Rising America

Chapter 1068: Everyone is their own, right?

"Cocoa, you must perform well, strive to enter Kunlun Mountain, as long as you can become a disciple of Kunlun, you and your father will get a lot of benefits."

When New York on the other side of the ocean was engaged in the final black road war, Jin Xiantai took his daughter and embarked on a trip to Kunlun.

On the way, Li Hong told Coco very seriously that she must take the selection seriously.

It's a pity that the bear child is the bear child, and she didn't take this matter to heart.

He hummed and sneered at Li Hong. The child bear never stopped playing with the tablet computer in his hand, and the ‘Soul Blade’ dropped points for ten consecutive rounds, which made the child bear unable to extricate himself.

Yes, Cocoa is still so bad.

Since she became obsessed with playing this online game, it has been almost a year late to the present position, but she is still at the bronze level. It can be seen that the bear child really does not have much talent in online games, and has the potential to guard against the sky. .

After pitting his teammates for another round, Coco closed the game under the scolding of his teammates.

"Dad, Pietro said that he was in Moscow with his father and mother, and his father had contacted many good friends in the past, saying that he was going to take those friends to the United States, and that Russia’s economic situation is not very good now. Can you help them?"

Pietro is a good friend and subordinate, plus dog legs, so Coco feels that he should help Pietro's father.

Because Pitro's family, in Coco's view, are definitely considered'owners', so of course you can help your own people.

Jin Xiantai looked at Coco when he heard the words, and before he could speak, Annie spoke.

Jin Xiantai is not clear about some of these things, but Annie is clear, because the Magneto and his wife went to Moscow and they were instructed by Annie.

"You don't need to trouble your father about this. I sent Eisenhardt and Raven to Moscow. Recently, your father and I registered a'security consulting company', so it's just when we need manpower, Magneto He and his friends are all mutants, so they happen to be our priority recruits."

When Annie said so, Kim Hyun-tae also understood.

It turned out that Annie had already dealt with Magneto Wang and his wife, and even the ‘security consulting company’ had already been settled, which surprised Jin Xiantai.

The accompanying Jin Jianshe and Li Hong both glanced at Annie in surprise.

Coco asked Anne curiously: "Mummy, what is a'security consulting company'?"

Annie took Coco over and put it on her lap, and explained to the little guy: "In short, it is a mercenary company. In the future, your father and I will enter the mercenary industry to make black-hearted money."

When Annie explained to the little guy, she didn't forget to laugh at herself.

But the little guy doesn't matter whether she makes black-hearted money or not, she thinks it's cool to start a mercenary company, and now she has something to show off.


My dad runs a mercenary company, who dare to mess with me!

My mommy also has a mercenary company! Great!

"Wow!" The little guy looked excited, "Mummy, you are so cool, you actually registered a mercenary company, then will these mercenaries also go to war in the future?"

Annie smiled and nodded: "Of course, accepting war orders is very profitable. Recently, the company received orders from the military. When Eisenhardt took his friends to the United States, after a period of training, Will be sent to Vietnam."

Without any scruples that Li Hong and Jin Jianshe were by their side, Anne made no secret of some of the company's arrangements.

I don't know if Annie did it on purpose.

Anyway, Li Hong and Jin Jianshe took it to heart, and decided to report the matter to their superiors afterwards.

Because if the United States increases its military power against Vietnam in this way, the North Vietnamese side will definitely become more and more pressured.

After all, Huaxia in different time and space, in the war between the United States and North Vietnam, still supported the North Vietnam forces.

Li Hong is more sensitive. She keenly felt that Annie had not shy away from herself and Jin Jianshe, and she said who was in front of the two. Obviously, she should have noticed some relationship between the two and Jin Xiantai.

Of course, this is just a guess, no one knows whether it is like this.

However, Li Hong's sense of Annie has improved a lot.

"Coco, you also have a'security consulting company' under your name. Mommy has already negotiated with the werewolf. They will send someone to join your company as a mercenary. But because you are too young, you can’t do corporate affairs. Involved, Mommy has hired the right ceo for you."

"I also have a mercenary company under my name, Mommy, you're so kind." But he didn't bother to ask about other things. He hugged Annie's ‘bobo’ and kissed them two, making Annie’s face drooling.

Jin Jianshe couldn't help but interjected and asked: "Miss Anne, you and William already have such a company under the name of you, why do you want to register such a company under the name of Coco?"

Anne held Coco, glanced at Jin Jianshe who was full of curiosity, and smiled and replied: "Monopoly! Because William and I want to monopolize this industry, the annual military expenditures of the military are very large. We don’t want this business. Outsiders come in. It also avoids monopoly laws, doesn’t it.”

This reason is valid, and no one can fault it.

Besides, Annie is also telling the truth. She and Kim Hyun-tae registered a mercenary company under their respective names for the monopoly, and even registered one under Coco’s name in order to maximize their profits.

But you think it's over?

Not at all.

In addition to the personal names of Kim Hyun Tae, Annie, and Coco, the same companies are also registered under Whiston Bank, CNN Media, and Frankstein Laboratory.

In this way, in this way, six ‘safety consultant’ companies have been in control, and the generals who are about to retire will be gathered in their hands as much as possible, and their connections will be expanded to the limit.

At the same time, even if the latecomers want to join the industry, they cannot fight against themselves.

Monopoly has become inevitable.

Annie is a qualified businessman and a successful capitalist. In many ways, she is much better than Jin Xiantai.

So of course she would not take advantage of others.

Although it is a bit hateful to do so, it does not matter.

As long as it can monopolize this line of business, she will care about others resenting not resenting herself.

Just want you to see me upset, but there is no way to take me!

Cocoa was already in extreme excitement at this time, and the little guy had begun to fantasize about how to lead the mercenary company under his own name and bring turbulence and insecurity to the world.

She obviously forgot that Annie had said that because of her young age, the company was just under her name, and she could not manage it herself for the time being.

In other words, the little guy simply ignored it.

No one knows what horrible plans bear children have in their minds. After all, no one can see through people's thinking. Even if someone can do this, they are no longer here.

Anyway, the bear children let their thoughts fly freely, and some can't help themselves.

Annie lowered her head and glanced at Coco, who was constantly ‘broken thoughts’, and smiled softly, and then ignored the bear child, but started talking with Li Hongpan.

Because Li Hong guessed that Annie might know something, she deliberately revealed to herself the details of the US military's movements, so she had a lot of affection for Annie, so she and Annie got along very well.

Everyone took a bus and the destination was the suburbs of Beijing. The Kunlun selection was held in that place, so it didn't have to be too troublesome.

Gu Yi closed her eyes in the back of the car and meditated. She was satisfied as long as she stayed with Coco, nothing more.

Andrew hides in a corner in the middle, with a mysterious face who is talking with his cell phone.

"I guess William is likely to be sent to Vietnam for his West Point graduation internship assessment. I am worried that there will be some accidents." Anne and Li Hong were chatting, and they suddenly became more serious and said this. The remarks.

Li Hong was surprised, but he reacted quickly.

"It takes three years to graduate from West Point, and William has only a little over half a year. It's too early to say this." Li Hong responded with a smile.

Annie shook her head: "That is for general students. Some special students can graduate within one year. This is not something that has never happened. William has performed very well, so this situation is not impossible. For excellent students People always have some exceptions, don’t they."

Li Hong also became serious when he heard this, and nodded. It was obvious that she was no stranger to West Point, and she still had some understanding.

So Li Hong knew that Annie was not talking nonsense.

Of course, the West Point in another time and space is very different from the West Point in a certain time and space in this respect. There is even such a thing as a level jump, which is simply unimaginable.

But after all, this is a different time, isn't it?

Annie lowered her voice: "The battlefield is very dangerous. If William is sent to Vietnam, I think you should contact North Vietnam in advance. If there is an accident, at least there will be no situation that we all regret. "

Li Hong's eyes flickered, and did not immediately respond to Annie.

Annie continued: "I know that China is supporting North Vietnam. I just want no accidents. I want to ensure William's safety."

Li Hong squinted her eyes and looked at Annie. She felt that Annie was too keen.

"How do you know that William will go to Vietnam, in case he won't go. Besides, with your status and energy in the United States, it shouldn't be difficult to avoid this kind of thing."

Li Hong did not respond directly to Annie, but pointed out the energy that Annie possesses in the United States.

Annie smiled bitterly: "I have little influence in the military, at least now, and William is too good. West Point and the CIA highly value him and want to train him, so in order to give him a dazzling qualification, Vietnam estimates He must be going."

Li Hong's eyes flickered, but she nodded.

Everyone is smart, and there are some things that needn't be so obvious at this time.

Besides, Annie also pointed out something, Li Hong couldn't figure out where else.

After seeing Li Hong's consent, Annie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone is my own, I don't know if you are not interested in a business here." Annie suddenly said to Li Hong at this time.

"What business?" Li Hong became curious.

"I want to withdraw from the Iran-Iraq war arms business, but I hope you can make up the remaining market. I don't want to make the French cheap."

It is false to say that Li Hong is not moved.

How profitable this business exists, even if you think about it with your ass, you can imagine.

And Annie is basically a roll call. The "you" in her mouth does not refer to individuals ~lightnovelpub.net~ but China's intervention in this market.

"Why didn't you do it yourself?"

"I want to turn my focus back to the United States, and I have children. It can’t be like before. I also need to be stable. Too many things involve a lot of energy. I am also an individual. My energy is limited, and I am French. Always trouble me now."

Annie's excuse can't fault her.

Li Hong shifted his gaze and placed it on Dabao and Erbao who were sleeping, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes.

Mixed-race children were very cute when they were young. When Li Hong saw the two babies, he fell in love with them.

"I will reflect this with my superiors. I believe they will not reject this market, but they may need some help from you."

Annie nodded: "Everyone is your own. Sometimes you don't want to be too alien. You are right."

The smile on Li Hong's face became extremely brilliant when he heard this, and suppressed his voice to a very low level.

"what do you know?"

"Some immature guesses."

"You are very sensitive and very smart."

"This is a cruel world. You can't survive without being smart, especially for a successful female entrepreneur."

"Take your kids to see William's'fuck' grandpa when you have time."

"Will he give the baby a red envelope?"

"Are you such a money fan?"

"I have studied Chinese customs, don't the elders always give the juniors red envelopes? This is a way and attitude of recognition."

"That's Chinese New Year."

"Oh, will that be included in the genealogy?"

"You know so much."

"I said, I learned a lot of Chinese culture."