Rising America

Chapter 1089: Each destiny

Many people have gotten the chance to change their destiny through the'Kunlun Selection', but it's not clear whether the future is good or bad, which makes it impossible to know, but in any case, they have become a practitioner, compared to continuing to be ordinary people. Too much.

Ordinary people are basically the same as ‘ants’, with short life spans.

But once you become a cultivator, you can jump out of the ‘ant’ circle, and your life span has also been greatly increased. If you are really lucky and have a good chance, it’s not impossible to cultivate a life with the sky.

Of course, there are very few practitioners who can reach this height.

Even so, Kunlun Selection still cannot stop the enthusiasm of ordinary people's families. More than half of the families in Beijing alone brought their children to try their luck.

But in the end, only dozens of people were able to go to the end. The number was pitiful, and the number of those who could pass the final assessment and be selected as direct disciples was even smaller.

And those who have not become direct disciples will stay, after all, it is not easy to have the ability to go to the end.

It's just that these children, who stayed as servants, will certainly not be treated the same as those who became direct disciples.

Kunlun selection is not only held here in Jincheng, but first and second-tier cities across China have also launched this activity. If you calculate this in general, this time the selection of children in West Kunlun will be really hearty.

We must know that Huaxia in different time and space has a land area ten times larger than that in a certain time and space, and its population base has also increased ten times. Based on this population size, Xi Kunlun Shao said that it has also been selected from mortals through this selection. Thousands of talented and talented children have gone.

Outsiders may not be able to see anything in a short time, but when these children are successful in cultivation, they will discover what changes these children will bring to the world when they start to be outside.

In response to this situation, the three ways of demon, demons, and ghosts are also forced to start thinking of ways to expand their power, and the province will be suppressed by the West Kunlun in the future.

Therefore, on the same day, Fengdu Yama transmitted the sound of China, and opened his own dojo in Fengdu, welcome all the wandering ghosts to come and listen to the preaching, and it is open for wandering ghosts to observe and learn. Time wailed towards Fengdu, which really scared many ordinary people, after all, the image of wandering ghosts is not very good.

Unwilling to be outdone, the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance jumped out of an old guy named "Kunpeng Patriarch", saying that he opened a demonic dojo in a certain place. It also welcomes animals from all over the world to come and listen to his sermons and learn from Fengdu. He took out a book on the practice of the demon world to attract demon types from all over the world.

Compared with the two ways of demon and ghost, the way of demon is much lower-key.

Although I didn't see its Voice Transmission Huaxia, everyone knew that Modao definitely had some plans in private.

And Nuwa and Coco, the two masters and apprentices, after finishing a small episode, continue to flee towards the Kunlun selection site in the capital.

Coco kept looking at the "Unlimited Killing Reincarnation Disk" along the way. The blue is full of fresh energy. After all, this is the first magic weapon the little guy has, so don't mention the freshness and curiosity of this magic weapon. Up.

"Master, after my magic weapon is integrated with the Eye of Agomoto, it seems to be able to connect the multiverse plane world, and through my will enhance or reduce the threat of these worlds, so that the enemy who is taken into it can face All kinds of killings and robberies."

While looking at the magic weapon in his hand, the little guy listened to the explanation of the mysterious sounds deep in his consciousness. He kept telling Nüwa about these explanations, and she was also stunned when she heard them.

Nuwa studied elementary and junior high school in the mortal world, and is now in high school, so she has a lot of knowledge about mortal knowledge compared to most immortals, and she is not out of touch with the current era.

So of course she knows what the information of the words contained in these things Cocoa said.

This magic weapon has many worlds, and it is based on the will of the little guy, and can be adjusted!


This is pretty awesome.

Nu Wa looked at her little apprentice in shock, and suddenly felt that her apprentice was really blessed by Heaven.

But then again, what is the Eye of Agomoto?

Cocoa mentioned the eye of ‘Ago Motor’, but Nu Wa was somewhat baffled.

"Master, if you have time, you can take me to see the magic weapons of those strong, and their magical powers? As long as they can show their magic weapons and magical powers in front of me, I can copy them."

After Coco got the "Unlimited Killing Reincarnation Disk" because Nuwa showed the pictures of the mountains and rivers, the little guy started to get confused.

Coco knows exactly what kind of abilities he has and how to use his abilities to become stronger.

It's just that for some inferior skills, the little guy doesn't bother to copy them.

But looking at the immortal family's supernatural powers is extremely powerful, so how could the little guy not be moved.

And now her talent has also changed, resulting in not only copying magical powers, but also ‘copying’ magic weapons, so of course the little guy wants to take this opportunity to make a good profit.

Moreover, my master said that he has a lot of face in the spiritual world and the immortal world, so it wouldn't be difficult for the master to take him to see and see these things.

As long as he and his master are silent and secretly come to do this, the little guy thinks that there is absolutely no problem.

And Nuwa was moved by the little guy's pleading.

After all, the little guy is now his own apprentice, so the master must be for the sake of the apprentice, and considering the little guy’s ability to guard against the sky, maybe only in this way can the little guy have a certain amount before practicing. The powerful combat power.

In any case, the little guy will be rampant in the fairy world in the future, and the master himself will also have face.

The thoughts flashed in my heart, Nu Wa then nodded and said: "Okay, the master still has some face. Let's target people like Tai Shang, primitive, and Tong Tian, ​​so that you can be a lovely disciple. Become very strong in a short time."

Nüwa is not a stubborn goddess, and she is determined to weigh the gains and losses for her apprentice. She found that there is basically no harm in doing so, but when there are many benefits, of course, she will not object.

It can be seen that after Master Nuwa agreed to her request, she immediately raised her small fist and waved it vigorously, and shouted excitedly, ‘Yeah! ’.

Suddenly, Nuwa was on a whim. She lifted her right hand to pinch, and then a wry smile appeared on her face, and then she muttered to herself: "Oh, I owe a huge favor unconsciously. I can't think of the two Western teachers. The shameless guy actually hit the abacus on my head."

"Master, what are you talking to yourself?"

It can be seen that my master is very puzzled, so he asked curiously.

Nuwa smiled, and responded casually: "It's nothing, see your father later, let's go with your father."

Seeing that Nuwa was unwilling to explain, Coco didn't ask, and continued to play with her magic weapon.

Cocoa’s gains on this day are not trivial. He copied the deduction and evolved into a skill. After copying the deduction and evolution from the dead ghost Qi Jinchan, he mastered it by himself, and also got a magic weapon of'wireless killing reincarnation disk', plus Coco himself also became Nuwa's apprentice!

I have to say that this time the Kunlun selection tour, Cocoa's harvest is really staggering.

Many forces on Kunlun also knew the news that Nuwa had accepted Cocoa as a disciple, so they all lamented that Nuwa was quick to start, but they didn't think much about it.

After all, they don't know what kind of anti-sky ability Coco has.

Otherwise, I would definitely regret that I started too late.

At the Kunlun selection site in Silver Valley, Jin Xiantai and Annie watched Dabao and Erbao and were taken away by two Taoists. Annie's eyes were filled with distress and reluctance.

Li Hong and Jin Jianshe continued to persuade Annie, while Andrew looked around with thief, looking at everything fresh and curious.

Old Nord followed behind the Taoist holding the Dabao, and kept whispering something, while the expression on the Taoist's face was a little dumbfounding.

This is where the light of Nuwa and Coco are falling. When the light is gone, Nuwa and Coco walked towards Jin Xiantai and others~lightnovelpub.net~ Dad, I am back! "

The little guy ran over with a look of excitement, and opened his arms to pounce on his father.

When Jin Xiantai saw her daughter squat down quickly, he caught Coco who was rushing over, and then stood up again in his arms.

"The Shushan thing is over?"

Jin Xiantai looked at Nu Wa and asked.

Nu Wa smiled and nodded.

Little Coco screamed and said to his father: "Dad, you haven't seen it. My master summoned a big monkey, a young lady, and three black#社# will beat hands, and beat up the bad guys in Shushan. , That scene is simply..."

Kim Hyun Tae looked at his daughter with a dumbfounded look on his face.

A monkey, a young lady, and three black#社#会s, what's all this?

Nuwa, who came over, also heard what the little guy said, and she herself was entangled with the little guy's explanation of Shu Shan.

"Huh, where's the brothers?"

The excited little guy noticed a trace of something wrong, and then she looked around for a while, and immediately knew what was wrong, Dabao and Erbao were gone.

Only Ollie and Golia stood behind Annie with a gloomy expression, looking like they were about to cry.

"Dabao and Erbao were selected by Dao Master Guangcheng Zi, and Dao Master Chijingzi. So these two little guys were taken away by their respective masters."

Seeing her daughter inquiring about Dabao and Erbao, Jin Xiantai explained to her daughter.

It was Nuwa who heard Jin Xiantai say this, her face showed a weird look, but this weird look flashed across her face, so she was not noticed by everyone.