Rising America

Chapter 1072: If I don’t help fight, why should I ch

? Kim Hyun-tae felt that if nothing happened, then the guy who was blowing stars and flying around must be the thing he knew, and the more he boasted about those'brilliant' deeds, the more Kim Hyun-tae affirmed the Taoist. Poor identity.

What the Zodiac brags about Coco is the so-called “old things of the gods”. In his narration, he himself is the sole existence of heaven and earth. With his own strength, he carried the burden of defeating King Zhou in different time and space, and founded the Millennium Great Week. empire.

It is said that the history of different time and space is a bit paradoxical. For modern social archaeology, there has been no direct archaeological evidence to prove the stage from Shang Zhou to Zhou Liguo, but no matter it is the unofficial history or the official history of the past dynasties, there are serious points. recording.

Therefore, according to the argument of modern different time and space considerations, there is a historical fault, and it is difficult to judge how many years this fault is.

If calculated in accordance with the historical process, this should be three or four thousand years old, but it is not impossible to count more years.

According to the Zodiac, his "splendid deeds" took place in a long time ago. Anyway, he himself has been asleep for more than 100,000 years. Therefore, the Shang Dynasty in different time and space was established in more than 100,000 years.

Looking at this as a benchmark, the Zhou dynasty established the country to the position of the next dynasty, at least for hundreds of thousands of years!


Looking at it this way, the Zhou Dynasty is a masterpiece.

Kim Hyun Tae is not an orthodox scholar, nor a historian, and he has no way of judging this paradoxical phenomenon.

But basically what is certain is that this zodiac has definitely lived for a long time, and is on the same number as the pit product he knows, but this is an ancient pit product in a different time and space.

What the Zodiac said was a red glow, anyway, he felt that no one could pierce himself at this time, so he could let himself brag freely in front of Coco, by the way, lift himself up, and create a stalwart image.

In a word, the Zodiac hopes to put cocoa into the door wall and become his own disciple.

Because when he first saw Cocoa, he realized that Cocoa was a very good seed, and he was definitely worthy of shame.

Boasting to his strength, the Zodiac actually made a Taoist song to add a little bit of mystery to himself, hoping to tempt Coco to promise himself.

The Taoge said:

Listen to my wonderful words to earn the golden rope, and realize that my great road breaks the jade lock.

The Erxian Mountain is yin and yang, upside down the Kun adversity.

It was mysterious, mysterious, and a bit domineering, but Jin Xiantai felt that if the zodiac was the guy he guessed, no matter how tempting he did with this song, he was still a scam.

Therefore, he didn't want Coco to be moved to choose this guy.

It's just that at this moment, he can't speak to his daughter, so he can only hope that Coco will not be fooled.

The zodiac has disheveled heads, and the cyan robe is open-minded. It looks a bit Wei Jin style, which is in line with the appearance of idle clouds and wild cranes.

So for some people who don't know him, this is still very deceptive.

It's a pity that the Zodiac's "glorious" is for nothing, because he has no idea what kind of "cruel" kid he is facing.

Coco frowned and looked at the Zodiac, his eyes seemed to be looking at "Stupid Bi", anyway, how weird and weird it was.

There are probably a few meanings in the Zodiac’s Taoist songs. Anyway, there are many benefits to being his disciple with him. You can understand yourself, break free from the shackles of the Five Elements, learn great skills, and finally even be able to recognize tomorrow’s luck. Suddenly, it is called a mysterious.

But let's not say that after his routine, he basically has a high chance of meeting ordinary people.

Whether it is his flickering skill or his own appearance, it is good that they are very deceptive.

But it is still a pity, Jin Xiantai probably guessed the identity of the Zodiac, but Coco was unclear because of Yunshan Mist, and the bear child's temper came up.

On the contrary, Li Hong looked in a trance, as if he had learned something from the Taoist songs of the Zodiac.

Jin Jianshe simply felt that the other party had a ‘cultural’.

And Annie, who was obsessed with Jin Xiantai and studied Chinese culture, was really fooled by the Zodiac, thinking that the Zodiac is a person of great ability.

Among the group, only Annie was hit by the zodiac's routine.

In fact, it is not surprising at all, who makes Annie obsessed with Chinese culture at this stage, but she is not so proficient.

Ollie and Goliath, each pushing the baby carriage, looked at a loss. The two of them did not understand at all. After all, Chinese was too esoteric for the two of them.

"Little girl, come to my door to practice, I am a very powerful monk. And I have another friend on Erlong Mountain. He can give you some advice from time to time. At the same time, there is no other disciple under my door, as long as you enter. With my door wall, you are an absolutely right direct disciple who can get all my true biography and skills."

At this time, the zodiac had a tail dangling from behind his ass, and Jin Xiantai saw through his thoughts that he valued his daughter very much.

In order to make Coco nod and agree to himself, the Zodiac displayed his'great ability' at this time. He smiled and looked at Coco and continued: "Moreover, my backing is very hard. The original Tianzun is my master. As long as I enter the wall, Then you are explaining and teaching three generations of disciples. According to modern terms, you are a proper high-end person, and I can give your father a longevity pill. I think your father is still a mortal, and the life span of mortals is limited."

He pointed out the power behind him, and also played the family card.

It's a pity that the little guy is still staring at the zodiacal man looking at the ‘Second Goods’, and I just don’t nod if you fool around. The zodiacal is anxious.

It stands to reason that before Cocoa, there were also many children with the potential of the number '1' in his test, but those children did not let the zodiac have the idea of ​​accepting disciples, only Coco made the zodiac’s whim to produce such a thought .

You know, for the existence of the Zodiac, a ‘whisper’ is not so simple.

This represents the reaction of heaven, fate, chance, and a series of factors, so the zodiac will be like this.

You don’t see that the great powers are the existence of heavenly secrets, but they never arbitrarily measure cause and effect. They only pinch and count when they’re on a whim. This shows that the whim is not that simple.

It is precisely because of this that the Zodiac thinks that cocoa is very important. As for where it is important, he doesn't understand, and he doesn't bother to explore it. Anyway, he feels that he wants to put cocoa into the door wall and let her become his own disciple.

Of course, for a child like Coco who can make him "on a whim," he still can't use it, he must let the other party voluntarily nod their heads and agree.

Otherwise, the ghost knows what kind of cause and effect he will cause.

Therefore, the zodiac will start a trick of fooling like this.

"What are you talking about? I! Listen! No! Understand!" The bear kid finally spoke, but the zodiac was stunned when the bear kid spoke, and the whole person was like being petrified. It's not funny after seeing it.

"What is the interpretation of teaching? Are there Hydra and Shenting powerful? Do you have a lot of staff? Do you have a monthly welfare salary? As your direct disciple, if I fight with others, will you help me out? Your prolonged life, I don’t It’s rare. My dad is not rare. My dad has a laboratory that is currently overcoming genetic technology difficulties. As long as some problems are solved, it’s easy to improve human life."

The bear kid asked a series of questions, one by one stranger, and at the same time he despised the things the other party brought out to seduce him.

"The teaching is very powerful, but there are not many people who teach it. I don't know what wages and benefits are. As my disciples, don't fight. We are reasonable people, and we can't let you bully people at will. I don’t like it. I can give you other medicines, they are all very good.”

The zodiac raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, then answered these questions of the bear child, and prepared to come up with other goodies to attract Cocoa.

When the Zodiac answered one by one, Coco curled his lips with a look of "I can't look down on you", and then said to the Zodiac: "Let’s start the third test. Don’t fight for the first time, and don’t let you bully. People, what's the point of being your disciple? And you also said that there are not many members of the educator, so how can you show off in the future..."

The bear boy rejected the zodiac and gave out the reasons for his rejection.

Li Hong was so excited that he wanted to say something, even Jin Jianshe raised his leg and wanted to come out, but both were stopped by Jin Xiantae raising his hand.

Obviously, Li Hong feels that Coco is a good disciple of the Zodiac. After all, although there are few interpreters, the strength and reputation are still great.

After Jin Jianshe heard that the Zodiac revealed the power behind him, he was basically the same as Li Hong thought.

But Kim Hyun Tae didn't think so.

He thinks that the evangelists are all hypocrites, and he doesn't want his daughter to have anything to do with these guys, especially if the Zodiac is really bad, he will be cheated if he is his disciple.

So when Kim Hyun-tae discovered that Li Hong and Kim Jian-she were about to move, he stopped them.

"Jean Coco decides for herself, because this is related to Coco's own future destiny, so she must let her choose."

Kim Hyun Tae found a terrible excuse.

"William, do you know how big the name is? Yuanshi Tianzun is harder than my master, and has stronger skills. Even Cocoa is a good disciple for three generations."

Li Hong said anxiously to Jin Xiantai~lightnovelpub.net~ and was also very disappointed in Coco's rejection of the Zodiac.

Jin Jianshe also opened his mouth and said: "Yes, this is an opportunity. It is better to practice with this Zodiac Changer than to continue the test. After all, no one knows that Kunlun might not be able to see it, in case..."

The meaning of Jin Jianshe is also very clear, "A thousand sheep is worse than a rabbit in hand."

But because he guessed the identity of the zodiac and didn't catch a cold on interpretation, Jin Xiantai was able to let Coco follow this pit bull to practice.

So he shook his head at Li Hong and Jin Jianshe, looking unmoved.

Coco's choice was simply too correct in Kim Hyun Tae's eyes.

He praised his daughter from the bottom of his heart.

The Zodiac was also stunned by Coco's decision, dare to say so much for nothing.

"Little guy, don't you think about it? If you miss an opportunity, you will miss it. There are some things you can't regret, and can you guarantee that you will go to the end?"

"Don't be long-winded, I just see you are not pleasing to your eyes, hurry up and test!", the little guy is not merciful at all, and he doesn't care about the zodiac's face, and there is no politeness between his words.

Upon seeing this, the Zodiac was gone.

"Well, in that case, I wish you good luck."

He knew that this little girl really couldn't make it to the door wall herself, and in that case the zodiac could only let go of this idea.

Although this is a pity, the Zodiac doesn't think he has anything to regret.

Although Coco made him'on a whim,' but who can guarantee that this little girl will be promising in the future.

But this little episode, many years later, made the Zodiac feel depressed when thinking of it, and regret that he could not let go...