Rising America

Chapter 1091: Come, come, listen to the teacher's "8 h

It is faster to get out of Silver Valley Forest than when you come in. After all, you have to pass a test when you come, but you don't need it when you leave, so it must be much faster.

Therefore, it only took about half an hour before Jin Xiantai and his team arrived at the parking lot outside the forest and saw the old ‘land’ Chen again.

At this time, Lao Chen changed into a work clothes with the Silver Valley Forest staff logo. He was no longer dressed up as a casual old man when he saw him, and he also held an intercom in his hand, constantly It reminds visitors who come here to park their vehicles, lock the doors and take care of the children.

The secret realm has disappeared, and the parking lot has also changed a lot.

The originally empty parking lot is now full of vehicles and there are more people, all of which are dragged by the family.

When I looked back at Jin Xiantai and his party, and saw Nuwa holding Coco's little hand, this old silver valley ran over immediately, and said hello to everyone with a flattering expression, especially to Nuwa He nodded and bowed, it looked like more doglegs and doglegs.

Everyone also greeted this ‘Silver Valley Land’ in a simple and polite manner, then walked by the bus that had parked here before, and then filed on the bus.

The driver belonging to the Sixth Division of the Secret Service has been waiting for everyone here. After everyone got on the car, the driver closed the car door and started the car, driving everyone to the highway back to Beijing.

Sitting on the bus, Coco kept looking glum.

Because the master and father did not accept their brains, this made the little guy very upset.

In her opinion, that idea is really good. If the father and the master can accept it, the master can definitely get rid of the harassment of those mad bees and butterflies, but why should the master and father refuse it.

The little guy couldn't figure it out, so he got angry.

The little guy sitting in his place has a puffy appearance, with a small mouth pouting to make his little face look like a little bun.

When Jin Hyun-tae saw his daughter in this state, he decided to dry the little guy, because he knew very well about the cocoa in this state. If you didn’t have a word in the past, it would be unpleasant to ask for words. The best way is to ignore her It will be fine in a while.

Li Hong was still comforting Annie in a low voice, and sitting in the front row with Annie talking quietly.

Jin Jianshe was holding the phone with excitement, and he didn't know who was talking with him.

Auri and Golia looked a little desperate, sitting in the back row very dull.

Andrew played with his tablet with excitement.

Nuwa, who lives among ordinary people under the name Zhang Xiaomi, also took out an old-fashioned ‘Nokie’ phone from her hip-hop jacket pocket and played the snake game.

Looking around the people in the car, Jin Xiantai smiled knowingly, then closed his eyes and decided to take a nap.

At this moment, Jin Xiantai is all relaxed, because his daughter has benefited a lot from the Kunlun selection, so he is the father's full body Shutai.

The car got on the highway and passed the toll gate again, but this time the toll gate looked much more normal, so weird when it didn't come.

After passing the toll booth, Coco stood on the seat in a gloomy mood, stretched out his hand to pat the shoulder of Oli who was sitting in the front row, and asked her to return her mobile phone.

After taking back his mobile phone, Coco logged into his live broadcast room.

There are still many netizens in the live broadcast room who are engaged in intense discussions on various topics, but most of them are guessing who is the girl who took Coco.

Because Nuwa appeared too suddenly at the time, Aoli only gave her a shot, and then Nuwa took the cocoa and turned away, so the netizens in the live broadcast room did not know the identity of Nuwa.

At the same time, because Nuwa left with Coco, the netizens in the live broadcast room did not understand what happened next in Shushan.

Although Ollie did not close the live broadcast room and continued the live broadcast, because of the lack of cocoa, many netizens passed away.

But even so, there are still tens of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room.

Akihabara’s House: "Who is the girl who took the coco-san? According to my years of manga experience, the characters that appear on this occasion are not so simple to think about. Maybe it's a certain demon king. Right?"

Far East Katyusha: "Chinese is so hard to type, but fortunately, I can't be troubled! Ask me to say that the girl must be a Chinese practitioner, but she is definitely not a big devil. I don't see how powerful that girl is, but it is undeniable This girl is still very beautiful, but a little worse than me."

The old driver of Changbai Mountain: "Akihabara and my QQ friend, you are from Dongying, give me some seeds, you can definitely understand what I ask for."

Akihabara otaku: "I understand in seconds, but what I can give you is not in Chinese."

The old driver of Changbai Mountain: "It doesn't matter, let's listen to the movement and watch the action."

Gao Laozhuang tenants: "I want too! I want too!"

I was so ugly to the depths of my soul: "+1, how can such a good thing miss me!"

Flaming Mountain Tourism Development and Propaganda Department: "Everyone, go to the official website of Flaming Mountain Tourism. My little grandfather is singles out Shu Mountain. The scene is very hot and it is being broadcast live!"

In his own live broadcast room, he became an old driver communicating, which was covered by the clouds and mountains that Xiongzi watched.

But at this time, a guy from ‘Flaming Mountain’ suddenly jumped out, and said that someone was singles out Shushan. This caused the little guy’s interest.

The child bear thought that Shushan had not been cleaned up by himself and his master, so why is someone going to trouble Shushan now?

Haha, Shushan is really unlucky.

I clicked on the link issued by the "Flame Mountain Tourism Publicity Department", and Xiongzi immediately entered a private live video page.

As the video was opened and played, a burst of rising smoke appeared in the video, which was also mixed with screams and howls.

"Red boy, you are the first to be the best!"

In the rising black smoke and the flames, an old man in a white robe with long white eyebrows was dancing the long sword in his hand, and kept screaming.

Coco recognized this old man at a glance. Isn't he the first generation head teacher of Shushan Emei, the Taoist Baimei, who he recognized in front of his master?

In the video, the eyebrows on the side of the white eyebrows were burnt in pitch black, and the white robe on his body was blackened several times, which made him look miserable.

"Little ones! Give me a good live broadcast. You must take a good shot of the image of Xiaoye and me, and let me see how I vented her!"

Outside the video screen, a jealous and arrogant voice sounded.

Immediately the camera shifted, a young man holding a fire-tip spear, displaying his magical powers and turning into a three-headed six-armed body, suspended in mid-air under the flames of Saint-Tartaria, dressed in a school uniform with a set of dirt and scum, was dealing with dozens of Siege of the famous Shushan master.

The teenager in the middle of the picture seemed to be very relaxed when facing these Shushan masters, and even talked leisurely to the people who were shooting the live broadcast.

Above the fierce battle, a cloud of burning flames was enveloped, and on the cloud, there were a lot of little kids who just put on a red stomacher and pigtails.

These little kids are holding cold weapons one by one, and with hideous looks, they are definitely not children in the normal sense.

The king is invincible! The king takes five kills!

Zoom in!

Take the head over the tower and crush your strength!

And these little **** kids who look abnormal are still shouting some inexplicable words.

Cocoa's eyes are straight.

Shushan is already a sea of ​​fire, and the young people who are fighting with the Shushan masters will use their three heads to spray some flames from time to time.

The Shushan Sword Fairy who besieged him seemed to be very jealous of these flames. Every time a teenager breathed out fire, they would retreat and evade.

Of course, the fire-breathing boy did not let the flames spread to the commercial street, and therefore did not involve the tourists and vendors hiding in the commercial street, so these ordinary people were spared from threats.

Those flames seemed to be alive, let this young man control.

Coco turned over his seat, came to his master's side, and handed the phone under Nuwa's eyelids.

"Master, who is this guy? He is fighting with those bad guys in Shushan."

After talking, Coco glanced at Nuwa's mobile phone and found that his master was reading an online novel, um, female.

She quickly closed the webpage and exited. Nuwa put her gaze on the little guy’s mobile phone screen, and then told Coco with a lack of interest: “This little guy is the King of the Holy Infant, also called the Red Boy, who is the Bull Demon King and Iron King. Princess Fan’s son, but I know some secret truths, and I promise he is definitely not the kind of cow."

After talking about Nuwa's strange and unpredictable expression, she also had a mysterious look of gossip, which immediately aroused Coco's curiosity.


There are still such big gossips in the spiritual world?

There was a raging gossip fire in Coco's eyes, and she decided to ask her master carefully. The little guy did not expect that there would be such things as dog blood sprays in the spiritual world.

Immediately the little guy lowered his voice gossiping, "Master, after speaking, don't talk halfway to sultry, what is going on. Don't worry, my mouth is very strict." Made a zipper action.

Nuwa was also very heart-spirited, and she felt that she was her apprentice and told her that there should be no problem.

Moreover, she has never told anyone about the secret of this gossip, and it is very uncomfortable to keep it in her heart~lightnovelpub.net~ so she also wants to find someone to share it.

Don't be surprised, Nuwa is also a ‘female’, so in her bones she is no different from a girl.

The so-called secret, if you can really not tell, then it is a ghost.

Immediately Nuwa lowered her voice, and murmured in Coco's ear.

The little guy keeps ‘wow! Wow! Oh! ’He also had an exaggerated expression, as if he had heard some incredible secrets.

After that, Nuwa sat up straight with a comfortable face, and said to Coco: "Don't think that we are different from the monks. In fact, like mortals, we also have seven emotions and six desires."

Coco looked at his master with admiration.

"Master, you must know a lot of gossip?"

Hearing that Nuwa raised her eyebrows in Coco, the meaning goes without saying.

Seeing the master like this, Coco looked excited and excited.

Seeing the excitement and excitement on Coco’s face, Nuwa said with a faint expression of X to Coco: "Your master, I have lived for a long time, and I will surely know some secret gossip. In fact, this is nothing. It's not a big deal." As she said this, Nuwa waved her hand and said that this is really nothing to her.

But when he said that, Coco felt that the master seemed to be quite proud.

"Come here with your ears, Master will tell you about the gossip between Chang'e and Wu Gang." At this moment, Nu Wa's confession of the news could not be suppressed, and she was ready to release it completely.

Coco didn't think so much. The little guy looked at Nuwa very admiringly, with little stars in his eyes: "Master, you are so amazing, I think it's so happy to be your apprentice."

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