Rising America

Chapter 109: 1 sigh

[The grandmother at home was seriously ill on the 7th and died on the 11th. These days, I have been busy with the old man’s funeral affairs. The manuscripts are gone. The funeral will go out on the 17th. Therefore, on the 16th, 17th, and 18th, these three days cannot be kept for the second watch. Please be considerate, readers, hereby let me know]

   clicked and opened the private message sent by Yang Weiwei, and Jin Xiantai looked at it seriously.

   "Well, this girl, it seems that she hasn't given up on herself yet."

   Kim Hyun Tae is not stupid. No matter how slow he is, he can see some problems after reading the messages sent by the girl.

   It is obvious that Yang Weiwei has not changed her mentality and thoughts because of her attitude.

   So facing Yang Weiwei's message, Jin Xiantai decided to treat it coldly this time. After all, he didn't want to be so ambiguous with Yang Weiwei to play with Yang Weiwei's courage.

   Yes, in Jin Xiantai's view, if he couldn't deal with Yang Weiwei well, then he himself was playing with Yang Weiwei's dare.

   Such a thing, he really can't do it.

   exited Yang Weiwei's message page, and Jin Xiantai shut down his network.

   "Really, what good do I have, why do you like me? There are so many good young people in this world, what do they like me for."

   Jin Xiantai put down the phone and shook his head and smiled bitterly, and at the same time he muttered to himself very mockingly.

   Although these words he said are correct, he has forgotten one thing, that is, he can reject any girl, but there is no way to prevent girls from liking him or even falling in love with him, because this is the free will of the girls themselves.

   Maybe Kim Hyun-tae might have thought of this too, so he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

   But anyway, Jin Xiantai is going to treat Yang Weiwei coldly this time. He will not be disconnected from Yang Weiwei, he will get so ambiguous.

  As an old guy with an adult soul, of course Kim Hyun Tae knows how to deal with this small problem.

   "William, do you think there is any problem with the final exam questions that the college has sent via email?"

   Anne was watching TV with Coco, and suddenly turned around to ask him.

   The academy is already at the end of the semester, but because of his injury, Jin Hyun Tae was unable to attend classes normally, so the exam would not be possible.

   But Kim Hyun Tae didn't want to waste high school years, so he entrusted Dave to contact the college to solve this problem.

  The college promised that Jin Xiantai would allow him to study by himself while healed. As long as there is no problem with the cultural course assessment, he can go to school smoothly.

   As for the credit issue that caused him headaches, the academy would also turn one eye and close one eye. Who made Kim Hyun Tae's situation special.

Hearing this, Jin Xiantai smiled, temporarily forgetting the little trouble that the Huaxia girl brought to him, and responded: "I have finished it and sent it to the college via email. This kind of assessment is really simple for me. Nothing makes me difficult."


   Suddenly, Annie showed nausea. Kim Hyun-tae got up from the sofa as soon as she saw it, walked a few steps over and helped Annie up.

  As a person who came here, he is certainly no stranger to Anne’s reaction. This is an obvious morning sickness, a physiological phenomenon that pregnant women will have.

   And Annie is a woman with a baby, so this phenomenon is normal.

Kim Hyun-tae, who was supporting Annie, walked slowly out of the room. While walking, he comforted Annie: "It's been more than four months. According to you, your reaction shouldn’t have been so big now, and you haven’t been like this since this time. The physiological reaction, I think it should be checked."

   Indeed, Anne has been by his side since he was shot by Kim Hyun Tae, busy with his affairs, and almost forgot that she was a pregnant woman.

   Therefore, Annie even forgot to do some related checks.

   Now Annie has been pregnant for more than four months, which is almost five months away. It stands to reason that pregnant women in this period should not have morning sickness.

   So Kim Hyun-tae was a little worried, afraid that it was his own sake that would cause any accidents to happen to Annie, which would be bad.

   "Go, I'll take you to check it up. You haven't checked your body for a long time, right?"

   Jin Xiantai's question reminded Annie that she thought about it carefully, it seemed that she hadn't had a physical examination for more than two months.

   Therefore, Anne did not refuse Jin Xiantai's proposal.

   "Coco, watch TV by yourself, don't run around. Dad takes Aunt Annie to the doctor."

   Before leaving the room, Kim Hyun-tae turned around and told his daughter who was watching TV with gusto.

   "Cocoa, too."

   When the little guy heard it, he didn't even watch the TV. He ran over and became a little stalker.

   Kim Hyun-tae had no choice but to follow her and Annie, so he had to apologize and smile bitterly at Annie.

   But Annie said to Kim Hyun Tae indifferently: "It's okay, the little guy will follow if you want, just go check your body anyway."

   In this way, Kim Hyun-tae and his daughter accompanied Annie to the physical examination department of the rehabilitation center, and found a doctor to give Annie an examination.

Half an hour later, the doctor came to Kim Hyun-tae and Annie with the examination report: "This lady’s body is a little weak, her nutrition is normal, and there is no disease. At the same time, I want to say congratulations, this lady I am pregnant with twins."

  ! Are they twins?

   Hearing the doctor said that there is nothing wrong with his body, even the somewhat weak Annie and Kim Hyun Tae were relieved.

   After all, it is normal for pregnant women to be weak. After all, it is obvious that after pregnancy cannot be compared with before pregnancy.

   And the doctor said that she was pregnant with twins, which surprised Annie.

   "You will pay more attention in the future, but you can let her go by yourself, or you will push her with a baby stroller. Don't hold her anymore. Now you pay more attention to your body."

   Kim Hyun Tae quickly began to tell Annie.

   Listening to Kim Hyun Tae’s caring words, Annie felt warm.

   While the little Coco looked curious, he hugged Annie's calf and looked up at her cutely: "What are twins? I don't understand."

   Annie looked down at cute Coco with a smile: "Twins are the future Coco will have two friends. Do you want Annie to have two little sisters, or two little brothers."

   "Wow! Do you have two friends playing with Coco? You like Coco so much. You can play with Coco. You can play with Coco."

   After the doctor told the results of the examination, he left, leaving a sigh of relief. At the same time, two young people were happy with the good news.

   Kim Hyun Tae was very happy at first, but gradually his brows became serious.

  Because he thought that Annie now has a bulging belly and she is pregnant with twins, then it is obvious that she can no longer work as a nanny now.

   It's not that Annie did not do a good job, but her current physical condition made Jin Xiantai have to carefully consider this issue.

   If there is an accident because of taking care of Coco, even if Jin Xiantai compensates Annie later, there is no way to recover the pain of losing the baby.

   Thinking of this, Jin Xiantai looked at Annie with difficulty and said to her: "Annie, I think you are no longer suitable for the job of a nanny."

What does    mean?

   Annie, who was interacting with Cocoa, suddenly froze when she heard this.

Without waiting for Annie’s response, Kim Hyun-tae continued: "Don’t think about it, I don’t mean anything else. I just said that your current physical condition is really not suitable for the job of nanny, not that you are not doing well. .

   After all, I have to consider that you are a pregnant woman, for your sake, and in order not to have any accidents, I think..."

   At first it sounded like saying that I did not pass the test, but at the end when I heard Kim Hyun Tae say this, where could Annie not understand.

   Kim Hyun Tae said this because of his own physical factors.

   After understanding what Kim Hyun-tae meant, how could Annie not figure it out.

   "What you said is that my body is indeed no longer qualified for this job. I will talk to Mr. Dave and ask him to find you a new nanny."

   Annie is very reasonable, which finally relieved Kim Hyun-tae's hanging heart.

  Seriously, after spending this time with Annie, Kim Hyun-tae has gradually gotten used to the days where Annie was around.

   There are banquets all over the world, Annie also has her own life, especially when she is still pregnant with a baby, so as her belly bulges day by day, it is obvious that Annie cannot stay at home forever.

  "Don’t think too much about it. After giving birth to your baby, if you’re physically recovered, I think you can continue to come back and do this job if you want.

   But I think this is unlikely. After all, a mother with a child will focus on the child in the future, and the little guys will let you not have any energy to take care of other things. "

   As someone who has come, especially Kim Hyun Tae, who is a single father, has an absolute say and personal experience in this matter.

   Annie looked at Kim Hyun-tae with a smile, and listened to him talking about how to take care of her body, what should pregnant women think about these topics~lightnovelpub.net~ But her eyes were full of reluctance.

  Seriously, Annie is also used to staying with Jin Xiantai and playing with Cocoa every day. This kind of plain but warm day makes Annie feel very comfortable.

   There is no intrigue, no documents that cannot be processed every day, so that she is far away from reality, as if she is living in a world without conflict.

   But at the moment, everything will be broken, she is about to return to the original world, far away from this leisurely and comfortable day.

   But Annie also knows that her state is the best choice right now.

   After all, this is also for the sake of the child in my stomach.

Ha ha.

   These are twins.

   I hope that two strong little boys can become mothers' right-hand man in the future. Of course, they can also protect their father from the wind and rain.

   raised her hand and stroked her bulging belly, Annie's face was full of mother's brilliance, and she gently stroked her belly, thinking secretly in her heart.

   "Let's go, I'll take you to the lawn for a walk. With your body like this, you have to walk around a lot, so that it will not be so hard when you have a baby.

  Of course, you must be careful about everything, don’t fall or fall, after all, the child in your stomach is not yet formed, you should pay attention to eating, don’t eat everything..."

   Listening to Jin Xiantai's nagging, Annie felt this little happiness in her heart. How much she wished she could explain everything to Jin Xiantai, and then stay by his side openly and enjoy his care for herself.


But in the end, everything can only be turned into a silent sigh~lightnovelpub.net~Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~lightnovelpub.net~ For mobile users, please go to read .