Rising America

Chapter 110: Annie's departure

   Annie's belly is getting bigger every day and she is no longer competent for her current job. This is a very obvious fact. Although Annie never minded, Kim Hyun-tae, as an employer, can't help but care about it.

   After all, Annie is a pregnant woman. If something is wrong, Kim Hyun-tae really can't imagine what he will do if this happens.

   For the good of Annie and for himself, even if he is a little bit reluctant, he still has to let Annie go.

  Annie also understands this truth, so she didn't blame Jin Xiantai for this decision in her heart.

   After all, this is also for her good, for the good of the baby in her belly, she is not so unaware of what is good or bad.

   Therefore, three days later, Annie left the rehabilitation center, took the salary that Jin Xiantai gave her for a few months, and left here about fifty thousand dollars.

   Before leaving, Jin Xiantai took Coco and escorted her to the gate of the rehabilitation center. After watching her figure fade away, the father and daughter turned around and returned to the rehabilitation center.

   After Kim Hyun-tae and his daughter couldn't see herself, Annie informed that she was waiting for her old housekeeper in the small town of Laguna County to pick her up.

------split line------

   "Miss, you have lost weight."

   This is the first word the old housekeeper Nord said after seeing his own lady.

But think about it, Annie has been worrying about Kim Hyuntae’s busy schedule for the past two months, as well as taking care of Coco. These things she has never experienced before. It can be said that it is the first time that she has made a breakthrough. And too much physical strength has caused her to become a little emaciated or even thin, which is quite normal.

   Of course, it’s not surprising that she was in such a state because she was carrying two babies in her belly.

   Listening to the old butler's words with deep concern, Annie smiled faintly.

   "It's okay to be thinner, I don't have to lose weight."

   Annie said a witty remark to the old butler, trying to make herself look in a good mood, but it is a pity that the old butler Nord still sees through the illusion of her own hard work.

   "Miss, do you really like that boy?"

   This time the old butler Nord finally couldn't help but ask, the question he always wanted to ask.

   Annie looked at the scenery flying by outside the car, and heard that she started thinking about this issue in her own heart.

  【Do you like that boy? 】

   Regarding this question, in fact, Annie herself has always been troubled.

   To be honest, the time with Kim Hyun Tae was her happiest. It is also the most relaxing period of time.

  In the days when I was with Kim Hyun Tae and Xiao Ke Ke, although she would encounter many complicated and trivial things, Annie felt very warm.

   And when on earth did I start to care about this boy named Kim Hyun Tae?

   Annie felt that she used the essence donated by Kim Hyun Tae? After the son, this happened.

   Although she is also very curious about this, Annie stubbornly believes that this should be an arrangement of God, or that the goddess of fate made a joke to herself.

   After all, he is now 27 years old, and Kim Hyun Tae has just turned 17 and is still a minor.

   So, it was definitely driven by fate that made me fall in love with such a boy.

   Although Annie kept thinking about it, at least she can be sure of one thing, that is, she is very clear about her inner feelings and has unusual feelings for Kim Hyun Tae.

   Whether this loves her is still unclear, but she knows one thing very well, that is, she cares about everything about this boy.

Therefore, she responded to the old butler and said: "There are some likes, but love can't be talked about for the time being. After all, the age difference is too great. This time it may be a good thing for me to leave. I can calm myself down and think about it. This relationship with him."

   left the rehabilitation center, left Anne who was beside Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter, and once again returned to the calm goddess state, which made the old housekeeper Noord see it in his eyes and joy in his heart.

   The lady I knew was back again.

   "Miss, I hope you don't blame me for talking too much. In fact, as far as I am concerned, I don't think much about what happens between you and that boy.

Such remarks by the old butler, Nord, aroused Anne’s curiosity and doubts. Of course, she would not be angry because of the old butler’s words, because she knew very well that the old Nord, who had the same mentality and feelings for herself as a daughter, Never talk nonsense about this kind of thing.

   "Uncle Nuo, why do you say that?" Anne retracted her gaze after hearing the words, turned her head and looked at Old Nord, her eyes were full of puzzlement and doubt, and she looked forward to the follow-up explanation from the old housekeeper.

Old Nord pondered for a moment and looked at Annie with a serious face: "Miss, that boy is still too young. After all, he is only 17 years old now. He has not yet come into contact with the colorful temptations in society. Experienced, so I can't judge his future.

   Please don't forget, miss, this is America, this is Los Angeles. How many girls here are staring at those outstanding men, hoping to get what they want by approaching them.

   Now that boy is too young to have contact with these women. But based on his current performance, I don't want him to be exposed to certain circles soon. By the time……"

   Old Nord didn't say the rest, but Annie could also understand what the old butler didn't say afterwards.

   Annie is not a fool, on the contrary, she is still a smart woman.

   And what the old butler Nord said, Annie knew there was no nonsense at all.

   Jin Xiantai is young and has a good personality, and his novels have brought a lot of income, basically he is a rich man.

   So, for some women with unpredictable thoughts, he happens to be a very good target.

   As long as they can capture Jin Xiantai, at least they can have a long-term meal ticket, right?

   Don’t be surprised, in a society like the United States, there are also gold worshippers, and there are more in Los Angeles and Hollywood.

   And Annie, of course, is also very clear and understanding of this, it is impossible to really be like a white lotus and understand nothing.

   So Annie felt a little uncomfortable.

   But the moment Annie thought of Kim Hyun Tae's woody temperament, her uncomfortable mentality disappeared.

   If she hadn't lived with Kim Hyun Tae, she would not know what kind of person Kim Hyun Tae is.

   But it is precisely because she has lived with Kim Hyun Tae and understands Kim Hyun Tae's character, so it is obvious that Anne feels that these things that the old housekeeper is worried about are unlikely to happen.

   It’s still possible to change to someone else, but Kim Hyun-tae... Thinking of Kim Hyun-tae’s wooden temperament, Annie secretly smiled in her heart.

And Annie is also clear that Kim Hyun-tae’s heart cannot go into any woman, because his heart is divided into two halves, half for his dead wife, and half for his daughter. cocoa.

   At the same time, although Jin Xiantai is very dull about feelings, he is not an idiot or fool, and he is not wary of women who approach him with ulterior motives.

   Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae fell in a short period of time and became a playboy. Annie didn't believe it.

   Annie is sure that Kim Hyun Tae will not become that kind of person until at least 20 years old.

   "Uncle Nord, I admit that what you said is correct. After all, judging from your rich life experience, the probability of this happening should be very high.

   But you still don't know the boy, he can't leave a place for any woman in his heart, and he is not a fool. "

   The old housekeeper Nord looked at my lady and thought to myself [Look at my lady, I have confidence in this boy, but let’s wait and see. 】Anyway, Annie said so, and the old housekeeper had no choice but to stop struggling with this issue.

   But the old butler, Nord, is still not very optimistic about her love for such a boy.

   He doesn’t believe that as Kim Hyun Tae’s wealth grows and his age increases, in the future, after he enters the wealthy circle of Los Angeles, he will be able to manage all kinds of temptations.

  Look at how many young people in Hollywood have become rich, and finally fall into decay. There are too many examples of this.

   You know, sometimes you want to keep your nature, but you can't stand the temptation of the outside world too much, plus some instigation from your friends...in the end...hehe.

   "Uncle No, what's going on with old George?"

   Annie obviously didn't want to continue talking about Kim Hyun Tae at this time, so she asked about the old George.

   Although Annie didn't say what it was, the old butler, Nord, knew exactly what her lady was referring to.

  "It's almost there. The draft forcing Japan to revalue its currency has already won the support of many members of Congress in private. After all, such things are a feast for the American capital community. It is strange that those puppet members do not support it.

   Although some Members have expressed objections and objections to this, these people are irrelevant. Even if they oppose it, it is of little use. Therefore, the possibility of passing the Bill is very high.

Recently, the Japanese side has been in frequent contact with Washington, hoping that Washington can dispel this idea and revoke the draft at the same time. But how can they know that now domestic capitalists see such delicious food, how can they give up~lightnovelpub.net~ So the Japanese are really ridiculous. "

   After listening to the old housekeeper's report on the current situation, Annie's mind started to turn quickly. Of course, she understood that it couldn't be that simple.

   The Japanese are not fools, so they understand what kind of disasters Japan will face if the United States passes this draft. So if the Japanese do nothing, it would be a weird thing.

   So if you want to finally achieve your goal, you have to be patient.

   "Old George's pressure is not small on this side. It is impossible for the Japanese side to find him. We have to speed up here and mobilize all available funds to Asia and exchange them into Japanese yen."

  After thinking for a while, Annie confessed to the old Nord.

   At the same time, the old George's office is here.

   "Mr. George, please take back the draft that has been submitted to the Diet. We in Japan will definitely appreciate you. But if you are..."


   Old George hung up, his face was full of disdain.

   Such a phone call, both soft and hard, he has received many times in this period of time.

   The hateful Japanese actually used this method to force themselves into submission.

   What a joke!

  Is it still afraid of these Japanese guys?

   The old George, who was born in Texas, also had a stubborn temper, so he was not afraid of threats from the Japanese at all, and the more the Japanese did this, the more he inspired the old George's fighting spirit.

Obviously, the Japanese don’t know the temper of old George, a Texas cowboy, thinking that he would be afraid of threats~lightnovelpub.net~Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www. lightnovelpub.net~ For mobile phone users, please go to read.