Rising America

Chapter 1094: The sweet song queen of the nightclub ha

[Because it is not the ability to copy, there are no CD restrictions on these two magical powers, and you can use them whenever you want, the master. ?W=W=W≈. ≈8≠1≠Z≤W≥. COM]

With the help of this magical system, Coco learned the two magical powers of Tiangang and Earthshak in an instant, and began to demonstrate one by one in front of Nuwa.

At the same time, the mysterious sound deep in the little guy's consciousness also gave the little guy a hint.


Because it is not a copying relationship, the two magical powers do not have the limitation of CD cooling, which is a pretty good thing for Cocoa.

Regardless of the little guy's ability to guard against the sky, he can copy powerful skills at will, but if you want to use these skills, there are CD cooldown restrictions, and the cooldown time is not short.

For example, once the Hades Nether realm is opened, it will be cooled for 10 days.

Use Slaughter Sword Qi once, and the cooling time is half a month!

The Aeons Tribulation Method is used once, and the cooling time is longer. It takes one month to cool down and use it again.

Therefore, it can be seen that the abilities of the little guy are not unlimited.

Of course, the number of uses can continue to accumulate after the cooldown is over. If the little guy is not used for a year, the number of times these skills can be used is considerable.

However, the changes in Tiangang and Earthshak that the little guy has learned now have no cooling limit. You can use it whenever you want, which makes the little guy very happy and unexpected.

The earth has changed!

When Nu Wa retracted her jade finger, a period of white mist rose from the little guy's body, and immediately began to change.

A small pointed nose, two dark circles under the eyes, two round ears appeared on the top of his head, and a stick-like tail behind him, but the little guy still kept his body and face.

"Little raccoon! A lot of fun!"

Coco tilted his ass, raised his hand and made a ‘V’ gesture, smiled and put on a pose in front of Nuwa, and screamed in a very complacent way.

Nuwa couldn't help laughing when she saw this change in Coco.

Because this is completely unchanged.

If it becomes better, there should be no human body or face.

But even though the look of the little guy is very cute, it is really amused to death, it looks like the kind of little monster that has just formed.

"Master, master, am my little raccoon cute?"

Xiongzi didn't have any consciousness, she took Nuwa's hand and kept asking.

Nu Wa hurriedly responded to the bear child, dumbfounding, "cute, cute, my apprentice is the cutest."

Soon Nuwa taught Coco: "What is the natural enemy of Little Bowl Bear?"

When asked by Nuwa, Coco was stunned, because she really didn't know.

Seeing the bear child look dumbfounded, Nuwa can only start to spread the knowledge of the ‘Animal World’ to the bear child.

Oli and Goliya were bored by the audience, and they had left the pavilion and went to play online games in the house.

Therefore, only Nuwa and Coco were left in the courtyard.

Nu Wa was very serious about popularizing the knowledge of the'Animal World' with Cocoa, and told her the principle of the transformation of the evil spirit.

Following Nuwa's explanation, Coco slowly understood the truth.

For example, eagles detest snakes, snakes detest frogs, frogs detest flying insects, wolves are afraid of tigers, and tigers are afraid of lions. Coped.

And Nuwa also took out the example of Yang Jian's fight against Monkey King, as a teaching template for Cocoa, to teach bear children.

The children of Xiong have very strong learning ability, and these things Nvwa taught, without losing a word, are remembered by Coco.

When Nüwa finished the class for half an hour, Coco kept asking questions: "Master, this is the knowledge that the earth evil changes and restrains each other. What happened that day?"

Wen Yan Nu Wa glanced at Coco in surprise, and said: "What? You even learned the changes in Tiangang?"

It's no wonder that Nu Wa was so surprised, because with these two magical powers, every practitioner or even an immortal can only choose one to practice, and there are no two at the same time.

It's just that the little guy asks this now, obviously he has even learned the changes in Tiangang.

That's why Nu Wa looked very surprised.

Coco nodded: "I have learned it all. I have learned all the seventy-two changes of the evil spirits, and I also have the power of the evil spirits. I have also learned the thirty-six changes of the Tiangang, and I have the power of the sky."

The bear kid told the truth, he didn't mean to show off at all.

It's rare that the bear kid didn't show off.

Nu Wa is a black line, she thinks Coco is bragging.

"Cocoa, tell the truth with the master, don't brag. Have you really learned everything?"

When Cocoa heard it, he knew that the master obviously didn't believe him.

Right now, the little guy displayed the magical powers of the evil spirits, constantly changing the birds and beasts, and soon really demonstrated the 72 kinds of changes, and the Nu Wa who watched were shocked.

Nuwa couldn't help being shocked, because the little guy had really performed 72 changes, including flying through the clouds and driving the fog, summoning ghosts, land, and these supernatural powers, which were completely integrated.

After demonstrating the seventy-two changes of the evil spirits, Coco stood there and said to Nuwa: "Master, I already have the power of the evil spirits, or you go to Huaguoshan to borrow the sea **** needle for me, and I will play a trick for you. !"

The power of the evil spirit can increase the strength, and the cocoa who has learned through the seventy-two changes of the evil spirit must also have the power of the evil spirit.

So the little guy has confidence in his own power!

At this moment, Nuwa didn't know what to say.

But this is not over yet.

Coco continued: "Oh, forget it. I don't know where the Huaguo Mountain is. Let's show the master the changes in Tiangang."

Immediately, the bear child took the master Nuwa's little hand, and the wind and clouds rose into the sky under his feet and turned into a stream of light. In a flash, he came to a strange place and began to demonstrate the transformation of Tiangang in front of the master Nuwa.

Different from the Seventy-two Transformations, the supernatural powers of the Tiangang Transformation emphasize mediation, reversing the Yin and Yang, shifting the stars and fighting, and calling for the wind and rain.

Therefore, no matter whether the practitioners or immortals have practiced the magical powers of Tiangang or Earthshade, they can usually only master several methods in any magical power.

After all, Tiangangdi was really powerful and messed up.

Who would have thought that Coco, a little kid, not only had two kinds of supernatural powers cultivated, but he had also mastered all of them through 1o8 methods.

After the little guy demonstrated the Tiangang changes, his tiny body was full of golden light, and Nuwa could see at a glance that this was the real Tiangang body she had obtained after she had mastered the magical powers of Tiangang.

It can be seen that the bear child really did not brag.

Under the demonstration by Xiongzi just now, he really managed to move mountains and seas, and to change the stars. Nuwa no longer knew how to describe her apprentice.

But Nuwa thought about it, and her face suddenly showed joy.

The apprentice is so good, she will have face as a master in the future, right?


Cocoa is so tyrannical, in the future, it is possible to beat anyone who finds the fault, and who dares to wait for it at the time!

The little guy is completely deserted Wa Palace killer!

"Master! I'm not that good!"

Pinching his waist, Coco revealed his nature at this time, waiting for his master's praise and praise.

Nu Wa's face was full of smiles, and she nodded frequently: "Good apprentice! Great! Master wants to cheer for you! From now on, you will be our imperial palace humanoid killer!"

Hearing this, Coco Yi Yang's head, his face was full of terrible farts.

"Of course, whoever dares to trouble us in the future, I will beat him up and can't take care of himself!"

Nu Wa raised Coco's little hand and returned to the courtyard of Nanluoguxiang in the next second.

"Supernatural powers, the master has already taught you, and the master has nothing to do with the remaining things. You need to slowly understand and feel it. This is the case with practice. Many things can not be taught by masters. The so-called master leads in. , The practice is personal."

Back in the yard, Nuwa said to the little guy very sadly.

Others have learned these things without thinking about it for hundreds of years, but Cocoa only took less than two hours. If it is reported that he does not know how many practitioners will hang himself.

Because compared with Coco, they are simply scum.

It is precisely because of this that Nu Wa could not help but secretly rejoice that she was able to accept the little guy to her own sect, making her her own disciple.

Because no matter who gets cocoa, it can make a religion flourish.

Of course, Nuwa didn't want to fight for anything, nor did she want to fight with those people in the past, she just wanted to be a ‘beautiful girl’ quietly, and just think of a carefree way to get some faith.

Now that she has such a strong apprentice, Nuwa feels that her dream is even more variable.

After all, there is such a powerful apprentice, who can come to trouble without having eyesight.

So she can sit and watch the changes and be a ‘beautiful girl’ quietly.

"The master is going to collect faith in a while. Now it is no better than in ancient times. People like master and me need to go out in person, so you have to stay at home obediently for a while."

The apprentice is so good, Nuwa, who is a master, is not only pleased, but also very relaxed.

Therefore, Nuwa decided to start her own plan of collecting faith as soon as possible.

But when Cocoa heard that Nuwa said she wanted to go out and let herself stay at home, she suddenly stopped doing it.

"Master, you go out and take me, it's boring at home."

Of course the little guy doesn't want to stay at home. Now that she has learned magical power changes, she really wants to go out and show off.

And who will show it to him at home?

Ollie and Goliath?

Nu Wa took out a copy of "The Analects" and handed it to Coco, "You read more at home, and the little guy, you are too free-tempered. It is good for you to read more of these books."

Obviously Nuwa didn't want to bring cocoa.

So Coco grabbed the master's little hand, and it soaked softly.


Damn it, little guys don't want it.

"Master, you can't master, I don't want to stay at home, you can take me with you, the outside world is wonderful, and the home is boring."

In the end, Nuwa still couldn't help the little guy's frustration, and agreed to bear the child.

However, considering that the place she went to is a bit complicated, Nuwa had to tell Coco: "The master is to collect beliefs, and that kind of environment is not suitable for children, so you have to be obedient, or the master I will never take you again."

At this moment, Coco would promise her master everything, after all, she still wants to follow the master to see how she collects beliefs.

Of course, the promise goes to the promise, and only God knows whether it can be done in the end.

So Nuwa went out with Coco, and before she left, Coco told Ollie and Goliath that if his father came back and asked him where he had gone, he would tell his father Jin Xiantai to go out with his master.

After leaving the mansion, Nuwa did not intend to use magical powers, but planned to take a taxi with Coco to the destination.

On the way, Coco curiously asked his master Nuwa: "Master, where did you collect your faith?"

Nuwa looked at Coco with an embarrassed look, and then replied a little shyly: "Kyoto nightclub, where is the "sweet song queen", your master."

After listening to Master Nuwa's answer, Coco looked inexplicable.

The little guy is obviously not clear, why go to the nightclub to collect faith, and what does the master’s being the ‘sweet song queen’ have to do with collecting faith!

In short, Coco couldn't figure it out.

I walked out of Nanluoguxiang and came to the side of the street~lightnovelpub.net~ Nu Wa raised her hand and stopped a taxi. Then she and Coco sat in, and then told the driver the address of the master, and the car started slowly.

Nuwa turned her head to Coco at this time and said, "The master is not like you, who has such a source of faith, so if the master wants to believe, it takes a lot of hard work and diligence in this era, because people in this era treat gods and Buddhas. Not so much admiration..."

But Coco pretended to nod his head and echoed: "Indeed, my father said that nowadays people believe in money, it is banknotes, even the gods, ghosts, immortals, and Buddhas will be eclipsed in front of money."

Nu Wa sighed: "So the disciples recruited by the various immortal sects do not have a lot of awe to practice. Most of them are domineering outside for the sake of success in cultivation. For the teacher, I think there are more people like this. Something will happen sooner or later."

Coco raised his little hand, patted Nuwa with an old-fashioned look, and comforted his master and said: "Doing so much, master, you are worrying about it, let me say that we will take care of ourselves. Chaos, as long as we don't provoke us."

Nu Wa did not make a sound, but nodded silently.