Rising America

Chapter 1109: In front of the front door

"Master, the young lady may be in trouble again today. ???August One Chinese Online W?W?W?. (8㈠1㈠Z?W.COM"

After Andrew sent Nuwa, Coco and Zhou Xiaotong home, he returned to Jin Xiantai's side, and after seeing his young master, he told Jin Xiantai about the birth in Chaoyang Park.

Hearing that his daughter was causing trouble again, Kim Hyun Tae's face was suddenly covered with black lines.

"Is the matter serious? Is it serious or not, will there be any trouble?" Jin Xiantai, who was too late to think too much, quickly asked what the consequences would be if his daughter caused the trouble.

Andrew smiled and comforted Jin Xiantai: "The problem shouldn't be a big deal. The lady was with her master at the time, and the guy she provoke was not as strong as the lady and her master. I guess it won't be serious even if there is trouble."

Even though Andrew was far away at that time, with his alien eyesight, he saw the whole process of the incident in his eyes.

After hearing what Andrew said, Kim Hyun-tae was relieved.

Since Andrew said that his daughter and her master were not as powerful as them in provoke people, then he has nothing to worry about.

So Kim Hyun Tae breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who is the other party and what is it?"

Jin Xiantai, who was relieved, asked about the backing of the other party.

But for this question, Andrew didn't answer so clearly. After all, Andrew didn't know much about the spiritual world.

"It seems to be called Xiao6. He is a practitioner from Kunlun. The master of the young lady doesn't like him very much, and this guy is still a suitor of the master."

The monk of Kunlun?

Jin Xiantai curled his lips. To be honest, he didn't think that the Kunlun monk was better than Nu Wa.

And since it was from Kunlun, he had nothing to worry about.

Because the daughter's master, Nuwa, can definitely crush each other.

I have to say that Jin Xiantai is really ‘the ignorant is meaningless’, and he made such a ridiculous judgment based on the information he learned about the spiritual world from myths and legends.

In particular, he also overlooked one point, here is a different time and space.

So many things here, how can the conclusions be so arbitrary.

The roar of the surrounding machines continued to come, and there were many busy people, and all around them were piled up with various construction materials. Right now, Kim Hyun Tae and Andrew were on a busy construction site.

In Dashilan, the front gate of the capital, Jin Xiantai and Zhou Jianguo took all the land here and prepared to rebuild the old Qianmen commercial street. This was due to the real estate boom that started in China in different time and space.

And Jin Xiantai, who has a large amount of cash capital, became the leader of the real estate industry with the help of Qingyun Huaxia's qualifications after joining Zhou Jianguo's Qingyun Company.

Who makes Kim Hyun Tae more cash?

Not to mention that most of Jin Xiantai's funds have been used to bet on the "subprime loan agreement", but don't forget that the companies under his name are also very profitable, so they can provide him with endless cash flow every month.

QQ has started to charge. After more than two years of attracting customers for free, the membership system has now been launched. This alone has brought Jin Xiantai a lot of cash flow.

You know, the QQ created by Jin Xiantai here in Yishikong is used by netizens all over the world, and the population base in Yishikong is ten times that of a certain time and space.

For more than two years, Jin Xiantai has been building data processing centers all over the world. Now, more than 60 have been built and put into use, and more than a dozen are under construction.

And so many data processing centers can also bring a lot of income.

For example, some data services and network output exchanges of some network companies in the country where they are located can bring income. Therefore, Jin Xiantai not only does not have to spend huge amounts of maintenance, but can also make money.

Needless to say, on the net media side, the advertising business volume has rebounded, and the pay-on-demand business is also rising at a rate of 2o% per month.

Net’s "Cheng#人" film production company, as the largest ‘action film’ producer in the United States, should not be too easy to provide Jin Xiantai with hundreds of millions of dollars every month.

An animation film production company here brought a movie to Kim Hyun-tae in billions of dollars, not counting the income from the 1o% of the US theaters he controlled.

Because of the success of animated films, the toy factory that Kim Hyun-tae had produced in the early days, the surroundings of those animated films produced also began to sell hot.

All these have brought Jin Xiantai a large amount of cash income every month.

So even if Kim Hyun Tae will spend money like water, he still has no shortage of money.

As for the fast food brand under his name, because it belongs to his daughter, Coco, the income can no longer be calculated on Jin Xiantai.

And that's not even counted as the oil company that Annie is playing in Nevada.

You know, Jin Xiantai holds 4o% of the shares and is an absolute majority shareholder!

As long as Nevada's oil companies operate, they will definitely earn billions of dollars in cash every month.

I’m watching Dongying’s “Asahi TV” because there is a subsidiary company under it, which is the largest “Cheng#ren” film production company in Dongying, and Dongying people are very keen on this kind of film, so Dongying is here. It also brings a lot of income to Jin Xiantai.

Even the peripheral products of ‘Cheng#ren’ developed by him are sold very hot in Dongying’s own country.

The reclamation of Tokyo Bay 6 has been completed, and the tens of square kilometers of land has made Kim Hyun-tae the largest ‘landlord’ in Dongying, and the value of these lands is simply incalculable.

For these reasons, Jin Xiantai has the capital to open the entire front door and carry out independent construction and operation.

Strictly speaking, once completed, Xinqianmen Street will be Jin Xiantai's'private' commercial street.

In order to win the opening rights and purchase all the land of the Qianmen plot, Jin Xiantai personally invested 30 billion U.S. dollars and crushed all the real estate industry competitors with his abundant capital.

Of course, there must be the contribution of the Jin family behind this, otherwise, even if Jin Xiantai is rich, it may not be so easy.

You know, in this world sometimes it's not enough for you to have money, especially in China, if anyone plays any tricks, even Jin Xiantai will be very troublesome.

But with the old man of the Jin family working in secret, it's different.

The real estate companies with strong backgrounds that were originally interested in competing for the front door finally made the choice of concession. Although there are many factors that consider Jin Xiantai's sufficient capital, in the final analysis, it still gives Jin Lao face.

Otherwise, the backers behind these real estate companies have 10,000 ways to prevent Kim Hyun-tae from doing this, and this is definitely not a joke.

In Europe and America, capital is power!

But here in China, power is the real capital!

In any case, Jin Xiantai was the biggest winner, and he actually took the land in Qianmen and all the right to open the business.

With regard to construction matters, of course, Jin Xiantai gave the Qingyun company Zhou Jianguo to do it in line with the idea that the water will not flow to outsiders' fields. Anyway, should this be done for that engineering company?

Jin Jianshe had nothing to do all day in the office. Since Jin Xiantai came to China, he, the second-class counselor of the China Embassy in Los Angeles, has stopped going to work and comes to Jin Xiantai every day.

Because of his identity, the embassy also had to close one eye and let the'uncle' be so passive and sabotage, and pay the salary.

When Jin Xiantai was talking with Andrew, Jin Jianshe was not far from the two of them, and he was staring at the bustling construction site.

After a long time, Jin Jianshe came to Jin Xiantae and said to Jin Xiantae, "You don't plan to tear down all of them and rebuild them? You want to repair or reinforce the original old buildings, just tear down some unnecessary buildings to widen the streets?"

After Jin Jianshe came over, Jin Xiantai stopped talking with Andrew.

Hearing this, Jin Xiantai nodded: "It is easy to tear down and rebuild, but it will lose the most essential part, the taste of history and ancient charm, so I never intend to tear down all the buildings here and rebuild, but choose to compare. The laborious repairs and reinforcements keep the ancient charm as much as possible, while also giving people a refreshing modern feel."

Because Qianmen Street was also renovated in a certain time and space, and Jin Xiantai himself went there once, but was disappointed with the rebuilt Qianmen Street.

The original buildings have been torn down, and the new antique buildings do not have the antique soul and the taste of history at all. This is really disappointing.

Therefore, when Jin Xiantai has taken the front door plot on the side of different time and space, and has the right to open the management, he will never hope that there will be problems like another time and space front door in his own hands.

And the two years of living in the United States in a different time and space also made Kim Hyun-tae more or less aware of what those Europeans and Americans like.

Therefore, as long as these classical buildings are preserved and the taste of history is preserved, the future Qianmen Commercial Street will definitely attract a large number of foreign tourists, and it will also bring itself a huge income return.

However, Jin Jianshe did not quite understand this consideration of Jin Xiantai.

Because in the view of Jin Jianshe, Jin Xiantai will double the investment and consume a lot of time. It is impossible to see a return in a short time.

Jin Xiantai looked at Jin Jianshe's hesitation and stopped talking, and immediately changed the subject. He really didn't want to have a dispute with Jin Jianshe on this issue.

"Why haven't you seen Aunt Li Hong these days?"

Jin Xiantai casually asked Li Hong~lightnovelpub.net~ and successfully allowed Jin Jianshe to divert the topic from the front door issue.

"Your banker sells arms. Didn't he tell Li Hong to introduce an arms business? We have already contacted this matter, so Li Hong flew to that country yesterday and was about to negotiate and sign the contract."

When Jin Xiantai heard this, he said, "The trade between Iran and Iraq?"

Jin Jianshe nodded: "This is the business, so Li Hong asked about your family's mention and put it in his heart. After all, the profit of this business is not small, even the Military Industry Commission Shangxin, after this incident, the person in your family has left a very good impression in the minds of the senior officers of the Military Industrialization Committee."

Kim Hyun-tae was a little worried, “Isn’t the French side also seeking to infuse their own arms into the two countries, wouldn’t Aunt Hong’s doing this offend the French?”

Jin Jianshe curled his lips and responded with an indifferent expression: "The French arms are expensive to death. Where is our Huaxia's cheap? In the end, it depends on the buyer's meaning. As long as the buyer chooses our Huaxia's things, then he France’s popular trip to the Mediterranean has nothing to do with China."