Rising America

Chapter 1063: who are you?

Due to the explosion of the car, a strong shock wave was generated, so the glass of the shop not far from the street was shattered and made a mess.

The pedestrians on the street were also frightened because of this sudden incident. Some people even had to shrink in the corner of the street shop because they had no time to run away, with a look of anxiety and panic on their faces.

The attacker does not yet know who it is.

When the Humvee was blown up, and after the explosion, about five or six men with guns appeared. After these men appeared, they quickly surrounded the blazing Humvee with guns.

Under normal circumstances, the people in the Hummer must not survive. After all, the previous explosions have made it difficult for the people in the vehicle to survive. Now, coupled with the shooting by these gunmen, it goes without saying.

To be honest, people who saw this scene found it very strange.

How much hatred is necessary to do this.

But sometimes, the development of things is often unexpected.

Just when everyone thought it was impossible for the drivers and passengers in the Hummer to survive, three groups of people wrapped in the flames sprang out of the burning Hummer.

And before coming out, the door of the Hummer that turned over to the ground was lifted off and thrown high into the sky. When it fell, it also knocked down a man with a gun, and said it was not lightly hit.

The fire went out very quickly, and when everyone discovered that the humanoid object rushing out of the Hummer was actually three beautiful girls in English-style maid uniforms, they all couldn't help showing their surprise.

Some even exclaimed

Yeah, it's no wonder that someone exclaimed like this, because if you were someone else, it would be extremely difficult to survive the previous explosion and shooting.

You must know that the Hummer caught fire immediately after it was blown up, and ordinary people would be burned to death, and there were five or six men armed with guns, who could live.

But these three girls in maid uniforms survived, and they looked quite vigorous, as if they were not harmed at all.

I'll take it!

Who can not be surprised to see this scene.

After Hilda, Camilla, and 47 got out of the burning Hummer, they took a quick glance around and immediately understood the situation. It was obvious that they were being followed and temporarily ambushed. Up.

Since it is an attack, there is nothing left to say, let's fight!

Without much communication, and no need to say anything at this time, the three girls started to act.

When the girls got out of the car, the gunmen who shot around the Hummer realized that it was not good and was ready to evacuate.

It's a pity that they didn't expect the three girls to move quickly, and there was no time for them to react at all, and they immediately attacked them after leaving the Hummer. This reaction must be said to be very rapid.

The gunmen are ordinary people, and they don't have any powerful power. At most they are cruel and cruel.

Perhaps these gunmen are okay with ordinary people, but it is a pity that they encountered an ‘inhuman’ existence this time.

Hilda and Camilla are both Gene Man maid warriors. They are life forms bred through genetic technology transformation. Although they are human in appearance, it is because the main genes are human.

But in fact, Hilda and Camilla, in the strict sense, can no longer be regarded as human beings in the normal category, but a relatively advanced life form.

Well, of course, this is not an issue that needs to be discussed in the future.

Hilda’s opponents are the two gunmen on the left. Her speed is very fast. This blond girl who usually looks gentle and scholarly has a ring of pentagrams flashing under her feet, carrying her body weird. Slid towards the goal.

Yes, it is a phenomenon that completely violates the scientific category.

Hilda's body is almost floating completely, her feet are not stepping on the ground at all, whoever sees this scene will be shocked and surprised.

In less than a second, Hilda was in the middle of the two targets, then twisted her body and flattened her arms, pointing her palms at the two gunners who were still in astonishment. .


Hilda's palms burst into golden light, and then a golden pentagram appeared out of thin air on the palms of both hands.

The two gunmen were not exposed to any violent attacks, but the bodies of the two gunmen in the astonishment immediately turned into a pool of blood.

After solving her goal, Hilda's windless, automatic golden hair fell down and draped over her shoulders. The girl regained her serene and serene temperament, and suspended her body more than ten centimeters above the ground. Fell down.

On the other side, Camilla's battle also ended.

Unlike the bookish Hilda, Camilla's fighting style is also unique.

A long whip of black energy appeared in Camilla's hand.

This whip is very corrosive, and also very weird and sharp, as if it is alive.

Camilla's target is also two gunners, but the fate of these two gunners is much worse than Hilda's deal.

They were entangled by Camilla's black energy whip, and then cut into pieces of minced meat, the pain of which could no longer be described in words.

But even so, these two hapless guys are still lucky.

Because there are others who are worse than them.

Yes, that is the target targeted by 47.

It was brought back by Jin Xiantai from the Mongolian Soviets. It was originally a failed ‘genetic weapon’ made by a secret Soviet research institution. At that time, it was given to Jin Xiantai just to gain some goodwill and friendship.

But Jin Xiantai really felt that the girl was a bit pitiful, so he relented for a while.

You should know that at that time, they were being fed as animals, and from time to time they would fight with wild beasts in front of some dignitaries.

It was originally a failed product under secret research, so the physical condition of '47' was very bad at the time, and she didn't have much time to survive.

Thanks to meeting Jin Xiantai, and there was an alien beside him, he was lucky to survive, and at the same time, he accepted the genetic rest and optimization that was destroyed in his body.

Because this girl has had an inhuman experience, and the environment she lived in before she met Kim Hyun Tae, these factors have caused the girl's fighting style to be similar to that of beasts.

After all, before meeting Kim Hyun-tae, 47 this girl was fed like a beast, that is, after being given to Kim Hyun-tae, she began to slowly learn how to be a ‘human’.

After a period of time, 47 usually doesn't see any difference anymore. Basically, she is a pretty girl who likes to cling to people.

But once she fights, this girl will change dramatically.





Therefore, being selected by 47 as the opponent and target, I have to say that the gunner is really bad luck.

There are three metal blades on each of the joints of 47's hands. Andrew has a lot of Edman Metal. Although this metal is precious to the people on earth, it is really nothing to Andrew. The universe is so big, right? .

And because he and Jin Xiantai visited Colonel Stryker's secret research base and saw a secret research conducted by Colonel Stryker at that time, Andrew had some inspiration and used this inspiration on 47.

So he had 47 at the moment, which could rival or even surpass the powerful fighters studied by Colonel Stryker.

There was no screaming, no wailing, only the sour sound of metal cutting, the gunner’s throat had been cut, and blood was spraying continuously along the wound.

The hapless guy raised his hand to cover the wound, but he used both hands, but it didn't help.

The chest, lungs, abdomen, kidneys, muscles, tendons, and the human body are all targets of 47 attacks. The girl is doing a very cruel dissection. Her speed is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye. This gunman’s calf And the thigh meat was cut off, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com revealed a white skeleton.

It's just that the gunman didn't seem to notice this abnormality.

But this is not over yet, 47 uses its own high speed to start aiming the sharp blade at other human targets.

In just a few seconds, this unlucky gunman divided his flesh and blood into a pair of exposed viscera and lost his flesh and blood. It looked scary, but it was still a weird existence without death.

Sometimes death is a relief, and it is clear that now this hapless guy needs relief.

The flesh-and-flesh face was extremely painful, and he could see that he could not wait to die immediately.

It is hard to believe that this guy is still alive, but even if he is alive, he is not far from death.

The sharp edge of the joint was taken back, 47 turned and walked towards Hilda and Camilla. She didn't bother to see this guy because she knew that this guy would not live long.

Sure enough, when 47 walked between Hilda and Camilla, the hapless guy finally collapsed, his internal organs fell to the ground, and he swallowed strangely.

At this moment, the gunman still has one alive, and that is the guy who was hit by the car door and lost his mobility.

The three girls walked over, 47 squatted down to remove the door of the car that was pressing on them, and indifferently crushed this guy's calf bones and elbows without a sound, and then asked faintly: "Who are you? "

The intense pain made the man who looked more than 30 years old twitch on his face, but he gritted his teeth in the face of the questioning and looked like he did.

Unfortunately, sometimes there are things that ordinary people can't resist.

Especially when facing Hilda, Camilla and 47 girls exist.

Pretending to be a tough guy is not so good...