Rising America

Chapter 111: Come back home

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The Japanese were anxious about the old George's proposal, and at the same time, they gritted their teeth with hatred for the guy who provided it. "top""",..

After all, this proposal is really bad for the Japanese.

If the Americans really implement it, then the Japanese economy will definitely suffer a big blow, and it is not impossible that it will even lead to a collapse.

The Japanese are not stupid, of course they can see this.

Therefore, after the Japanese got the news from their own network, they immediately sent people to the United States and began to contact Washington.

The Japanese have a very simple idea, that is, it is better to disturb this proposal as much as possible, and it will take a while to make it easier for the Japanese side to make some corresponding arrangements.

It's a pity that the Japanese underestimated the appetite of the predators in the United States and their desire to be opened? The heart of hope.

Old George and Annie are not fools. Of course, they know that they need to win over some allies before this proposal is submitted to Congress.

Therefore, before the submission of this proposal against Japan, George and Annie had already reached an agreement with many American capital predators and lawmakers in private to form a temporary alliance and prepare to profit from the Japanese. Benefits.

Therefore, in such a situation, it is obviously not so realistic for the Japanese to achieve their own goals.

Who made them so rich, besides, they are so arrogant, Americans have long been unused.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, it is absolutely impossible for these American predators to give up.

You know, once the proposal is passed, the foreign exchange accumulated by the Japanese people for ten years will be looted by the Americans.

Such a fortune. Who wouldn't be tempted?

At least, even Annie was tempted, let alone other people.

In the face of huge wealth, there are really not many people who can be indifferent.

Therefore, the Japanese plan is doomed to fail.

From the end of 015 to the beginning of 016 one month. High-level Japanese government officials frequently visited the United States, claiming to be friendly exchanges with the outside world, but they actually came for the proposal of Old George.

As for the purpose of the Japanese, the American financial circles and the Washington congressmen are basically well aware of it.

So the Japanese bump into walls everywhere, almost impossible to move.

Such a situation makes the Japanese a little crazy.

But the Japanese who calmed down after going crazy had to honestly continue to visit American politicians and the big crocodiles in the financial world.

When visiting these people. He kept bowing his head back, showing his respectful side, and completely put away the appearance of the invincible'economic power'.

As everyone knows, the fact that the Japanese behave like this has allowed people in the United States to see through their nature of bullying and fear of hardship, and strengthened the Americans' determination to rectify the Japanese.

Of course, the Japanese are not useless, after all, they also have relationships and ‘friends’ on the American side.

Plus old George's hand. Uniting most of the financial predators, these predators began to support the old George driven by their interests. It brought great convenience for him to run for president after the beginning of the spring of 016.

Therefore, the moderates who now control the authority of the United States began to obstruct the old George's proposal in Congress, which brought great obstacles and troubles to the smooth passage of the proposal.

Therefore, the hawkish groups that Old George belongs to, and the financial predators who have formed an interest alliance with him, began to fight with these moderates.

And behind this. Of course, the Japanese are at fault.

But Jin Xiantai knew nothing about all this, after all, he was still far away from that circle.

After Annie left, Jin Xiantai also left the rehabilitation center with his daughter and returned to his home in Santa Monica Beach.

After all, his current body is slowly recovering. Basically, the gunshot wound on his body has healed, and now all that is left is the recovery of physical fitness and the rehabilitation of the body.

So continuing to live in the rehabilitation center does not make any sense to Kim Hyun Tae.

When Kim Hyun Tae returned to his home in Santa Monica Beach, it was the end of January 016, and it was almost February.

Three months have passed since he was shot.

The house is very clean, obviously people often come to clean it, so that there is no dust in the house for three months.

After entering the house, Coco let out a cheer, jumped from the arms of her father Jin Xiantai, ran to the TV in the living room, and picked up her favorite game console.

Looking at the excited daughter, Jin Xiantai shook his head and smiled, then walked over, turned on the game console and TV for his daughter, and then let her play happily.

Because of Annie's departure, the house looked a little deserted.

But Kim Hyun-tae didn't care about this. He felt that he could use this time to accompany his daughter well, so it was a good thing for Annie to leave, at least for him.

I don't know what Jin Xiantai's thoughts are now. If Annie knew about it, would she be angry with Annie.

Looking around at home, Kim Hyun-tae felt relieved.

My home is better, and the rehabilitation center is no better than my home.

After walking to the sofa and sitting down, looking at his daughter who was extremely happily playing games, Jin Xiantai thought and thought in his heart.

What Coco is playing is a game similar to "Super Mario". For this game, the guys are happy to play, and all of their attention is on the person they are manipulating. Every time a monster is killed, the guy will be himself Cheers, to show how good you are.

Sitting on the sofa, Kim Hyun-tae, while smiling and watching the happily playing daughter, began to quietly organize his thoughts in his heart.

The house in Laguna Beach has not been built yet. After all, this kind of project needs to first create a flat land in the valley, and this one will take a lot of time.

Before Kim Hyun-tae and his daughter left the rehabilitation center, they went to check the progress of the project. They just created a flat ground and laid the foundation.

Therefore, the house in Laguna Beach needs to be patient.

According to the opinions of the housing construction company, it will take at least more than a month to build the house, and some related alms, etc., will be completed and put into use, and it will take more than two months.

If you want the children in San Juan to move into a new home, three months is definitely needed.

After all, after the house is built, you still need to go through relevant procedures, as well as a series of assessments and other trivial tasks, which also takes time.

Therefore, even if Kim Hyun Tae is in a hurry, it will not help. All he can do is wait patiently.

And with the San Juan Monastery where Kim Hyun-tae donated twice, because of the money ~lightnovelpub.net~ the end of the year, the children will have a comfortable Christmas and New Year, which will let Kim Hyun-tae Very comforting.

Although the living conditions of the children in San Juan, even with Kim Hyun Tae's donations, were better than usual, but at least it was much better than what Kim Hyun Tae knew at the time.

There is no alternative to this, and Jin Xiantai can't demand too much.

After all, the San Juan Monastery had done their best, but their ability was limited.

Fortunately, it only takes another three months to wait patiently for the house in Laguna Beach to be built and ready for use. At that time, the children in San Juan can be taken over there.

Jin Xiantai believes that he can give them a better living environment than in San Juan, and he firmly believes that he has this ability.

At the same time, I don’t even need to buy a house. I just take my daughter and live with the children. My daughter can also have a lot of playmates, which is a good thing in one fell swoop. (To be continued.)

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