Rising America

Chapter 1083: Saber

Nuwa, incarnate as Zhang Xiaomi, has lived in modern society as a mortal girl for a long time. She has also attended elementary school and junior high school. Now she is in high school, but because she is not too interested in foreign objects, she has been in daily life. It is quite boring, so it is bound to be ignorant of the preferences of the current young people and some popular things. ???? W (I) W (I) W (I). ?8?1㈧Z?W?. ?C?OM

For example, the Internet, video games, online novels, etc., so I don’t understand what is "brain halo"

Speaking of Nuwa, it is also quite interesting. Since they have all come to live in the dunya, they are still in their lives for so many years. It is really surprising that they don't understand such things.

What does she usually do?

Read, read, read!

That's right, this is the daily routine of Nuwa, who is transformed into Zhang Xiaomi. Apart from reading, she doesn't even watch TV. Anyway, she goes home to rest and do homework, then wakes up to go to school and reads, goes home after school to do homework and sleep every day. Such a monotonous cycle.

No matter how you think of it, Nuwa seems to be a little lacking in roots, which is an alternative to ordinary girls nowadays. However, it is precisely by virtue of this that she has gone from elementary school to junior high school, so that after high school, she is like a student. A good child in the eyes of a teacher, a girl who can enter a key university in the future.

God knows exactly what Nuwa thinks, why let her life be so monotonous and weird, it seems out of place with the girls nowadays.

But this is the life that Nuwa chose by herself after all, maybe she feels at ease on such days.

Hey! Who knows.

Anyway, what Nu Wa thought, only she herself knew.

If not, after reading a few online novels for a while, she would definitely know what the ‘brain halo’ is, so that after hearing the little guy’s words, she would still be amused.

Nuwa knows that but the "other person", although not enough practice, but the little guy himself has a lot of peculiar abilities, otherwise the little guy would not be able to kill the most annoying "Qi Jin Chan" Shushan.

Only a mere "mortal" body can kill a veteran monk, this kind of record is simply blinding and shining like a blind eye, OK?

That’s why the great powers on the West Kunlun side have disputes over the ownership of Coco, because everyone knows that a child like Coco joins any force. After a period of training, it will become a powerful force in the future. Combat power.

It was just that when the fairies were still arguing, Nuwa first abducted Cocoa, and successfully made Coco her disciple, making her a master and apprentice.

I have to say that Nu Wa is quite clever.

But right now, Nuwa felt that she still underestimated her, the only little apprentice, as if her ability was not just a little displayed in the Kunlun Secret Realm.

The three young disciples of Shushan have appeared. The middle-aged women selling fakes still screamed and abused themselves. The eyes of the onlookers were full of admiration and awe. They put their sights on the three Shushan disciples, as if they were so good. unattainable.

On the other hand, Nuwa and Coco, the two masters and apprentices, no one paid any attention.

It seems that the two of them have become air, and become small transparent.

Of course, there are also some caring people who think that Nuwa and Coco are not easy, because the two are very calm even at this time, and they don't show any fear, anxiety or even fear.

Especially since Nuwa had threw an apricot gourd in the air before, the gourd was not easy to look at.

Therefore, some of these people think that Nuwa and Coco are definitely dependent, otherwise it is impossible to be so calm after the appearance of the Shushan disciples.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that Coco Fudge put on a hip-hop outfit, dressed up like Nu Wa, a hot girl in the sports department, how ordinary it is.

If people knew her identity, they would all be scared.

Obviously, Nuwa hadn't revealed her own identity, and Coco didn't know who her master was at this time, so she couldn't show her off if she wanted to.

Otherwise, with Coco's character, after knowing who his master is, the little guy will definitely show off at this moment.

After the three Shushan disciples appeared, Nuwa saw the logo on the three of them, knowing that they were just outside disciples of Shushan, not even direct disciples.

Therefore, she lost interest in the three of them, and she didn't bother to take care of them.

She originally thought how to provoke a direct disciple, but in the end three small shrimps came, and for this kind of low-end scum, it is really difficult for Nuwa to cheer up.

[Do you want to kill the gate directly? Doing so will destroy my image of a pure and beautiful girl, so even if I want to avenge the land, I have to find an excuse. Moreover, Cocoa has killed Qi Jinchan, and he has formed a great cause and effect with Shushan. I have to understand this cause and effect for Cocoa. Therefore, letting Shushan offend me is the best choice. Hahahaha, I am so smart. La. 】

In an instant, Nuwa turned her mind thousands of times.

It seemed that she was very impulsive, bringing her only apprentice Cocoa to take revenge, but in fact she brought Cocoa to solve the cause and effect between the little guy and Shu Shan.

Because Nuwa knows very well that the causality between Coco and Qi Jinchan is mainly Qi Jinchan’s own problem, but after all, Coco killed the nasty guy, so he must have a cause and effect with Shushan, and this cause and effect. Not too small.

Nu Wa looked down on Shu Mountain, but could not ignore the existence behind Shu Mountain.

Usually people who don’t know the details think that the backing behind Shu Mountain is Buddhism, but in fact, this is not the case at all. Nuwa, who exists as a holy order, is very clear that behind Shu Mountain is related to Western religion.

Some people might say that ‘Western religion’ is not Buddhism. What’s the difference?

The difference here is big!

Dongtu Buddhism was founded by the Taobao Taoists, and there are some connections with Taishang Laojun. Strictly speaking, the Buddhism of Dongtu Huaxia is a native sect.

But the Western religion is not the case. It is an absolute foreign sect, which comes from India.

This ‘Western religion’ gained a lot of benefits from the Eastern Land during the enfeoffment of the gods, but was ruined by too much of their plans and conspiracies with one move.

The unwilling "western religion" finally came up with a "western religion", but unfortunately it was not successful in the end. After seeing through its plan and the conspiracy of the Sanzang master and apprentice to obtain the truth, it did not fulfill the agreement to preach for the western religion at all. , Slammed into the West to teach, and also joined Eastern Buddhism, becoming a peace protector.

Only with the support of the'Western religion', Shushan became a leader in the spiritual world through various despicable methods and behavior styles during the end of the Dharma. However, the Western religious forces still did not completely enter the Eastern soil, but were The ruler of the world got Mongolia.

Therefore, there were many people in Mongolian ministries who believed in Western religions, and they were miserable.

It’s just that some people who don’t know these inside stories think that the backing of Shushan is Eastern Buddhism, that is, the power of Duobao, but Nuwa knows very well that the real backing of Shushan is'Western religion', that is, incarnation as'Jiangsu'. Brahma and Vishnu who quoted and Zhunti.

And considering that the two have the strength of the ‘Holy Order’, Nu Wa also had to find an excuse before they could go to Shushan to play.

So just because I just accepted Cocoa as my apprentice is far from enough.

The moral high ground needs to be occupied, so that cause and effect are not their own!

Nuwa, who silently considered these things in her heart, basically did not hear the clamor of the middle-aged woman or the trivial words of the ‘washing, cutting and blowing’ youth.

But Coco, who was standing beside Nuwa, was already a little uncomfortable.

The first middle-aged women's scolding was really unpleasant. Basically, the vocabulary of ‘18th generation’, ‘Japanese’, ‘dog’, ‘comparison’, ‘show’, etc., is a combination of cursing with different methods, and there is no duplication.

At this moment, I saw the'Xijianqiu' town killer walking out with what he thought was chic. After standing three meters in front of Nuwa and Coco, he arrogantly raised his finger and shouted at Nuwa. "The little girl beat my mother and compensated me for the loss of 5 million soft sister coins, and then you and I slept for three days before the matter was finished. Otherwise, if I resort to the fairy family, I must have you and that little girl The girl turned to ashes!"

Strictly speaking, it is understandable that the ‘washing, cutting and blowing’ youths want to avenge their mother. After all, the middle-aged woman is his mother. How can the mother be humiliated as a son ignore it? Isn't it a beast that is like this?

It’s just that this ‘washing, cutting and blowing’ village killer is too much. He actually took the opportunity to put forward too much conditions and wanted Nuwa to sleep with him for three days...

It's too much to kill, isn't it?

If the ‘washing, cutting and blowing’ village kills the teenager and directly shoots at Nuwa and Coco, only to get revenge for his income, then his fate may not be terrible.

After all, Nuwa is not unreasonable. Even if she finds an excuse to go to Shushan, she will not kill the young.

And the matter itself was also caused by the teenage mother. If she hadn't sold fakes and was so arrogant, maybe there would be no such thing.

The big deal is that Nuwa and Coco leave their mother's booth and then their mother continues to do business.

Who would have thought that his mother would not be forgiving, saying that his own things were true, and that Nuwa and Coco were foreign tourists, so the vendors who lived in the vicinity came together to put pressure and prepare for blackmail.

So it became like this.

At this time, Nuwa came back to her senses~lightnovelpub.net~ I heard that the “washing, cutting and blowing” the young man who killed the township had made the conditions. Even if it was Nuwa no matter how much Lo, she also heard the implied condition in the young man’s proposal. Insignificant meaning.

Therefore, Nuwa was angry because the willow eyebrows were upside down, her pretty face turned pale, and her body trembled with anger.

At this moment, Nuwa thought of the original King Zhou, and this "washing, cutting and blowing" village killer was even more explicit than King Zhou!


Without waiting for Nuwa to use the means, a burst of thunder suddenly sounded in the sky!

Suddenly, a saber-cutting knife appeared out of thin air, and then slashed down fiercely, and slashed towards the arrogant ‘washing, cutting and blowing’ youth.

The saber knife was mixed with layers of fairy patterns. Under the agitation of the fairy patterns, the originally clear and blue sky was shrouded by dark clouds, and the whole world seemed to be extremely dim!

As the Sabre Sword fell, a figure appeared behind the Sabre Sword, and the world shook violently: "Dare to insult the demon clan saint, take me a blow!"