Rising America

Chapter 1067: Can you still not recognize the situatio

What, let's be the dog of Hydra!

When Vito explained the price everyone had to pay, the meaning of Chi Guoguo made the muscles on the faces of all the participants tremble.

To tell the truth, such a price is not a big deal for them, the bosses who hold the New York Underground Black# Dao power and control the power of life and death.

Once they agree, they will no longer have such freedom in disguised form, and everything in the future will be subject to Hydra's instructions and arrangements.

This made all the bosses unacceptable for a while.

The boss of the Luciano family, Vito, looked at everyone's reaction. He had actually predicted this result, so he was not surprised at all.

But he was very confident, and believed that when he took out the most important things by himself, then these guys would have no other choice.

How many times have I been the same as them, but when the Hydra member named ‘Pharaoh’ showed his opponent’s belief message, didn’t he also succumb?

No way, the opponent is too strong, if you don't join the Hydra as running dogs, then these people will die without a place to bury them.

Vito has a deep understanding of this, but the elders of the other four big families are still not clear, so he needs to show those things to these people for a while.

And Vito is also very strange, why does Hydra want people like himself to join?

With the power of Hydra, killing people like them is the same as playing, it's kind of unnecessary.

In this regard, Vito does not understand.

However, Vito had an advantage. Since he knew that some of the things in it couldn't be understood, he didn't think about it at all, saving himself wasting brain cells.

Anyway, I have become a running dog of Hydra, so there are some things that make the higher-ups have a headache. I only need to follow orders, so that I can live longer and even have the opportunity to climb higher.

"This condition is difficult to accept!"

The boss of the Gambino family expelled a puff of cyan smoke, and there was some unclear expression in the lingering smoke, but his tone was not very good.

However, this is understandable. In fact, it is not only the Gambino boss who is like this now, but the other representatives of the three major families are also as upset as the Gambino family boss.

Vito glanced at the people calmly, and then said in a calm tone: "It seems that everyone is not very clear about the current situation. It doesn't matter. In fact, as ordinary people, it is normal for you to have such a reaction. Yes, I did that too."

Listening to where Vito was sitting and talking, the other four bosses looked extremely upset, but they were still able to hold back their temper without losing their temper.

"Well, some things are best for the Hydra people, and he can show you some things so that you will know what choice you should make is the right one."

After speaking, Vito turned his head and motioned to his men, "Please Mr. Pharaoh, please come out and preside." Then the man nodded and walked to the door and opened the door.

When the door was opened, it was unexpected that the figure of ‘Pharaoh’ appeared outside the door, and his weird appearance with white bandages all over his body also caused a surge of tension among the participants.

The black windbreaker was over his body, but apart from this wind accident, Pharaoh was no longer covered by any clothes, so the white bandage wrapped around his body easily caught everyone's eyes.

It looked like he was a seriously injured patient.

Pharaoh walked to Vito's side, and went straight to the subject with an accent with a trace of metallic questioning, without any verbosity.

"You don't know what kind of existence your opponent is. That is definitely not something you little ants can deal with. Only by joining our Hydra can you fight against those guys. Only our Hydra has the power to fight. They fight!"

Pharaoh's eyes were full of disdain, and obviously he looked down on the Italian mafia boss very much.

Think about it, the Pharaoh looked like a powerful existence, but these mafia bosses were still in the category of ordinary people, so he certainly looked down on these bosses.

Can elephants look at ants?

This is a very normal phenomenon.

However, considering that the superiors let themselves incorporate these guys, and after solving the current troubles, Hydra will use the power and contacts of these guys to take root in the United States, so these bosses are still very useful.

So of course the ‘Pharaoh’ would not be too much.

At first the bosses were uncomfortable seeing his contemptuous eyes.

Fortunately, both sides are relatively calm.

"Why should we believe you, a guy hiding under a bandage!"

The Gambino family has always been known for its violence and radicalism. As the eldest of the family, the old man who seems to be almost sixty years old is certainly no exception.

Maybe it's because the boss has been doing it for a long time, hey, it's not very clear.

The eldest of the Gambino family sat down and spoke again, and his tone was a bit unceremonious.

The representatives of the other three families nodded. Everyone felt that the boss of the Gambino family was right. Why should we believe what you said.

Although the five big families are being pressed and beaten by the opponent at the moment, this is not without reason. The main reason is that the opponent is too nasty and suddenly attacked the five big families. The five big families did not have any preparations before this situation appeared.

If the five major families can stabilize and then start to fight back, then things may not be so bad.

I have to say that these guys are really naive.

Just like what Vito and ‘Pharaoh’ said, these guys don’t even know who their opponents are or how they exist.

If they had known it, they wouldn't be so optimistic.

And then, the "Pharaoh" is to destroy the optimism of these guys, so that they can recognize the cruel reality right now.

Vito's men came in carrying a black cloth bag, and then threw the black cloth bag on the mahogany table in front of the participants.

"Keep your eyes open and look carefully to see what kind of existence your opponent is, and then think about whether you are the opponent of these guys."

Vito motioned to his men to open the black cloth bag.

Damn it! what is this!

God, what do I see!

Is it our enemy?

Full of metallic luster and texture, but no lower body, only the waist above, but the liquid metal robot that has lost the ability to move appeared in front of everyone.

Hydra is also very powerful, they can actually destroy a liquid metal robot, which is quite surprising.

It seems that Hydra is not so useless.

At the same time, liquid metal robots are not invincible.

"This is a robot with a high level of technology. Even our Hydra scientists can't crack and reverse its structure, and what you are facing is exactly this stuff."

Pharaoh finally spoke again, but now the representatives and elders of the four major families had no thought of speaking.

"They will change their forms and have the same appearance as humans. You can't tell them when you walk on the street. You can imagine, if such a guy launches a sudden attack on you, who can hide?"

There was a moment of silence in the room, and everyone felt a little chill behind them.

What the ‘Pharaoh’ said can’t be wrong, the appearance of liquid metal robots really made these bosses a little scared.

Compared with flesh and blood humans, robots have no pain and no fear. They dare to fight any life, and they are not afraid of death.

Then fighting against such an opponent, if the five big families do not lose, is hell.

However, "Pharaoh" obviously did not find another advantage of liquid metal robots, that is, this type of robot is not a fixed state of mind. The real form of dead metal liquid is more powerful than solids.

I don’t know what happened to the liquid metal robot that fell into the hands of the'Pharaoh', so that it is still the kind of metal skeleton with a fixed mentality and has not restored the liquid metal form, but it is precisely because of this. So Hydra didn't notice anything about it.

"Your enemies have many such combat robots in their hands, and they are also humans with extraordinary powers. According to the information that Hydra has, they should be superpowers."

When Pharaoh uttered another piece of information that Hydra had, the faces of the elders of the five major families dimmed and their faces became very ugly.

Originally, it is difficult enough for the other party to control the robot, but it is impossible to control the robot under the superpower.

"You should be very clear that you are all ordinary people. Once you really face those powerful superpowers, do you think you have a chance? Don't tell me that you have many people. Sometimes there are many people and it doesn't work~www. lightnovelpub.net~Powerful superpowers and even guns cannot threaten them."

As a person of Hydra, ‘Pharaoh’ is very qualified to say such things.

Because within the Hydra organization, there is such a strong presence.

Although they are not superpowers, they are products of cruel science and technology through various biochemical transformations, but those biochemical fighters are not weak.

Even the ‘Pharaoh’ himself is also a product of this technology, possessing the kind of power far beyond ordinary people.

"So you have no choice but to join the Hydra, and then our Hydra can provide you with a team that can fight against those people, so that you can not be killed by the other party!"

As soon as he finished speaking, when Pharaoh was too late to ask about the attitudes of the bosses, he suddenly turned around and looked to the side of the window. At the same time, the white bandage wrapped around his body spread out strangely like tentacles, covering his surroundings. .



"You are all here, so we don't have to work hard to find out one by one. It's really good. You are the guy who is causing us trouble."


The glass shattered, and a beautiful girl in a British maid uniform appeared strangely by the window and clapped her hands with a smile, then glanced at the people in the room and said the above things.

Behind the girl appeared two other beautiful girls, and one of them urged the first girl with a bad look: "Say so much and do, kill them!"

After speaking, the girl turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the ‘Pharaoh’.

As the girl started, there was a sudden gunshot outside.

Countless shadows began to rush towards the manor.