Rising America

Chapter 1112: Skeletons synthesized from zombie cards

The streets of the city are desolate and devastated. August First Middle School? Wen? W WW WW?. ㈧8㈠1㈠ZW. COM

In addition to the mutant plants rooting in the city, there are various paralyzed and scrapped vehicles on the streets, as well as withered corpses, and discarded suitcases. In short, although the streets are quiet, they are quite messy.

The shop windows on both sides of the street are full of dust. One year is enough time for these shop windows to become like this, and the windows of some shops are also shattered by external forces. Standing on the street and looking inside, what you can see is In the chaos of one place, all kinds of commodities were discarded on the ground.

Especially some small cities and the like, such as mineral water and food, have long been ransacked by people, and some of them have not been taken away in time, and they are scattered on the floor of the store and have passed the shelf life.

The air was still fresh, and after a year, the corpses scattered on the street no longer had the inevitable stench, but there were a lot of dry blood stains, which proved to the visitors what happened here.

Some corpses have decayed completely, or have been eaten by certain creatures, leaving only tired bones, and most of them are even scattered on the streets.

Walking on the streets of the apocalyptic city, there is a kind of palpitating silence.

"Really, I can't even see a mouse. It's so quiet that it makes people feel terrible." Cocoa grinned and didn't see her fear at all. Obviously she couldn't take it seriously.

Nu Wa also nodded in agreement: "This kind of quietness is indeed a little uncomfortable, and it looks a little lifeless."

Only Zhou Xiaotong held Nu Wa's arm with a panic expression and pressed her close to Nu Wa. Obviously, among the three, Zhou Xiaotong was the one who was really scared.

The season of this world is also just in the summer. The sun in the sky shines on the ground, but it cannot make people feel the slightest temperature. People who have been in this time and space experience only the cold from the bottom of their hearts.

The more you go to the suburbs, the more Abandoned vehicles will be seen by Cocoa and his group, and even the length of several kilometers is blocked in the suburbs.

What makes people feel even more awkward is that Nuwa, Coco, and Zhou Xiaotong did not encounter a mutant creature along the way, and those alien creatures must not encounter any danger.

You know, this is a doomsday world, how weird it is to be without danger.

Where are the dense zombies?

What about terrifying and powerful alien creatures?

What about mutated ferocious animals?

What about very dangerous plants?

I didn't encounter any of them, which is simply unreasonable.

Therefore, in this place in the suburbs, Nuwa couldn't help but ask this doubt in her heart.

"Cocoa, isn't this an apocalyptic world? Why haven't we seen a zombie, a mutant animal or plant, or even those alien creatures along the way?"

Faced with Nuwa’s question, she ridiculously replied, “Because I let the magic weapon elves control the world and shielded these things within a certain range of ours.”

With the black lines on Nu Wa's face, she hopes to meet these zombies, mutant animals and plants, and even foreign creatures. Who knows that bear children are actually shielded, so how can she let herself enjoy everything in this world?

You know, in this apocalyptic world, the most important thing is to contact those terrible zombies, ferocious mutant animals and plants, and tyrannical alien creatures.

Otherwise, can the end times be called the end times?

"Cocoa, don't block it, please? As a teacher, I have to feel everything here. If you block these, how do you feel as a teacher?"

Cocoa thought about it, and felt that what his master said was not unreasonable.

The little guy shielded those zombies, mutated animals and plants, and foreign creatures, mainly because he was afraid of trouble, not because he was afraid that those guys would threaten him.

That's why she allowed the controlling elves of the ‘Unlimited Killing Reincarnation Disk’ to shield those disgusting things within a certain range.

But now his own master actually asked not to block, what can Coco say.

At the strong request of my master, I was open.

"Well, since you strongly want to go, Master, I won't let you down as an apprentice. After all, come here to play once, and I can't make you feel dissatisfied with Master."

The little guy shrugged, and immediately communicated with the magic weapon wizard with his mind, so that it was removed from the shield.

In the next second, around the three of Cocos, there appeared a dense ‘sea of ​​zombies’, and the three of them happened to be in the center of the ‘sea’ of zombies.


Zhou Xiaotong screamed, and then fainted in shock by the sudden situation, provoking Coco and Nuwa to roll their eyes.

Although Zhou Xiaotong's psychology is feminine, he has been a boy for a few years, and he is so courageous. This is enough.

"Coco, protect this weak scum, and see that I am going to show off my power as a teacher!"

Nuwa moved with a celestial force, squeezed the commotion around half a meter of zombies, leaving a vacuum zone, and then turned around and ordered Cocoa, and then jumped into the group of corpses.

You can see the excitement and excitement on his face, like a child who has found a fun toy.

[Slaying the Immortal Sword and Sword Qi] and [Eternal Tribulation] are still cooling off, but Coco doesn't want to summon Abao. Coco just happened to see that his [Hei Ji Wu Jian] can be used, and considering that he also needs to take care of Zhou Xiaotong who has fainted. The little guy then used the skill of [Black Extreme].

[Hei Ji Wu Jian] Originally evolved from the skill of'Golden Bell Jar', the martial arts of a low martial plane was abruptly evolved to the martial arts of the divine martial plane. I have to say that the little guy's'cottage' Ability to guard against the sky and powerful mess.

When the skill is activated, cocoa itself is the center, and the little guy deliberately controls it to form a "float realm". Zombies like the ocean can't enter this realm at all, but if they wipe a little bit of edge. Will be torn apart by the powerful force contained in the domain.

At this time, the bear child was finally able to take care of Zhou Xiaotong with peace of mind while watching his master'Sa Huan'.

That's right, in Coco's view, the reason why his master did not allow himself to block out those indigenous creatures was to make himself ‘sa Huan’.

I don't know if it was because in the original world, pretending that a lady had suppressed her nature for too long, but felt that after the master came to this world, she just wanted to find a chance to vent.

Nu Wa was surging with immortal power, and slaughtered the zombies one-sidedly. With a wave of her hand, a large swath of zombies can be cleaned up and turned into dust.

The power of the immortal is not to be glimpsed, even if Nu Wa was suppressed, she still played very easily when facing these zombies, and even the pictures of mountains and rivers were useless.

Unlike other people killing zombies as bloody, those zombies that Nuwa shot will be beaten into dust in a blink of an eye, and they don't look **** at all.

And the zombies that have turned into dust will dissipate in the wind, which looks very environmentally friendly.

I don't know why, the number of zombies gathered in this place is so large that it can be roughly estimated to be no less than hundreds of thousands, but no one is entangled with this issue now, and of course Nuwa herself will not ponder this matter.

At this moment, Nu Wa was laughing wildly while slaughtering zombies, excited and excited almost to heaven.

Seeing the strength of his master crushing the indigenous zombies, Coco was a bit boring after watching it for a while. After all, this was a one-sided slaughter, and it was completely performed by a person in Nuwa.

Therefore, Coco took out the "refining demon pot" in the cottage and began to explore.

This magic weapon was copied from the little 6 that was turned into a ‘shemale’, and even Coco didn’t know how to use it.

So the little guy is going to take advantage of this free time and study it carefully.

The Demon Refining Pot comes from a world called'Xuanyuan Sword', Coco doesn't know what kind of world it is, and will not explore this.

For the little guy, the most important thing is whether this magic weapon is powerful or not, and what kind of function it has.

With a thought, the demon refining pot manifested from Coco's sea-conscious magic treasure column and suspended in front of her.

The little guy looked curiously at the gourd floating in front of him, raised his hand and gently rubbed his clean chin, and communicated with the mysterious sound.

"How should I use this magic weapon? What is the function of this magic weapon?"

"The master's mind can control this item. The function of this item is to transform the target into a card, and the two cards can be synthesized. The new card generated after synthesis is completely different and very random in nature.

The stronger the target converted into a card, the greater the chance of producing a higher-level card after synthesis. The newly generated creature in the card will be your master, and will never betray you. It is completely necessary for home, travel, and murder... …"

"Can anything be transformed into a card?"

"Yes, anything is fine, but this function is only used three times a month."

"Can zombies be transformed into cards?"

"of course can."

"Okay, I will try."

After communicating with the mysterious sound for a while, the little guy almost figured out the function of the ‘refining demon pot’, and then began to experiment.

According to the sound of the prompt, Cocoa can control the Demon Refining Pot with just one thought.

So the little guy began to meditate silently in his heart, "Turn a zombie into a card".

In the next second, the mouth of the demon refining pot shot a milky white light into the group of zombies, and the zombie that was shot by the white light immediately turned into a card and fell on Coco's hand.

The card is the size of a playing card, with a cartoon zombie pattern on it, and a short description [low-level zombie, no wisdom, no special abilities, comprehensive evaluation (Z-level scum)].

Cocoa didn't dislike this evaluation. Instead, he converted a zombie card with great interest. After having two cards, the little guy started to fuse the new card.

But seeing the two zombie cards hovering above the mouth of the gourd, at the same time the cards became illusory, and under the traction of some force they began to merge into one.

The synthesis process time is not very long, that is, it only takes two seconds.

Immediately the synthesis ended, and a new card fell in Cocoa's hand.

The little guy lowered his head and looked at the new card in his hand~lightnovelpub.net~ and saw a white skull pattern on the card, the prompt was [Ordinary skeleton, no wisdom, no special skills, comprehensive evaluation (Z-level slag) ].

Seeing here, the bear child curled his lips, his face was full of disappointment.

Obviously, the new card after synthesis is really dissatisfied with the bear child.

However, after another thought, Coco wanted to start again. The bear boy felt that the cards he used to synthesize might be too low, so the bear boy decided to transform a few powerful creatures and try again.

But I have used it twice today, and this gourd can only be used three times a day, so if you want to see the result, you have to wait until the next day, and you have to see if you can meet a powerful creature.

So after temporarily letting go of this idea, Coco threw the card toward the outside of the ‘Foattu’s Domain’, ready to test the combat effectiveness of the skeletons evaluated as (low-level scum).

The card flickered, and a white and miserable skeleton frame flashed out of thin air, and because of Coco's order, he rushed to the zombie like a sea...