Rising America

Chapter 108: Kim Hyun Tae, take it

   Xu told her mother about her privacy, and Yang Weiwei's mood really became a lot brighter, and she was no longer so sad.

   Yang Weihong, a mother, loves to see such a change in her daughter.

   After chatting in the cafe, the mother and daughter left the cafe and continued shopping. About 15 o'clock in the afternoon, they bought two bottles of Moutai at a tobacco and alcohol specialty store and then returned home.

   Yang Weiwei’s home is in the family compound of a military area in Yanjing Third Ring Road.

   Obviously what she said to Jin Xiantai at the time, that her parents were small civil servants in a certain county, these are not the truth.

   But this is not surprising. As a girl living in a foreign country, it is understandable not to disclose her true information to outsiders.

   at least shows that Yang Weiwei is more vigilant and cautious.

   When she got home, her mother Yang Weihong became busy, and she was about to start preparing dinner.

   Yang Weiwei, who is a daughter, also began to help, doing some small tasks such as washing vegetables.

   Yang Weiwei's mother, Yang Weihong, works in the China Radio and Television Administration. She is not very high-ranking, and she is just the head of a small department.

   As the New Year’s Eve is approaching and today is Saturday again, it is rare for Yang Weihong to go shopping with her daughter at home and show off her cooking skills.

   She is usually very busy at work, the same is true for her husband's work, and her daughter is abroad, so she usually doesn't open fire at home.

   But now the daughter has returned, and she is still worried, so Yang Weihong has been going home as much as possible every day since this month to accompany her daughter.

   and her husband Yang Bing did the same.

   After all, after Yang Weiwei came back, her performance this month is a bit worrying. It is impossible for parents to find out and treat it as invisible.

   I'm all right now, knowing the reason, and untied her daughter's heart knot, Yang Weihong can be regarded as removing a big stone in her heart, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

  If you are in a good mood, of course people are happy.

   Therefore, Yang Weihong was busy with her daughter in the kitchen, talking and laughing.

   In the evening, when the lanterns were on, his father Yang Bing returned.

   As soon as he entered the door, Yang Bing saw the mother and daughter. They had already prepared a large table of dishes and were sitting there waiting for him.

   took off his military uniform, Yang Bing walked over with a smile and sat down at the dinner table.

   "Oh, it's so good today, so many dishes, what a happy event is this."

   Yang Weiwei’s father’s national character face, his face is a little dark, sitting there like a hill, but he is very manly, he is a middle-aged handsome man.

   I want to come, when Dad Yang was young, he was also a handsome boy.

   Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine why Yang's mother chose to come together with Yang's father.

   "Let’s eat, just talk a lot. If you don’t have a big happy event, you can’t eat something good. I’m just making it for girls."

  Yang Bing smiled ‘huh’, pretending to be stupid and didn’t fight his wife stupidly.

   "Help me serve the meal." Yang Weihong gave her husband a vague wink, Yang Bing stood up knowingly, and walked into the kitchen behind his wife.

   After arriving in the kitchen, Yang Weihong said in a low voice to her husband: "I figured it out. Our girl has been frowning and frowning since she came back. She is really in love."

  Wife Yang Weihong just said this, but before she finished her words, Yang Bing, who had originally laughed, opened his eyes wide, like a bulldog: "What! Our girl is in love!"

   "Be quiet, be quiet."

   Yang Weihong raised his hand and gave her husband two hammers, and Yang Bing hurriedly returned.

  Yang Weihong continued: "It's not a relationship. It's our girl who has a crush on someone and confessed to that boy, but the boy didn't accept it."

   Yang Bing raised his hand and touched the back of his head: "Oh, I figured it out, dare you to feel that our girl is still unrequited love."

   Yang Weihong nodded, basically admitting this.

   "Quickly, serve the meal, don't let the girl see anything."

  Yang Weihong kept telling her husband the smug message, and kept holding three bowls of rice and handed it to her husband.

   "Children’s family, this is only a little older, what is love? It’s not bad if I don’t get it, but it’s trouble if it’s done."

   Father Yang Bing carried his job and told his wife what he thought of this matter.

  Yang Weihong said to her husband at this time: "Do you know who our girl likes?"

   Yang Bing shook his head: "Where do I know this, isn't it a foreign devils?!"

   "It's not a foreign devil, but it's almost the same. The boy is an ABC. Speaking of which, you should have the impression that the boy was the guy who blocked the gun for our girl and pushed our girl away at critical moments."

   "Well, it's this young man. If our girl falls in love with such a person, I think it's not bad, after all, she seems to be responsible."

   "What nonsense, people don't even care about our girls."

   "My girl is a bit bad, but I still look down on it!"

  Papa Yang started the topic a bit crookedly, and Yang Weiwei had no idea about it.

   At this moment, Yang Weiwei in the dining room logged into her Twitter account and clicked on Jin Xiantai's personal page.

Looking at Kim Hyun Tae’s personal Twitter page, Yang Weiwei thought in her heart that although you rejected my confession, I also have the right to continue to like you, and I want to keep in touch with you. If you save me, you really forget me. .

   I like you. This is my personal freedom. If you want to come, you have no right to stop it.

   Obviously, the girl really doesn't mean to give up because of that piece of information from Kim Hyun Tae.

   Especially after a month of low ebb, the girl who recovered her condition again became excited. She decided to do her best to get the best buds for her first love.

   Such courage is really amazing.

   And Yang Weiwei's parents did not expect at this moment that her daughter would actually make such a decision.

   [@] Jin Xiantai: William, how is your body recovering now? Los Angeles is very warm now, but it is already snowing here in my house. Although I was wearing thick and warm clothes, my heart was still so cold. [From China Yanjing-Yang Weiwei]

   entered a paragraph of text in the message bar, Yang Weiwei did not send it, but checked it.

   Oh, is it a bit bad to send such a message?

   After all, I decided to chase after Kim Hyun Tae, but the girl has no such experience, or even love experience, so I don’t know what to do for a while.

   After finally thinking about it, Yang Weiwei felt that there was nothing wrong with being a little bolder for her first love.

  Aren’t European and American girls all like this? Why can’t I learn by myself?

   I have to say that if the girls chase the boy upside down, sometimes they are really vulnerable.

   After some checks, Yang Weiwei added a paragraph [I still miss Xiao Keke] at the end, and then sent this private message.

   Kim Hyun Tae!

   My Yang Weiwei is about to start chasing you, take it!

   After sending the message, Yang Weiwei clenched her small fist and kept cheering herself.

------split line------

   On the far side of the earth, Kim Hyun-tae is checking the Internet, and there are some film reviews about "Flying House Tour".

   "American Entertainment Weekly"

   [If you still believe that there are beautiful things in this world, then go watch this movie.

   When did we start not believing in love.

   When did we dare not talk about forever, when our worship of material stripped our faith in love itself.

   We are used to entering or exiting love after love, and then regard it as an exercise in love. Our world is too impetuous, so impetuous that there is no heart to seriously manage a life-long relationship.

   However, the reality that we are talking about cannot conceal our inner longing for everlasting time. That kind of warmth of holding the hand and growing old with the son has settled down bit by bit over the years.

   Through the morning sun, if the person next to you who is sleeping fast is the one who has never changed, I think that would be the perfect gift from God.

   This is for those who still believe in love, but the warm picture makes people burst into tears.

   Let me take our dreams to adventure, the cross on my chest is my lifelong promise to you.

   I want our house to be rooted in the place you most wanted to go, and I want to help you realize your childhood desire.

   However, when I finally arrived at the place you always wanted to come, I found out that the end of your adventure has become a life with me since you met me.

   Seeing this, the author burst into tears.

   Go and see this cartoon 3D animation, this is a work that will not disappoint you. 】

   The Hollywood Reporter

   [Love is to realize a dream for her; love is to be with him every day is an adventure.

   We don’t need another unrelated person to practice love, we don’t need to follow the impulsiveness of the outside world to toss love, we don’t need a person who dare not desire forever to consume our love. That is not love.

   I met you in a crowd of thousands, and I fell in love with you for a long time. There are a few such opportunities for everyone in a lifetime.

   If it happens to be, that you also fell in love with me at the same time. Then this may be the most beautiful gift God has given me.

   So, let this kind of feeling return to its original nature, let the morning sun shine on your sleeping cheeks, let the passage of time quietly engrave on your eyebrows, and let the accumulation of years bloom a consistent and beautiful love.

   If I fall in love with that one, or that one falls in love with me. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, please work hard to manage this relationship. This is a long and long life adventure, but as long as you are around, I have the courage to realize it.

   Or in the end, we can’t stay with each other for a lifetime, but as long as we believe in love in our hearts, then the adventures we once will become memories that will never fade, hidden in memories.

   This is a movie for those who still believe in love. In the adventure of this life, you may be my end point.

  Thank you for this almost missed film, let us still find the love that was almost forgotten by us in the noisy world.

   I am also grateful for the tears that slipped through the corner of our eyes, and let us discover that the hypocrisy and worldliness have disappeared and we still long for the happiness of staying together for a lifetime.

   I also want to thank William King, who told us that he can actually make such a direct-to-heart work with cartoons. Thank you. 】

   After reading the comments of the two media, Kim Hyun-tae was in a good mood.

   After all, this kind of argument is very positive. Although they are all about love, Kim Hyun-tae doesn't care about it.

   Even he was still happily thinking to himself, don't the old Americans like this tune, maybe because of such comments, it can bring him a better box office.

   At this time, the phone trembles suddenly, prompting Kim Hyun-tae that someone on Twitter has sent him a private text message. As a reminder is set up for acquaintances, Kim Hyun-tae knows that the person sending the message is someone he knows.

   After closing the webpage and logging in to his Twitter account, Kim Hyun-tae discovered that this private message was actually sent by Yang Weiwei...

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