Rising America

Chapter 1114: Give you a name, "Sandbag"

The little skeleton kills the zombies and absorbs the unknown light group in the corpse, and then it can enhance its own power, which makes the boring Coco very interested. ?? W? W? W (v). ? 8 ㈧ 1? Z? W ㈧. ㈠C㈠O?M

Therefore, the little guy decided to help the little skeleton to see how powerful this little skeleton can become, and then he can develop this little skeleton.

The dead house usually thinks of raising a beautiful girl or something, but this bear kid wants to raise a scary little skeleton.

It must not be said that the world view of the bear child is really incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Moreover, to develop a beautiful girl is nothing more than paying money and patience, plus a little sweet talk or something.

But if you want to develop a little skeleton, you have to feed it with terrible zombies.

Fortunately, Cocoa is courageous and is still a superb bear kid, so this kind of thing is not at all concerned by her.

If this is for another child, this matter is probably impossible to implement.

Looking down at Zhou Xiaotong, who was still in a coma, Coco curled her lips and rolled her eyes with contempt. She felt that Zhou Xiaotong, the'lady', was too courageous, and she was even bolder than her.

It's no wonder that Coco despise Zhou Xiaotong a bit, just look at his performance after encountering zombies. Obviously Coco deserves more praise than Zhou Xiaotong.

In contrast, Zhou Xiaotong's performance is somewhat unsatisfactory.

If Nuwa, Coco, and Zhou Xiaotong are really the natives of this world, needless to say, Zhou Xiaotong must be the first to be eaten by a zombie.

Cocoa and Nuwa are definitely the ones who can survive.

"There is the Buddha Field, Sister Xiaotong is not in danger. In this case, I don't have to stay by her side to take care of her. Why don't I help a bunch of little skeletons? I really want to see how the little skeletons become stronger. What kind of performance will it be."

After the little guy made up his mind, he walked in the direction of the little skeleton.

Zhou Xiaotong, who was in a coma, was left in the center of the field by Cocoa.

At this time, Little Skeleton is in a bitter battle. After all, there are too many zombies outside the domain. It does not want to continue to use the domain power, but wants to kill the zombies with its own power, so it is inevitable to fight the zombies outside the domain. Surrounded.

Compared with the previous, Little Skeleton has indeed become stronger and relatively flexible, but it is still very weak after all, and it cannot face so many zombies.

So before Coco walked over, the poor little skeleton was once again torn apart by the huge number of zombies outside the domain, and the entire skeleton body was beaten to pieces.

As before, the green light group reappeared and floated back to the domain, and there was a mysterious traction force pulling the broken bone stubble together in the domain, and then regrouped, and there was another ‘resurrection’.

After resurrecting the little skeleton again, the bone dagger in his hand disappeared, and the green flame in his eyes dissipated, as if he had never appeared before.

In addition, Cocoa could see that the green light cluster contained in the skull of the little skull had restored that dim color again, without the brightness just now.

And on the card in Coco's hand, the comprehensive evaluation of the little skull has also been restored to [Z-level low scum], not [Z-level medium scum] anymore.

Based on the above circumstances, Little Skull was knocked down to a new level because of the'death' this time, and it was a waste of hard work.

The little skull looked a little sad, this time it stood there for a while after it was "resurrected", and it did not continue to attack.

Cocoa looked at the dazed appearance of Little Skull, and felt a little funny in his heart.

Soon, the little skull finally moved.

After all, Coco gave an order to make it attack the zombies.

Therefore, the little skull can never always be so dumb.

The movements are much stiffer than before, and the degree has dropped a lot, and it looks a bit soft and has no power.

Obviously, the decline of the power level has brought an inevitable negative impact on the little skeleton.

Therefore, Little Skeleton had to once again use the help of the Buddha Domain to kill the zombies to increase his strength.

Coco came to the little skeleton not far behind, and looked at the little skeleton who was reusing the domain to help him with amusement. He thought this little skeleton was quite interesting.

"Master! Please stay away. These guys are disgusting. When they kill them, there will be fishy green mucus splashing around. It will be no good if they are contaminated with these disgusting liquids."

After solving a zombie, the little skull looked back and saw Coco.

Then in Coco's mind, there was a crisp voice of a little girl telling her to stay away from this place.

Obviously, this voice should belong to the little skull.

Of course, the little skull is just a white body, of course it is impossible to speak.

But the little skull can communicate with Coco using thoughts, which is really amazing.

Coco was obviously surprised that Little Skeleton was able to communicate with himself, but he was more happy.

"Can you communicate with me?" Coco responded to each other deep in his consciousness.

"Of course, Master, you are my creator, and I am a warrior created by you. You can communicate with me with your consciousness." Little Skeleton replied.

"Are you improving yourself in this way?" Coco asked again.

"Yes, by killing these disgusting guys, I will be able to absorb the soul fire of the other person. When the agile fire is absorbed enough, I can make myself stronger!" For my creator, Xiao Skeleton obviously didn't mean to hide anything.

Soul fire?

From this little skeleton's words, Coco seemed to have learned another vocabulary that he didn't understand, so he immediately became interested.

This is also the child's nature. As long as the little guy is interested, he will explore what he doesn't understand. The premise must be interest. If there is no interest, then don't talk about it.

"What is Soul Fire?"

"Every creature in the world has soul fire, and soul fire is our undead's favorite, because it allows us to enhance our strength and the level of life."

"You said that you are the undead?"

"The undead under the command of King Sahar, a skeleton scum that can't even count as cannon fodder, can't even be a low-level skeleton soldier, it is pure diao silk in the skeleton."

Even when communicating in consciousness, the little skeleton's tone made Cocoa feel the powerlessness of being too low on himself.

"Don't be afraid! I'll help you improve your strength. I also want to see what kind of surprises a little skeleton like you will have when it becomes stronger."

"Great Master, I will be a sharp sword in your hand, for you to split any enemy who dares to block your path."

"Do you have a name?"

"I don't have a name for an existence like me. Only by becoming a skeleton elite can I have a name."

"From now on, you will be called [Sandbag]. This will be your name from now on. Who made you be beaten twice by a zombie like a sandbag."

Coco was very irresponsible and casually named the little skull a name.

Although this name is very strange, but it makes Little Skeleton excited.

"Oh! Great master! I can no longer praise your greatness in words!"

"Of course I am great, and I don't need you to use words to praise! Not only great, I am also very strong! Hahahahaha, sandbags, I have a great future with me in the future!"

Coco is certainly not humble, because there is no such thing as ‘humility’ in the bear’s dictionary.

Therefore, in the eyes of the little guy, the trivial ‘great’ is not enough to describe himself.

The word ‘powerful’ must be added.

The little skull sandbags are also unscrupulous, and immediately followed the meaning of Coco, added ‘great’ and kept flattering.

The little skull sandbag is not big, and it looks like he was a child before becoming a bone skull.

Sandbags slapped so much flattery and showed the potential to be a good dogleg, so Coco decided to give Little Skull Sandbags a little benefit.

Therefore, Coco controlled the area of ​​the Buddha, and directly probed his hand, shot a zombie into the area of ​​the Buddha, and placed it in front of the little skull sandbag.

Because of Coco's control, this zombie was not crushed by the Buddha Domain, and also because of Coco's relationship, this zombie had lost the power to struggle.

"Does it have to be zombies that died because of your relationship to provide you with soul fire?"

Coco lifted his chin, signaled the little skull sandbag to do his hands, and asked casually.

Sandbag was overjoyed immediately, stretched out his bone hand, and tore the zombies in front of him.

And when he tore the zombies while absorbing the soul fire, he responded: "Yes, only in this way can the soul fire be determined to belong to me, but the zombies I killed in this field can only be counted as auxiliary, so the soul I can only get 3o% from the fire."

Hearing this, Coco asked again: "Then I helped you catch these zombies, and then you killed them?"

Little Skeleton Sandbag said: "The absorption of 1oo% soul fire, I really thank you, the great and powerful master."

Coco nodded, "Well, I'll grab a few more for you, so that you can improve faster."

The little guy held his hands empty, and many zombies were pulled by invisible and strange power, entered the Buddha's domain, and then blocked the power in the body, and were thrown in front of the little skeleton sandbag, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

The little skeleton is not a normal human being, it is just a white and miserable frame of bones, and this appearance is not necessarily stronger than that of a zombie.

Therefore, even the zombies that were thrown on the ground looked disgusting and scary one by one, but they couldn't make the little skeleton scared and disturbed.

As for these zombies, Little Skeleton would of course not be polite. Following Coco's order, they began to tear them one by one!

Because it can absorb the soul fire by 1oo%~lightnovelpub.net~ Little Skeleton only tore four zombies by hand, and then there was an upgrade change, and the bone dagger appeared again.

This time the upgrade is much faster than before, you know that it needs to kill ten zombies before it can upgrade.

But even if the little skull is upgraded, its comprehensive evaluation is still scum.

Therefore, Cocoa began to constantly ingest zombies, let the little skull sandbags torn by hands, and upgrade it to the greatest extent possible, and then see what extent the little skull can reach and what changes occur.

Compared to the actual special product "Law Fragment" in the last days, this little skeleton is obviously more interesting to Cocoa.

With the passage of time, hundreds of thousands of zombies here quickly disappeared, and the reason is that Nu Wa's slaughter was too fast.

The movement here also attracted the attention of many indigenous people, and they were asked to come and check it out, so Nuwa, Coco, and Zhou Xiaotong also came into contact with the indigenous people of this world for the first time.

It's just that this time the contact doesn't seem so friendly.