the first to come out this time and start recruiting disciples."

Jin Jianshe didn't talk about gossip with Jin Xiantai very casually, but used this way to tell some of the causal relationships.

Jin Jianshe looked at Jin Xiantai earnestly, "Opportunities are rare, and I can tell you the truth. On the surface, there are no restrictions on the selection of West Kunlun, but in fact they are all fools, without the qualifications, talents, and children of Xiangen. It is impossible to be selected.

Moreover, even if children with talent, potential, and fairy roots are selected and taken away by those Kunlun forces and monks, there will not be much success in the future, and most of them will be reduced to handyman disciples. "

Hearing what Jin Jianshe said, Jin Xiantai didn't care whether the other party was **** or not, because it was obvious that Jin Jianshe seemed to know some inside information.

"How could this be?"

Kim Hyun Tae couldn't help asking.

Jin Jianshe smiled bitterly: "Qiyun! You must be a child with good luck to become a true direct disciple, otherwise it is a handyman. I heard what happened to those legendary places, so the sect inheritance is somewhat cut off. Looks like, so this return is mainly to select inheritors, and at the same time recruit some free labor for no money."

Jin Xiantai licked his teeth, and the secret information revealed by Jin Jianshe made him a little bit painful. Because according to Jin Jianshe's statement, Jin Xiantai is not sure if Ke Ke is a lucky kid.

In case Coco was picked, he couldn't bear to be a handyman.

If that were the case, it would be better to enjoy a rich life in the mortal world.

Don't think that it's good to be an Xianjia handyman, in fact it is no different from a slave.

Immediately, Kim Hyun Tae felt a little dull again.

He felt that why didn't Jin Jianshe tell himself this secret earlier.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai's tone couldn't help but got colder, and said to Jin Jianshe: "You asked me to take Cocoa to participate, but how do you know that Cocoa is a lucky kid? In case Cocoa does not exist, but is selected again~lightnovelpub.net ~I can't bear to go to her handyman."

[I know, of course I know, Li Hong said that her master told her that there are four lucky people in my old Jin family, and they are all overseas, so who else could be you and your daughter! As for the other two, they must be the baby of that Jewish woman. 】

Faced with this problem of Jin Xiantai, Jin Jianshe screamed frantically in his heart.

Of course, on the surface, Jin Jianshe could not see any fluctuations in his expression.

And he couldn’t tell the truth about this matter, so he could only say to Jin Xiantai, “Cocoa is definitely a lucky kid. You know Li Hong, that's a direct disciple of Queen Mother Xi. , She told me that you and your daughter are both lucky people. You can't help but believe what she said."

When I told Jin Xiantai what the Queen Mother Fanxi had said, Jin Jianshe knew that there were not four people with great luck in the Jin family, but five.

Well, there is another one in South Korea.

Will it become more in the future? Only God knows.