Rising America

Chapter 1074: Children are not easy

I originally wanted to pretend to be a comparison, but in the end I was scared by the bear child and turned into a ‘scary pen’. ?

Cocoa even made the Zodiac mistakenly think that he was a genius with the potential for sword repair.

But this is not surprising, because Coco did use his own metamorphosis ability to copy the zodiac's sword moves and then use it crudely, and with the increase in skills, he made those moves so powerful.

The crystal card in Cocoa's hand has changed, the golden light blooms, the Arabic numeral ‘1’ disappears, and it is replaced by the two traditional characters ‘you’ and ‘sword’.

The zodiac coughed, put away his funny sluggish expression, restored a serious appearance, and the demeanor of an expert returned.

"Ahem, you did a good job, you are qualified."

The zodiac still has a face in the end, since the obstacle setting is not successful, he will not continue to embarrass the cocoa.

So, the cocoa test passed.

There was a strange calm in the live broadcast room.

After the Zodiac announced that the cocoa test passed, the live broadcast room began to become lively.

My Arthas sword: "Oh my God! What did I see just now? Is this the mysterious Eastern power?"

The temptation of the sling: "I want to go to this kind of place too. I don't know if I might become a girl with this kind of power. Is it too late to go now?"

Akihabara’s tears: "China’s ancient and mysterious powers seem to be much more powerful than those of Gao Tianyuan. I don’t know if we foreigners can also participate in the assessment. It stands to reason that racial discrimination should not exist. I will do it now. Go buy a plane ticket. When I have this power, I will break through the void and find the true love of the second dimension."

My right hand is very strong: "There is a Shushan Sword Sect on the outskirts of my home. I'm on the way there now. Please bless everyone!"

Huaguoshan debt collection company: "Undertake all debt collection business, bad debts, dead debts..."

Mengshan Meng Yaoer: "My elder said that we should also start recruiting disciples. If the elder is interested, please tell the ancestors when you burn the paper."

Gaolaozhuang green fairy fruit is delicious: "Xian pear, fairy peach, fairy apple, a variety of fresh fairy fruit are sold in large quantities, accepting approval, telephone..."

When everyone continues to discuss this, of course, all kinds of gift screens are indispensable.

The complete set of Barbie dolls is swiped all over the screen, these virtual props represent real dollars.

In just over a minute, Cocoa has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in live broadcast income. This kind of money is so easy to make, and it blinds many people.

But although many people are envious, no one is jealous.

Beverly Sweetheart: "Come on, Boss Coco, you were too aggressive just now, please lead us to the sea of ​​stars!"

My Damaiba: "The boss is invincible! The boss is the best! Down with the other children who participated in the selection, let them all go to see the court!"

Caltech male: "Suddenly I lost my goal in life. Is it useful for us to continue to study in this era? I am a little at a loss in life after watching your live broadcast, and I am a little confused about the future."

Hollywood celebrities: "Don't guess who I am, I won't tell you. Come on, little girl, my daughter likes you very much, and you are her idol."

Cocoa has no time to pay attention to the live broadcast, anyway, Ollie just needs to be in charge of shooting.

Holding the changed crystal card and coming to his father's side, the little guy handed the crystal card to his father and said: "Dad, this thing has changed. Do you know what's going on?"

Kim Hyun-tae took a look at the crystal card, and then handed it back to his daughter, saying: "It is estimated that such a change will occur after passing the third test. Actually, I am not very clear. But from the above "excellent" and " Literally speaking, the word "Sword" should be your test evaluation and potential."

The cocoa test is over, and there are two little guys, Dabao and Erbao, who have not tested.

But because Dabao and Erbao are less than one year old, their testing methods are different from those of Cocoa.

The Zodiac came to stand in front of the baby's car and looked down at the two little guys playing with crystal cards. Goliya stared at the Zodiac nervously, like a little hen protecting a baby.

Ollie pointed the flat camera at the Zodiac and gave him a big close-up shot.

The Zodiac smiled at Ge Liya: "Don't be nervous, little girl, I'm not a bad person."

Ge Liya curled her lips and said in her heart.

A small black stone appeared out of thin air in the hands of the zodiac. This small stone was round, and the surface released a kind of light consumption from time to time.

"Little guy, come and feel it." The Zodiac handed the black stone towards Erbao, and showed a conscious and kind smile.

Who would think that Erbao was happily playing the crystal card, but was suddenly interrupted by the Zodiac, which immediately made Erbao very unhappy.

The immediate reaction of the little guy being unhappy is a punch!


The Zodiac was caught by a small fist and hit the door, and then he was knocked out.

Ollie filmed the whole process.

The Zodiac broke several big trees, and his forehead was even green. It can be seen that the power of the little guy's punch is not small, and even monks like the Zodiac can hurt.

The Zodiac stood up with a look of astonishment. Obviously he didn't expect the little guy's punch to be so powerful.

A bright light flashed on his body, and the green part of his forehead disappeared, and the zodiac reappeared in front of Erbao's baby car in the next second.

"Very weird power, no mana fluctuations, and inherently strong. This is a good seed for physical cultivation."

After staring at Erbao for a while, the Zodiac gave an evaluation.

The small black round stone is no longer needed. It passed this test of the Zodiac just with the punch of the second treasure.

The crystal card in Erbao's hand also showed golden light, and the number ‘1’ disappeared, replaced by the two traditional characters ‘you’ and ‘body’.

The Zodiac glanced at Ori, who was standing in front of Erbao’s baby car, holding the tablet at her, and then asked: "Who is this little guy?"

Ollie replied: "This is my husband."

The Zodiac was surprised, and then he didn't continue to ask.

Turning to Dabao's side, Goliya still looked nervously at the Zodiac.

Compared to Erbao, Dabao seemed much quieter, and the little guy was playing with a book.

This is the book Goliath gave to Dabao. The cover says "Three characters, but Dabao obviously can't understand it. He is just flipping through the pages of the book.

Of course, this book has many fragrant illustrations. Whenever I turn to these pages, Dabao will take a curious look.

Goliath loves Dabao the most for watching these illustrations. God knows what this little girl thinks. Is it possible that she hopes Dabao will become a pervert in the future?

The corners of the zodiac's mouth twitched, obviously it hurts Dabao to read such books.

Because of the example of Erbao, the Zodiac became smarter this time.

He did not pretend to interrupt the big treasure of flipping the book, but handed the black round stone in his hand to Golia, who looked at him with a guarded expression, "Little girl, you are very familiar with this little baby, right? So please let the little guy touch this'Jian Fu Stone', OK?"

Goliya did not make a sound, but nodded and took the black round stone handed by the Zodiac, then leaned over to coax Dabao gently: "Husband, stop learning bed skills, touch this stone, obedient, at night I sleep with you and let you touch Mimi."


The Zodiac felt that his three views on life were completely subverted.

And the children I met today are more abnormal than each other.

Looking through the book, Dabao, who was watching the strange illustrations, put down the book in his hand, rolled his eyes at Ge Liya with a "disgusting" expression, and swept Ge Liya's flat chest with his little eyes.

Facing Dabao's contemptuous eyes, Goliath had a grudge on her face.


No way, the little girl is an ‘airport’.

Dabao ignored Goliath who was in the play, raised his little hand and touched a handful of black round stones, and then continued to flip through the book and play.

After Dabao touched the black stone, the zodiac suddenly felt that the sun hanging in the sky was a lot hotter, and the temperature of the entire secret realm had risen a lot. This change and feeling made him very strange.

It stands to reason that this is a secret world, and the temperature is eternal.

But now this change is really weird.

At the moment when the zodiac was puzzled, the black stone suddenly turned red, and sparks appeared.

Following this change in the stone, a flame spurted from the stone and splashed into the air.

These flames sprayed from the stones seem to be alive, and they twist in the air to form a traditional Chinese character for "fire".

Good physique and good qualifications!

It is absolutely the top-level aptitude body that can make the'Jianfu Stone' undergo such a change.

There is a cocoa in front, and then there is a second treasure~lightnovelpub.net~ Now there is another big treasure.

In short, none of the three children who come to participate in the selection process are simple, all of them are of that kind!

The Zodiac held back the shock in his heart, and felt that it was necessary to inform other colleagues.

Kunlun is so big and has many influences, but no matter which influence it is, it is extremely eager for children with talents.

The reason is simple, because it represents the future of martial art.

It doesn't matter if you fail, but you can let other colleagues try it.

It's better than the group of Queen Mother West.

Thinking of this, the Zodiac nodded: "Qualified!"

So far all three children have passed the test.

The zodiac signaled to the same door secretly, so that they could get in touch with Coco and the relatives of the children as soon as possible.

The pavilion disappeared. This was originally an illusion presented by force. When this illusion disappeared, a prairie appeared in front of everyone.

The Zodiac regained the style of the fairy wind, with his hands behind his back, he said to Jin Xiantai and the others: "Go, the fourth test site is in front of you. The children have good talents and potentials, but there are many Kunlun schools and powerful forces. Everyone is different, and there are different ways of practicing. You adults must consider Zhou Xiang for your children."

Zodiac's remarks are reminders and subconscious warnings. Of course, they are more psychological hints, and he almost made everyone choose to explain and teach.

All three children have shown amazing potential. If all three children can join interpretation education, this is very beneficial to interpretation education.

It's just a pity that the Zodiac doesn't know that Kim Hyun-tae, as the father of Coco, is not cold in explaining and teaching, and his views can completely affect Coco, Dabao and Annie, the mother of Erbao.

So... 8